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General : Doctors report
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 Message 1 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBELLES99  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2008 9:32 PM
My son Dave called me from Ottawa & said the surgeon will operate on his back in about 10 days......I suppose I should be happy something can be done but I am so nervous about it. Belles

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 Message 2 of 13 in Discussion 
From: RavenSent: 11/3/2008 9:37 PM
Belles, what a worry!  Hopefully this surgery will releive some of his pain and help him to be more mobile.  I will keep him in my prayers.  Be sure and let us know the date and also how he's doing afterwards.

 Message 3 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameButchie1930Sent: 11/3/2008 9:45 PM
Awww Belles, I am sorry he will have to go through this but if it will make him all better, this is the way to go.  I shall keep him in my prayers.

 Message 4 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilverMaPoppieMurphySent: 11/3/2008 10:08 PM
Hi Belles, my bil has his done in may, he made out very good, another a brther to him is getting his done soon, these are Russ 's brothers .

 Message 5 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGlasgowLass7Sent: 11/3/2008 10:55 PM
Aww Belles I sure am keeping him in my thoughts & prayers,I hope this will aleviate his pain,

 Message 6 of 13 in Discussion 
From: PhiddySent: 11/3/2008 11:54 PM
Belles I will keep him in my prayers...Phiddy

 Message 7 of 13 in Discussion 
From: CarolSent: 11/4/2008 12:36 AM
Belles I'm sorry Dave is going through all of this but I'm sure the surgery will give him some relief. I will remember him in my prayers

 Message 8 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameScherry2005Sent: 11/4/2008 1:54 AM
I can understand your concern Belles.  Just remember that we will all be keeping him in our thoughts and prayers.... and granny prayers are best!

 Message 9 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemaenana21Sent: 11/4/2008 2:12 AM
I am sure this surgery will help him and I will be keeping him in my prayers too.

 Message 10 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamepaulamemoriesSent: 11/4/2008 9:55 AM
Belles, you cant help but worry, no matter what age they get to be. I pray this will go well & once he recovers from the procedure he will be pain free hes really suffered alot with this. Take care  & big hugs to you my friend.

 Message 11 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCapebretnrSent: 11/4/2008 12:21 PM
Belles this is the kind of news thats doubled edged isn't it? Can blame you for being nervous.If I recall right, its a disk problem? They have made great strides in this kind of back surgery and you are in a good place with good doctors, so there's lots of positives to hold on to here.Try not to worry , there'll be lots of granny prayers going out for him!

 Message 12 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCapebretnrSent: 11/4/2008 12:22 PM
thats "can't" blame you for being nervous!

 Message 13 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameozpammySent: 11/4/2008 12:35 PM
Belles, I hope your son recovers well from his surgery. It is a worry, I know as I'm facing surgery myself next week.

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