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General : Kurt Has An Idea
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname§иαkε�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 11/29/2008 4:01 AM

Damon Andersons seen celebrating his win from Warzone Kurt walked in smiling

///"Olympic GOld Medalist" Kurt Angle///
Damon my man who'd thunk it that the Main Event Maia would bring home a title, congratulations

///"The Aussie" Damon Anderson///
Thanks, these people doubted me but I showed them

///"Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle///
You know guys I have an idea, you see as the GM of Doomsday said on Doomsday the King of the Ring tournament might be starting, now I know what its like to be King of the Ring and I believe if I was to enter it I'd win it again, but Im not gonna enter it nope I have a even better idea, how about this we have a special kind of King of the Ring, one in which the winner becomes #1 contender to Damons title, and in this tournament the matches be contested under Extreme Rules, sounds good right?

///TBC By Anyone///


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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889Sent: 11/29/2008 7:30 AM

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Damon looks at them, and talks again.

Damon Anderson

What do you think Chris? It is your show, so it is up to you.

Chris Jericho

Well you know what I am gonna do it, and it would be a first no doubt I am always coming up with ideas for stuff it is good that Kurt came up with this one.

He waits for a reply.

TBC: Anyone
