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Dark Inferno R/P : Brian Talks To Damon Dark Inferno RP
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From: MSN NicknameCHRISJERICHO9889  (Original Message)Sent: 9/21/2008 7:34 PM

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Warning: The following that you are about to witness may contain content that will warp your mind. Unless you know what real wrestling is where as they have all that contraversy, don't read on if you are one of the drama types and don't understand "screw jobs" like Bret Hart went through. If you can't stand it and try and be a baby about it, hit the "x" button or read on but it ain't my problem if you go blind.

When the show comes back from a short commercial break it shows Brian with Damon backstage, and they get talking.

Brian Reso

I am taking on Nick tonight, and I don't know why you want your sister going out with  him for. She deserves someone way better then him, and when I am done with him no one will even recognize him. You know something Ryan and Nick attacked me, and they are jealous of the fact that I am way better then them. I don't blake Trish and Chris I wouldn't want anything to do with them anyway, and I hope you teach Ryan a lesson like I will Nick.

Damon Anderson

Sydeney is a big girl, and she can make decisions on her own. I am not sure if she will even go with him, or not. I will stand by her whatever decision she decides, and Ryan isn't anyone special. You know what I think they are also jealous that Chris and me won't be joining their stable, and they are not even that great anyway. I am gonna show Ryan what I am capable of, and he can ask Santino what I did to him when he stepped into the ring with me. He might be Y2J's brother, but he is nothing like him I will tell you that now it is time for him to go down.

They walk off, and the show fades to black.


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