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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESP  (Original Message)Sent: 3/22/2005 3:22 PM
BWV  Preludes  Fugues  BWV  Preludes  Fugues 
870  Prelude #1 Fugue #1 882  Prelude #13  Fugue #13 
871  Prelude #2  Fugue #2  883  Prelude #14  Fugue #14 
872  Prelude #3  Fugue #3  884  Prelude #15  Fugue #15 
873  Prelude #4  Fugue #4  885  Prelude #16  Fugue #16 
874  Prelude #5  Fugue #5  886  Prelude #17  Fugue #17 
875  Prelude #6  Fugue #6  887  Prelude #18  Fugue #18 
876  Prelude #7  Fugue #7  888  Prelude #19  Fugue #19 
877  Prelude #8  Fugue #8  889  Prelude #20  Fugue #20 
878  Prelude #9  Fugue #9  890  Prelude #21  Fugue #21 
879  Prelude #10  Fugue #10  891  Prelude #22  Fugue #22 
880  Prelude #11  Fugue #11  892  Prelude #23  Fugue #23 
881  Prelude #12  Fugue #12  893  Prelude #24  Fugue #24 

R-PF01.MID  Prelude and Fugue in C BWV 846
R-PF02.MID  Prelude and Fugue in cm BWV 847

R-PF03.MID  Prelude and Fugue in C# BWV 848
R-PF04.MID  Prelude and Fugue in c#m BWV 849
R-PF05.MID  Prelude and Fugue in D BWV 850
R-PF06.MID  Prelude and Fugue in dm BWV 851
R-PF07.MID  Prelude and Fugue in Eb BWV 852
R-PF08.MID  Prelude and Fugue in d#m BWV 853
R-PF09.MID  Prelude and Fugue in E BWV 854
R-PF10.MID  Prelude and Fugue in em BWV 855
R-PF11.MID  Prelude and Fugue in F BWV 856
R-PF12.MID  Prelude and Fugue in fm BWV 857
R-PF13.MID  Prelude and Fugue in F# BWV 858
R-PF14.MID  Prelude and Fugue in f#m BWV 859
R-PF15.MID  Prelude and Fugue in G BWV 860
R-PF16.MID  Prelude and Fugue in gm BWV 861
R-PF17.MID  Prelude and Fugue in Ab BWV 862
R-PF18.MID  Prelude and Fugue in g#m BWV 863
R-PF19.MID  Prelude and Fugue in A BWV 864
R-PF20.MID  Prelude and Fugue in am BWV 865
R-PF21.MID  Prelude and Fugue in Bb BWV 866
R-PF22.MID  Prelude and Fugue in bbm BWV 867
R-PF23.MID  Prelude and Fugue in B BWV 868
R-PF24.MID  Prelude and Fugue in bm BWV 869

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Recomendar Eliminar    Mensaje 2 de 2 en la discusión 
De: <NOBR>Alias de MSNJJCESP</NOBR> Enviado: 05/10/2004 9:07
R-PFII01.MID  Prelude and Fugue in C BWV 870
R-PFII02.MID  Prelude and Fugue in cm BWV 871
R-PFII03.MID  Prelude and Fugue in C# BWV 872
R-PFII04.MID  Prelude and Fugue in c#m BWV 873
R-PFII05.MID  Prelude and Fugue in D BWV 874
R-PFII06.MID  Prelude and Fugue in dm BWV 875
R-PFII07.MID  Prelude and Fugue in Eb BWV 876
R-PFII08.MID  Prelude and Fugue in d#m BWV 877
R-PFII09.MID  Prelude and Fugue in E BWV 878
R-PFII10.MID  Prelude and Fugue in em BWV 879
R-PFII11.MID  Prelude and Fugue in F BWV 880
R-PFII12.MID  Prelude and Fugue in fm BWV 881
R-PFII13.MID  Prelude and Fugue in F# BWV 882
R-PFII14.MID  Prelude and Fugue in f#m BWV 883
R-PFII15.MID  Prelude and Fugue in G BWV 884
R-PFII16.MID  Prelude and Fugue in gm BWV 885

R-PFII17.MID  Prelude and Fugue in Ab BWV 886
R-PFII18.MID  Prelude and Fugue in g#m BWV 887
R-PFII19.MID  Prelude and Fugue in A BWV 888
R-PFII20.MID  Prelude and Fugue in am BWV 889
R-PFII21.MID  Prelude and Fugue in Bb BWV 890
R-PFII22.MID  Prelude and Fugue in bbm BWV 891
R-PFII23.MID  Prelude and Fugue in B BWV 892
R-PFII24.MID  Prelude and Fugue in bm BWV 893

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 7/4/2008 2:15 AM