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KSCWE Interviews : Kaylee Walker
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/28/2005 7:49 PM
KSCWE Interviews
Kaylee Walker
KSCWE: First off Kaylee, Congratulations on your recent engagment to Kurt Angle. Now the first question is what are your feelings on your brother Matt being against you and Kurt?
Kaylee Walker: My brother, Matt, is a control freak! He has always been like that since we have been little. If you didn't do what he said you were on his bad side and that wasn't good. However, I have always been the black sheep and have rebelled against him. Since I have joined KSCWE it has been a hell of a lot easier to ignore him and do my own thing.
KSCWE: Now Kaylee everyone knows your family's legacy as being well streakers so at your wedding can we expect to see any streaking?
Kaylee Walker: Are you kidding me? Why would I streak at my own wedding? A wedding is suppose to be a nice ceremony which recongizes Kurt's and mine the reception is another story.
KSCWE: Now getting back to your family, Chris and Scott have already stated they don't like Kurt Angle that much but are going to support the wedding since it makes you happy, what about the Walker Family, what is there stance on the situation?
Kaylee Walker: As far as Matt goes, we all know he is completely against Kurt and I getting married. The rest of my brothers and sisters are completely supportive of my happiness. Matt just can't stand to see me being happy. Kurt makes me happy, thus Matt hates him.
KSCWE: Now one final question, Your family's legacy is known for streaking but also in the ring as Matt, Chris, and Scott are all former World Champions and Jason Walker is viewed as a Future World Champion and you yourself have won the Royal Rumble which also seems to be something Walker's are good at, Will you step into the ring again and attempt to become a Women's Champion?
Kaylee Walker: Right now, I have a wedding to plan. As far as being Women's Champion there may come a day I am wearing that belt. But for right now I am happy to be marrying Kurt Angle, the love of my life.
KSCWE: Thanks You Kaylee for your time and congratulations once again on the engagement

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