well, i know it's been pretty quiet around here lately, and i'd
like to let you know that there have been a few changes in the group lately. first, all the recipes have been moved to their own board, so check there frequently to see what new ones have been added. if any of you would like there to be a post to let you know which recipes are newly added that day, we can do that too...just let us know.
also, we have new what's new, welcome and rules pages, with
a halloween theme! the challenges are all on their own board now too, and i will try to change them up weekly.
second, you may notice that we are down a few members.
during the group sweep we lost a few and we also lost
some due to some things that were being said that were starting
some drama. i hope that you will all start coming back to the
group and help get it rolling and fun again!
if you would like to see something added please feel free to drop a note in the manager's box and we will try to get it added.
if you can help by getting us some more members, i think that will help get our group going too. you can tell/invite your friends!
thanks for listening,
please start a list of replies here of things that you enjoy doing
at a group. i will do my best to find them, or if you already, have something in mind...email me with it thru the managers office, and if we set it up, you will get credit for it, or maybe even have it be something that you keep going.