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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepuzzler051  (Original Message)Sent: 11/9/2008 6:10 PM
   Hello everyone, Come join for a cup of coffee. Put your feet  up and get warm by the fireplace. Today I am staying close at home. I picked  up a flu bug. It seems everytime I go the doctors  with  in a day or so I get sick.  Still spitting snow off on. Temperature is still around twenty five. I never got the rest my flower bulbs. Maybe there will be  a nice day and I can get them planted. Did any else plant flower flowers.? I planted around thirty something and have lots to go? What are your plans for today? Till next time. Hugs I care puzzler

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: RavenSent: 11/9/2008 7:18 PM
Hi Puzzler, it's pretty chilly here this afternoon with the wind blowing to add to the mix.  No snow yet and hopefully none for the rest of the year but know that's asking a bit too much. 
What other site were you referring to when you said you visited our other site?  We have a couple set up and we're just playing around with them so would be interested in your feedback.