There is always a lot of paranoia when it comes to internet abuse.
Many people don't realise many personal details are usually accessible by anyone...Each time you access a website or leaving an email addy you are leaving a trail.
If a 'hacker' wants to access you they are going to do it without telling you.
You won't necessarily know them either.
You can have all the firewalls and antivirus but they can still access your computer by other means. (I believe they are called back door trojans)
They can insert a trojan on to your computer which will not only give them access to everything but they can also 'take over' and control your PC.
If you have a webcam, turn it to the wall even if turned off....One Subseven trojan (which I have experienced) means that the person at the other end can literally see through your webcam when you think it is off...
They use your phone # to dial 1-900 porno sites and you are responsible to pay the charges (here in Canada at least) (Dialer trojans)
I can give you many more examples and they are all very common...if you dont do a few antivirus checks frequently you could have many trojans on your pc right now...
In my opinion we get paranoid about the internet...
Its common to be wary of 'people' on the internet knowing your address and yet how often do you, maybe, sit and chat to someone in a restaurant?...They can follow you home and yet its perceived as less of a threat!...
As far as the police are concerned (for now anyway) harassment and 'internet threats' are not something they take time to deal with.
If a certain amount of money is involved or there is (a real) threat of bodily harm or if there is accessing of your computer or accounts then they will if they DO dare to do anything they will be the loser.
Everyones ISP is able to access your activity at a certain date and time so if you believe someone IS a real threat or have accessed or contacted you then those details can be confirmed by their ISP...which is why date and time is important to note.
Once the abuse is established, they are terminated from their internet connection by their ISP
I know for a fact, that MSN can check your hotmail account to see if someone else has accessed it though they hesitate to openly acknowledge...but they let you know... :wink:
Banks need more than just your password to access your account usually...if you ever use passwords NEVER use dogs, cats name etc...Mother's maiden name is common...but sometimes easy for someone to discover and try.
Use passwords that contain numbers and figures as these are very hard to crack.
Maybe a name you choose with a number thats familiar at every second letter eg...(its important that YOU remember the password!)
Should someone get access to your email address and contact you. they are giving you THEIR details in the headers.
If they use a proxy (which is like an anonymous IP addy) the anonimity is overridden if there is abuse and the 'provider' of the proxy IP will give the police the details.
I'm not saying you shouldn't worry if someone has your personal details, but I am saying do everything you can to know where the REAL threats are and deal with them by using antivirus and firewalls and if someone is really out to get you and crosses that 'line' then the police can be called in.
You would be surprised how willing NSY and FBI are to help if there is real abuse....I was helping someone in the states who's email account was accessed...Just a regular hotmail account and although the criteria was too small for them to deal with they gave me the details of the 'crime'..and the paragraph #...and offered their 'assistance'.
In the States it is a FELONY to access someone elses email account.
Most 'hackers' know this and dont waste time with anyone thats not worth it...but they can make life on the internet very awkward by attaching trojans and worms and causing your PC to crash...
Many people know your home address and passwords...Ever had an email reminding you of what your password is?
My advice...Do what you can to protect yourself. but try not to let it cause unnecessary concern unless its a real threat...
Then you have the law on your side...
Remember....3A's are the least of your worries....You will have 4,000 other members giving you all the support you need... :wink: