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PPV RP's : Big Shows Dreadmageddon Roleplay
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From: MSN Nickname®kŏ  (Original Message)Sent: 3/16/2008 7:33 AM
posting this for him
Warning: The following roleplay may contain some content that may be offensive to some of the people that read this roleplay. It is not my fault that you cannot tell a roleplay from reality. There will be sexual content, swear words and twisted little graphic details that your mind may not be able to handle. I suggest that you read this little warning before you start to go on because I will only warn you once. If you cannot handle this roleplay, i suggest that you hit the back button or hit the "x" that is in the top right hand corner of the screen. Like I said, this will be your only warning and if your head explodes or you wind up dead in the hospital, I will spit on your corpse and laugh at you cause you failed to listen to my warning and let your curiousity get the best of you. Anyways, please go on if you are brave enough, please read on and be warned that your guts might explode when you realize you cannot handle it. Read on and this is your only warning that you will get. 

 XxX...Enter slogan here...XxX

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Achievements Only Man to Ever hold the WWE, WCW and ECW title

Roleplay here

The cameras are rolling backstage as Big Show is seen getting a cappucino, he looks over at Todd whos standing there with a mic in hand

Big Show: I thougt I made it clear No interviews

Todd: Im just here to get your thoughts on John Adams dropping out of the match

Big Show: Listen Monkey Im not answering any questions, but I will say John made the right choice you see if he stayed I would have broken him in half just like Im gonna do to everyone in this match tonight

Todd: Be that as it may arent you at all worried that the others may try to eliminate you first?

Big Show: Whats your problem? You take stupid pills or something? Look Im the last one who;ll enter the Chamber, which in a way gives me the advantage as for being worried nope Im not worried I mean I might be the only one left standing when my time comes to enter, but if not rest assure everyone in this match will wish I was the only one left standing

Big Show takes his cappucino and walks inside his dressing room

:::::TBA By Dont matter:::::



The following layout is a freebie made by Blaze for the use of anyone. The character the person uses is not related to any company or any real life people or celebrities. It is only a mere concidence. If you even think about claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and fed to the dog. Stealing is against the law so don't do it.

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