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 Message 1 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♦♦MzDiamond_Doll♦♦  (Original Message)Sent: 3/14/2008 2:06 PM
Okay here's the question.
I have a chat room set up for our group.
What day and time would be good to
schedule a chat session. I 'd love for
all of us to be able to get into chat and
just a splendid time chatting away instead
of doing it here on the boards so much.
So please give it some thought and reply
to this post. Once we have everyone's
vote then Melisa and I can decide on
the actual date and time.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Susan & Melisa

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 Message 2 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXxDaffneyxXSent: 3/14/2008 4:49 PM
Its really hard for me go give a time --I work either 9am to 4pm or 2pm to 10pm --never know which until the schedules made out ---have no set days off either
I would love to be able to meet in a chat room with everyone --hopefully what ever you decide I can get in there at some point --
sorry not much help

 Message 3 of 11 in Discussion 
From: ladykcSent: 3/14/2008 5:35 PM
Wed and Sunday nights are out for me, as I have conference training calls I have to be on, with my job.   Fridays are out, as that's when I have to go into town, do errands and cash comcheck.  Mondays are generally my grocery days, so I'm gone all day.
Open:  Monday nights, all day/night Tues & Thur, all day Saturdays.

 Message 4 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♦♦MzDiamond_Doll♦♦Sent: 7/22/2008 3:50 PM
Bumping up for all to see

 Message 5 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♦♦MzDiamond_Doll♦♦Sent: 8/13/2008 4:48 PM
Come on Members we need to set up atleast one day for chat what do would work for all of you.
I need some input. This is our group not just mine and Melisa's.

 Message 6 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBILSGRL18Sent: 8/13/2008 5:48 PM
i get on while i'm at work, home life is way to busy to get on the computer, my 13 and 8 yr old girls keep me busy busy busy so during the day mon- fri is best for me

 Message 7 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXxDaffneyxXSent: 8/14/2008 7:39 PM
Not working now --so just about any time will work for me --give me a day/time and i'll do my best to be there

 Message 8 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametxhoney0Sent: 8/17/2008 2:13 PM
Just let me know when and where an i will put  a sticky note on the computer screen lol..  Can't live with out those sticky notes.  a left over from college where I got the nick name,  queen of the sticky notes.
later girls

 Message 9 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePrancingSandySent: 8/28/2008 7:10 PM
Sounds good, but here lately I have been traveling with hubby, that's one of the reason I haven't been in here. Also been spending time with a long lost girlfriend I went all through school wit, we have been to Texas and few other places. Happy a blast though.
Love ya all. Hugs Sandy

 Message 10 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameevelyn_jo02Sent: 8/28/2008 7:13 PM
anytime is good for me

 Message 11 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametinkerbellbabygirl43Sent: 9/24/2008 2:40 AM
any time is good for me i am usally on int the evenings

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