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General : A Christmas Wedding (Anyone Reply)
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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 12/15/2008 12:37 AM
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Y2J and Trisha are seen at a chapel in town, and they are standing in front of a preacher as the ceremony starts.


Chris do you take Trisha as your lawful wedded wife?

Chris Jericho

I do.


Trisha do you take Chris as your lawful wedded husband?

Trisha McMahon

I do.


I pronounce you husband and wife, and you may kiss your bride.

Chris and Trisha share a passionate kiss, and they walk out of the chapel. They go to the arena, and walk inside after Chris locks up their car. They are heading toward his office when somenone stops them, and starts talking to them as they got golden wedding rings on their fingers.

TBC: Anyone


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