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From: MSN Nicknameтhεε∙ιсŏи™  (Original Message)Sent: 11/15/2008 6:59 AM
ooc: Im extending the deadline till Sunday night or Monday Im gonna be busy Saturday with College Football

//DPW Warzone\\
//DPW Warzone where the Big Boys Play\\

Preview ??
Date of Deadline This week its Sunday Night at 10pm cst US time
General Manager THeodore R Long
Backstage Interviewers Jeremy Borash, Shane Douglas

Match 1

Victoria Vs.Michelle McCool

Stretcher match

///Interview with Billy Currington about the Main Event Mafia taking Stormee and his condition after the Mafia attacked him on Doomsday///

Match 2

Tyson Tomko and Cm Punk. Chris Jericho and Christian Cage


Match 3

Chris Young Vs.Damon Anderson


///Interview with Hunter Reso///

Match 4

  Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Dvon Dudley, Bubba Dudley Vs Edge

Stipulation: Gauntlet Match
Special referee Vickie Guerrero

Main Event

 Santino vs Carlito vs Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon vs Batista vs David Flair vs Blake Shelton vs John Morrison vs Matt Hardy vs John Stevenson

Stipulation: Battle Royal for the New DPW Legends title

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