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ECW : Bloodfest 3/22/06
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:01 PM

*Please Note:- This Viewing You Are About To Read Is Rated "R" For Violence, Language, and Adult Situations!  This Show Is Not For The Feint Of Heart!  Read At You Own Disclosure!  With That Being Said, Enjoy The Show.

ECW GM - Jared Fockler

Results 3/22/06 - Live From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

:Footage From Last Week's Bloodfest is shown as "Out Of My Way" blares across the sound system as the show begins:

Joel Gertner:- Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the very first edition of, ECW's Wednesday Night....BLOODFEST!  I am the Quintessential Studmuffin, Joel Gertner, along side my colegue , Cyrus The Virus!

Cyrus the Virus:- Thats right folks, Extreme Championship Wrestling is back! We are back live in the ECW Arena, and tonight boy oh boy what a show our newest general manager, Jared Fockler, has in store for you!

Joel Gertner:- That's right Cyrus, tonight you fans will be seeing only two matches, but they are promised to be huge brawls!  First off you we have the ECW Tag Team Championships to be decided as the Generation Next's Thunder and Alex Shelley will take on the Wright Brothers of Scott and Chris!

Cyrus the Virus:- But that is not all Gertner, these people will also be treated to see the ECW World Heavyweight Championship being decided in the Main Event as every star, including those in the tag team match up in a huge Everyman for Himself Battle Royal!

Joel Gertner:-  Boy what a show tonight promises to be!

Cyrus the Virus:- Thats right Gertner, and now without further ado, lets get down to our first match...

"Outside" by hits, crowd is mixed with more cheers  Jared walks out with a woman by his side as they enter the ring

Joel Gertner:- Well here comes our general manager, wonder what he has to say!?

Cyrus the Virus:- I don't know Gertner, but who is that with him?

Jared Fockler:- Welcome to ECW...BLOODFEST!  I know that my commentators have already aqauinted you with our customs but, hey there is no welcome like that of the one comming straight from the man in charges mouth!  So first things first.  Let me introduce you all to this lovely lady right here, let me introduce everyone here to my wife, Miss Felicia!  So now then that those things are taken care of, let me get down to buisness!  So here is how I will welcome you all.  Yes you have been given flyers and shown the matches of the night.  Big shocker for being the debut show I know, but I promise that after tonight you will all bare witness to a new innovative style of professional wrestling.  Tonight you will See the Generation Next taking on the Wright Brothers for the ECW Tag Team Championships! crowd cheers And you will be seeing every ECW Star in the main event to crown the new ECW World Heavyweight Cham...

Just then Jared is cut off as "I Stand Alone" hits the pa system As Raven walking down the ramp and entering the ring.  Raven gets up in Jared's face as Jared just looks at him.  Raven then backs up as he rips the mic out of Jared's hand.

Raven:- Fockler let me stop you for a second, becuase I am sitting back there and I cannopt take this crap any more.

Jared Fockler:- What crap would trhat be?

Raven:- It's not cute.  You and I both know who deserves to hold that title.  We don't need one of those pitiful little juniorweights holding this title, you need the man with experience.  You know that you need me as the Champion to keep this show running!

Jared Fockler:- You know Raven, you crack me up.  To think that you honestly think you can walk down here and enter my ring and tell me how to run things.  Well Raven I have news for you.  I am not handing shit to you.  You want this ECW title then you will be facing thirteen other stars to get it.

Raven:- Thats bullshit, you know I am the one who should be champion.

Jared Fockler:-  No Raven, but let me tell you something.  Since you think it is such bullshit of me to keep this match going.  THen let me add one more thing to the match.  You Raven, you will be the first man enterd in the Battle Royal, now have a great day!

Jared drops the mic and goes to leave the ring when Raven spins him around and nails him with a Raven Effect DDT, Raven then slides out fo the ring as he searches underneath the ring apron and pulls out a barbed signapore cane.  Raven then slides back in the ring as Jared slowly crawls over to the corner.  Jared is up on two feet as Raven comes up from behind Jared and begins choking him with the wire digging into his neck.  Raven releases the hold as Jared falls to his knees and holds his neck.  Raven again steps up behind Jared and places the cane at Jared's thorat as he rears back and nails a Russian Leg Sweep with the weapon.  Raven then climbs the tournuckle and gives the Raven's Tuant as "I Stand ALone" plays again as Raven bends over Jared and tells him that it is his destiny to be the champion.

Joel Gertner:-  Well that was quite a surprise if I may say so myself.

Cyrus the Virus:- Yes it was, The ECW General Manager was just taken out by Raven in an attempt to declare that he was the supieor star on the brand!

Joel Gertner:-  Yes well right now Cyrus, we must take out first commercial break, but when return, we will have the tag team title match.

Commercial break

Joel Gernter:- Welcome back, and boy Cyurs I still can't get over what we jsut witnessed.

Cyrus the Virus:- Yes, and for those of you just now tunning in, let's roll the footage of what just transpired.

:Clip airs:

Jared Fockler:- You know Raven, you crack me up.  To think that you honestly think you can walk down here and enter my ring and tell me how to run things.  Well Raven I have news for you.  I am not handing shit to you.  You want this ECW title then you will be facing thirteen other stars to get it.

Raven:- Thats bullshit, you know I am the one who should be champion.

Jared Fockler:-  No Raven, but let me tell you something.  Since you think it is such bullshit of me to keep this match going.  THen let me add one more thing to the match.  You Raven, you will be the first man enterd in the Battle Royal, now have a great day!

Jared drops the mic and goes to leave the ring when Raven spins him around and nails him with a Raven Effect DDT, Raven then slides out fo the ring as he searches underneath the ring apron and pulls out a barbed signapore cane.  Raven then slides back in the ring as Jared slowly crawls over to the corner.  Jared is up on two feet as Raven comes up from behind Jared and begins choking him with the wire digging into his neck.  Raven releases the hold as Jared falls to his knees and holds his neck.  Raven again steps up behind Jared and places the cane at Jared's thorat as he rears back and nails a Russian Leg Sweep with the weapon. Raven then climbs the tournuckle and gives the Raven's Tuant as "I Stand ALone" plays again as Raven bends over Jared and tells him that it is his destiny to be the champion.

:Clip Ends:

Joel Gernter:- Boy Cyurs that was brutal.

Cyrus the Virus:- Yes but what can you do, I mean Jared did want ECW to be as extreme as possible, and I beleive he just got it.

Joel Gernter:- Well Cyrus speaking of Extreme we have our first match of the night up next.

Cyrus the Virus:- That's right Gernter, we will now decide who will be the first ECW Tag Teram Champions.

Joel Gernter:- Will it be Generation Next, or will it be the Wright Brothers, lets take it to ring side.

"Broken Man" plays, crowd boos

Lollipop:- Intrducing first, at a combined weight of 445 pounds, the team of Thunder and Alex Shelley, the Generation Next!

"Unleashed" plays, fans cheer

Lollipop:- And there opponets, at a combined weight of 455 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Jessica and Torrees Wright, the team of Scott and Chris Wright, the Wright Brothers!

ECW Tag Team Championship: Thunder & Alex Shelley vs Wright Bros. w/ Jessica & Torres Wright

ECW's first match in almost one year is about to start as Thunder and Scott Wright start the match out. The bell rings, and the two lock up, as Thunder takes the advantage and locks in a arm lock. Scott twists around, and locks in a arm lock of his own. Thunder reverses that, and spins around holding Scott's arm. He pulls him into a side headlock, but Scott pushes him to the ropes. Thunder holds on, and drags Scott down to the ground. He applies pressure, and Thunder flips Scott over in a Side Headlock Takedown. Scott pulls out, and wraps Thunder's neck in a leg scissors choke hold. Thunder looks for a way out, and flips out. The two get up and square off. Thunder runs at Scott and knocks him down with a shoulder block, Thunder runs to the ropes and Scott flips over on his belly. Thunder jumps over Scott, and continues to run the ropes. Scott gets up and goes for a clothesline, but Thunder ducks it and comes back from the other side of the ropes to nail a running Shining Wizard that knocks Scott down. Thunder immediately starts to put the boots to Scott, as he picks him up and hits a nice stalling suplex. Chris comes running into the ring, and takes down Thunder with a flying spinning heel kick. That brings in Alex Shelley who knocks Chris down with a powerful spingboard dropkick. Alex and Chris start fighting it out, as Thunder and Scott start fighting. Alex nails Chris with a superkick, and sends him out of the ring, where they start to fight. Meanwhile, Thunder and Scott are dualing it out, as Thunder gets the best of Scott with forearm shots. Thunder kicks Scott in the stomach and nails a nasty piledriver. He covers, but Scott kicks out at two. Meanwhile, Chris Wright is beating down Alex Shelley, when Alex grabs a cookie sheet from a fan and wacks Chris in the head with the cookie sheet. He looks for a chair, and a fan gives him the chair he's seated in. Chris gets up, and Alex blasts him with the chair! Alex makes his way and heads back into the ring, where Scott was about to nail a powerbomb on Thunder. Alex wacks Scott in the back with the chair, and he let's go of Thunder. Thunder races to cover Scott, but he again kicks out at two. We go over to see that Chris Wright has been busted open from the chair shot, and is bleeding pretty badly. Thunder lifts Scott up off of the mat, but Scott throws powder into his eyes! Thunder is dazed, and blinded! He can't see, as he stumbles around the ring looking for Scott. Scott bounces off of the ropes, and comes back to nail Thunder with a viscious Bicycle Kick! He covers, but Thunder kicks out at two. Alex gets into the ring, and knocks Scott Wright down. He pulls Thunder over to his corner, as Shelley gets back in his spot and makes a tag with Thunder, who still can't see. He gets in the ring, and starts beating down Scott. He locks in a DDT, and spins off of the turnbuckle to hit a Tornado DDT, but Scott holds on and hits a Northern Lights Suplex out of nowhere! The Ref counts, 1.....2....No! Alex kicks out. Scott starts beating down Shelley, and drops a legdrop onto the back of Shelley's head. Scott picks Shelley up, and delivers a nasty looking European Uppercut. He holds onto Shelley, and delivers another one! Alex can barely stand, as he wobbles around. Scott signals for the end, and goes for the Wright Backbreaker, but Thunder comes into the ring and clotheslines Scott! He got his eyes washed out, and now he's beating down Scott. He throws Scott out of the ring, and exits to grab a table from underneath the ring. The fans approve, and Thunder gets the table into the ring. Thunder goes over to where Scott is, and he wacks Thunder with a chair! Thunder holds his head, as Scott throws him into the ring. He sets the table up in the corner, and puts Thunder and Shelley next to the table, they are both standing as if they were laying atop the table. Scott goes to the other corner and charges at the two men. Both duck, and fall to the mat as Scott jumps up and crashes through the table. He lays in the corner, as Jessica and Torres look on. Thunder calls for the end, as Alex starts to go top rope. Thunder picks Scott up for a Champion Ways, and he lifts him up. But he brings him over to the turnbuckle where Shelley stands. Shelley jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits a double stomp onto Scott, as Thunder hits the Champion Ways! A sick Double Stomp/Vertebreaker combination that might of broken Scott's Neck! The fans start a "Holy Shit" chant, as Thunder goes to cover Scott, but he's not the legal man. All of a sudden, Chris Wright gets back into the ring with a chair and blasts Alex from behind, and nails Thunder in the head with the chair! Thunder staggers around and Chris grabs him from behind and hits the Wright Effect! He covers, 1.....2....Thr-No! Thunder kicks out! Alex gets up and starts beating down Chris as he was pinning Thunder. Alex spins him around and calls for the Shellshock, but Jessica and Torres jump on the apron. Alex lets go of Chris, and tells the "Dames" to get off of the apron, so they won't get hurt. Jessica just smiles as Alex grabs her by the hair. She slaps him and Alex stumbles back a bit. Chris gets up and rolls Alex up in a School Boy pin! 1....2..NO! Shelley kicks out at Two! Chris Wright Can't believe it! Alex gets up and nails a leg lariat on Chris, knocking him down. Scott Wright is seen climbing the top tope, but Thunder gets up and charges at Scott. He racks him on the top rope, and Scott falls onto his groin. He looks to be in pain, but Thunder quickly laches his head into his shoulders and picks him up for the MuscleBuster! Thunder takes Scott off of the turnbuckle, and drops him to the mat! Thunder gets up, and Chris Wright is up and has knocked Shelley out of the ring. Thunder quickly moves in and grabs Chris. He sets him up for a T-Bone Suplex, and drops him onto his head! Thunder isn't done there, he picks him up again and delievers a nasty OverHead Belly to Belly Suplex! Chris Wright is totally out. Alex Shelley comes back into the ring with another table, and the two Generation Next members set the table up in the middle of the ring. They look over at Scott, and put him on the table, center stage. Thunder and Alex nod at each other and go to the opposite corners. They both climb up, and it looks to be a double corner massacre! Both men jump off at the same time and crash through the table, onto Scott Wright! The Crowd once again starts a "Holy Shit" chant, and all four men are laid out. None are too quick to get up first, as the match has taken it's toll on the four men. Thunder gets up first, and picks up Scott. He lifts him up for the CX 02, but Scott slides down and hits the Wright Backbreaker! Scott gets back up, only to get Shellshocked by Alex Shelley! Shelley looks to cover Scott when Torres jumps back up on the apron, Alex quickly goes over and gives Torres a smack on the face! Torres looks shocked, and drops to one knee on the apron. She reaches in and low blows Alex Shelley! Alex clinches his balls, and stumbles around a bit. Chris Wright quickly gets up and nails a Wright Effect! He's slow to cover, but he does. The ref counts, 1......2.....3!!!!

Lollipop:- Your Winners, and the first ECW Tag Team Champions, Scott and Chris, the Wright Brothers!

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:01 PM

Scott and Chris celebrate on as the Gneration Next gets up and attacks them from behind.  Thunder grabs Scott and ddt's him down.  Alex then picks Chris up as he motions for Thunder to come over.  Thunder places Chris on his shoulders as they perform a Deomlion type move on Chris.  Thunder and Shelley then smirk as they leave the ring.

Commercial Break

Joel Gernter:- Well we had crowned new ECW Tag Team Champions, but to their own extent, they were completly taken out by Alex Shelley and Thunder.

Cyrus the Virus:- Yes and it leaves you to wonder, will Scott and/ or Chris make it to the main event.

Joel Gernter:- I guess only time can tell.  Well up next after the commercial break, we will be heading straight into the main event of the night, so don't go anywhere!


Raven is shown walking towards the ring area with a look of anger on his face as he is approached by Jason Knight.

Jason Knight:- Raven, Raven, I was wondering If I could get a few words in with you before your big match up of the night.

Raven:- Yea but make it quick, I have a destiny to fulfill!

Jason Knight:- Well Raven, I just want to know, why did you take the General Manger, Jared Fockler, out earlier tonight!?

Raven:- Boy Jason, you must not be the brightest guy around here.  Cuase if you had the slightest bit of brains in you, you would know why.

Jason Knight:- Well was it becuase he not only disagreed on you with how the champion should be crowned, but also placed you as the first entreant.

Raven:- Ding, Ding, we have a winner.  Listen up Jason, that is not the only reason, see I am sick and fucking tired of being pushed behind the scenes.  On RAW I was stuck as being RAWCOre, I dominated, on Smack Down, I was stuck in Xtrme, and I conquerd, both times I was forced to take orders, and now I am born of a new man.  And this time I make the shots, so Jason if you don't mind I  have to fulfill my duty, and I will become the ECW World Champion, Quoth The Raven....NEVERMORE!

Jason Knight:- Well guyts looks like Raven is heading in with confidence, will he prevail, we will see after the break.

Backstage, Generation Next's Lockerroom, as the cameras move around to show Chad holding his Juniorweight title alongside with Bliss, Thunder, and Alex Shelley

Chad Chaos:- Tonight I need to change things around, tonight I have a chance to become the ECW World Champion!  And I will do just that as I beat 13 other men, that is of course as long as you two know the deal!?

Alex Shelley:- Don't worry Chad, you know Thunder and I just wnat those Tag titles that we should have won tonight.  But hey, we will make sure that you overcome everyone else and win that title tonight!

Thunder:- Yea, besides Chad, we are all in agreeance that you are the most deserving man to hpold that title.  You know we will make damn well sure that you become the champion, just like we made sure the Wright Brothers won't be in this match up!

Bliss:- Look boys, if you two don't mind I would like to give Chad here, a little...warm up, before he competes tonight!

Bliss gives a seductive smile towards Chad as he pushes Thunder and ALex out of the room as the door ios heard being locked as Thunder and Shelley talk on the outside of the room.

Alex Shelley:- Well, I for one am hoping they don't do anything to Hardcore in there.

Thunder:- Why, Alex, Don't worry, Chad will be well rested before he is picked to come out.

Alex Shelley:- No, its not that, it's just that...Well I left my camera in there with a full tape, and I forgot to turn it off.

Thunder shakes his head as he and Shelley hear banging noises comming from the room as the scene fades away.

Commercial Break

Joel Gernter:- Well I am guessing by the words of Raven that he comming for an all out brawl, as we head into our main event of the debut show!

Cyrus the Virus:- Thats right, fourteen men, one title, and one winner.  This is the ECW Everyman for himself Battle Royal!

Joel Gernter- And without fursther ado, lets take it to the ring!

Lollipop:- Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the main event.  This match is schedualed for one winner.  Eliminations will be counting by being thrown over the top rope.  Once both feet hit the mat you are eliminated, and this mathc is for the ECW World Heavyweight Champiopnship, introducing first...

"I Stand Alone" hits, crowd boos as Ravens walks out from the back with his trademark Shopping Cart of Fun!

Lollipop:- Introducing first, from Short Hills, New Jersey, RAVEN!

Cyrus the Virus:- Well here comes the man that thinks it is his destiny to be the champion.

Joel Gernter- Yea, but there are also fourteen other stars saying otherwise, twelve if the Wrights don't show up!

"Immortal Corruptor" hits, crowd boos

Lollipop:- Introducing the star that picked the number 2 slot, from Denver, Colorado, JASON MORRIS!

ECW World Title: Everyman For Himself Battle Royal: Alex Shelley vs Brian Mason vs Chad Chaos vs Chris Kleen vs Chris Wright vs Jason Morris vs Jeff Jarrett vs Raven vs Rhino vs Rick Stevenson vs Scott Wright vs The Rock vs Thunder vs Tim Wilkins

Raven looks at Jason, and tells him to just jump over becuase it is his destiny to win the title.  Jason walks over towards Raven and looks to jump over, but grabs Raven and starts pounding away at him backing Raven into the corner.  Jason gets Raven hung up on the ropes, as Jason skips across the ring and turns and takes off full speed at Raven, Jason jumps up in the air as he lands a splash on Raven.  Raven stumbles out of the corner, as Jason lifts him up and nails a body slam.  Jason mounts Raven as the timer goes off...

"Out of My Way" by Seether Hits, Crowd Cheers as Rhino slides in the ring

Rhino goes straight after Jason and grabs him by the back of the head.  Rhino turns Jason around and kicks him in thr gut.  Rhino then grabs Jason's head and runs him straight into the corner tournbuckle.  Rhino then charges away aty the back of Jason as Jason just drops stragiht down to the mat.  Rhino then looks over at Raven as Raven is slowly getting to his feet in the opposite corner.  Rhino hunches low as Raven trurns and Rhino gores him back into the tournbuckle.  Rhino then turns to Jason as he goes to gore Jason, but Jason grabs Rhino's ead and tosses him out of the ring. (Rhino is eliminated) Jason then looks at Raven as he walks over to where Raven lays.  Jason grabs Raven and pusheds him into the corner.  Jason then climbs up and moiunts Raven as he begins to pound away at Raven.  Raven then catches Jason on the 6th punch and spine busters Jason down as the time goes off again...

"The Rock" plays, corwd cheers, as Rock runs into the ring

Rock slides into the ring and immediatly puts the boots to Raven.  Rock, then grabs Raven by the hair and takes him over to the ropes, Rock ties Raven up on the ropes, Rock backs up some as he runs towards Raven

Rock runs at Raven and looks to spill him out of the ring, but Raven ducks and pulls the ropes down with him as Rock goes flying over the top rope. (Rock has been eliminated) Raven taunts him as he turns around Jason Morris dropkicks him in the face.  Raven goes over but catches him self on the top rope, Jason gets up and goes to push Raven off, but Raven catches Jason and gives him a face claw.  Jason holds his face in pain, as Raven runs at him and takes him down with a flying knee shot.  Raven then walks over to where his shopping cart is.  Raven leans over and grabs a barbed wire chair from his cart.  Raven holds it in the air, as Jason ggets to his feet. Jason turns around as Raven swings and cracks Jason in the head with it as Jason begins pouring out blood.  Raven then drops the weapn as he grabs Jaosn and tosses him out of the ring.  Raven taunts a she is the only man left with 10 men left in the backstage.  as the scene fades into commercial.

Commercial Break

After the break, scene shows Raven alone in the ring as suddenly the timer goes off...

"Broken Man" plays as all three members of the Generation Next walk out, and the crowd boos

Joel Gertner:- Uh-oh, buisness is about to pick up for Raven!

Shelley, Thunder, and Chad all circle the ring as  Raven looks at all the men as they all enter at the sam,e time.  Chad nods off to Thunder as Shelley charges at Raven and takes him down with a tackle.  Shelley begins pounding away at Raven as Chad yells for him to stop.  Thunder then steps up as he grabs Raven and knees him in the gut, Thunder then quickly nails the Champions Buster.  Raven arches his back in pain, as the timer goes off as the GN look at the entrance ramp...

"Unleashed" plays, crowd cheers loudly as the GN are in shock as Scott and Chris walk out and run into the ring.

Cyrus the Virus:- All My God!...The Wright Brothers they might be here to exact revenge for ealier.

Scott and Chris slide into the ring as they immedialty take out Shelley and Thunder.  Chris begins to work on Thunder as Scott is beating on Shelley.  Chad just ignores it all as he begins to climb the top rope and edges for Raven to get up.  Raven is on one knee as Chad jumps from the tournbuckle and nails a dropkcik taking Raven out. At the same time Chris and Scott knock Thunder and Shelley up against the ropes as they clothline both men out of the ring.  Scott and Chris then hope over the top rope as they chase Thunder and SHelley through the crowd (Thunder, ALex Shelley, Scott and Chris Wright are eliminated) Chad gets up and sees that only he and Raven are in the ring.  Chad smirks as he pulss Raven up and goes for a ddt but Raven spins out of it, and knees Chad down as the timer goes off...

"Kleen Sweep" plays as the crowd boos, Rick and Chris come out together.

Rick and Chris slide into the ring as Rick takes Raven down as Kleen picks up Chad and begins to work on him.  Raven and Rick are exchanging punches as Chris knees Chad in the gut andd smashes his head into the corner, as Rick takes Raven down.  Chris then yells for Rick to get a weapon out of the shopping cart as Chris comes up from behind Rick and eliminates him. (Rick Stevenson is eliminated) Chris shruges his shoulders atr Rick as he tells Stevenson its every man for himself.  Rick nods as he goes to walk off but stops to watch the rest of the match as the timer goes off...

"To Fold" hits, crowd cheers

Brian Mason enters the ring as he tackles Chris Kleen down and begins tpo punch him.  Brian then picks Chrios up, but Chris pokes Brian in the eye as Kleen goew back on the rope he goes to run at Brian, but Rick grabs his foot and stops him, Chris tunr sand yells at him as Mason comes up from behind and spills Chris out of the ring (Chris Kleen is eliminated) Chris tells Rick he is close to being fired as the timer again goes off...

"My World" plays as Crowd boos

Jeff Jarrett runs into the ring as Mason imediatly puts the boots to him.  Maosn is rearing back on him as Chad Chaos gets up and clothlines Mason down.  Chad mocks Mason as Raven hits Chad with a low blow.  taking Chad out.  Raven then gets up and grabs Jarrett and throws him over the top rope (Jeff Jarrett is Eliminated)  Raven, Maosn, and Chad all get to their feet as the timer goes for the last time...

"Piggybank" plays as Crowd is mixed

Tm Wilkins gets in the ring as he stands in the middle of the other three men.  He yells for them to bering it as Chd walks right past him and goes oafter Raven leaving Maosn and Wilkins.  Tim goes to punch Brian, but Brian duck it and nails RTim with a ddt.  Tim is in pain as Mason picks him and goes to throw him over the ropes but Tim fights back...Other side Ravena dn CHad are exchanging punches but neither man will go down, finaly Chad throws all his weight into one puinch as Raven stumbles backwards.  Chad cant beleive it  he charges at Raven, but Raven reverses it and grabs Chad by the ahir and rams him into the corner...Other side, Tim now has the upperhand on Mason, as he lays Brian out with a spike piledriver.  Tim then grabs Mason and whips him over the top rope (Brian Mason is Eliminated) Tim then says he is the greates as suddenly the timer gfoes off as Tim lookmat the ntrance ramp in surpsie as even Chad and Raven stop fighting to see who is this mystery 15 man...

"Outside" hits, crowd erupts as Jared walks down slowly.  Jared stops at the ring apron as he pulls a mic out of his pocket.

Jared Fockler:- Raven, if you think...for one second I will let what you did to me earlier just slide past, think again.  No I am not the 15 entreant, but this man is, Raven let me intorduce you, to my personal ECW Ring Enforcer, Christopher Snow!

"Bound To Violnce" hits as, corwd is mixed

a big man steps out from behind the curtain, as everyone in the ring is wide eyed as the man walks down sloiwly and slides into the ring.  Raven looks at the behemth in shock as Raven goes to look like he is ready for a for fight, but instead the Snow walks over and grabs Tim Wilkins and places him high in the air above his head.  Snow then turns to Raven and looks at him as he tosses Tim over the top rope. (Tim WIlkins is Eliminated) The man then looks at Raven and Chad as both men look at one another.  They nod as they both attack Snow.  Snow gets down on one knee, as Chad hits a low dropkick to his face, with Raven quickly hitting him with a knee shot.  Raven and Chad then lift the star to his feet as they place him up against the ropes.  Raven and Chad bavck up as they nail a double clothine taking Snow out of the ring, (Christopher SNow is Eliminated) Chad and Raven then nod off as Jared is irate.

Joel Gertner:- Well in an odd twist of events, Chad Chaos and Raven have worked together to eliminate the largest star in the match, the newcomer and bodyguard of Jared Fockler, this Christopher Snow guy.

Cyrus the Virus:- Thats right Gertner, but now unfortunatly we must take out last commercial break, and when we return, Raven and CHad will battle it out to decide who will be the first ECW World Champion.

Commercial break

Break ends as Chad and Raven are shown exchanging punches in the ring. As Fockler and SNow have both headed on into the backstage.  Chad kicks Raven in the gut as he places him in the motion for a DDT.  But Raven counters out as he nails a DDT of his own.  Raven then sits up as graps Chad by the hair and lifts hi up to his feet.  Chad is rearing in pain as Raven whips him across the ring and nails Chad with a drop toe hold.  Raven is being to get up when he turns around and is caught off guard as Alex Shelley and Thunder have reenterd the ring.  They attack Raven and being just pummeling him, hunder then slides out of the ring as he looks through Raven's shopping cart and pulls out a barbed 2x4.  Thunder then slides into the ring and hands the weapon to the now fully erect Chad Chaos.  Chad hols the bvarbedf wire 2x4 as he looks at Raven and tells him that this belt is his.  Chad then reals the 2x4 back and swings it cracking Raven in the skull.  Chad then gets on the mat as he begins scratching the barbed wire in Raven's wond.  Chad then gets up as he tells Thunder and Alex to throw him overboard.  Chad and Thunder pick Raven up, but suddenly Scott and Chris reneter back from the crowd as they each take down their own memeber as Scott tackles Thunder to the outside of the ring as Chris grabs Alex and whips hi over the ropes as he planchas over on top of him.  Chad then looks around at the carnage as he turns to see the barbed wire 2x4 has disappeard.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:01 PM

He then turns again as a bloodied Raven swings the 2x4 and catches Chad in the face.  Chad begins bleeding as Raven places the 2x4 on the mat, grabs Chad and Raven Effects hi  ontpo it.  Chad grabs his face in pain as Raven smirks.  Raven then grabs the 2x4 and begins choking Chad with it.  Raven then sayts thats all as he lifts Chad to his feet.  Raven then topsses Chad over the ropes and begins to celebrate when he turns as sees Chad is still on the apron.  Raven runs at him but Chad gets low and hits a shoulder block.  Chad then grabs Raven and superplexes him to the outside as both men hit the concrete out side, eliminating each other.

Lollipop:- And your winner, Chad C...

ECW offical Bill Alfonzo tells Lollipop something.

Lolipop:- You winner and new ECW champion, Rave...

The other offcial Jeff Jones tells Lollipop something differnt as both officals begins arguing. suddenly "Outside" hits as Jared Fockler walks out with a microphone.

Jared Fockler:- Well it appears here to me that we have a delima on our hands.  So I guess I must make the decideing vote.  Well I know that Cyrus and Joel here have indeed promised you that our last break was not long ago, but I must review the tapes, and get back to all of u with my descion.

Commercial break

Scene opens up with Chad Chaos and Raven both are in the ring debating over who should be the winner and the new champion.  Jared then again steps out from the back and raises a mic as both stars look at him and await his descion.

Jared Fockler:- After reviewing the tape I have made my descion on who the winner is, and who the first ECW World Champion is.  This took alot of thought and consideration, and without further ado the winner of the match is Chad...

Jared is cut off as "Easy Target" plays as Holly Mathews walk out from the backstage with a mic in her hands.

Holly Mathews:- Now hold just one second Jared, becuase I think you about to do something foolish and grant the win to an undeserving indivdual!

Jared Fockler:- What do you mean Holly.  I know who won, I watched the video, and I about to grant the win to most deserving star in that very ring!

Holly Mathews:- Look here, when you hired me as your assitant General Manager, you should have knwon that I would do anything to get things to go my way!

Jared Fockler:- Is that so, well Holly since you are this all mighty supior on deciding who should be the champion, tell me what are your thoughts!

Holly Mathews:- Well Jared what I am saying is that why give either one of them the win.  They both hit the floor, same time.  So there for the only dilema we have is what to do with the two that both technically won.

Jared Fockler:- I see now what your saying Holly, and actually I do have an idea.  You two Chad and Raven.  The only way to decide who won this match, is by placing you two ina nother match up.  Now this won't be happening tonight, or anytime in March.  But it will be happening at the very first ECW pay per view, No Surrender.  As it will be Chad Chaos taking on Raven, for the ECW WOrld Heavyweight Title, in a...BARBED WIRE MASSACRE MATCH!

Both stars in the ring look excited at first about the match, then look at one another as they know the barbed wire massacre match will be the most brutal match of their careeers, Both men are left staring at one another as Jared and Holly Mathews leave the ring side and go backstage.

ECW logo appears as the show ends