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RESULTS BOARD : ++++++++Doomsday Results++++++++
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 10/10/2008 1:35 AM
General Manager
Chris Jericho
Theme Song
"Here" by Rascal Flatts
Thursday @ 11:00 pm
Results Writer
Blaze Inferno
Angel got suspended, and there is no telling what will happen this week now that Y2J is back in charge of his show.
Match 1
JTG vs. Randy Orton
Stip: No Holds Barred
//Interview with Vanessa Jericho-Young//
Match 2
Trisha McMahon vs. Stacy Keilber
Stip: Last Woman Standing
//Photo Shoot with Lilian Garica//
Match 3
Shad & Ted Dibiase Jr vs. John Cena & Cody Rhodes
Stip: Tag Team Hardcore
//An announcement will be made//
Match 4
Victoria & Mickie James vs. Jillian & Melina
Stip: Diva Tag Team
//Special Performance with Craig Morgan//
Anyone interferes they will be suspended without pay
Match 5
Brian Reso vs. Edge
Stip: Brian's choice
Sierra is banned from ringside, and can't interfere in the match at all
//Photo Shoot with anyone that wants to//
Match 6
Salinas vs. Beth Phoenix-Walker
Stip: Falls Count Anywhere
//Interview with anyone that wants to//
Pre Main Event
Damon Anderson vs. Rodney Urban
Stip: Street Fight
Special Ref: will be announced before the match takes place, and no one can interfere or they are suspended
//Another announcement will be made//
Main Event
Trish Stratus vs. Stacy McMahon
Stip: Ambulance

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameтhεε∙ιсŏи™Sent: 10/10/2008 4:56 AM
(ooc: Short on time so I rushed these)
Show began with Chris Jericho in his office talking to someone when Chris Young came in, Vanessa was not with him, Jericho demanded Young leave before he has security escort him from the building Young claimed Jericho has changed saying the two were once tag partners Jericho made it clear the team died once Chris showed his true colors, Jennifer walked in Young said that he doesnt miss her one bit Jennifer laughed giving her brother a present saying it was from her and her new man she walks by Young shaking her head
Match 1
JTG vs. Randy Orton
Stip: No Holds Barred
-Shad barred from ringside Randy really dominated the match he missed the Punt Kick which led to JTG rolling him up for the 123
-Winner JTG-

After the match Angel Killer rushed in from the crowd attacked JTG then left through the crowd as security showed up
//Interview with Vanessa Jericho-Young//
on Doomsday Board
Match 2
Trisha McMahon vs. Stacy Keilber
Stip: Last Woman Standing
Cody Rhodes and Team 3D barred from ringside this was a back and forth match Trisha managed to hit her finisher
-Winner Trisha McMahon-
//Photo Shoot with Lilian Garica//
on Doomsday Board
Something was happening backstage but cameras couldnt see what was going on a loud crashing sound is heard then sounds of glass shattering is heard as well, Eric gets involved breaking it up as Chris Jericho is seen bloody and limping
Match 3
Shad & Ted Dibiase Jr vs. John Cena & Cody Rhodes
Stip: Tag Team Hardcore
-Cena and Cody got in a argument as did Shad and Dibiase Jr but they all got it together Dibiase refused to fight Cody as the two are partners, Shad clothslined Dibiase and Cena hit the FU on Cody, not sure what was going on but Shad pinned Cody Rhodes
-Winner Shad and Ted Dibiase Jr-
//An announcement will be made//
Eric Bischoff came out and said that Y2J was getting treated by Medics he said that it was Chris Young who attacked Y2J but said Jericho would be ok, he announced that next week Chris Young would be in action against a opponent of Jerichos choosing in a match of Jerichos choosing then went backstage
Match 4
Victoria & Mickie James vs. Jillian & Melina
Stip: Diva Tag Team
-Short match Mickie ended up pinning Jillian-
-Winners Victoria and Mickie James-
//Special Performance with Craig Morgan//
Anyone interferes they will be suspended without pay
on Doomsday Board
Match 5
Brian Reso vs. Edge
Stip: Brian's choice
Sierra is banned from ringside, and can't interfere in the match at all
-Winner Brian Reso-
//Photo Shoot with anyone that wants to//
On Doomsday Board
Match 6
Salinas vs. Beth Phoenix-Walker
Stip: Falls Count Anywhere
-Winner Beth Phoenix-
//Interview with anyone that wants to//
-Never happened Chuck had to escort someone from the arena-
Pre Main Event
Damon Anderson vs. Rodney Urban
Stip: Street Fight
Special Ref: will be announced before the match takes place, and no one can interfere or they are suspended
-Winner Damon ANderson-
//Another announcement will be made//
Never happened
Main Event
Trish Stratus vs. Stacy McMahon
Stip: Ambulance
-Winner Trish Stratus-
Show goes off the air