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General : My late Halloween post
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameScherry2005  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2008 1:50 PM
I actually tried to post these pictures on the day after Halloween, but they bleeped off into cyberspace somewhere and I was so frustrated that I shut the lid on my computer and walked away (I thought that would be better than putting my foot through it!)
We went up to Miami for Halloween and Rick and I went to Jimmy's school for his party and parade.  His class had just finished reading "Wizard of Oz", and the kids got extra credit if they dressed up as a character from the book.
Jimmy went as the Scarecrow...
That night, he changed into his Clone Trooper costume (he quickly corrected me when I thought it was a Storm Trooper costume)...
Jamie dressed up too....
I forgot to take a costume up there with me.  Don't know where my brain is sometimes!
Jimmy collected alot of candy while trick-r-treating, but he followed our tradition of eating whatever he wanted that night and leaving the rest in a bag on the kitchen table for "Black Tooth", the cavity fairy (she's the tooth fairy's evil sister).  Black Tooth took his bag of candy while he slept and left him a toy.  This tradition is strictly voluntary.  The kids have their choice of whether to keep their candy or leave it for Black Tooth.  They usually choose to trade for the toy!

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGlasgowLass7Sent: 11/3/2008 1:55 PM
Great pics,I love Jimmy's costume(s)Jamie is such a pretty girl.Glad you got to go to Jimmy's parade I love them gone every year for Kolby's.

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCapebretnrSent: 11/3/2008 2:08 PM
Hi Scherry! Great costumes Jimmy has there.It must be so nice for you and Rick to have Jimmy so close and be able to participate in all his things for a change! Jamie is looking really good, things must be a bit better.How are you and Rick making out? How is he handling the new diet?

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilverMaPoppieMurphySent: 11/3/2008 2:51 PM
Hi Scherry, Jimmy & Jamie costume are great, great idea about Black tooth. Was nice you got to share Jimmy halloween.

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: PhiddySent: 11/3/2008 6:07 PM
Sherry great you got to spent some time with jimmy...boy he sure is getting tall...Jamie is looking really good...Phiddy

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameozpammySent: 11/3/2008 9:28 PM
Jimmy's costumes are great. I like the idea of the black tooth fairy.

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: RavenSent: 11/3/2008 9:45 PM
enjoyed seeing the pics of Jamie and Jimmy.  That's a great idea about the Black tooth fairy.  Maybe I will mention that to my girls for their kids.

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemaenana21Sent: 11/4/2008 2:05 AM
Looks like it was a fun day and evening for all of you.  Love that idea of the black fairy.

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