Commercial ends as MVP and his VIP lounge is seen in the ring ///MVP/// Big things poppin little things stoppin its time once again for the VIP Lounge and as I always say the VIP Lounge and yours truly are better then you, now tonight my guest on the VIP Lounge is the so called Husband of one Sierra... Boos are heard ///MVP/// Now Hunter I know you and Sierra are having problems but what couple dont, anyway if you please come down and join the party -Promo of Hornswaggle in Monk- Hunters music is dieing down as he looks towards the fans who are cheering ///Hunter/// MVP before we begin I just want to know if you believe everything that comes from that big mouth of yours ///MVP/// Moving on, anyway Hunter these people want to know whats the latest with you and Sierra I mean you did say you werent going to sign the divorce papers now whats going on with you 2? ///TBC BY Hunter///. |