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Doomsday RP's : Billy Gives Damon His Answer
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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 11/27/2008 9:30 PM
This is an official Billy Currington role play
Title: Billy Gives Damon His Answer
Wife: Stormee Rivers-Currington
Occupations: Country Music Singer/Songwriter/Producer/DPW Superstar
Quote: "Ain't no step for a stepper"
OOC: The guitar isn't in the pic below

When the show comes back on it shows Billy standing in the ring, and the fans are booing him. He shakes his head, and gets a mic as he starts talking.


Billy Currington

Well Damon challenged me to an Australian Beatdown match, and I came out here to give him my answer. You know something Damon I know your back there watching this, so you want my answer it is yes I accept. I am gonna pay you back for what you are doing to my wife, and there is nothing you or the rest of the Main Event Mafia can do about it.

Billy drops the mic, and gets out of the ring. He walks back up the ramp as the fans still boo him, and he goes backstage as the show fades to black.


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