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All Message Boards : Truckin’ for Kids Truck Drags set next weekend in California
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From: MSN Nickname♦Mz_ReBeL_gUrL_♦  (Original Message)Sent: 9/21/2008 10:50 PM
Truckin’ for Kids Truck Drags set next weekend in California > </SCRIPT>

The 28th Annual Truckin’ for Kids Truck Drags and Show & Shine will be Sept. 27-28 at the Irwindale Speedway in Irwindale, CA.

Registration begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 27, in the parking lot at the AAA Dragway at the Toyota Irwindale Speedway. More than 250 trucks from the U.S., Canada and Mexico – including owner-operators and small fleets – and a crowd of at least 5,000 are anticipated.

Kicking things off Saturday night will be a light show at dark to pick winners in three categories. Drag racing events start up at 6 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 28, with setup. Judging for the Show & Shine begins at 8 a.m. with 192 trophies to be given out by the end of the day.

A Truck Rodeo is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. with skill competitions in semi flatbed backing, including van, doubles, truck and pup, truck and trailer, and transfer dump.

Truck drags will start at noon Sunday and continue with nonstop action. There will be entrants with everything from transit mixers to 12-second semis.

Truck registration is $50 for one contest, and additional races cost $10 each. General admission is $15 per person. Children 12 and younger are free.

The show will conclude with trophy presentations at about 4:30 p.m.

Truckin’ For Kids originally started with The World’s Greatest Working Truck Show in Anaheim and Pomona, CA, and proceeded to go out on its own with its own name and identity in the early 1990s.

The chief beneficiary for many years was The Crippled Children’s Society of Southern California. The proceeds went to camper programs for children and adults at two camps, one at Crestline and the other at Malibu, CA.

Other groups that have benefited from the charity event include the Society for Disabled Children; Camp Blue Jay in the Tehachapi, CA, area; and the Children’s Center in Lancaster, CA. Also, Truckin’ for Kids has contributed to scholarship programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, youth ball teams, school projects for special needs children, and as many other requests as the group can accommodate.

Truckin’ for Kids looks for organizations that have needs for children and will make grants with the request that all money go to those specific needs and not to administrative costs.

Most members of Truckin’ for Kids have been together for around 20 years as a team and are dedicated volunteers who take pride in what they do, and do it very well.

This year the primary beneficiary will be the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International, Colton Chapter.

For more information on the nonprofit organization Truckin’ For Kids, or the show, visit

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