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The MSN Groups service will close in February 2009. You can move your group to Multiply, MSN’s partner for online groups. Learn More
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESP  (Original Message)Sent: 11/17/2008 8:26 AM


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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 11/17/2008 8:30 AM

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 11/17/2008 8:31 AM

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
Sent: 11/17/2008 9:03 AM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
Sent: 11/18/2008 12:39 AM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
Sent: 11/18/2008 12:54 AM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 11/23/2008 11:11 PM
 don't trust MSN anymore.....after all the drama of shutting down my group several time without warning due to some false-cheating-the-activity-meter, glitches on the forum and picture albums, poor customer service (took me a week to get a reply back while my members were in a panic and another week to get my group back), and finally shutting down the MSN groups?
And Multiply?!  What was MSN smoking when they were telling people to move to Multiply??  Multiply is more of a blog form, rather than a group.
Group = A big forum with multiple people talking to each other
Blog = Entries that people can only comment on them
Group does  not equal to Blog.
Well, good riddance!  We found a site(groupbox) that is 99% sure we are gonna move there.  They have such a good customer service (my members had been talking to them) and they already had done so many changes that we suggested and we are loving it!!

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 11/26/2008 8:12 PM
<NOBR>Nov 26, '08 2:00 PM</NOBR>
by Rui for everyone

Para este Simpatico grupo

Boa Noite
A visão do apaixonado é sempre otimista,
tudo alegra com seu coração, tudo releva,
o que é ruim despreza, o que é bom duplica,
se amas, ama tão somente aquilo que lhe parece verdade.

Aquele que vive um grande amor,
transborda em elogios, a face fica rosada,
a cabeça fica oscilando,
ora entre as nuvens,
ora entre os humores do mundo,
se amas, ama tão somente e
faça da pessoa amada um semi-deus.
Um Amigo
Rui Silva

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 12/1/2008 1:03 PM

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJJCESPSent: 12/1/2008 3:55 PM

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