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Jericho's Office : Doomsday Matches Nov. 4, 2004
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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: Christian  (Original Message)Sent: 10/31/2004 3:26 AM


People used: Christian 
People mentioned: No One
 Allies/Enemies: Team Canada/Evolution
 ooc: None
 next match: Don't Know

Match 1: Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit

Match Type: Submission

Chris Jericho's HI-Lite Reel

Guest: Batista

Match 2: Katie Smith vs. Nikki Long

Match Type: Costume Contest

Match 3: Chyna vs. Robin Helmsley

Match Type: Hardcore

Match 4: Kyle Smith vs Lance Storm & Edge

Match Type: Handicap

Match 5: Triple H vs. Shane McMahon

Match Type: Cage

Main Event: Christy Hemme vs. Stephanie McMahon

Match Type: Falls Count Anywhere

[Interview with Dominic Smith]

[Eric Bischoff Makes An Announcement]

Wrestler Name: Christian

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 215 pounds

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Allies: Team Canada

Ememies: Evolution

Champion: European

Temp GM of Doomsday Until Chris Jericho Gets Back

  This is a layout made by Blaze Inferno for the use of Christian. Do not steal because stealing is against the law.

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