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ECW : Fury 12/3/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 7:03 AM

Fury Results - December 3, 2003

The Pyros go off as the Fury Theme plays and ECW Fury opens:::

Cole - Ladies and gentelmen welcome to another exciting edition of ECW Fury!!!

Tazz - Yeah folks welcome.....we are gonna kick off the night with Austi's lottery match and the three competitors are already in the ring waiting to see what match Austin draws for them to partake in!!!

:::Stone colds music hits and he makes his way to the ring with the slip of paper drawn for the lottery:::

Stone Cold - In my hand I have the name of the match that Christian, Brock Lesnar and Zale Chan will be in and it just so happens that the match is......The Prison Yrad match...So lower tha damn prison yard and lets get this show on the road!!!!

:::The cage begins to lower:::

Cole - Look at the Stone Cold Prison Yard!!!!!! 

Tazz - Cole the tops is wrapped in barbed wire.....along with the cage door!!! THis is gonna be worth wild!!!!

Prison Yard Match
Christian vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Zale Chan
Christian and Chan immediatley double team Lenar when the cage door is lowered. Christian picsk up Lesanr and he and Chan hits a double suplex. Chan is celebrating the suplex when Christian tosses Chan into the cage wall. Christian begins to stomp away on Chan. Lesnar comes to his feet and clotheslines Christian from behind. Lesnar makes his way over to Chan and picks him up and hits a torture rack backbreaker combo then slams Chan head first into the barbwire door busting Chan open. Lesnar makes his way back over to Christian and Christian gets in a low blow. Christian catches Lesnar in the chin with a dropkick and Lesnar goes down and christian goes for the pin...1....2...kickout by Lesnar. Christian gets in the ref's face and Chan rolls him up...1...kickout by Christian. Chan picks up Christian and give him a rake to the eyes followed by a DDT. Christian makes his way for the door and the ref opens it. but Chan reverse DDT's Christian and the ref closes the door. Chan then makes his way up the side of the cage and tries to get over the top and slips. Christain and Lesnar are both getting to there feet when Chan slips and Lesnar hits a hellacious clothesline on Christian. Lesnar then goes to the cage door and the ref opens it.....lenar gets one foot out then stops and ges back in the ring and heads towards Chan. Lesnar picks up Chan and hits the F5. Christian sneaks up from behind and hits another low blow to Lesnar followed by the unprettier. Christian thencrawls to the door and makes his way out of the cage.
Winner: Christian

Tony - And here is your winner.....Christian!!!!!!

Cole - What a bout to start off Fury.......The First Ever prison yard match!!!

Tazz - These three men gave it there all but in the end Christian  came out to be the Prison Yard King.


Stone Cold - Durring the Prision yard match I chose the next Match type for the next match....And the match that ShayDawg and Rex will be competing in is......
Lumberjack's From Hell Match!!!!

::End of footage::

Cole - Lumber Jack From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should be exciting!!!

Tazz - yeah this one is sure to be a rocket buster Cole and here come the lumberjacks down to ringside!!!

Cole - Look at them...on guy has a baseball has a fire estinguisher and one even has a Cole Miner's Glove!!!!

Tony - (Shay's Music hits, crowd cheers) the following contest is a LumberJacks from Hell match scheduled for one fall.....making her way to the ring first.....ShayDawg!!!!! (Rexo's music hits, crowd is mixed)....and her opponent...on the way to the ring.....Rex!!!!

LumberJack's From Hell Match
ShayDawg vs. Rex
Rex and Shay start the match off High paced. Shay ducks from a crossbody and walks right into a Dropkick by Rex. Rex throws Shay outside the ring and the LumberJack's go to work on her. Shay takes a couple of hits from a baseball bat to the gut and gets thrown back into the ring. Rex nails Shay with a leddrop from the top rose right to shay's nexk and goes for the pin...1...2..kickout by Shay. Rex picks shay up and hits a snap suplex followed by a standing moonsault but Shay gets her knees up. Shay then begins to stomp at Rex and goes up top. Shay goes for the DawgPile but Rex Rolls out of the way and accidently rolls outside. Rex is then the victim of a shot to the head with a steep chair as he gets to his feet. One of the lumberjacks throw Rex back into the ring. Shay picks up Rex and sends him into the ropes and catches him with a powerslam. Shay then drag Rex near the corner and and hits a springboard moonsault. Shay goes for the cover...1...2...Rex gets his foot on the botom rope. Shay begins to pull her hair and starts screaming at the ref to count faster next time and Rex comes up from behind her and tosses her out of the ring. The lumberjacks go to work as as Rex looks over the rope taunting her when JT come from the crowd and into the ring and nails Rex with the DoomsDay KnockOut. The ref doesnt see it and JT gets back out of the ring. Shay gets thrown in and crawls over to get the pin on Rex.
Winner : ShayDawg

Tony - And here is your winner.....SHAYDAWG!!!!!

Cole - That Damn JT thinks that just because he is the Xtreme Champion he can do whatever he wants.

Tazz - Well he cant do whatever he wants but he wants to make sure that come Starcade he keeps that little title of his!!!

Cole - Well it's about time for a commercial break but when we come back it's gonna be Chris Corrpution vs. Kane in another one of Austin's Lottery Matches so stick around we'll be right back!!!!

Wal-Mart Holiday Special, Raw 2, Old Navy with Lil' Kim

After The Break:

:::End of Commercial Break:::

Tony-(Austin's Music hits, fans are mixed)
Ladies and gentelmen please welcome on his way to the ring...Vince Russo

Cole- Looks Like stone cold is gonna do the pleasure of coming to the ring and tell the two men to their faces what match they will be in.

Tazz- With the short tempers of those two men....there's no telling how they will react to the news..

Stone Cold - Kane....Chris two men are two of the biggest ECW has to offer so I thought I'd put you two men to the test and I handpicked your as you can see the handymen are placing four poles one in each corner along with a weapon on each...So the match you two will be in is the 4-Corner Item on a pole Match!!!

::: Stone Cold leaves the ring:::

Tony - (Kane's Music hits).....
.....The following contest is a 4-Corner item on a pole match scheduled for one fall.....making his way to the ring first....KANE!!!!! (Corruption's music hits)
......and his opponent representing NEN....Chris Corruption!!!!

Cole - The Four Corners include a Tazer.....a stun gun.....a barbed wire bat and a coal miner's glove!!!!

Tazz - Cole...if either of these men get their hands on that coal miner's glove that will be all she wrote because one hit from that baby, and it's lights out!!!!

4-Corner Item On A Pole Match
Chris Corruption vs. Kane
Chris gets in Kanes face and stares him down and delivers a hard right hand to Kane. Kane looks at Chris as if he were crazy and gets another hard right hand. Kane shakes tha one off and delivers a right hand of his own. Kane then grabs Chris by the throat and lifts him up and tosses him back down. Kane goes up to the pole with the tazer and Right behind him Chris nails a jumping karate kick to Kane's kidnaey and Kane falls outside the ring. Chris goes to follow Kane out the ring and is dragged out by Kane. Kane military presses Chris and throw him onto the announcers table. Kane slides back in the ring and goes up pole with the Stun Gun and grabs it. Kane goes back out the ring to Chris and Chris kicks the stun gun out of Kane's hands and smashes kane's head on the steel steps. Chris goes and grabs the gun and fires it at Kane and Kane doest budge. Chris is shocked that the gun has no effect on Kane and chris goes back in the ring for another weapon. Chris grab the Barbwire bat and heads towards Kane. Chris swings and Kanes Ducks. Chris swings again and Kane catches the bat. Kane then smashes Chris across the head with it then throw Chris back in te ring and goes for the pin...1.....2.....kickout by Chris. Kane grabs the bat and goes up top and as Chris gets up Kane Clothesline's Chris back down with the bat. Kane picks Chris up and snakes eyes Chris on a turnbuckle and the pole wiggles and the Coal Miner's Glove falls into the ring. Kane picks up Chris for a tombstone and notices the Glove in the ring. Kane drops Chris and brings the glove to the middle of the ring. Kane picks up Chris again for the tombstone and nails it right on top of the coal miner's glove and gets the pin 1....2.....3
Winner: Kane

Tony - And here is your winner.....Kane!!!!!

Cole - Oh My God Tazz.....Chris Corrution has just been tombstoned on top of the coal miner's glove!!!!!

Tazz - What a Big win for Kane heading into Starrcade!!!.

 Cole - Well it's time for the main event but we have to take one final commercial break.

Tazz - We may have to take a break but you can garuntee folks that if you dont stick around for the following match, you're gonna miss one hell of a fight!!!!

Cole - Well he'not gonna have too much longer to think because his match is comming up right after our final commercial break!!


::End Commercials:::
Cole - Boy oh boy we are back and all set for the main event!!!

Tazz - I have a feeling that this main event will showcase what ECW is all about!!! because durring the break Austin announced that the next match will be  Terror Cage Cgae with a few addded things to it from it's last ECW appearance.

Tony-(End of Everything hits, fans cheer) The following contest is a Terror Cage match schduled for on fall......introducing first, on his way to the ring, RAVEN!!!!!! (JT's music hits, crowd is mixed)....and his opponet on his way to the ring......JT Mystikal!!!!!!!!

Terror Cage Match
Raven vs. JT Mystikal
The two men begin a brawl right as the bell rings. The ref seprates the two and Rvaen jumps over the ref and begins to attack JT again. JT gets in a low blow while the ref is holding Raven back and then hits a spinng heel kick to Raven. JT picks up raven and gives him a few rights hands then Alleyoops him into the cage wall. Raven is standing between the ropes and the cage wall when JT shoulder thrust Raven. JT goes and bounces off the opposite rope and Crossbodies Raven. Rvaen falls and rolls into the ring and JT picks him up. Raven gets up and stumbles right into a neckbreaker...JT goes for the pin....1....2...kicjout by Raven. JT begins climbing the cage wall and pulls down a rope releasing a Singapore cane into the ring. JT gabrs it and smacks Raven across the head with it. raven Falls to his knees an JT hits him again this time across his back. Raven is down on the mat and JT goes for another rope that releases a Trash can full of items in the ring. JT dumps the items out and uses the trash can and charges Raven as he stands up and Raven nails a drop toe hold sending the trash can into JT face. JT begins to bleed from his nose and stumbles to his feet when Raven picks up a lead pipe and blast JT across the gut with it. JT falls back into the corner and Raven grabs a bowling ball. Raven then nails a 7-10 split and JT flops around like a fish out of water. Raven goes for the pin....1....2...JT gets his shoulder up.  Raven siezes this opportunity to climb up and release another weapon into the ring. A Leather strap. Raven tightens up the strap and wraps it around JT throat and begins to choke him. The ref grabs JT's arm and drops it....1.......drops his arm again......2.........The ref drops JT's and JT's arm doenst go down. JT then somehow hits a back suplex on Raven. Both men are laid out as the ref begins the count....1......2.....3.....4.....5....JT gets to his feet.....6......7.....JT shoves the ref out of the way to break the count and JT grabs the Trash can lid. Raven gets to his feet and JT nails Raven across the face with the lid. JT picks up Rvaen and sets him up for  the GodSmack when from the top of the cage REX leaps off and crossbodies JT. Rex then goes up top and waits for JT to turn around and nails the Dino's Peak on JT then rolls out of the ring.  Raven crawls over to JT and gets the pin 1...2...3
Winner: Raven

Cole - Rex came back with a vengeance here tonite and got revenge on JT for costing him his match earlier!!!

Tazz - Well Cole I don't know if to say that Rex is crazy or not but you have gotta believe that JT will be looking for revenge.

Cole - Well folks we are out of time dont forget to tune into Fury next week!!! I am micheal Cole for my partner tazz Goodnite!!!

:::Fury Goes off The Air:::

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