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From: MSN NicknameChrisJericho14  (Original Message)Sent: 12/17/2008 2:23 PM

Match 1

Christian Cage vs Billy CUrrington 

Parking Lot Brawl

Winner: Christian Cage

///Interview with Blake Shelton///

Match 2

Scott Steiner vs Booker T

Stipulation: DPW Legends title Street Fight

Winner and Still DPW Legends Champion Booker T

Match 3

Shawn Michaels vs Damon Anderson

Stipulation:  Ladder match

Winner: Shawn Michaels

(Chris Young showed up and attacked Damon)

///Interview with Vickie Guerrero///

Match 4

  Owen Hart vs Ted Dibiase Jr vs Evan Bourne vs Edge vs CHris Young vs John Morrison vs CM Punk vs Matt Hardy vs Batista vs Hornswaggle vs Jimmy Wayne vs Christian Cage vs Randy Orton vs Tyson Tomko

Stipulation: Feast or Fired match
-4 Briefcases hung on the 4 corners 3 reviel title shots 1 reviels a Pink slip

Case Winners:
CM Punk
Chris Young
John Morrison
Jimmy Wayne

Jeremy Borash got in the ring, CM Punk was up first he was asked if he wanted to trade his case or keep it knowing inside might be a Pink Slip Punk said he was gonna keep his case it was revieled CM Punk had recieved a Tag team title shot, Jimmy Wayne was up next he was asked if he wanted to trade his briefcase he shook his head, it was revieled Wayne had recieved a Legends title match, Next up was John Morrison he was asked if he wanted to trade his briefcase he shook his head it was revieled that John Morrison recieved the Pink Slip which meant he Was Fired, the Miz was stunned as was some of the fans, John Morrison said he had a good run and said he would not cry like some would if they lost their job he thanked everyone for supporting him through the WWE days and the DPW days he thanked the Miz for being his tag partner, He was escorted from the building, Chris Young was up last he found out he would get a Cruiserweight Championship match Jimmy and Punk laughed

CM Punk: Tag team title shot
Jimmy Wayne: Legends title shot
Chris Young: Cruiserweight title shot
John Morrison: Pink slip which means hes fired

Main Event

Trisha McMahon vs Ashley Layfield

Stipulation: Stretcher match

Winner: Ashley Layfield(THanks to Candice Lowe Ashley who was dressed as a medic she attacked Trisha then shoved her in the ambulance)

Show goes off the air

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