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ECW : Bloodfest 4/5/06
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:04 PM

*Please Note:- This Viewing You Are About To Read Is Rated "R" For Violence, Language, and Adult Situations!  This Show Is Not For The Feint Of Heart!  Read At You Own Disclosure!  With That Being Said, Enjoy The Show.

ECW GM - Jared Fockler

Results 4/05/06 - Live From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

:Footage From Last Week's Bloodfest is shown as "Out Of My Way" blares across the sound system as the show begins:

Joel Gertner: Hello and welcome to yet another explosive night of ECW presents...BLOODFEST!  And boy do we ever have a show lined up fro you tonight!

Cyrus the Virus: That is right Joel.  And after what had happend last week with the closing of Chris Kleen winning the ECW Television Championship, we do have news from Jared himself that he will announce the number one contenders match to that titlt tonight!

Joel Gertner: Well that is all in due time Cyrus, but right now we need to take it the ring for the opening match up.

"Gore" hits, crowd is mixed

Lollipop: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match up is schedualed for one fall,a nd it starts off the Fuck the World Championship Tournoment, First making his way to the ring, From Detroit, Michigan, and weighing in at 250 pounds...The War Machine...RHINO!

"Slow Chemical" hits, crowd boos

Lollipop: And his opponet, weighing in at 326 pounds...KANE!

Rhino vs Kane

Rhino and Kane look at each other from across the ring, as they go at it. Kane hits a few uppercuts, and clothesline. Rhino gets right back up though, but Kane knocks him down with a nasty big boot. Rhino gets back up, and Kane hits a sidewalk slam. Kane covers, 1--2--Kickout. Kane pounds away at Rhino, punching his head and body. Rhino fights back though, hitting a few shoulder blocks on Kane. Rhino goes at the ropes, and bounces back right into another Big Boot. Kane picks Rhino up and hits a devestating Chokeslam! Holly tells Kane not to pin Rhino, but she tells him to grab a table. Kane goes to the outside, and looks underneath the ring. He pulls a table out, and puts it in the ring. Kane flips the table over and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He picks Rhino right back up, and Chokeslams him right through the table! Kane isn't done just yet, as he picks Rhino up yet again. He sets him up for the Thombstone Piledriver, and nails it. Kane covers, as the ref counts, 1--2--3.
Your Winner: Kane

Lollipop: And your winner, advancing in the FTW Tourney, KANE!!

Cyrus the Virus: All my Joel, that was one hardcore, brutal match up!  And it ended with Kane getting the win!

Joel Gertner: Well Cyrus this is ECW after all, and not only did Kane prove a point last week when he dbut, but he just did it again right here by making an example out of Rhino!

Cyrus the Virus: Well Joel, the night is just begining, and I can't wait to see what happens, once we return from this commercial break.

:Commercial Break ads for SCWE RAW, SCWE Smack Down, and KSCWE Inc.:

Joel Gertner: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the ECW Arena, right here live from Philadeldelphia, Pennsylvania!

Cyrus the Virus: Well if you are all just now tuning in, just missed the first round match up for the FTW Tounrey, with Kane advancing over Rhino!

Joel Gertner: Yes and up next we have...

Gertner is cut off as "Outside" hits as Jared Fockler, Miss Felcia, and Christopher Snow walk out from the back.  They walk down the ramp way and enter the ring as Felicia gets a microphone and hands it off to Jared.

Jared Fockler: Now I am out here tonight on very important details concerning the Fuck the World Tournoment!  Now yes you did see Kane advance in the tournoment, and later tonight you will see Kenny Justic taking Chris Corruption hich I do promise will be one hellashish match.  Now as for next weeks brackets, I have figured this little match ups out.  Next week you will see Thunder taking on...Rob Conway as well as Jason Morris taking Abyss!  Now as far as when the finals will take place and all that.  I have decided that the semi-finals will be taking place at ECW First pay per view that being No Surrender, and the finals will take place in ECW's second pay per view.  No then I have also decided to change up the main event of the night.  But don't worry it will be the same competetors, just a differnt rules set.  Now as you probally all have noticed there is a fifteen foot steel cage high above the ring here.  Now that will come into effect, becuase seeing as how Smack Down wants to try and take a barbaric match and wuss it up, I am decidding it is time that we set two, no scratch that two stars and one acting ref into this cage and let them all battle it out!  So therefore it will be Raven taking Jason Morris, with Chad Chaos as the special referee in that Steel Cage right there.  Thank and enjoy the rest of the night.

Jared leaves the ring as Nortorious Hitman walks out and enters the ring warming up for the next match.

Lollipop: The following match is schedualed for one fall, introducing first, NOTORIOUS HITMAN!

"Just Look At Me" hits, Crowd boos

Lollipop: ANd his opponet, from New Albany, India, weighing in at 243 pounds, ROB CONWAY!

"Drugs(Instrumental)" hits, crowd is mixed

Cyrus the Virus: Well here comes Alex Shelley who as I have been informed, he is video taping stars of ECW to help him decide on who his tag team partner for No Surrender will be.

Rob Conway vs Notorious Hitman

Ding: Ding: Match starts as Rob taunts off to Hitman and says Just look at me, you can't handle this.  Nortorious Hitman takes offense as he runs in at Rob.  Rob side steps as he legs trips N.H.  Hitman hits the mat hard and holds his jaw in agony as he rolls around the ring in pain.  Rob walks up and lifts N.H. to his feet.  Conway begins pounching N.H. continuously.  N.H. then just falls to the mat as he is already worn out.  N.H. begins to roll out of the ring as Rob follows him.  N.H.  falls to the concrete on the outside of the ring as he begins to go under the ring.  Rob grabs N.H. by the foot and begins to slide him out as N.H. turns to face Rob as he nails Conway with a trash can lid.  Rob stumbles backwards.  N.H. gets to his feet as he holds the trash can lid in the air and wails Rob in the face with it.  Rob falls to the concrete as he holds his face.  N.H. walks up behind Rob and places the can lid over Conway's face, N.H. takes a few steps vback as he runs at Rob and nails a swift kick to the can crushing it into Rob's face.  Rob wriths in pain as he holds his face.  N.H. then goes back under the ring asd he finds a kendo stick.  N.H. then slides the weapon into the ring as he goes over and lifts Rob up to his feet.  N.H. then goes to Irish whip Rob into the ring, but Rob blocks it, and bring N.H. into him and nails a knee to the gut that N.H. flipping over his knee.  Conway then lifts N.H. up as he whips into the steel steps as N.H. goes up and over them.  Rob then smirks as he jumps over the Steps and grabs N.H. by the hair.  Rob then whips N.H. into the ring as Conwayt follows into the ring.  Conway then grabs N.H. as he kicks him the gut and nails a quick Implant DDT.  Rob rolls N.H. over and covers him, 1.........2......2.7,Rob breaks his own fall as the ref looks puzzled.  Conway then points to his head saying he is smart. as Conway grabs the Kendo stick.  Rob then begins to show off as he spns the kendo stick around in his hand, Rob then gets the stick in baseball position as N.H. gets to his knees.  N.H. gets to his feet fully as Conway swings and breaks the kendo stick across N.H.'s back.  Rob then throws the kendo stick out of the ring as Conway quickly grabs N.H. and nails the Ego Trip!  Conway pins, 1.........2.........3! :Ding :Ding

Lollipop: An your winner by pinfall, Rob Conway!

Joel Gertner: Well an impressive win for Rob Conway!

Cyrus the Virus: Yes, and next week he will be in action taking on Thunder to see who advances in the FTW Tourney!

Joel Gertner: Yep, and now we must take yet another commercial break.

Backstage- Blis is seen getting getting coffee for Chad Chaos as Gail Kim walks up behind her and pushes her as the coffeee spills all over Bliss.  Bliss turns around stunned as Gail looks at her with a smirk.  Bliss then throws the empty cup down as she tackles Gail Kim to the floor.  Security and the Generation Next come up as they pull apart the divas.

:Commercial Break Previews of ECW No Surrender, Main Event Hype:

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:04 PM

Cyrus the Virus: Well Joel how about that, it appears as the ECW Valets want to get into a piece of the ECW Action, as Bliss just tackled down Gail Kim right before the break.

Joel Gertner: That's right Cyrus, and as I have just been told, next week live in the ECW Arena, it will be an ECW Divas Tug-of-War Match up, pitting Bliss and get this Torres Wright to take on Gail Kim and Christine Tiger!

Cyrus the Virus: Well joel that will be a match for the ages of ECW, but now we must take it down to the ring for our next match up!

"Kleen Sweep" hits, crowd boos

Lollipop: Ladies and gentlemen the following match up is schedualed for one fal, and it is for the ECW Tag Team Champiosnhips.  Introducing first, the challengers, first from Wiinipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds, he is the ECW Television Champion...CHRIS KLEEN!

"To Fold" hits, crowd cheers

Lollipop: And his partner of the night, hailing in from Los Angelos, California, weight in at 220 pounds...BRIAN MASON!

"Unleashed" hits, crowd goes into a frenzy of cheers

Lollipop:  And introcing their opponets, from Atlanta, Gerogia, at a combined weight of 455 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Torres and Jessica Wright, they are the ECW Tag Team Champions, Scott and Chrtis, THE WRIGHT BROTHERS!

Scott & Chris Wright (c) w/Torres & Jessica Wright vs Chris Kleen & Brian Mason w/Rick Stevenson

Scott Wright stands in his corner waiting for Chris Kleen and Brian Mason to quit arguing over who is starting off the match. Finally Chris Kleen steps up to start off them match for his team. Scott extends his hand to show respect but Kleen completely ignores the gesture and kicks him in the gut. Kleen begins to unloads with rights and lefts before irish whipping Scott into the ropes. Scott comes charging back and nails Kleen with an unexpecting Running Bicycle kick knocking him down. Scott looks to be setting up the Wright-Mission but modifies it into an El Paso Laso. Kleen is in pain planted in the center of the ring before Brian comes into the ring and breaks the hold and walks back to his corner. Scott picks up Kleen and setts up for a suplex and reaches out to tag in Chris. Chris climbs into the ring and hooks up the other side of Kleen and nails a double suplex. Scott climbs out of the ring as Chris begins to put the boots to Kleen. Chris signals for the Wright Factor as Brian climbs into the ring and interupts the manuever. Kleen and Brian begin to double team Chris into the corner. Brian climbs out for a second as Kleen tags him in. Brian pulls Chris out of the corner and holds him as Kleen climbs the turnbuckle and launches for a moonsault. Chris moves out of the way as Kleen lands onto Brian knocking him down. Kleen gets up and looks at Brian before Scott comes up behind him and tosses him over the top and Chris rolls up Brian 1...2...Brian gets a shoulder up interupting the pinfall. Scott walks back to his corner as Chris continues to put the boots to Brian. Chris goes for another Wright Factor but Brian pushes him off into the ropes and nails a hig impact standing dropkick to the running Chris. Brian makes the cover 1...2...Chris kicks out as Brian begins to get frustrated and pins up Chris and drags him over to his corner and tags in Kleen. Kleen and Brian setting up Chris for another innovator double team attack. Brian climbs the turnbuckle and launches off for a Whisper in the Wind but Chris moves causing Brian to slam into Kleen. Chris makes the cover 1...2...Brian makes the save. Brian climbs out of the ring and waits for him to be tagged in. Chris picks up Kleen and hooks in and delivers a spinning fisherman's suplex. Chris begins the crawl over to Scott and barely gets the tag before Kleen grabbed him foot. Scott jumps into the ring and begins to clean house knocking over Kleen then clotheslines Brian. Scott body slams Kleen then Brian before climbing the turnbuckle. Scott jumps off and delivers a thunderous Wright Elbow to Kleen. Scott goes for the cover 1...2...Brian barely makes the save. Scott begins to exchange blows with Brian into the corner. Scott pulls Brian out of the corner and sets up for the Wright Bomb. Brian pushes Scott back causing him to bounce off the ropes and into a sudden Kleen Sweep. Brian quickly runs over and clothesline Chris as Kleen makes the cover 1...2...Scott barely gets his shoulder up. Kleen smacks the canvas in a rage about Scott kicking out. Kleen rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair then slides back into the ring. Kleen tells Brian to pick Scott up and holding him. Brian does as Kleen says as Kleen raises the chair up over his head. Kleen swings the chair but Scott barely misses the shot and connects with Brian causing him to back into Chris' Wright Factor. Scott clotheslines Kleen over the top rope as Chris connects with the Wright Factor and makes the cover 1...2...3!

Lollipop: Your winners and still ECW Tag Team Champions, Scott and Chris the Wright Brothers!

Joel Gertner: Wow, Cyrus, what a match, and it ended with Kleen and Mason proving they couldn't co-exist as tag team partners, as they took each other out of the match, allowing the Wright's to pick up the win, and retian the tag titles!

Cyrus the Virus: Well that is correct Gertner, but right now I am told that Imust tell the camermen to get to the backstage as I guess the one the men who will fighting for the ECW title has something to say, so lets take you to that.

Backstage- Area shows a dark room illuminated by a single light as the cameras show where the light is being poured in through as the cameras focus in they show Raven sitting in the corner wearing a straigh jacket as he begins to speak.

Raven: So it has come to this.  Once again I am getting screwed out my night of glory!  Well I am sorry to say that every single futile attempt to annialate me will be brought to an end tonight!  Tonight, if Fockler wantsa me in this stupid little cage match of his, so be it.  But after I win tonight, and after I show Chad Chaos what a real ECW Champion looks like, and how he should act, then everyon will begin to see things my way!  No longer will they question What About Me, What About Raven, but instead they say now there is a man that beat the odds, after every single person in this damn place put me down, he overcame the odds, and fullfilled his destiny!  And tonight, I will move one step closer to winning back what is rightfully mine!  Tonight I will bring no mercy what so ever to Jason Morris, or even my referee for the night being Chad Chaos.  Tonight I will make a land fill of bodies inside the cage, so it is written, and so it shall come to pass.  Quote the Raven...NEVERMORE!

Baclstage- Another area of the ECW arena, Holly Mathews and Kane are celebrating.

Holly Mathews: Well Kane, that was a big win for you tonight.  You are already showing the stars of ECW just what fears tastes like!  Kane I am telling you this right now, stick with me and I will make ytou a big star in the ECW.  Just look at the past stars I have maanged, I have made them all, and I can break them all at any point in time.  And Kane trust me, as long as you stick by me, I will have you win this Fuck The World Tournoment, and you will be the champion in no time!

Cameras just zoo in on Kane as he smirks and leaves out an evil laugh that semi-scares Holly a little bit as the scene fades into a commercial break.

:Commercial Break: KSCWE Inc., SCWE RAW and Smack Down Rebounds:

Joel Gertner: Well Cytrus, how about that intepromo from Raven!  Looks like he is out to prove a point.

Cyrus the Virus: Well Jole do you blame him.  SInce comming here, Raven has sought out one thing, and that is the ECW World title.  At the first ECW Pay Per View he gets his chance to gain it back.  And now he is getting forced into a match that he will be screwed over by Chad Chaos later tonight.  So if you ask me Raven does have a point in conducting an interview like that, ihe is trying to stand out about all, and he will do anything to do just that!

Joel Gernter: Ok, ok Cyrus, we get it.  Raven is being screwed, so what, it's called the circle of life, someone has to get screwed in order for life to go on in its normal direction!

Cyrus the Virus: Well ok Mr. Humanitarium, lets just drop the topic and get down to our next match up!

"Scum of the Earth" hits, crowd boos

Lollipop: The following match is shecdualed for one fall and it is for the first round bye of the FTW Tournoment!  Introducing first hailing in from Los Angelos, California, weighing in at 219 pounds, CHRIS CORRUPTION!

"This Love" hits, crowd cheers

Lollipop: And his opponet the number one seed for the FTW Title, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 213 pounds, the King of Diamonds...KENNY JUSTICE!

Chris Corruption vs Kenny Justice

Kenny Justice and Chris Corruption begins to circle each other in the ring. Kenny Justice extends his hand to show respect for Chris Corruption but Chris looks at Kenny's hand and spits at his feet. Kenny looks down as Chris connects with a thunderous right hand knocking Kenny back. Chris begins to gain the upper hand in the beginning of the match backing Kenny into a corner and delivers rights and left like never before. The official pushes Chris out of the corner to let Kenny breathe. Chris pushes past the official to recieve a boot to the gut. Chris leans over and gets a hip thrust to the face knocking him back. Kenny runs to the ropes and bounces off the middle rope for The Flop. Kenny connects and goes for the cover 1...2...Chris Corruption kicks out with authority. Chris ups to his feets as Kenny runs over for a cross body block but Chris catches hit and nails a vicious backbreaker over his knee. Chris holds it and begins to put on the pressure.  The official checks on Kenny to see if he gives but Kenny is determinded not to give and begins to break from the hold. Kenny slowly gets up to his feet against the ropes only to be clotheslined over by Chris. Kenny hits the floor holding his back as Chris stands in the ring gloating about his recent action. Kenny rolls to his knees and looks under the ring. Chris walks over to the ropes and reaches for Kenny and gets a blast of foam from a fire extinguisher. Chris begins to wave the foam out of his face walking away from the ropes. Kenny pulls out a chair and slides into the ring with it. Kenny waits til Chris turns around and delivers a thounderous shot to the head. Kenny quickly drops the chair and catches Chris before he hits the match and connects with a Busted Out onto the chair. Kenny goes for the cover 1...Raven is seen coming down to the ring through the crowd. 2...Raven slides into the ring and breaks up the count. Raven and Kenny begin to exchange blows. Kenny gets the upper hand and backs Raven into the corner and begins to unload on him. Kenny runs to the opposite corner and runs  and connects with the Rasin' It Up. Chris stumbles up and double axe handles Kenny on the back of the next. Kenny holds the back of his neck as Chris grabs Kenny's arms and backs him up to the steel chair laying on the canvas. Raven comes out of the corner and gets ready to nail a horrendous Evenflow DDT onto the chair when Chad Chaos slides into the ring and knocks Raven down. Chris lets go of Kenny and goes to help Raven but Chad clotheslines Raven over the top rope and continues the brawl over the barricade and through the crowd. Chris looks at the brawl then realizes he is in a match and turns around to recieve another Busted Out onto the steel chair. Kenny looks to the fans and smiles before sliding out of the ring and looks up the the ring. Kenny grabs something and begins to back up to reveal a table. Kenny slides the table into the ring and sets it up close to a turnbuckle and places the chair on top of it. Kenny picks up Chris and lays him over the the chair before sliding out of the ring again. Kenny looks under the ring yet again. Kenny slides in another chair and pulls out a ten foot ladder. Kenny slides in the ladder and pulls Chris off the table and throws him into the opposing corner. Kenny runs and connects with a hard Rasin' It Up. Kenny pulls the table to the center of the ring and sets up the ladder in the corner. Kenny picks up the chair and levels Chris with it before laying him back onto the table. Kenny climbs the turnbuckle then to the top of the ladder. Kenny calculates the distance and jumps connecting and breaking Chris through the table with the All-In. The fans begin to chant "Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" as the official makes the count 1...2...3!

Lollipop: Your winner and moving on into the next round, Kenny Justice...

Scene- As Kenny is celebrating his win, suddenly flames errupt in the ring as "Slow Chemical" plays as Kenny looks up towards the entrance.  Holly matches then walks out as Kenny just smirks at her as she bitches her way down the ramp.  Holly gets in the ring and pokes at Kenny saying he doesn't deserve the win, Kenny smrisk it off and goes to elave the ring, when Holly turns him around and slaps him.  Kenny looks shocked, then smiles as he tells her that if she wanted to play rough all she had to was ask, Kenny then grabs Holly by the arm as pulls her as he plants a kiss on her, she rips away and looks at him evily as Kenny looks back her.  Suddenly Holly says Kenny will regret that when suddenly Kane slides in from behind Kenny and spins him around knocks him down.  Holly then tells Kane to annialate him!  Kane then picks Kenny up and chokeslams him to the mat as Holly smirks and "Slw Chemical" plays again as Holly and Kane leave the ring.

Joel Gertner: Well an impressive win for Kenny, who beat the returnng veteran of Chris Corruption!

Cyrus the Virus: I agree with you Gertner, and with Raven, Chad, and even Kane as we saw getting involved in the match, I am just dieing for anticipation of our main event later tonight!

Joel Gertner: Well Cyrus, we now must take a short commercial break, and once we return Thunder will take on Stanley Ryan Tiger!

Backstage- Alex Shelley is seen setting up his camera as he focuses it in on Chad Chaos and Bliss.  Alex then pulls out his personal microphone as he sits down with Chad and Bliss.

Alex Shelley: Hello ladies and gentlemen, tonight I am sitting in with who in my eyes should already be the ECW World Champion!  And the same man that will take Raven to a whole new level of extreme at ECW's first pay per view, I am sitting with Chad Chaos!  So Chad, how are you doing tonight!

Chad Chaos: Well Alex, tonight I feeling pretty good.  I am the special referee for the main event of the night, and I will be calling that match straight down the middle.  Raven, a man I face at the first pay per view, and Jason Morris, a man I have never heard of, this will be a solid action packed match, with a surprise for the win!  So Alex as of now I can't spill out the spoiler, but I will say that the Next Generation of stars, will play a very important role in the match up!

Alex Shelley: Well Chad, then I will say thank you for this interview time, and I will pay close attention to this main event special apperance from you!  Now onto our previoulsy schedualed, commercial break.

:Commercial Break- ECW No Surrender, KSCWE Inc., Replay of last weeks Bloodfest as well as News for next weeks card:

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:05 PM

Joel Gertner: Well Cyrus, how about those strong words from Chad Chaos.  I guess he saw Raven's little promo earlier, and not only that, but when he saw Raven enter the match and try to help out Coorruption, Chad beat him to it, as they collided.

Cyrus the Virus: Well Joel I don't care what you say, I am siding with Raven, through and through, the man deserves to be champion if you ask me, and at No Surrender, he will do just that as he will become the next ECW World Champion!  Whether he has to beat Chad Chaos in the barbed wire massacre or not, Raven will fullfill his destiny!

Joel Gertner: Well ladies and gentlemen, lets take you to ring side for our next match up!

"Rise Up" hits, crowd boos

Lollipop: The following match up is schedulaed for one fall, Introducing first from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 328 pounds....STANLEY RYAN TIGER!

"Parade of Chairoteers" hits, crowd continues to boo

Lollipop: And his opponet, Repersneting the Embassy, hailing from San Antonio, Texas, wieghing in at 230 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Prince Nana...THUNDER!

Thunder w/Prince Nana vs Stanley Ryan Tiger

Thunder taunts SRT, telling him that he is the better man, Thunder says that he won't play into the "Extreme" side of SRT. SRT raises his hands, and the crowd responds negative. Thunder raises his arms, and the crowd throws toilet paper into the ring. Thunder flips out, and starts chucking the rolls back into the stand, SRT goes on the attack and starts clubbing away at Thunder. SRT goes for a irish whip, but Thunder reverses it and throws SRT into the ropes, SRT hops over Thunder, but Thunder nails a dropkick when he comes back. Thunder stomps away at SRT, dropping several knees across SRT's head.SRT gets back up as they both nail each other with right hands and SRT goes to work on Thunder in the corner. Thunder comes back with chops and then right hands but SRT hits a knee to the gut of Thunder, SRT picks him up and Irish Whips him to the ropes. Thunder came back with a Thesz press and then clotheslined Stanley Ryan Tiger to the outside of the ring. SRT pulled Thunder outside and went to toss him onto the announce table but Thunder blocked and sent SRT into the table.Thunder stalked SRT and sent him over the barricade into the crowd. Thunder jumped off the barricade but SRT hit a shot to the gut and then charged at Thunder, but Thunder back dropped him over the barricade and back to ringside. Thunder kicks at SRT while he's down, and picks up a ring-side chair, He tosses it into the ring. Back in the ring SRT goes and Thunder nails a few chops to the chest but SRT comes back with a facebuster. SRT tries locking in a headlock, but Thunder rakes the eyes of SRT, and chops him a couple of more times. SRT goes for a punch, but Thunder turns into it and wrenches SRT's right arm into a cross arm hold. Thunder pulls back on the arm, putting pressure on it. Thunder gets his feet up onto the ropes for leverage, and pushes down on the arm. SRT is in pain, but the big man starts crawling for the ropes. Thunder lets go, but leg drops his hurt arm. Thunder goes onto the second rope and delivers a leg drop right onto that hurt arm of SRT. SRT pulls back in pain, cradling his arm. Thunder walks over, and applies a modified octopus stretch, that targets that right arm of SRT. Thunder has some good pressure on the arm, and seems to be working it over very nicely. SRT isn't giving up just yet, as he gets to the ropes. The ref calls for the break, and Thunder looks a little mad. Thunder pounds away at SRT, but Stanley pushes him away with his left arm. Thunder charges at SRT, but SRT catches him with a Big Boot out of nowhere! Thunder gets back up, but SRT knocks him down with a clubbing clothesline. Prince Nana gets on the apron and starts chewing out SRT, but SRT isn't having any of that, he gets in Nana's face. Thunder gets back up and grabs the chair, he swings at SRT, but SRT ducks and the chair collides with Nana! Nana falls off of the apron, and Thunder's stunned. He looks out to see if he's okay, but SRT rolls Thunder up! 1...2..Th- No! Thunder kicks out. Thunder and SRT get to their feet and they exchange rights and lefts. SRT looks to get the momentum on his side, and knocks Thunder down. Thunder gets up, and SRT goes for the Superkick, but Thunder ducks and nails one of his own! SRT is layed out, and Thunder goes up top. He signals for the elbow, and nails a HBK-Like Elbow Drop. He covers, 1.....2....Kickout! SRT has kicked out, and now Thunder is calling for the end. Thunder runs to the ropes as SRT is getting up, he goes into a head-scissors and locks in the From Dusk Till Dawn crossface! He's got it locked in on SRT's hurt arm, and SRT looks to tap out! But Rob Conway comes out of nowhere and breaks up the submission before SRT can even tap out. He kicks and stomps away at Thunder, and picks him up. He kicks him in the gut, and hits the Ego Trip! Conway pulls SRT onto Thunder, and leaves the ring. The ref counts, 1......2.....2.999-Kickout By Thunder!! He kicked out at the last second, and SRT thought he had it. He gets up and argues with the ref. He's losing his cool while talking to the ref, and he just levels Referee John Finnegan. Thunder is still down, and Conway gets back into the ring. Both men are cornering Thunder while he is trying to get up. They pick Thunder up, and look to do a Modified Powerbomb when a tall man dressed in black comes through the crowd and enters the ring. Conway turns around and gets leveled with a clothesline! SRT turns around and runs at the man, who catches him and nails the Black Hole Slam! It's Abyss! Abyss is in ECW! Thunder praises Abyss, and Abyss seems very happy that he's helped Thunder. Thunder tells him to get the thumb tacks, and Abyss pulls the bag out. He spreads the tacks out, and both men pick SRT up. Abyss grabs him and hits another Black Hole Slam. Thunder yells at SRT "If he wants extreme, then he's gonna get extreme!" They pick SRT up again, and Thunder kicks him in the gut. He positions SRT for the Greetings From Ghana, right over the thumb tacks! Thunder looks around, and nails the Greetings From Ghana right onto the THUMB TACKS! DANGEROOOUUUSSSS!! SRT just took a facefull of Thumb Tacks! Thunder rolls him over, and wakes John Finnegan up. Thunder puts his foot on SRT's chest, in a cocky pin, as the ref counts. 1--2--3.
Your Winner: Thunder

Lollipop: Your winner...Thunder!

Cyrus the Virus: Well an impressive win for Thunder, that also ended with Rob Conway and SRT learning the hard way that the Embassy is out to prove their point, and boy oh boy, I hope that with Thunder set to face Rob Conway next week that COnway is doing well, becuase if not, Thunder will get an automatic bye into the second round.

Joel Gertner: Well only time will tell.  Rob is still scedualed to compete, but if he can't make, either Jared will find a substitue, or else Thunder is like you said, automaticcally in the second round.  But as of right now Cyrus, we must take out last commercial break, as the cage is lowerd and the main event will begin here soon!

:Commercial Break- Main Event Hype, KSCWE Inc., Others...:

Joel Gertner: Welcome back to ECW Bloodfest, and right now Cyrus, it is main event time!

Cyrus the Virus: That's right Joel.  At the begining of the night we all thought we see a regular special referee match, but now thanks to our general manager, the main even has been updated and now it is a steel cage match!

Joel Gertner: Jason Morris, taking on Raven, 15 foot steel cage match, with Chad Chaos as the acting Referee, this will be on explosive match up!

Cyrus the Virus: Well Joel, lets not keep the fans waiting as we will now take you all to ring side, where the cage has already been lowerd during the break!

"Broken Man" hits, crowd is mixed

Lollipop: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is the main even of the evening, and it is a steel cage match up, where pin falls and submissions are the only way of winning the match up!  Introducing first the acting special referee...CHAD CHAOS!

"Immortal Corruptor" hits, crowd boos

Lollipop: Introducing first, hailing from Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 235 pounds...JASON MORRIS!

"I Stand Alone" hits, crowd cheers

Lollipop: And his opponet, from Short Hills, New Jersey, weighing in at 237 pounds....RAVEN!

Steel Cage - Special Referee: Chad Chaos

Raven vs Jason Morris

Raven looks at Chad, and tells him to call it down the middle, Chad tells him off as Jason starts going to work on Raven. He hits him with clubbing forearms to his back, and hits a double ax handle across his back. Jason grabs Raven and chops his chest a few time, sending him into the turnbuckle. He keeps pounding away, and punching and choping, but Raven gets out of the corner and puts Jason into the corner. Raven attacks with a flurry of his own, finishing up with a clothesline that knocks Jason down. Raven pulls Jason out of the corner, and drops a elbow across his right knee. He stomps away at Jason's knee, and covers. Chad is slow to get down, and Jason kicks out before Chad can even count to one. Raven gets up and gets in Chad's face, telling him that he needs to count a little faster. Raven grabs Jason and throws him face first into the side of the cage. Raven grinds Jason's face all across the cage, ripping a cut open on his forehead, busting him open. Raven lets him go, and Jason falls to the mat, Raven stomps on his head a few times and covers. Chad counts, 1..............Kickout. Raven gets up immediately and gets in Chad's face, Chad just gives him a grin. Raven looks around for a weapon, but realizes that he didn't bring any into the ring at all. Raven calls for some chairs, and the fans respond by throwing a few chairs over the cage into the ring. Many chairs hit the side of the cage and fall down, but a few get in. Raven grows a smile over his face, as he picks up one of the chairs. He waits for Jason to get up, Jason gets up and gets leveled with a chair shot! Raven drops the chair, and covers. 1...................2....Kickout! Raven can't believe it! He's looking a little pissed. Raven sets a chair up, and grabs Jason. He hits the Evenflow DDT right onto the chair! Raven covers, 1.................2......... Chad refuses to count the three! Raven can't believe it, he stands up and starts yelling at Chad. Chad says something back at him and pushes him! Raven looks a little shocked, and attacks Chad! The two are fighting it out in the ring, but Chris Corruption comes down to even the odds for Raven. He gets into the ring, and grabs Chad, tossing him into the side of the cage. Chad bounces back and goes flying into Chris Corruption.  Raven then grabs Chad by the back of the head, and spins him around and nails Chad Chaos with an Evenflow DDT!  As Chad is laid out Raven and Corruption turn their attention back to Jason Morris as Chris picks picks Morris up and whips him into a wiating Raven, as Raven nails himwith a drop toe hold.  Raven then picks Morris up and nials him with an Evenflow DDT.  Raven covers Morris as Chrius grabs Chad's hand and forces him to make the three count. 1..........2.........3 :ding: ding

Lollipop: And your winner...Raven!

After the match Chris and Raven roll Jason out of the ring as Raven tells Corruption to get a steel chair.  Chris slides out of the cage and searches under the ring and finds a steel chair as he slides bvack into the caged ring with the weapon.  Raven then picks Chad's limp body up and ties him to one side of the ropes as Chad is leaning up against the cage wall.  Raven gets the chair as he tells Chad that the belt is his.  Raven raises the chair up in the air and smakcs Chad across the face with it as the rebound off the chair forces Chad's head to crash backwards into the cage wall.  Raven drops the chair as "I Stand Alone" hits.

Joel Gertner: All my God, Cyrus.  Did you see that!

Cyrus the Virus: I sure did Joel. What started off as Chad Chaos screwing Raven over, turned into a full scale warfare on Chad, as this, what appears to be a new never ending nightmare just emerged!

Joel Gertner: Well this new NEN, just took out Chad as Chris Corruption forced Chad's hand to count the pin fall for Raven!

Cyrus the Virus: Well Joel, I am still in shock as to what happend to Chad Chaos in this match up, but maybe next week, we will find out even more on alot of things that just transpired in this match up!

Joel Gertner: Well ECW Fans, see you all next week.

Cameras Roll out showing the NEN celebrating over top of a bloody Chad Chaos who is still tied to the ropes, as the show goes off the air.