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From: MSN Nicknameтhεε∙ιсŏи™  (Original Message)Sent: 11/16/2008 4:13 AM
Johntop.gif picture by foxy1350
:*:Title:*: Here

 Back from commercial the scene is the gym, Inside John Stevenson is seen lifting weights a young kid had just walked in John looks at him

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Hey kid, want to 20 bucks?

"Yeah sure how?"

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Spot me

"Umm ok"

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Look just walk over and spot me, otherwise no money for you

He nods and walks over to where John is, John lifts his hands and places them on the bar

"You must be excited about tonights battle royal"

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Yeah sure

"Well the winner be....

::::::John Stevenson:::::
THe fuck is this? look just shut up and spot me, christ

(2 Hours later)

Johns paying the kid and watches him leave, John sighs grabbing his bag but stops as Jeremy Borash makes his way in

"John hey just walking by figured I'd get an interview, if thats ok"

:::::John Stevenson:::::
When has it not been ok?

"Im sorry?"

:::::John Stevenson:::::
No your not, Look you dont do anything but annoy people, always shoving that mic in their faces hoping they'd give you what you want, its like you have nothing better to do, look before you go crying off to your mommy why dont you just get the interview over

"Right, well tonight in what will be your debut match you compete in a battle royal where the winner becomes the Legends Champion, any comments?"

A small laugh comes from Johns mouth, god how stupid could someone be

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Well if you must know I could care less what match Im in, it aint like its important

"Well act....

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Interrupt me again and I'll knock your lips off your face got me?

He nods

:::::John Stevenson:::::
Good boy now like I was saying tonight is not that important, well it might be because a titles on the line, so what big deal, ok Im sorry I got a head of myself there, anyway tonight the other participants should be ready because Im coming in this match with everything and I expect the same thing, and tonight when the dusts settles your looking at the new DPW Legends Champion, if anyone has a problem with that I dare you to come find me before the match I DOUBLE DARE YOU!!! Im right here so it wont be that hard to find me

Jeremy walks out as John puts his headphones in his ears and goes back to training

////TBA By Anyone//// 

johnbott.gif picture by foxy1350

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