I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and I hate going when he is not home. I am not suppost to be driving so I am taking his mom with me but the doctor does not know she does not drive he thinks that she is driving me there. It is times like this and also on my bad days and nights when I wish he was home doing a local job. but I know this is what he loves to do and would not ask him to stop it because he was driving when I meet him. and that just would not be right for me to ask him to do that. he has been looking for a local job but has not had any luck the ones he has found are a major pay cut and we cant affourd that with my health the way it is. so he is going back to a company he used to work for that has promised him more miles and promised that they would get him home if and when I have surgery we already know that I am going to have to have atleast one surgery and we will find out exactly when on the 22nd which my mom is going to be driving me to that appointment because we live in Tulsa and the doctor for that appointment is in OKC which is about a three hour drive or so depending on trafic. He will be in the area on friday delivering a load but not sure if he will get to come home then or what they are going to have him do. i know he will be home on sunday at the latest because that is his last day with this company then he is going to be home untill the 7th when he goes to kansas fot his oriantation with the new company. huuuuu.... I am so tired of fighting the headaches everyday just to be able to get out of bed and do my school work and help his mom out with things she needs. that is another thing we are living with his mom which i really dont mind at times but at other times I wish we had our own place like on days where i just want to stay in bed and pray that the headache will go away i cant i have to get up and make sure she is ok because she is deaf and i have to help here by taking her places or calling people to take care of things i really dont mind doing it if i could just do it on days where i feel better then on my good days when i am working on my school work she will come in here and just sit and watch me which is a little never racking . to have someone looking over your shoulder all the time.... ohhhh my good nesss i fell like i have no time for just me because at any min she could pop in the room. and our room does not have a door which is a little crazy but that is how this house was made which it is the only room at the end of the hall and you have to turn the corner to get in it but still sometimes i just wish i could lock myself in the room and sleep. anyway i think i am done for now. thanks for being there .... hope everyone is having a great day. we are half way there to the weekend.