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Jokes : Gift to Dad (compliments of Good Clean funnies)
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From: MSN Nickname♦♦MzDiamond_Doll♦♦  (Original Message)Sent: 6/14/2008 2:31 AM
A lumberjack had raised his only son and had managed to
finance the young man's college education by the only way he
knew how -- cutting down trees, by hand.
The young man had helped his father cut down some of those
trees. He knew how hard his father had to work to put him
through college.
When the son started college, he promised himself that the
first thing he would do was to buy his father a present that
would make the old man's life easier. The son saved and
scrimped and finally had enough money to purchase the finest
chainsaw in the world.
On a school vacation, the son asked his dad how many trees
could he cut down in one day. The father, a large husky man,
thought and said on a good day he was able to bring down 20
trees. The son gave his father the brand-new chainsaw and
said from now on he would be able to triple the amount and
work only half as hard.
The old man was very pleased and said he had the best son in
the world. The young man left for school the next morning
and wasn't able to return until the next school break, three
months later.
When he arrived, he immediately noticed that his dad
appeared run down. He asked if his father was feeling all
right. The old man replied that cutting trees was getting
harder and harder and now with the new chainsaw he was
working longer hours but not cutting as many trees as
The son knew there was something wrong and thought perhaps
the saw he purchased wasn't as good as advertised. He asked
to check it out. Upon examining it, he checked the oiler and
it was full. He checked the gas and it too was full. He
yanked on the cord and immediately it roared to life.
His father grabbed him by the shirt and hollered, "WHAT'S
Received from Thomas Ellsworth.

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