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General : Kurt addresses somethings
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From: MSN NicknameChrisJericho14  (Original Message)Sent: 11/24/2008 5:26 AM

Backstage Kurt Angle is seen with the Main Event Mafia

///"Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle///
Look whatever happens I'll take care of it alone, I need you guys to stay back here

///"Wrestling God" JBL///
Are you sure thats a good idea?

///"Aussie Beatdown Damon Anderson///
Yeah what he said

///"Olympic Gold Medalist" KUrt Angle///
Look I need to do this by myself, look why dont you guys take off go party I'll meet you later I'll be fine

They all shake hands then leave Kurt sighs heading to the ring

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The lights in the arena go out Kurts music starts causing boos to start, Kurt walks down the ramp and gets in calling for a mic

///"Olympic GOld Medalist" Kurt Angle///
Jeff Jarrett I know your watching, I know in the back of your mind you cant wait to get rid of me which is why instead of accepting my challenge you put Rhyno in your place, instead of being a man you went and hid behind Rhyno a guy who the Main Event Mafia beat down last week on Impact, now why doesnt it surprize me that instead of being a man and face me you went and became a chicken Shit, Jeff I thought you were the King of the Mountain but instead I guess your nothing but a loser, always getting people to do your job for you, always assuming someones gonna fight your fight, well after Final Resolution when the Main Event Mafia destroys Rhyno and your forced into facing me again...that is unless you decide to hide behind someone else someone like that fat fuck Mick Foley who should have retired when he had the chance but instead Jeff you went and hired him as a consultant, Jeff after Final Resolution when I beat Rhyno and I will because lets face it Rhyno is nothing but a has been just like you Jeff, after Rhynos demise on Final Resolution then its just you and me and Jeff let it be known that when we get back in the ring together no one will help you no one will save you from what Im gonna do to you then Jeff when that match is over I want you to go home, sit your kids down, look them in the eye and tell them that Daddy is not the same wrestler he was before, tell them that Daddy is a washed up has been and tell them most of all that Daddy will never be like Kurt Angle a real winner, Jeff after I beat you I just hope you realize that the King of the Mountain had just become the King of the Nothing...OH ITS REAL.....ITS DAMN REAL

Kurt releases the mic heads backstage grabs his bags and leaves to join the Main Event Mafia whos out having fun

///TBC BY Anyone if wanted///



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Sent: 11/24/2008 5:53 AM
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 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889Sent: 11/24/2008 6:02 AM
This is an official Damon Anderson role play
Title: Kurt addresses somethings
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Tag Team/Stable: Chris Jericho/Main Event Mafia
Quote: "Mess with this Aussie is bad for your health"
OOC: Here this goes

The rest of the Main Event Mafia is at a club downtown, and Damon has a bandage on his forehead where Billy attacked him.

Someone walks over to him, and he looks at them as he talking again.

[Aussie Beatdown Damon Anderson]

I am fine, but still I will worry about getting my revenge later this is our night to party.

He waits for a reply

TBC: Anyone
