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PPV RP's : Brian Reso's Under The Heavens Role Play
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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2008 4:33 PM
Banner here in this space.

Roleplay information or anything you want here


Brian is in his locker room watching the tapes from when Christopher said he was married to Bianca to the one last night when he attacked him, and gave his wife a kiss. He knows what is at sake, and he has to win tonight that is all there is to it. He wipes the tears from his eyes, and looks at the camera as he starts talking.

Brian Reso

Christopher your gonna wish you left for good when you had the chance, but no you had to come back no one wants you here. You see I will never forget what you did to my wife and me, and your nothing anyway. She don't want antyhing to do with you, and we was happy until you did what you did. You are a low life SOB, and tonight you will get a taste of the brand new Brian Reso. I am fired up for this match against you, and you crossed the line when you kissed my wife. I will not lose her, and I love her way to much to let that happen. Your just not that good, and when you sign the divorse papers I want it signed in your own blood that is right that way I can look at it knowing full well that your out of our life for good.

He gets up, and walks out of the room. He heads down the hallway toward the ring entrance when his music hitz, and he walks down the ramp. He gets in the ring, and poses for the fans as they go wild for him. He leans against the ropes, and stares down the ramp as he waits for Christopher Starr to come out that way the match can start as the show fades to black.


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