The easy-to-find ingredients for this wonderful bathing mixture help to relieve soreness and aching joints and muscles. Soothing and relaxing, Healing Salt Crystals draw out impurities from your body and deodorize, too!
With many of the healing properties of a seaside spa, this formula is perfect for the day after a strenuous workout, or for any time you need a little healing time-out. If you can’t get away to the beach, you can at least relax in a tub with these lovely crystals.
1 cup borax
2 cups Epsom salts
½ cup coarse sea salt
¼ cup baking soda
¼ cup white clay
½ cup dried lavender
10 drops lavender essential oil
1. In a large bowl, mix together the borax, salts, baking soda, and clay, then mix in the dried lavender, stirring with a wire whisk.
2. Scent the mixture with the oil, mixing well with the whisk. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave overnight to fix the scent.
3. In the morning, thoroughly mix again and package in jars, zip-seal or muslin bags, or envelopes.
To Use: Add ¼ to ½ cup healing salt crystals to a tubful of warm water.