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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 3/16/2008 5:05 PM

warning here....

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Tyson Tomko

You think you can take me out, but there is no telling that you are 100% to be in this match.

Randy Orton

Shut up, and I am gonna be part of this match rather if I am or not as you will go down.

Shane McMahon

We got them, and they are nothing anyway. My father and so-called brother will not be the same, and I am glad you decided to help me out.

Scott Steiner

Your right about them, and they are nothing anyway. They shouldn't have done what they have done to you, and when it is all over they will not be the same again.

Kevin Thorn

Well it seems that the champ has gave up the title cause he is hurt, but if you ask me he is chicken cause he knew one of us would take that title away from him now this is gonna be easier then it looks.

Jeff Jarrett

That is right, but really we got to take out Big Show before the three of us cause fight. I say we work together to get rid of him, then go at it as one of us will take that title.

AJ Styles

You got that right, but he is the last one to get in the ring. I say we stay in the match until he comes in, then take him cause we got to get rid of him cause he is nothing anymore. Just cause he held three different in three different companies don't mean he is gonna take us out that easily.

They walk off, and the show fades to black.

-extra pic here-

©sorrow tears Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...


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