 | | From:  tin-lizzy (Original Message) | Sent: 2/3/2008 1:15 AM |
bjr Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 Here are two important threads combined from various posters. For all you journalists out there, please clarify and confirm if the following relationships are true. We need some serious investigative journalism. GORDON BROWN & GERRY McCANN -have had nice telephone chats together. GORDON, GERRY, & CLARENCE MITCHELL -Clarence Mitchell is the Head of Media Monitoring for the govt. -He is also personal friend of Gerry, and has been representing Gerry (on behalf of govt or himself? ) from the very beginning. GORDON BROWN, ANDREW BROWN -Andrew is P.M.s brother and is involved with EDF Energy which is Europe's largest nuclear energy producer. Andrew Brown is the media director for EDF energy, who are lobbying to build nuclear power stations in Britain. Gordon Brown wants to restart the nuclear power plant building programme in Britain. COMARE, ANDREW BROWN, COMARE DIRECTOR, GERRY McCANN -Gerry McCann is a member of a government quango called COMARE (Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment) which has repeatedly come out in opposition to campaigners who claim that childhood cancers are more prevalent around nuclear power stations COMARE's director happens to be a cardiologist based at the very hospital where Gerry and Kate first met, the Glasgow Western Infirmary. If COMARE's contacts incorporate individuals in the broader nuclear industry, these might include Andrew Brown: Head of Media for Europe's largest producer of nuclear electricity... and brother of Prime Minister Gordon. Question: since when is a cardiologist have the experience to comment on radiation? BELL POTTINGER, GERRY, GORDON BROWN, NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY "Bell Pottinger represent both the McCanns and the Portuguese holiday village they were staying in. Bell Pottinger also provide PR for the nuclear power industry, have close connections with New Labour (Tony Blair gave Tim bell his peerage), have helped sell New labours unique vision of democracy in Iraq and and have been heavily involved with several of New labours disastrous IT schemes " SARAH BROWN, JULIA HOBSBAWN, SKY NEWS, GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL -Julia Hobsbawm was a partner in Hobsbawm Macaulay Communications with Sarah Macaulay, now known as Sarah Brown, the wife of British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. Julia Hobsbawm is now the founder and chief executive of media analysis and networking company Editorial Intelligence http://editorialintelligence.com And this is where it gets very interesting. Julia Hobsbawm's new company 'Editorial Intelligence' specialises in analysing and exploiting comment and opinion in both print and online media. In simple terms, 'Editorial Intelligence' helps realise the potential of controlling the shape and fabric of public opinion and (d)ebate by controlling what is published in comment areas, forum areas, letters pages and message boards. They have even coined a new word for the online/published briTish public; they call it the 'Commentariat' (a play upon the word 'Proletariat' - orginally coined to describe the lower or working classes). Julia Hobsbawm's 'Editorial Intelligence' describes itself on its website: "Editorial Intelligence opens a door to a vital and growing world of print and online comment and opinion. What the 'Commentariat' says affects and influences the direction of public opinion and policy alike and with it, corporate reputation ... SKY NEWS and the GMC (General Medical Council) are clients of Editorial Analysis. Please clarify and confirm? JULIA HOBSBAWN, GERRY, JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE, PHILIP GREEN (Julia Hobsbawm is also a trustee of the Jewish Community Centre for London - supported by none other than Sir Philip Green - loaner of jet and reward provider to the McCanns) T APAS 7 , UNNAMED PERSON -When the 'abduction theory" first spun its webs, there was mention of the Tapas 7, and one party who could not be named. UNAMED PERSON, PETER McCann, MALTA, GOZO -Could the unamed person be Peter McCann who is supposed to be an Uncle and who has a house in Gozo, Malta. -There was also mention of sighting in Malta, in amongst Morocco, Spain etc. P ETER McCANN, CASTLE CRAIG -Castle Craig is an exclusive private hospital (but gets NHS funding) in Scotland and all the directors are as follows: http://www.castlecraig.co.uk/ See about Us then Key Staff > Castle Craig Hospital Directors Peter McCann MA, ICADC Chairman Dr Margaret Ann McCann, MB Bch BAO Medical Director Dr. Michael G. McCann , MD , MA , DIH, MFOM Director John L McCann BA ACIS Financial Director/Administrator Castle Craig Hospital is located in 50 acres of grounds in the Scottish Borders. It is a residential hospital for the inpatient treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. The hospital is registered with the relevant statutory body, namely the Scottish Care Commission. It is a major contractor to the National Health Service and is recognised by the major medical insurers in the U.K. Many insurance companies from other countries fund the treatment at Castle Craig. The hospital is a Preferred Provider to the U.S. Government under the Tricare programme and it is also recognised by the Dutch insurance companies. There is mention of a holiday home in Gozo, Malta. Is this the same uncle? Peter and Dr. Margaret Ann McCann says" We have worked together in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction since the early 80s. We founded, in the first instance, Clouds House in 1983 and ran it for five years before moving to Scotland and opening up Castle Craig which we have been running ever since. Both myself and Margaret Ann have presented at many conferences, written papers and belong to a number of professional organisations. In particular Margaret Ann served on the Executive of the Medical Council on Alcohol and I have just been elected a Board Member of the International Council of Alcohol and Addictions. I was also the Founder of the European Association for Treatment of Addiction (EATA). In our personal life we have been blessed with four delightful children, now aged from 18 to 24. Victoria is a graduate of Newcastle and Stirling Universities and has obtained an MSc in P.R. from the latter. Dominic is final year History at Edinburgh University. Felicity is in her second year at Bristol University Medical School and Peter is awaiting a place in Medical School. We all share an interest in sailing and are fortunate in having a lovely house in Gozo which was paid for many years ago with a small inheritance. We continue to have family holidays together. We also allow staff at Castle Craig and close friends to use the house and it has been a charitable auction prize on several occasions. Castle Craig has an extended contracts with the US Defence Department treating military personnel for addictions. Des Browne (our own Defence Sectretary - and another Scot) has been under increasing pressure to deal with our own force's drink and drug problems (in light of the scandal brought about by the HMS Cornwall affair in April). http://scotlandonsunday.scotsm.....=753452006 It is entirely likely that given Castle Craig's experience in treating US military personnel they have sough Peter McCann's advice on treating our own military personnel. Perhaps Caslte Craig even treated servicemen on board the HMS Cornwall, who knows. That would certainly explain why they slipped into Iranian territory. Here is something that Peter McCann wrote last year. It might lend weight to rumours about cabinet members and family members having used Castle Craig. See what you think: "We also read today, about the inappropriate way that Liberal Democrats covered up on their former leader�s alcoholism. This is a typical response we see throughout industry and institutions when members of organisations try to cover up for their sick colleagues. It is quite disgraceful that politicians weld so much power while addicted and when their judgment must be warped. This applies to all political parties. Addiction must be confronted at all times and �tough love�?applies to politicians just as much as to doctors, lawyers and family members. " http://blogg.castlecraig.co.uk.....89228.html PETER McCANN, CASTLE CRAIG, HOLLAND, GERRY -Castle Craig has a branch in Holland. Gerry worked in Holland. GERRY, JILL RENWICK, JOHN BROWN, GORDON BROWN -Jill Renwick is a friend of Gerry, and she lives down the road or same strees as John Brown, who is Gordon Brown's brother. -maybe nothing here, and just poor John Brown caught in it all. SO WE HAVE MEDIA, POLITICS, DRUG REHAB, NUCLEAR...anyone join the dots and clarify all of this which is a combination of internet sleuthing? _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. THE PAPAL CONNECTION - DAVID PAYNE http://www.ccr.org.uk/archive/gn0703SE/media.htm Sharing the Gospel through the Media From its small beginnings ten years ago Catholic Evangelisation Services has grown into a world-wide supplier of Catholic teaching material on video and DVD. June Palmer tells the story of how it began. In 1996 in response to the Pope�s call for a New Evangelisation in the Church, the National Service Committee asked David Payne, who was then working at the CCR Centre, to look at the Alpha course and see if it could be used to bring renewal and evangelisation to Catholic parishes��. In 2001 ***David met Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O�Connor*** to seek his wisdom about the resources and he suggested they be brought together to form a process for parishes. At this point they changed their name to Catholic Evangelisation Services and launch in 2002 the CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration) process. I�m sorry I haven�t got the copy of Gerry�s blog but he does give credit to *** Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O�Connor*** for arranging the visit to the Pope. Picture of David Payne in above link �?yellow shirt. This was taken from Missing Madeleine site:- (David Payne top left with glasses/blue shirt with logo on front) http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... ynesq9.jpg _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. 02/10/07 Gordon Brown's Reason for Helping Gerry McCann Much has been made of the McCanns government links, and this being the reason for the apparant government cover up surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
The usual suspects have been rolled out: the freemasons, illuminati, etc.
The link is far more simple.
Gordon Brown is the prime minister and therefore the man making decisions and signing the cheques.
His brother, Andrew, is the press officer for EDF energy which operates nuclear power stations.
"In November 2005, EFD's Chief Executive, Vincent de Rivaz, told a parliamentary committee that new nuclear power stations could be built within ten years if planning and licensing laws are relaxed."
Gerry McCann is a medical advisor to COMARE, a governemnt committee which monitors radiation in the enviroment.
It's a win, win, win situation. Except of course for those who end up living next door to a nuclear waste depot.
But not to worry because Yvette Cooper is the housing minister, and her father, Tony, is a board member of the Nuclear Decommisioning Authority. Yvette Cooper also happens to be married to Gordon's political chum, Ed Balls.
So all Gerry needs to do to repay Gordon, for getting a case of potential infanticide dropped, is vote through the relaxation of the laws surrounding the operation and commisioning of nuclear power stations. Then Gordon signs the cheques, and his brother gets a bonus for his successful lobbying. Gordon gets paid later in the form of a nice little pension for doing a couple of days work as a director.
Nope there is no corruption in British public life.
If you don't believe Gordon is pulling political strings, how come that Goncalo Amaral kept his job after allegedly beating a confession out of a woman, but gets moved aside for speaking to the press?
You do the maths.
Posted by transfattyacid at 20:09 _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. Published Date: 11 September 2007 Source: Shields Gazette Location: South Tyneside Premium Article !Your account has been frozen. For your available options click the below button. Options Premium Article !To read this article in full you must have registered and have a Premium Content Subscription with the Shields Gazette site. Subscribe Registered Article !To read this article in full you must be registered with the site. Sign InRegisterMcCanns' SOS to Miliband Plea...Kate and Gerry McCann « Previous « PreviousNext » Next » View GalleryBy David MacLean THE parents of missing Madeleine McCann plan to appeal directly to Foreign Secretary David Miliband as pressure mounts on them as suspects behind her disappearance. Kate and Gerry McCann, both 39, have been in touch with Mr Miliband since the start of their ordeal 131 days ago, and see the South Shields MP as their last option for support if they were charged with killing their daughter. Speaking to the Gazette today, David Hughes, one of the McCann family's inner circle of advisers, said: "If the situation progresses much further, we'll make direct contact again with Mr Miliband to ask for his help and support." The likelihood of Kate and Gerry McCann being charged over the death of their daughter was dramatically increased this morning, after DNA found in the family's hire-car was reported as 'almost certainly' Madeleine's. Embattled and broken-hearted, the McCanns returned to England this week without their missing daughter Madeleine. Portuguese detectives are gathering evidence in the hope of charging Mrs McCann with homicide by failing to prevent her death �?the equivalent of the British charge of manslaughter. It is believed she, along with her husband, both 39, will also face charges of helping to dispose of the four-year-old's body. Now the couple could be about to turn to Mr Miliband again for help. Missing...Madeleine McCannA whispering campaign in the Portuguese media cast doubt on the McCanns' version of events long before Madeleine's parents were officially declared 'arguidos' or suspects. Today, unnamed police sources said tests returned from the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham on a specimen taken from a Renault Scenic hired by the McCanns revealed a full match of Madeleine's DNA. The results could prove that Madeleine, aged three when she went missing, was in the boot of the car, which was not hired until 25 days after she went missing. Police in Portugal revealed the evidence to the McCanns during questioning last week. It has also emerged that the family's phone lines and e-mail accounts have been tapped by police. Now back in Britain, the couple are set to continue their close relationship with the Foreign Office, headed by Foreign Secretary David Miliband. Mr McCann has already spoken to Mr Miliband on the phone. Family friend David Hughes told the Gazette: "Both Gerry and Kate have been in touch with Mr Miliband, and Gerry once spoke to him for more than an hour about the situation." Mr Hughes sat with Mrs McCann as she was grilled by Portuguese police as a witness, and then as an official suspect, earlier this month. He said: "We've had the British Consul from the Foreign Office present during the questioning, and the department has been helpful with the provision of translators and advice. "We've no idea just how likely it is that Portuguese police will pursue charges against Kate and Gerry. "But it is a possibility that if the situation progresses further, we'll make direct contact again with Mr Miliband." Another friend of the couple said they are urging Mr Miliband to give "any help he can". The friend added: "There is a danger of a shocking injustice here. "Kate and Gerry are appalled that anybody could think Kate would harm any of her children." Mr Miliband said: "This is an independent judicial process we fully respect. Consular services are being provided. "Above all, this is about a little girl." The full article contains 570 words and appears in Shields Gazette newspaper.Last Updated: 11 September 2007 12:18 PM http://www.shieldsgazette.com/south-shi ... 3190951.jp _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. |
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Key gene work scoops Nobel Prize Sir Martin used the technology to probe cystic fibrosis Two US scientists and their UK collaborator have been awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine for their groundbreaking work in gene technology. Mario Capecchi, Oliver Smithies and Briton Martin Evans developed a technique known as gene targeting. It enabled them to replicate human diseases in mice by introducing genetic changes into the animal's stem cells. The Nobel Committee said this had led to many new insights into conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Its impact on the understanding of gene function and its benefits to mankind will continue to increase over many years to come Nobel committee For instance, science has gained a greater understanding of how disease can strike otherwise healthy people. The technique has also helped to shed new light on the ageing process, and on how the embryo develops in the womb. It can be used to study almost every aspect of mammalian physiology. In its citation, the Nobel Committee praised the technique as "an immensely powerful technology" which was now being used in virtually all areas of biomedical research. "Gene targeting in mice has pervaded all fields of biomedicine," it said. "Its impact on the understanding of gene function and its benefits to mankind will continue to increase over many years to come." Gene knockout The technique is commonly described as gene "knockout". Professor Capecchi specialises in organ generation It enables scientists to silence specific genes, and monitor the effect, so that gene-by-gene they are able to build a picture of the development of disease. To date more than 10,000 mice genes - around half of the total - have been knocked out, with the rest confidently predicted to follow soon. As a result, more than 500 different mouse models of human disorders have been developed - including cardiovascular and neuro-degenerative diseases, diabetes and cancer. The technology spun out of the discovery by Sir Martin of embryonic stem cells in mice. These cells form all tissues of the body and Sir Martin found that they could be removed and grown separately in the laboratory. All three scientists, who will share the prestigious $1.54 million award, have subsequently used gene targeting to make significant advances. This group's work has given hope to many thousands of people currently suffering from incurable genetic conditions Jo Tanner Coalition for Medical Progress Professor Capecchi, based at the University of Utah, has used the technology to uncover the role of genes involved in organ development, and the overall plan of the body. Sir Martin, of the University of Cardiff, has specialised on the inherited disease cystic fibrosis. He described the award as like winning the "World Cup". He said: "It's wonderful - the sort of thing which when you start off as a youngster in science you look up to these fantastic Nobel Prize winners, and think, could that ever be you? No, of course not. Professor Smithies, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was born in the UK, but has since taken US citizenship. He has developed mouse models for common human diseases such as high blood pressure and thickened arteries. Profound effect Professor Stephen O'Rahilly, of the University of Cambridge, said: "The development of gene targeting technology in the mouse has had a profound influence on medical research. "Thanks to this technology we have a much better understanding of the function of specific genes in pathways in the whole organism and a greater ability to predict whether drugs acting on those pathways are likely to have beneficial effects in disease." Jo Tanner, of Coalition for Medical Progress, said: "If we are ever going to find cures for genetic conditions such as muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis, scientists will need to work on animal models, identifying the genetic defects responsible and correcting them in animals before trialling potential treatments in humans. "This group's work has given hope to many thousands of people currently suffering from incurable genetic conditions." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7033492.stm _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
Drug-Addicted US Troops Sent to Scotland for Help Liam McDougall / The Sunday Herald (January 9, 2005) �?A picturesque Scottish hospital is being used by the US military as a base to treat drug and alcohol addicted troops who have fought in Iraq, the Sunday Herald can reveal. The US department of defence is sending up to 40 damaged servicemen and women a year �?including marines, army and airforce personnel �?to Castle Craig rehabilitation clinic to undergo intensive treatment. The remote centre, which sits in 50 acres of scenic grounds in West Linton, Peeblesshire, has become so highly regarded, it has been classed as a "preferred provider" by military chiefs who are flying in addicts from American bases across Europe. The controversial clinic is best known for treating Scots alcohol and heroin addicts who have been referred there by the NHS. It also takes in private patients, such as the artist Peter Howson, who enrolled at the clinic in 2000 to overcome alcoholism. But it has now emerged that the centre has landed a huge contract to treat addicts from the military who have turned to drink and drugs after suffering harrowing ordeals in Iraq. The hospital also treats close relatives of military personnel who become addicts. It follows news that the famous Priory Clinic in Surrey had won a contract with the Ministry of Defence to treat British soldiers for depression. Peter McCann, chairman of Castle Craig, said: "We have been getting [US troops] in dribs and drabs, but there have been more coming over recently. I think they are being sent to all the corners of Iraq and are falling to pieces when they get back to base. " McCann said troops were coming to the hospital from US bases in the UK, Germany and Turkey to undergo four weeks of intensive counselling and therapy alongside some of the most desperate Scottish drug addicts and alcoholics. While the Scots' treatment is paid for by the NHS and local authorities, the bill for the US troops' UKP1400-a-week sessions is picked up by the American Department of Defence's Tricare insurance. McCann added: "We can have up to about four at any one time, but there's a continuous stream of them coming in. There has been a step up in the numbers since Iraq. We see about 40 a year. McCann's comments give an insight into the terrible toll the Iraq war is taking on soldiers. There have been more than 30 recorded suicides among US troops in Iraq, a rate nearly one-third higher than the army's historical average. A major study published last year also found that up to 17% of surveyed Iraq veterans suffered from post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ), anxiety or major depression. While alcohol consumption is prohibited in Iraq , it is believed many are turning to drink and drugs when they return from their tour of duty. Soldiers suffering psychological disorders are known to have high rates of alcohol and drug abuse and suicide. Therapy sessions at Castle Craig are based on the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step programme, whereby addicts are forced to turn themselves over to God, or a higher power, to overcome their problems. While the length of treatment at the clinic normally lasts six weeks, the US troops stay for only 28 days. In that time they complete the first five steps, which include "admitting their wrongs" in confidence to another person. Tom Bruce, deputy lead therapist at Castle Craig who treats the US soldiers, said: " Most are young men in their early 20s. They would go back to their base and continue with the 12-step programme." Professor Ian Robbins, the director of the Traumatic Stress Service at St George's Hospital in London and a former army officer, said rates of trauma and addiction were high among serving and retired personnel. He said: "A quarter of people are likely to have some form of problem, mostly PTSD, in relation to warfare. It depends on the intensity of experience, previous experiences and their level of resilience." Clive Fairweather, a former SAS colonel and appeals co-ordinator for Combat Stress, a charity that treats ex-service personnel for psychological and addiction problems, said: "Combat, stress and alcohol are no strangers. Forces personnel cost a lot to train so everything must be done within reason to help them get back on the road again ." The US Department of Defence would not comment. Posted in accordance with Title 17, US Code, for noncommercial, educational purposes. http://www.envirosagainstwar.org/know/r ... temid=4688 http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2003/June/03_civ_371.htm _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. To put the connections into focus. Astrazeneca John McCann brother of gerry works for them http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... ddy920.xml Team McCann: The couple's key staff Last Updated: 3:54am BST 21/09/2007 Gerry and Kate McCann have gathered a tight team around them to help find their missing daughter and clear their own names. Some are old friends or family; others are seasoned media and legal professionals Full coverage: The Madeleine McCann investigation Clarence Mitchell The new spokesman for Kate and Gerry McCann quit his job as a civil servant because he felt "so strongly" that the couple were innocent and he wanted to help them. A former BBC reporter, he spent weeks as the family's representative soon after Madeleine disappeared, forging a close relationship with the media and the parents. He had been drafted in to help by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from his job in the Cabinet Office. A 46-year-old father of two, he quit as the Government's head of media monitoring to take up his role with the McCanns. During his 20 years as a journalist Mr Mitchell covered several wars including Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. Michael Caplan QC and Angus McBride Two of the country's most high-profile solicitors, both work for City law firm Kingsley Napley. Mr Caplan specialises in international criminal law and has particular experience of extradition procedures, representing General Pinochet, the former Chilean dictator, in his attempt to avoid extradition from Britain to Spain on torture charges. Mr McBride has represented several celebrities, including the England football captain John Terry, when he was alleged to have been involved in a pub brawl, and Chris Langham, the comedy actor who was convicted last month on child pornography charges. The company's website describes him as a specialist in "dealing with the media". Carlos Pinto de Abreu One of Portugal's top lawyers, he accompanied the McCanns during their marathon interviews with Spanish police. He was a prime mover behind legislation that has just come into force in Portugal giving the public more access to police documents during investigations. Officers investigating Madeleine's disappearance had been accused of using previous secrecy laws to conceal their slow progress. Philomena McCann Gerry McCann's sister has become the unofficial family spokeswoman, and the fiercest public critic of the Portuguese police. Despite living in Scotland the teacher is in regular contact with the couple, and was one of the first to reveal details of Kate's gruelling interview with officers after she was named a formal suspect. John McCann Gerry McCann's brother is one of six directors of the £1 million Madeleine Fund, set up to pay for the search for the missing girl. He has shown himself prepared to tour television studios to speak out in defence of the couple. He has taken an indefinite leave of absence from his job with drugs firm AstraZeneca. Esther McVey A former GMTV presenter and a friend of Kate since their school days, she is the public face of the Madeleine Fund. Currently running a PR firm, she stood unsuccessfully as the Conservative parliamentary candidate for the Wirral in 2005, losing by just 1,000 votes. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. |
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Astrazeneca recently partly bought out by Cinven group INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS; AstraZeneca Agrees To Sell Chemicals Unit Published: May 13, 1999 AstraZeneca P.L.C., the world's largest drug company, said yesterday that it had agreed to sell its specialty-chemicals division to Cinven Group Ltd. and Investcorp, both private equity investors, for $2.1 billion, quitting a business it put up for sale last year to focus on drugs. AstraZeneca, the maker of the anti-ulcer drug Losec and Zestril for hypertension, said it would book an after-tax profit of $150 million on the sale. AstraZeneca was formed last month when Zeneca Group P.L.C. of Britain purchased Astra A.B. of Sweden for about $40 billion in stock. In November, Zeneca put the specialty-chemicals division up for sale to allow it to compete better in the $300 billion global pharmaceuticals market. Analysts said the price was higher than previously anticipated. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.h ... ca%20P.L.C. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
As follow up to Mike Hitchen’s find on Gerry McCanns’s private practice as a consultant in cardiac radiology at Spire Healthcare, Leicester, I think we need a list of Gerry McCann’s recent publications. Gerry combines his private consultancy at Spire with his work in the Cardiology Department, University Hospitals Leicester. Currently, he’s also accredited for publication purposes as a member of Department of Cardiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Gerry has several medical publications this year. Here’s what I find: J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2007;9(5):815-21. Bondarenko O, Beek AM, Nijveldt R, McCann GP, van Dockum WG, Hofman MB, Twisk JW, Visser CA, van Rossum AC. Department of Cardiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Functional Outcome after Revascularization in Patients with Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease: A Quantitative Late Gadolinium Enhancement CMR Study Evaluating Transmural Scar Extent, Wall Thickness and Periprocedural Necrosis. Circulation. 2007 Jul 3;116(1) Schmitt M, Samani N, McCann G. No Abstract Images in cardiovascular medicine. Lipomatous metaplasia in ischemic cardiomyopathy: a common but unappreciated entity. Am J Cardiol. 2007 Feb 15;99(4):563-7. Epub 2007 Jan 2. McCann GP, Van Dockum WG, Beek AM, Nijveldt R, Ten Cate FJ, Ten Berg JM, Van Rossum AC. Cardiology Department, University Hospitals Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. Extent of myocardial infarction and reverse remodeling assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with and without right bundle branch block following alcohol septal ablation for obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 1 Dr. McCann was supported by a clinical training fellowship from the European Society of Cardiology, Sophia Antipolis, France, and by the East Midlands Heart Research Fund, Leicester, United Kingdom. AJR 2007; 188:349-355 © American Roentgen Ray Society Gerry P. McCann1,2, C. T. Gan3, Aernout M. Beek2, Hans W. M. Niessen4, Anton Vonk Noordegraaf3 and Albert C. van Rossum21 Department of Cardiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Extent of MRI Delayed Enhancement of Myocardial Mass Is Related to Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Pulmonary Artery Hypertension 2 Present address: Department of Cardiology, Glenfield Hospital, Groby Rd., Leicester LE3 9QP, United Kingdom. Europace. 2007 Feb;9(2):134-6. Epub 2007 Jan 11. Swanson N, Goddard M, McCann G, Ng GA. Department of Cardiology, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, UK. Sarcoidosis presenting with tachy- and brady-arrhythmias. Gerry McCann has published more than 20 articles since 1998 mostly under “McCann GP�?and a few under “McCann G�? (Gerry McCann is not to be confused with the Merseyside “McCann G�?who publishes on topics of forensic mental health.) Tags: Cardiology, Gerry McCann, Madeleine McCann, publications http://trialbasis.com/gerry-mccanns-med ... ons-55.htm _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
| Thursday, 23rd of August 2007. Gerry McCann, father of Madeleine McCann, the British girl missing since May, gave a remarkable interview to Radio Four's Today programme. Knowing that any real news was thin on the ground, yet desperate- some would say obliged- to keep the case in media circulation, Mr McCann elected to use the five minute interview to reveal the results of a poll he and his wife had commissioned, upon the wisdom or otherwise of a single European register for convicted sex offenders. Unsurprisingly, considering the question was being put to them by the the father of the most famous 'abduction' victim since Charles Augustus Lindbergh, those surveyed were strongly in favour. (An impressive 97 percent.) Meanwhile, tens of thousands of listeners all over Britain wondered what the consultant cardiologist was doing polling bureaucrats whilst his four year-old daughter, and her captor, remained unaccounted for. That such a register would lead unerringly towards a single European police force- under the guise of the 'war on paedos'- could not have been a motivating factor in Mr McCann's thinking. After all, such a conception would require for the parents to be executing some bizarre government-backed conspiracy, dreamt up long before the evening in early May when their daughter was last seen alive. No, this was just another one of Mr McCann's Richard Madeleley moments; and it isn't as if the public has not grown accustomed to those. Except that this was not the first time that he had sought to divert attention away from the missing girl with behaviour more suited to an electoral campaign. A three-day summit to the United States last month saw Gerry pressing flesh with the Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales; as well as staff from the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington. And yet, in stressing 'the sheer scale of the problem', Mr McCann not only contradicted his earlier excuses for leaving his three children unattended ('the chances of this happening are in the order of one hundred million to one') but flew in the face of the FBI's own report; which advises that 'most missing children are not abducted' and that 'nonparental abductions are comparatively rare.' It goes on to cite examples where investigators encounter 'false allegations of abduction. Typically,' it states, 'a parent or primary caregiver perpetrates these cases. They report a child as missing or abducted to hide their involvement in the child's death or conceal their knowledge of the child's location.' Back in Portugal, the McCanns- in partnership with the News of the World- drew up a list of pointers, based upon the Code Adam scheme in the States, advising parents what to do in the event of a child disappearing on holiday. They propose that this system be named Code Madeleine. Next, they launch a new YouTube channel. The First Lady, Laura Bush, gets involved; delivering a creepy, unblinking address urging viewers to 'study the faces of these missing children... especially the child's eyes and expression', and to join the effort to protect the vulnerable 'in our global society.' Kate McCann uses the YouTube soapbox to call for an Amber Alert system (named after nine-year old Amber Hagerman, abducted and murdered in Texas in 1996) to be put in place across the whole of the European continent. (An early-warning system developed to disperse information after a nuclear attack.) During an interview with Jenni Murray broadcast on BBC Radio Four on August 8, she calls for the EU to follow the UK in adopting its system of CRB (Criminal Record Bureau) Checks: the intrusive 'police state' database which has incorrectly identified thousands of blameless Britons since its inception in 2002. She repeats these calls in an emotive article for the News Of The World on the second of September; just a week after Gerry's announcement (at the Edinburgh Television Festival, of all places) that they were winding down their high profile campaign. Gerry then uses his Radio Four interview to reiterate the need to shut all European borders near to the scene of a suspected abduction, observing the short distance from the Algarve to Spain, and stating categorically that 'on the initial night... [Madeleine] was certainly moved.' With statements- or stunts- like these, and the coordinated precision with which so many celebrities, politicians and media personnel came out on their behalf, it is hardly surprising that to many people the McCanns have the appearance of people groomed to front an international 'awareness campaign' rather than parents frantically struggling to cope with sudden, unexpected loss. This political edge emerged very soon after the campaign got rolling. Shortly after their now infamous papal blessing (facilitated by Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor, a notorious protector of paedophile priests) the McCanns announced that they intended to widen its scope to incorporate 'all missing children everywhere.' But if the concept of a supra-governmental conspiracy seems implausible, and the McCanns are simply responding to unimaginable circumstances in the best way they know how, then- whatever the merits of their proposals- they remain absolutely the wrong people to be flagging the issues up. The Mail on Sunday on the 27th of May quotes Gerry as saying: 'The way the scene was left means there was absolutely no doubt she had been abducted'. Prior to that, Jill Renwick had told The Mirror that 'Madeleine has obviously been taken. She couldn't have gone out on her own and the shutters were forced.' Yet, the management of the Mark Warner resort quickly denied any signs of forced entry; and recent reports from the British and Portuguese media seem to indicate that both the shutters and the window into Madeleine's bedroom were left open for ease of checking. And these were not the routine, every fifteen minute checks that the Tapas Nine, or the press, had us believe. The testimony of Diane Webster revealed that each couple were responsible for checking only their own children; and that this amounted to little more than standing outside the various apartments and listening for audible signs of disturbance. Much to the surprise of Silvia Batiste, the Warner Technical Services manager, the McCanns- and the rest of the group- refused a babysitter, or to use the free evening creche facility. (Only the Paynes, Fiona and David, kept a close ear on their children, using a baby listening monitoring device they had brought in with them from the UK.) Explaining these counter-intuitive decisions, Patricia McCann said: 'It was less than 40 yards away and they were all meticulous in checking them, it was just part of the routine.' (Both statements false.) 'They felt it was better than leaving them with a babysitter as you don't know who you are going to get with a stranger.' As first reported on August 7, traces of blood were found at a low height on the wall (and, in some reports, the floor) of Kate and Gerry's bedroom. Degraded, and in minute quantity, samples were sent for analysis at Birmingham's Forensic Science Service (FSS) to be subject to a procedure known as 'Low copy number DNA profiling.' Whilst, in theory, a profile can be extracted from a single DNA cell, a figure of between 150 and 160 cells (approximately 1 DNA nanogram) is the practical minimum for optimum amplification. Low copy number profiles- a technique not presently available to Portuguese laboratories- use, typically, between five to twenty DNA cells; and- being less reliable as evidence- are used only when other investigative options have been exhausted. According to the FSS, such a procedure ordinarily takes 'a couple of weeks'; initial reports suggested the results could be back within six days. Four weeks on, and the Policia Judiciara (PJ) are still awaiting news: an impasse which some Portuguese journalists- and many within the conspiracy community- have taken as evidence of deliberate obstruction. A report in Correio da Manha, from August 24, reads: 'After all, the English have played tough, and a turnaround in the investigation could have devastating consequences even at government level. The prime minister, Gordon Brown, got directly involved in the case, not only expressing his solidarity with the McCann couple, but also through the direct involvement of people that are close to him, in aiding and supporting Maddie’s parents. On the other hand, British diplomacy itself opened the necessary channels for the McCanns to be received in several European countries and even by the Pope, in the Vatican.' The journalist goes on to ask whether the delay in announcing the results of the tests is Brown's attempt at damage limitation, intended to give the 'giant machine' of the British media ample time to prepare the population 'for the possibility that the crime is going to be "in house"'. Or could the delay be an attempt to shield the McCanns, even as the noose appears to be tightening? As has already been observed, their campaigning behaviour has already marked them out as potential agents for the State. There are any number of reasons why an attention-diverting circus might be desirable to the hoodlums-in-government; particuarly an unpopular government in its dying days. Madeleine easily supplanted Blair's last (and most treacherous) EU summit as the story of the hour; as well as providing effective cover for the 33rd meeting of the G8 in June. Almost as soon as details of its discovery emerged, the British press was reporting that blood in the apartment could not have belonged to Madeleine; but was 'probably that of a man from the "northeast European subgroup"... who had injured himself whilst staying at the apartment after Madeleine disappeared.' (In spite of the fact that even the police claim not to know the results.) Adding to these suspicions are reports which that the blood samples are being compared against a genetic profile assembled from samples of Kate and Gerry's DNA, instead of a primary sample extracted from Madeleine herself. (Thus, even if the blood did belong to Madeleine, but the constructed profile was incorrect, the results would not show a match.) Lawyers for the PJ have even stated that the blood was that of a corpse, a detail which has gone entirely unreported in the British media. There is also the fact of Gerry's membership of COMARE, the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment. COMARE describes itself as 'an independent expert advisory committee... offering independent advice to all Government Departments and Devolved Authorities... on the health effects of natural and man-made radiation.' COMARE's director happens to be a cardiologist based at the very hospital where Gerry and Kate first met, the Glasgow Western Infirmary. If COMARE's contacts incorporate individuals in the broader nuclear industry, these might include Andrew Brown: Head of Media for Europe's largest producer of nuclear electricity... and brother of Prime Minister Gordon. (The man whom apparatchik Clarence Mitchell claimed to be in regular telephone contact with Gerry McCann.) Conspiracy sceptics will point to the testimonies of the McCann's travelling companions for confirmation of abduction. The most important of these were provided by Jane Tanner, the girlfriend of fellow medic Russell O'Brien, with whom the McCanns share some unlikely coincidences. According to the Portuguese newspaper SOL, the pair's eldest daughter was born 'at exactly the same time' as Madeleine, also by IVF. Tanner was thrust into the limelight after criticism of the Portuguese police provoked the authorities to release her statement given on the night of the disappearance, describing the man she saw walking away from the McCann's apartment carrying a child under a blanket. According to some reports, the decision followed a personal intervention by the Prime Minister: a piece of crowd-pleasing chicanery (or something more deliberate) which must have seemed, at the time, of little or no risk. Unfortunately for Brown, Tanner's story changed repeatedly; and the description- and accompanying photofit- of the alleged abductor proved someting of an embarrassment. She originally claimed to have been the last to arrive for dinner at 9.30pm; and that it was on her way to the infamous Tapas bar that she saw a man (from behind) carrying what appeared to be a child. By the eighth of August, after leaked statements made their way into the Portuguese press, the timing of the sighting had changed to nearer 9.15pm. The location had also shifted- now she was en route to the McCann's apartment for another routine check on the children. According to the published timelines, based on statements leaked to the press, his was only ten minutes after Gerry McCann had previously left the restaurant to do the same thing; and was stil outside the apartment at the precise moment that Tanner claimed to have seen the abductor walking hurriedly in the opposite direction. Strangely, neither McCann- nor another witness, Jeremy Wilkins- saw anybody at all: neither the intruder nor Jane Tanner. A third version pushed the sighting forward to the moments after the check, as she walked back to the Tapas bar, trailing McCann by a matter of minutes. Unless Madeleine was snatched whilst Tanner was still inside, for her story to be corect the break-in must have occured within seconds of her leaving the apartment; with the abductor then overtaking her on the only road back to the bar and being spotted in the process. Her description of the man also underwent a dramatic evolution, to the extent that Tanner was able to give not only a detailed rundown of his clothes and appearance, but to confirm with total certainty that the child he was carrying was Madeleine. This, of course, is a world apart from the original statement, which produced a photofit sketch described by people who saw it as looking 'like an egg with hair.' And then, just as the investigation was changing direction, up rears the Sunday Mirror with the 'concrete evidence' intended to prove the adbuction theory once and for all. The story was broken by Lori Campbell, the journalist who first reported Robert Murat to police. (He remains the only suspect in the case, despite rumours that his 'arguido' status is to set to be cleared at any time.) The article reiterated Kate McCann's certainty that Madeleine had been snatched: 'I knew straight away that a crime had been committed, we had no doubt about that.' The basis of her conviction, the paper revealed, lay in the unusual location of Madeleine's favourite stuffed toy, Cuddlecat, which had been placed out of a child's reach on top of a high shelf. According to the unnamed police source, Kate 'also noticed the window was wide open and the shutters jammed up. It was because of these things that she had no doubt Madeleine had been kidnapped and she ran out to scream for help.' As a result, she says, 'We were very conscious of not touching things'- a claim rather undermined by the twenty or so people who scoured the crime scene before alterting the police forty five minutes later. (Pamela Fenn, an elderly neighbour, claims she offered to call the police as soon as Madeleine was discovered missing- an offer Kate turned down.) Indeed, one item which was very much touched was Cuddle Cat itself. Having been handled by the abductor, it should have been subject to the same procedures as the other forensic evidence: yet, according to the Daily Telegraph, 'police did not check and Mrs McCann has had the pink soft toy with her ever since. One specialist said scientists would have needed to examine it for at least several days. He said: "Now it's probably too late. It's an absolute glaring error."' Lori Campbell in the Sunday Mirror stated that it had been 'checked for prints and DNA then handed back to Kate when nothing was discovered.' But this is undermined by photographs which show Kate clutching the toy on the evening of May 4th: less than twenty four hours after the alleged abduction. (Bearing in mind that the blood-flecked floor tiles have been in the care of the FSS for over four weeks without result.) Its investigative value was reduced yet further when, shortly after the arrival of the British-trained sniffer dogs, Kate decided it was time to give him a wash, claiming 'it smelt of suntan lotion and I forgot what colour it was.' And so the pas de deux continues, the McCanns playing the press with the deftness of a Diana; the Portuguese happy to bask in the sun, playing dumb, waiting... What started as an investigation into the abduction of a little girl has now morphed, irreversibly, into something else: a game of survival, in which the McCanns- halos in the crosshairs- have learned the jungle laws perfected by the best of their ilk. O J Simpson, Sion Jenkins, John Bennett and Patty Ramsey. They've even got that jail house religion routine going on. But if the case is remarkable for marking the moment when even the docile public awoke to conspiracy most foul- of a workaday, domestic form- it is more remarkable still for its subtle intimations of a far greater, occult conspiracy operating just beyond the limits of normal perception. And whilst the lies of Kate, Gerry and the Tapas Nine are now so egregious to mistake, the other communicates in a symbolic language almost impossible for hived minds to recognise; and thus continues, undisturbed. http://ben-fairhall.blogspot.com/2007_0 ... chive.html _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. |
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_________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
| http://editorialintelligence.com/ And this is where it gets very interesting. Julia Hobsbawm's new company 'Editorial Intelligence' specialises in analysing and exploiting comment and opinion in both print and online media. In simple terms, 'Editorial Intelligence' helps realise the potential of controlling the shape and fabric of public opinion and (d)ebate by controlling what is published in comment areas, forum areas, letters pages and message boards. They have even coined a new word for the online/published briTish public; they call it the 'Commentariat' (a play upon the word 'Proletariat' - orginally coined to describe the lower or working classes). Julia Hobsbawm's 'Editorial Intelligence' describes itself on its website: "Editorial Intelligence opens a door to a vital and growing world of print and online comment and opinion. What the 'Commentariat' says affects and influences the direction of public opinion and policy alike and with it, corporate reputation ... _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
| G.Mc commitee @ COMARE - COMARE Common Purpose
G.Mc Consultant Cardiologist, etc,etc NHS - NHS Common Purpose
G.Brown, New Nuclear Power Stations - Common Purpose??
Common Purpose meeting 5.4.99 G.B speaks of "The Patriotism of Common Purpose.
Andrew Brown brother to G.B, commitee @ Comare - COMARE Common Purpose.
And the money goes round and round! _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
http://cme.alphamedpress.org/misc/Discl ... _465.shtml
http://sofa.dartnet.co.uk/www-srp-uk/ww ... /utr21.pdf
http://www.rnc.vu.nl/2004_2005.pdf _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... 530567.ece From The Sunday TimesMarch 18, 2007 Retail giants set to run GP clinicsDavid Cracknell and Sarah-Kate Templeton TONY BLAIR is to invite retail chains including Tesco, Virgin and Boots to bid to run GP surgeries on behalf of the NHS with contracts worth £225m over five years. GPs will be encouraged to run clinics at breakfast time and in the early evening in poor areas where conventional family doctors have been reluctant to practise. Blair’s announcement, to be made tomorrow, is intended to ensure Gordon Brown carries on his reforms of the NHS after Blair leaves Downing Street. The prime minister will respond to Tory claims that he has left the NHS in “crisis�?by publishing his ideas for “progressive�?reform of public services. He will allow GPs to link up with pharmacies and supermarket drug counters by sharing electronic patient records. In an indication that he is signed up to the scheme, the chancellor will announce measures to expand the use of “community pharmacies�?for routine treatments and tests. Tomorrow Blair will publish the first of six policy review papers, on public services, in an effort to shift the emphasis away from producers to consumers. Patricia Hewitt, the health secretary, will name the first towns to take part in the new programme. Extra family practices, walk-in centres and minor injuries units will be opened in Har-tlepool, Durham, Mansfield and Great Yarmouth. Other areas will join the programme in the coming months. Contracts for the new services will run for an initial five years, with the possibility of extension. Although there is no national shortage of GPs, there are many “underdoctored�?areas in England and Wales. The four areas involved in the first wave have significantly fewer GPs per person than the national average of 57.9 GPs per 100,000 people. The programme aims to attract a broad range of providers, from existing entrepreneurial GPs to social enterprises and FTSE-100 companies. Some extra GPs and nurses will be recruited for up to 30 health blackspots to tackle local shortages of doctors. David Cameron will also focus on the NHS in a speech to the Conservative party’s spring forum in Nottingham today. He is expected to say: “It used to be said that Labour were the party of the NHS. Not any more. Labour are the party that is undermining the health service. “There’s a simple reason why. It’s not because they don’t care. But it is because of their values and philosophy: Labour’s mania for controlling and directing things from the centre; Labour’s pessimism about human nature; Labour’s belief that if people aren’t told what to do, they’ll do the wrong thing. Labour just don’t trust people.�?nThousands of doctors staged marches in London and Glas-gow yesterday to protest at reforms to the system of medical training. They accuse the government of trying to “disempower and degrade�?the profession. _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
| Why did the UK press consider Madeleine McCann's disappearance to be a matter of national security?
"11. Day-to-Day Business. The Secretary had received 98 Enquiries since June. The average of just under than 5 per week was slightly less than the previous period but slightly more when compared with the same period in 2006. He had also sent two general letters of advice to editors, both related to Defence Advisory Notice No 5. Media requests for advice during the period had been focussed on 4 principal areas of defence and security covered by the DA Notice code: UK military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan (including some equipment issues), the Intelligence Agencies (in particular the naming of SIS officers), counter-terrorism, and the Special Forces (SF). Responding to enquires about operational matters had been helped by the nomination of a single point of contact within the Permanent Joint HQ (PJHQ). DA Notice 5 issues had featured prominently during the reporting period, and in particular an apparently concerted campaign to publish names of alleged SIS officers and agents in a range of surrogate media outlets. Media interest in counter-terrorist activities had continued to underpin many of the enquiries made to the Secretary. The UK media remained intensely aware of the immediacy of the terrorist threat, and had acted with very great caution when covering stories in this area. Perhaps most notably, there had been an increase in enquiries about SF stories, mostly concerning personnel rather than operational issues. The Secretary had also provided advice on one book, with another in the pipeline. As normal, he had received a number of enquiries on subjects that lay outside the DA Notice area of oversight, such as the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and cyber attacks on private websites."
Minutes of DA Committee, 8 November 2007 _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
_________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
NHS staff forced to declare 'freebies'; Executive to introduce new Sunday Herald, The, Dec 14, 2003 by Sarah-Kate Templeton ALL NHS employees will be obliged to declare any payments they receive from the pharmaceutical industry as well as shares they hold in drug companies, under tough new rules introduced by the Scottish Executive.
This week the government will ask chief executives of all NHS boards to set up registers of interest, documenting all support doctors, nurses and administration staff accept from big pharmaceutical companies. The register will be open to public scrutiny.
The Executive guidelines state: "NHS Boards and Trusts should establish monitoring arrangements to ensure that employees register any joint working and are held accountable for it. An official register of interests should be established as part of the monitoring arrangements and all clinicians must subscribe to this.
"Local standing orders should specify who is responsible for keeping and monitoring the register."
Other sections state: "In order to demonstrate openness, it is essential that the register should be accessible and made available to the public and to the NHS Board and Trust meetings.
"The onus should be on the individual to declare and record financial or personal interest, eg, all company shares (in both the joint working company and any competitor) or research grants in any organisation with which they have to deal, and be prepared to withdraw from those dealings if required, thereby ensuring that their professional judgement is not influenced by such considerations.
Advertisement "Sponsored attendances at conferences and symposia should be agreed and registered by the employer and a report on the benefits to patient care and/or service provision shared with colleagues."
The lavish hospitality, consultancy and lecturing fees drugs firms offer doctors is well recorded and has been widely criticised for creating a conflict of interest between medics' personal gain and their duty to the NHS and their patients.
According to Dr Peter Wilmshurst, consultant cardiologist at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, consultants can receive between (pounds) 3000 and (pounds) 5000 from the pharmaceutical industry to give lectures.
Dr Margaret Cook, a consultant haematologist at St John's Hospital in Livingston, has been offered freebie trips from pharmaceutical companies to scientific meetings in Texas, Spain and Switzerland but refuses to attend any such exotic trips.
And Dr Malcolm Macleod, a neurology registrar at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, was offered a trip to Copenhagen for an "educational meeting" by a drug company and was told that he would have plenty of time to go shopping.
Many other doctors accept the hospitality without telling anyone, however.
An investigation carried out by the Sunday Herald last year revealed that NHS trusts were failing to keep meaningful registers of interests documenting finance and hospitality staff receive from the pharmaceutical industry.
Until now, none of Scotland's hospital trusts disclosed details of how much their doctors are paid by drug companies. Responding to the Sunday Herald survey, four out of 15 hospital trusts admitted not holding a register of staff interests at all, while two said that expenses paid to doctors for travel and accommodation by pharmaceutical companies are not included on the list.
The lack of openness prompted senior NHS directors to call for robust public registers of interest to be held.
Catriona Renfrew, director of planning and community health with Greater Glasgow NHS said: "We would regard access to this sort of information as legitimate for the public to request."
This has now been accepted by the Executive. The new guidelines were welcomed by doctors who have long called for NHS colleagues to publicly declare any cash they receive from drug companies.
Professor Charles Warlow, a consultant neurologist at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, said: "This action from the Scottish Executive is admirable, provided resources are there to keep these registers up to date.
"I think the registers of interest should state how much employees receive. There is a difference between receiving (pounds) 100 in consultancy fees from a pharmaceutical company and (pounds) 100,000. Interests must be quantified."
Dr Des Spence, a Glasgow GP and spokesman for the No Free Lunch movement in Scotland, which monitors the pharmaceutical industry, has refused offers from pharmaceutical companies of trips to Dublin, Stobo Castle near Peebles, Gleneagles and St Andrews.
He said: "Doctors receive lecturing fees from the pharmaceutical industry and attend lunches. That's fine as long as everyone knows that. I think these registers of interest are moving in the right direction. It is the least we can do given that we are public employees."
Jim Eadie, director of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Scotland, said: "ABPI Scotland's involvement in helping to develop this guidance demonstrates a clear commitment on the part of industry to operate in a responsible, ethical and transparent manner in any joint working arrangements with the NHS, and any declarations of interest are a part of that." _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine. |
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Company Register Information Company Number: SC108534 Date of Incorporation:06/01/1988 Company Name: CASTLE CRAIG HOSPITAL LIMITED Registered Office: 1 RUTLAND COURT EDINBURGH EH3 8EY Company Type: Private Limited Company
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Accounting Reference Date: 30/09
Last Accounts Made Up To: 30/09/2006 (TOTAL EXEMPTION SMALL)
Next Accounts Due: 30/07/2008
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Next Return Due: 03/10/2008
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Last Bulk Shareholders List: Not available
Current Appointments Number of current appointments: 5
Appointed: 01/09/1992
Nationality: BRITISH
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Appointed: 31/03/2000 Date of Birth: *******1940 Nationality: BRITISH
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This Report excludes resignations _________________ Welcome to the3arguidos....Proud to be part of the Forum
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
roisin Dr. Gerry McCann is a member of COMARE. Both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have supported the building of Nuclear Power plants in the UK. They have been met with opposition from Environmentalists and others concerned with the health risks. COMARE claims there are NO GREATER risks of childhood cancers near Nuclear power facilities. That conclusion is the *OPPOSITE* of the conclusion of the German Register of Child Cancer, who were tasked by the German government (German Federal Radiation Protection Agency ) to look into the issue. "COMARE is an independent expert advisory committee with members chosen for their medical and scientific expertise and recruited from Universities, Research and Medical Institutes. Members have never been drawn from the Nuclear or Electrical Power Supply Industries. The Committee offers independent advice to all Government Departments and Devolved Authorities, not just the Health Departments, and is responsible for assessing and advising them on the health effects of natural and man-made radiation. It is also asked to assess the adequacy of the available data and advise on the need for further research. COMARE's terms of reference are "to assess and advise Government and the devolved authorities on the health effects of natural and man-made radiation and to assess the adequacy of the available data and the need for further research"." COMARE REPORT: http://www.comare.org.uk/press.....Report.pdf (Note: pdf file) (excerpts) 7.13 There is no evidence for unusual aggregations of childhood cancer cases in populations living near nuclear power generation plants in Great Britain. There are excesses of cases of some types of childhood cancer in the areas near to the Sellafield, Dounreay, Aldermaston, Burghfield and Harwell nuclear installations (because of their close proximity the latter three installations have been discussed together). However, the results for all these sites were previously known. Furthermore, there is no consistency regarding either the type of nuclear activity at each site, the time span involved, or the nature of the excess cases involved. We recommend reference to our Tenth Report for a detailed examination of this topic. In summary, our analyses demonstrated similar findings to those in previous studies, such as the excess of childhood cancer in the village of Seascale near Sellafield and the excess of childhood leukaemia in the area around Dounreay. However, we have pointed out the anomalies between some of these studies such as the longevity of the excess of both childhood leukaemia and other childhood cancers in Seascale and the possibly transient excess of childhood leukaemia but not other childhood cancers around Dounreay. The known excess around Aldermaston, Burghfield and Harwell has been discussed in terms of the lower doses received by the general public from radioactive discharges from those sites than from the radioactive discharges from the local coal-fired power station at Didcot. These excesses are also discussed in terms of the general incidence of childhood cancer in Berkshire and south Oxfordshire. 7.14 Among nuclear installations other than power generating stations, only one finding differs from previously published results. Although the overall incidence of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in children living within 25 km of Rosyth was close to the expected value (relative risk, RR = 1.03), there was evidence of a trend in risk with distance from the plant. This latter aspect of our findings differs from previously published work using similar but not identical methods. Because of this, it is not possible to conclude that living near the site at Rosyth confers a genuinely higher risk of leukaemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is clearly of importance to establish the reasons for the differences between the two sets of results: therefore the committee has recommended that the research workers concerned undertake a detailed comparison of the data and methodologies used. This process is already under way. ... 7.17 By contrast, the search for increased risk levels near to nuclear power generation sites (by the use of other methods) shows no pattern of excess cases of childhood cancer close to the sites of these types of nuclear installation. Our analyses confirmed the excesses in areas close to the Sellafield, Dounreay, and Aldermaston, Burghfield and Harwell sites, which were already known. There is, therefore, little support for the hypothesis claiming that there is a link to radioactive discharges as a general cause of childhood cancer in Great Britain. It is possible that at least one or two of the three unusual aggregations around nuclear installations could be a result of the more general non-random case distribution we have described. This is less likely with the excess in the village of Seascale near Sellafield due to the prolonged nature of the case occurrence and its range of cancers. At both Sellafield and Dounreay, population mixing has been put forward by some authors as a possible explanation for the cases of childhood leukaemia occurring nearby. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/arti.....04,00.html Nuclear Power | 08.12.2007 Study Finds More Childhood Cancer Near Nuclear Power Plants The study could not explain the increased cancer risk for kids near nuclear power plants Children living near nuclear power stations are more likely to suffer leukemia than those living farther away, a report funded by the German government has found, according to German media. "Our study confirmed that in Germany a connection has been observed between the distance of a domicile to the nearest nuclear power plant ... and the risk of developing cancer, such as leukemia, before the fifth birthday," the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung quoted the report as saying. Government radiation specialists said they could not explain the finding, since there was no direct radiation from the 16 German plants, which are all scheduled for closure in the early 2020s. The study was paid for by the German Federal Radiation Protection Agency [BfS] the government's main adviser on nuclear health. It was conducted by the German Register of Child Cancer, an office in Mainz which is funded by the 16 German states and the federal Health Ministry. The study found that 37 children had come down with leukemia in the period between 1980 and 2003 while having home addresses within 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) of nuclear power plants. The statistical average for Germany would have predicted just 17 cases in that group. Statistically, the 20 extra cases could be associated with living close to the plants, but the BfS said more research was needed to discover if the presence of reactors was actually the cause of the cancers. Doubts over causality remain Gabriel said more studies needed to be done to explain the current findings German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the government radiation safety committee would analyze the findings and called for additional research to explain the increased number of cancer cases. "The population's radiation exposure due to the operation of nuclear power plants in Germany would have to be a least a thousand times higher to be able to explain the observed increase in cancer risk," he said. BfS said current science held that radiation from reactors themselves or their emissions was too weak outside the perimeter to cause cancer, and other conceivable risk factors also could "not explain this distance-related heightening of risk." Germany generates more than 20,000 megawatts of electricity through nuclear power annually, around a quarter of its needs. Despite broad public opposition to the plants, some German officials have suggested giving nuclear power a reprieve in order to reduce climate-damaging emissions from fossil fuels. http://www.ippnw-europe.org/ar.....study.html http://www.ippnw-ulm.de/ http://www.alfred-koerblein.de...../index.htm
Last edited by roisin on Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
madtim Joined: 07 Sep 2007 Posts: 876 Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:25 am Post subject: Dr. Gerry McCann IS a member of COMARE. http://www.comare.org.uk/comare_members.htm The chairman is Professor A Elliott BA PhD DSc of the Western Infirmary Glasgow where Dr McCann studied and is therefore an acquaintance. Professor Elliott is also chairman of the Medical Practices Subcommittee of which Gerry McCann is a member. That suggests to me that Dr McCann may have acess to detailed information concerning the controversial childhood cancer cluster studies whose conclusions sound like a Whitehall cover up. The language is deliberately obscure where there is no need for it to be. *and* Professor Elliott worked at the Western in Glasgow with Dr McCann, they know each other. The Western is the Glasgow University teaching hospital and is adjacent to the medical faculty. I walked past it every day for four years as it happens. I read that Elliott had invited McCann but it's 100% obvious that's what happened without a link. Professor Elliott is overall he chairman of COMARE and also Medical practices Sub Committee. of COMARE. He is an acquaintance of Dr McCann. From another thread: IamSpartacus Joined: 18 Sep 2007 Posts: 1223 Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:46 pm Post subject: Comare also reported to the government that the 'clusters' of childhood cancers around nuclear power stations was 'coincidental' .... something that has been contested by experts ... and parents, for years.
lynnkx COMARE is not as important as it seemed - and the sub-committee that GM sat on was even less important...
It seemed to be more geared to looking after commercial interests rather than Govt. or even public....
'Nuclear' is a word that is used in medicine a lot...Radiation comes out of mobile phone masts - sunbeds - and is in medical equipment...It is also present as background radiation too - which was also studied by the study group...[forgot name may be] Radon is a background radiation that occurs naturally and is more concentrated in certain rocks - therefore it is found in higher concentrations in some AREAS than others....
This is the sort of thing that COMARE studied - not Nuclear Power GENERATION - this is important!
However - somebody from the HFMF sent an email to the Home Office last week - asking why Jaqui Smith had held up the rogatory letters... and pointing the UK Government right at the thread on the Maddie forum that accused Gordon Brown of being involved
This really bothered me at the time - because everybody can see how paranoid the bloke is- he is absolutely pathetic as a PM
It was obvious that the Home Office would have a blue fit when it saw the POSSIBLE UNREST AND INSURGENCY created by the speculation surrounding this conspiracy theory...
Just imagine how the PM felt - seeing that thread - with all of the wild speculation in it - and the local elections just weeks away - and labour trailing in the polls
If it was the McCrimms Legal team that got the forum pulled - there would be no other forums available on the internet - not even here would be allowed
So -logically and EXTREMELY IRONICALLY INDEED - the conspiracy theory involving GM was almost defintely without any substance - but the speculation scared a weak PM into crushing freedom of speech in a democratic society....
Ironically - this is much more damaging to the PM now it has been removed than it would have been to leave the forum up - imho anyway  "PETER McCANN, CASTLE CRAIG, HOLLAND, GERRY -Castle Craig has a branch in Holland. Gerry worked in Holland."
He also owns Castle Craigs,a private hospital with park in Scotland,(partially)funded by the NHS !!!!--as you have found out,Bjr,wow thanx I didn't know this!!!
Isn't it him who has a property in Huelva too?
(HELP required: someone had created a topic "Jon CORNER had his filming-crew based in Huelva",with all those details.ONE (of) Gerry's brother(s) OWNS a property in HUELVA!!! Can someone confirm/add to the details of this please?)
The COMARE details are fascinating.Some ppl like the pro-MCs think it's (OF COURSE!!!)" all Innocent ":~~flower emoticon~~:
I don't think so.Gerry is too close to the government to just have worked on 'safety and radioactivity of medical equipment',as it's been claimed.
Is that why the government can't afford Mr Gerry to go to a foreign prison? Do they fear he could be given a DEAL to reveal a bit of what he knows in that realm???  _________________ Vengeance for Maddy  Mag roisin Looking over the COMARE website again, I came across the Record Of Interests chart. http://www.comare.org.uk/comare_members.htm"Record Of Interests "During all discussions individuals are required to declare potential conflicts of interest and in such cases can be disqualified from further discussion at the Chairman's discretion. These declarations are supplementary to interests declared on appointment to the Committee and annually thereafter. A record is kept in the Department of Health of the names of members who have declared interests to the Department on appointment, as the interest first arises or through an annual declaration, and the nature of the interest. Information from the record will be made available by the Secretariat to bona-fide enquirers and published by any other means as and where the Department deems appropriate." I noticed that only Professor Ian Stratford is shown to have "personal interests" as follows: Prof I Stratford 1. Oxford Biomedica 2. Astrazeneca 3. UCB/Celltech I googled a tad bit about him and found this: http://www.pharmacy.manchester.ac.uk/staff/stratford Memberships of Committees and Professional Bodies Council Member, International Association for Radiation Research Scientific Advisory Committee, Association for International Cancer Research Board of Commissioners European Human Frozen Tumour Tissue Bank Project Commonwealth Scholarship Commission - Panel of Advisers Committee of Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE), Department of Health Biography Ian obtained a B.Sc in Chemistry from the University of Exeter and subsequently a PhD in Radiation Biology from Manchester University where he is now Professor of Pharmacy, Dean for Research and Head of the Experimental Oncology group. Ian has succeeded in securing continuous programme grant support from the Medical Research Council 1981. The current quinquenial grant is £1.2M (2006-2010). In addition, Ian has substantive funding from the EU, the cancer charities and industry. He leads a team of 20 post-graduates, technicians and research fellows and was recently awarded honorary membership of the Royal College of Radiobiology.
roisin British Energy is hot nuclear plant favourite Nick Fletcher The Guardian, Tuesday January 8 2008 This article appeared in the Guardian on Tuesday January 08 2008 on p26 of the Financial section. It was last updated at 23:48 on January 07 2008. British Energy beat the market's blues yesterday, climbing 32.5p to 571p on rising power prices and hopes the government would give the go-ahead to new nuclear power stations. An announcement is expected this week and analysts at Cazenove believe it is likely plants will be built on the company's sites. Caz raised its target price from 660p to 730p yesterday, based on higher long-term electricity prices and a 114p-a-share valuation for new plants. "British Energy is the clearest value opportunity in the European utilities sector," said the broker, which pointed out there should be a strong news flow from the company over the next few weeks. Apart from the expected new plants, it is due to update the market this month on when its Hartlepool and Heysham 1 advanced gas reactors (AGRs) will reopen. In February it should announce its third-quarter results and the amount of its additional dividend. "The decoupling of the company's share price performance from the wholesale electricity price has been due to uncertainty around the near term output from Hartlepool and Heysham," Caz said. "In our view, the market is factoring in such a pessimistic scenario for the AGRs that any positive news flow could see the shares materially re-rate." http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/jan/08/marketforces |
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