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General : Y2J Makes An Announcement
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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 12/20/2008 5:29 PM
This Is An Official Chris Jericho Role Play
Title: Y2J Makes An Announcement
Married to: Trisha McMahon-Jericho
Tag Team/Stable: Damon Anderson/Main Event Mafia
Quote: "I am the King of the World, and you just live in it Junior"
OOC: Here this goes, and Merry Christmas Everyone

When the show comes on the air it shows Chris Jericho in the ring with a mic in his hand, and lifts it up as he starts talking.


Chris Jericho

I know everyone keeps asking me if there will be a Doomsday this Thursday cause it being Christmas Day, and after thinking about it in my office after the show went off the air I finally decided on it as it will make everyone happy. This Thursday there won't be a Doomsday since I know all of you want to be home with your families for the hoildays, so see I am not a bad GM after cause when Doomsday comes back on January 15 I will have a huge announcement that I will make way before it is time for the show. Enjoy the holidays, and from the Main Event Mafia family to yours I say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

He drops the mic, and gets out of the ring. He walks up the fans as the fans go wild, and goes backstage to his office as the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

end of role play
