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RESULTS BOARD : Deathcore Fury Results
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 11/28/2008 2:29 AM

GM: Eric Bischoff
Results Writer: Blaze Inferno
Chief of staff: William Regal
Head of security: Chuck Palumbo

Theme song:"The World is darker" - Auf Der Maur f/Neverending White Lights
Deadline: Wednesdays @ 8pm MT

Ring announcer: Joey Styles
Commentators: Taz & Al Snow
Interviewers: Todd Girsham & Josh Matthews
Preview: Classic Survivor Series matches will take place tonight

Match 1
(Team Damon)
Damon Anderson, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Christian Cage and Tyson Tomko
(Team Billy)
Billy Currington, AJ Styles, Bret Hart, CM Punk and Randy Orton
-Elimination Tag match-

Match 2
(Team Edge)
Edge, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Jr, Jack Ingram and Josh Turner
(Team Rodney)
Rodney Atkins, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley, Joe Nichols and Blake Shelton
-Elimination Tag match-

///Interview with Trish Stratus///
Match 3
Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Ashley Layfield Melina and Faith Dumas
Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Victoria, Candice Michelle and Lita
-Elimination Tag match-

Match 4
Owen Hart vs Dvon Dudley
-DPW World Championship-

///Interview with Stormee Currington///

Match 5
(Team Evan)
Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, SHad, JTG and Batista
(Team Santino)
Santino, Carlito, John Morrison, Lance Cade and Shawn Michaels
-Elimination Tag match-

Match 6
Candice Lowe Ashley vs Trisha McMahon
-Strap match-

Pre-main event
Brian Reso vs Paul Heyman
-NWA X-Division Title-
Main Event
 Jimmy Wayne vs Scott Steiner
-Lead Pipe on a pole-

First  Previous  2 of 2  Next  Last 
 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname§иαkε�?/nobr>Sent: 11/29/2008 3:41 AM

Match 1
(Team Damon)
Damon Anderson, Booker T, Chris Jericho, Christian Cage and Tyson Tomko
(Team Billy)
Billy Currington, AJ Styles, Bret Hart, CM Punk and Randy Orton
-Elimination Tag match-
-Winner Randy Orton-

Match 2
(Team Edge)
Edge, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Jr, Jack Ingram and Josh Turner
(Team Rodney)
Rodney Atkins, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley, Joe Nichols and Blake Shelton
-Elimination Tag match-
-Winner Edge-

///Interview with Trish Stratus///
on Deathcore board-

Match 3
Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Ashley Layfield Melina and Faith Dumas
Mickie James, Trish Stratus, Victoria, Candice Michelle and Lita
-Elimination Tag match-
-Winner Melina-

Match 4
Owen Hart vs Dvon Dudley
-DPW World Championship-
-Winner and New DPW World Champion Dvon Dudley-

///Interview with Stormee Currington///
on Deathcore Board

Match 5
(Team Evan)
Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, SHad, JTG and Batista
(Team Santino)
Santino, Carlito, John Morrison, Lance Cade and Shawn Michaels
-Elimination Tag match-
-Winner Lance Cade-

Match 6
Candice Lowe Ashley vs Trisha McMahon
-Strap match-
-Winner Trisha McMahon-

Pre-main event
Brian Reso vs Paul Heyman
-NWA X-Division Title-
-Winner and New NWA X-Division Champion Brian Reso-
Main Event
 Jimmy Wayne vs Scott Steiner
-Lead Pipe on a pole-
-Winner Jimmy Wayne-

Show goes off the air