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PPV RP's : Triple Hs PPV RP
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From: MSN NicknameJohnMorrison1  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2008 7:26 PM
posting this for Drew

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Never take rp's seriously...

Stalk me







Triple H is seen sitting in his dressing room watching what Vince had to say earlier he laughs as Stephanie walks in

///Triple H///
Once again  your father is running his mouth, he doesnt realize the only reason hes still breathing is because Im allowing it, I could have taken him behind the shed and pulled the trigger but instead I wanted him to see another day

Hes all talk dont worry he'll learn that he doesnt stand a chance against us

///Triple H///
I just hope you Shane Trisha dont get to upset once I bash whatever brains he has left

He kisses her on the lips then walks out minutes later Todd Grisham is seen with Triple H

Triple H later tonight you take on Vince in what might be Vinces last match your thoughts

///Triple H///
TOdd Vince doesnt realize Im letting him live the rest of his days if I didnt care for the old man I would have ended his career and left him in a retirement home where his ass belongs, Vince you want to say Im not great anymore I beg to differ your not that great anymore and tonight is the last time we're gonna compete hell tonights the night your gonna compete period

Triple H walks off as show goes to commercial






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