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Nitro : Nitro 1/17/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/8/2006 8:16 PM

Results 1/17/05 Live From Houston, Texas

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Jamie Gunz & Jerome Morris defeated Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley in a Non-Title Match

Dark Match #2: Scarlett defeated Charisma Adams

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!!!

Tenay: We are just 24 hours removed from the Royal Rumble and what a great night it was

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits as the Crowd  Goes Nuts

Tony: It looks like we are going to be joined by the 2005 WCW Royal Rumble Champion

Tenay: Chris Walker is on the Road to Wrestlemania

Penser: Please welcome the 2005 WCW Royal Rumble Champion, Chris Walker!!

Madden: I hate him

:Chris Walker makes his way into the ring and gets a microphone:

Chris Walker: Welcome once again to the StreakerZone where Clothing is not required. I did it!!! I won the Royal Rumble Last Night(Crowd Cheers). That means I am going to Wrestlemania just like my brother did last year and this year and that means I will be WCW World Heavyweight Champion very shortly. How do I know? It's in my hometown and us Walker's don't lose in Pittsburgh. Now Wrestlemania is two monthes away yet and well I just wanted to come out here and thank all of you fan....

"This is a Test" hits as Test walks out to the entry way with a mic in hand

Test: Well if it isnt the little streaker boy. You know it was my destiny to win that Royal Rumble and I got screwed over by you. Now I am not going to to come out here and bitch and moan about it because I have asked The Chief of Staff Sean Morley for a match tonight against you and if I beat you then at No Way Out it will be Test vs Chris Walker in a Match for your Wrestlemania Title Shot

Tony: That isn't exactly fair if you ask me

Chris Walker: Well why wait until later to have this little match. Let's do it now!!

:Test drops the mic and heads for the ring:

Tenay: We are going to have Test vs Chris Walker right now!!

Test vs Chris Walker
Test is standing outside of the ring as Referee Chris Kay gets into the ring and rings the bell. Test gets on the apron as Chris Walker is waiting as Test comes into the ring and Test tells Walker the title shot is rightfully his and Walker flips off Test as Test and Walker then lock up and Test throws Walker down to the mat as Walker gets up and locks up and Test knocks Walker back into the corner and Walker flips off Test who charges to hit him but Walker moves out of the corner and then opens up on Test who is in the corner and Walker kicks Test in the knee and Walker then kicks him in the gut and Walker delivers a snap suplex on Test. Chris Walker then gets back up and Walker opens up on Test as he gets back up and Walker goes to whip Test off the ropes but Test reverses and Test then hits a Big Sidewalk slam on Walker coming back. Test covers for a 1---2--kick out. Test gets back up and picks up Walker and Test sets him up for a Powerbomb and picks him up but Walker goes down the back and rolls up Test for a 1---2---2.5-kick out. Walker and Test both get back up as Walker goes to hit Test kicks Walker in the gut and Test then sets him up for a Pumphandle but Walker wiggles free and Walker then dropkicks Test in the back knocking Test into Chris Kay in the process as Walker then kicks Test in the gut when he turns around and Walker goes for a Twist of Fate but Test picks up Walker and rams him back into the corner. Test then delivers a few elbow's to the head of  Chris Walker and Test picks up Chris and drops him face first off the top turnbuckle as Test then kicks Walker in the gut again and Test sets him up for the Pumphandle but Chris wiggles out of it again and Chris Dropkicks Test into the corner and Chris then rolls up Test but Tyson Tomko hits the ring and Tyson eyes up Chris Walker as he gets up and Tyson goes for a Big Boot but Chris ducks and Chris opens up on Tyson knocking Tyson back into the ropes and Chris clotheslines him over the top to the floor but Chris turns around and gets met with a Big Boot from Test. Test then picks up Chris Walker and sets him up for the Pumphandle and hits it as Chris Kay is finally coming to as Test covers Walker for the 1----------2----------3.
Winner: Test

Penser: Your winner, Test

Tony: This is not right

Tenay: Chris Walker had things going his way until Tyson Tomko got involved

Madden: It looks like we just got ourselves a match for No Way Out

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

Eric Bischoff: Sean what exactly did you think you were doing?

Sean Morley: Well Mr. Bischoff. I am just trying to put together the best show

Eric Bischoff: By screwing over Chris Walker?

Sean Morley: Well I was jus...

Eric Bischoff: You know what I don't want to hear it. So this is what is going to happen. You are going to the ring and you are going to fix this mess

Sean Morley: But Mr. Bischof...

Eric Bischoff: This is not negoitable

:Sean Morley leaves the Office:


Madden: That is not right what Eric Bischoff is making Sean Morley do

Tenay: Well Eric Bischoff thinks Sean Morley was out of line making that match and now Sean has to fix it somehow

Tony: Well before Sean comes out here we got another match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Sappy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From The Jersey Shores weighing in at 232 Pounds, Diamond Dallas Page

Tenay: Here comes DDP who is looking to became a US Champion for the first time

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: His opponent, From Calgary Alberta, Canada, Representing The S.C. weighing in at 240 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion, Lance Storm

Madden: Lance Storm is going to take out DDP I think

WCW United States Championship: Lance Storm(C) vs DDP
The match starts off with DDP and Lance Storm locking up in the middle of the ring. DDP overpowers Lance and pushes Lance into the corner, then DDP starts to choke him as the ref tells him to stop. DDP stops and then delivers chops to Lance. Lance falls down as DDP starts kicking him. DDP goes for a quick pin-1...2...kickout. DDP gets up and picks up Lance. DDP whips him into the corner again. DDP runs at him but runs into Lances elbow. DDP is holding his nose as Lance connects with a dropkick. Lance goes for the pin-1....2...kickout. Lance argues with the ref and then tells him he's a stupid American. Lance then starts to kick DDP in the face and lowerback. The ref tells Lance to stop, then checks on DDP. Lance taunts the crowd then picks up DDP. Lance tells DDP he's a dumb American, then out of nowhere..DDP delivers a clothesline to Lance and starts stomping Lance. The ref tells DDP to back off as he starts counting-1...2...3...4...DDP lets off. DDP taunts the crowd as well and then goes to pick up Lance Storm. DDP kicks Lance in the stomach and does a Pancake Slam. DDP goes for a pin but Tyson comes down the ramp. DDP looks at Tyson as the ref gets out of the ring and tells Tyson to go backstage. Lance out of nowhere comes and lowblows DDP. The ref gets back in the ring as Lance pins DDP-1.......2......3
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and still WCW United States Champion, Lance Storm

Tony: That damn Tyson Tomko just got involved again

Madden: Lance Storm retains and thats all that matters

Commercial Ad for The Royal Rumble Replay-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back and up next we are going to see the WCW World Heavyweight Championship defended

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

Tenay: The Love Machine is a former SCWE World Champion and a three time US Champion

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: His opponent, being accumpied to the ring by his "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko, He is the Leader of the S.C., From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Madden: Christian is going to knock off The Love Machine if you ask me

Tony: Tyson Tomko who has already cost Chris Walker and DDP is out here again which could be bad news for The Love Machine

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Christian(C) W/Tyson Tomko vs The Love Machine
Referee Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Title as the bell sounds. Christian and TLM then jaw with each other as Christian slaps The Love Machine across the face and TLM comes back with a right hand knocking down Christian and TLM opens up on Christian with several right hands backing him up into the ropes and TLM then clotheslines Christian over the top to the floor. Tyson Tomko then gets on the apron as Nick Patrick tries to get him down as Christian grabs the WCW World Title and comes back into the ring and Christian goes to hit TLM with it but TLM ducks and kicks Christian in the gut and TLM hits the Pepsi Plunge as Tyson gets off the apron. TLM has the pin for the 1---2--2.9-kickout. TLM can't believe it and has a few words with Nick Patrick as Tyson Tomko is yelling for Christian to get up. The Love Machine then locks in a Boston Crab on Christian who is screaming out in pain but Tyson reaches into the ring and pulls Christian to the ropes as Nick Patrick orders the break. TLM has some words with Tyson Tomko on the floor as Christian then rolls up TLM for a 1---2--2.-5-kick out. Both men get back up as TLM kicks Christian in the gut and TLM hits a Belly 2 Belly Suplex on Christian. TLM then goes up top and goes for a Frog Splash but Christian gets his knee's up as TLM is grabbing his ribs as Christian gets back up and Christian kicks TLM in the gut and Christian whips him off the ropes and Christian hits a big powerslam on TLM. Christian then locks in the Walls of Jericho on TLM as TLM is screaming out in pain and is trying to get towards the ropes and is nearing them as Tyson gets on the apron to distract Nick Patrick as TLM reaches the ropes but Trish Stratus makes her way to the ring and Trish then slaps TLM in the face causing him to let go of the ropes as Christian is able to go back to the center of the ring and sits down again. Tyson gets off the apron as Nick Patrick checks on TLM who is screaming out in pain and TLM has no choice and finally taps out.
Winner: Christian

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Madden: See guys Christian did it without Tyson Tomko's help

Tenay: Yes but Tyson destracted the ref while Trish slapped TLM off the ropes letting Christian get back into the ring and TLM had to tap out

Tony: Well The S.C. is 3-0 tonight but Trish and Tara still have to compete tonight


:Eric Bischoff is shown exiting a Locker Room with a Smile on his face:


Tenay: What was up with that?

Tony: Obivously Eric has something up his sleeve tonight

Penser: The Following Contest is a Non-Title Match

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Tenay: Flame is having a golden opportunity to do something tonight if she can win over The Women's Champion

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Her opponent, From Toronto, Canada, Representing the S.C., The WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Madden: I think Flame may have biten off more then she can chew tonight with Trish though because The S.C. has been red hot tonight

Trish Stratus vs Flame
The bell rings and Flame goes over to Trish and pushes her up against the turnbuckle and starts to make weird noises as Trish is a little weirded out by this and kicks Flame in the gut followed by a Bulldog. Trish quickly tries to get the pin over Flame but cant even get 1 as Flame jumps back to her feet and clotheslines Trish down and tells Trish she made a mistake. She picks Trish up and smashes her head off the turnbuckle then she goes down outside the ring where she dropped a rose before the match. She picks it up and gets back into the ring and walks over to Trish who is up and asks Trish to hold the rose. Trish pushes the rose back into Flame's face and this upsets Flame who jumps on top of Trish and begins to smack her around but Trish reverses and gets on top of Flame into a pin and she puts her foot on the ropes for leverage as Chris Kay counts the 1......2....Flame kicks out. Flame is now upset as she trips Trish and Trish bounces right off the ropes and surprisingly Flame catches her and delivers a body slam. Flame covers for the 1.........2.......2.5.....Trish breaks out of the pin attempt. Flame grabs her by the hair and throws her head first out of the ring. Trish comes to outside the ring and she begins to get up but Flame launches herself out of the ring with a Suicide dive taking out both Trish and herself. She gets up and throws Trish back into the ring and covers 1..........2.......2.6......but Trish still kicks out. Flame climbs up top and goes for the Flamming Starr Press but Trish moves at the last second. This gives Trish time to recover as Flame gets up, Trish nails her with the Stratusfaction and covers for the 1.........2........3
Winner: Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winner Trish Stratus

Tony: Trish Stratus gets the win here in a good match

Madden: Flame did better then I thought she would but Trish gets the win and The S.C. improves to 4-0 tonight

:Parking Lot:

:JBL's Limo is shown pulling up the arena:


Tony: Well JBL tonight will face Maven in what should be another classic match

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff walks out to the top of the entry way with a Mic

Tenay: We are being joined by the WCW GM

Eric Bischoff: Now I came out here right now because I have a few items to announce and Sean Morley will be coming out here later to address all of you to explain himself for his actions earlier in giving Test his match with Chris Walker with those stipulations but right now I want to announce that DDP has been traded back over to SCWE to complete a past trade. Also I have a few No Way Out Matches to announce. The first will be that The WCW Tag Team Championship will be on the line when The Dudley Boys defend them against Jerome Morris and Jamie Gunz as well as WCW's Newest Tag Team, The Basham Brothers and this match will be a....Table's Match. Now I also have a match to announce for Nitro next week in Manchester and that will be that WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus will defend her title against England's own Scarlett. Now the final announcement is that later tonight the #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Champion at No Way Out will be announced but that will be later. So thank you

"I'm Back" hits as Eric heads to the back

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WHW Boiling Point, & KSCWE Extra's

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:17 PM

Tony: Well how about those announcements by Eric Bischoff

Tenay: We now know two matches for No Way Out

Madden: Plus Scarlett faces Trish Stratus next week for the WCW Women's Championship

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Windsor, Canada, weighing in at 179 Pounds, Petey Williams

Tony: Petey Williams is back and wants revenge on the S.C. but tonight can bring home the TV Title

"Shoot to Thrill" hits, Crowd Still Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennesee weighing in at 241 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Brandon

Tenay: Brandon has been on a role since coming to WCW as an active wrestler

WCW Television Championship: Brandon(C) vs Petey Williams
Charles Robinson shows off the Television Title then signals for the bell. Brandon and Petey just stand in their corners locked into a staring match. Brandon then walks to the center of the ring and challenges Petey to lock up with him. Petey then walks into the center and holds out his hands. Brandon and Petey lock up. Brandon uses hi massive size to overpower Petey. He then gets position on Petey and hits a Suplex on him. Petey hits the mat and hurries up and rolls to the rope. Petey then gets up as him and Brandon start to stare each other down again. Brandon laughs a bit and then tells Petey his sorry that he is too strong for him. Petey then runs at Brandon who tries to hit a boot to the face on Petey. But Petey stops and then takes Brandon down at the legs. Petey then starts to lay the boots onto Brandon. Petey then goes up to the top rope. Brandon then gets up stumbling when Petey hits a Dropkick on him. Petey covers Brandon for the 1---2---2.4---kick out. Petey then goes to pick up Brandon but Brandon punches Petey in the stomach. Brandon then opens up on Petey with a couple of right hands and then Brandon knocks Petey over with a big right hand. Brandon does a taunt. Brandon then goes over to Petey. Brandon picks up Petey and whips him into the corner but Petey catches himself and turns around. Brandon is running at Petey and Petey then jumps up on the rope and jumps over Brandon. Brandon then catches himself. Brandon turns around and is met with a kick to the face from Petey. Petey then opens up on Brandon in the corner. Petey then does a taunt. Brandon pulls himself back up. Petey turns around as Brandon tries to hit The Rush on Petey. Petey jumps out of the way. Brandon then stops himself and Petey tries to open up on Brandon. Brandon blocks Petey's punch and hits him. Petey then hits Brandon. Both men keep going back and forth as neither of them can gain an advantage. Petey then goes to punch Brandon but Brandon ducks and hits Petey with a kick to the stomach. Brandon the goes off the ropes and hits a Fameasser on Petey. Brandon covers Petey for the 1---2---2.9---kick out. Brandon can't believe it. Brandon the tries to reason with Charles Robinson. Petey gets up and tries to bum rush Brandon. But Brandon turns and catches Petey with a big right hand. Brandon then whips Petey off of the ropes and is about to hit The Rush when Petey catches himself. Brandon and Petey then circle each other. Brandon stops and tries to punch Petey but Petey blocks it and hits Brandon with a big chop. The crowd cheers as Petey starts to open up on Brandon. Petey forces Brandon back to the ropes and tries to clothesline him over but Brandon ducks under and throws Petey over the ropes. Petey tries to get up as Brandon jumps over and lands on Petey. Charles Robinson begins to start the count out. Brandon picks up Petey and tries to get him in position for another fameasser but Petey reverses and hits an Invertebreaker. Petey then picks up Brandon and rolls him into the ring. Charles Robinson then stops the count as Petey climbs back in. Petey then gets back onto the top rope and waits for Brandon to get up. Brandon gets up as Petey goes for another Dropkick but Brandon gets out of the way as Petey lands hard on the mat. Brandon then slowly gets up and goes over to Petey. Brandon picks Petey up and is going to hit him with another Suplex but Petey wiggles out and shoves Brandon over. Petey then gets on top of Brandon and opens up on Brandon. Petey then gets and sets Brandon up for The Canadian Destroyer. Petey then screams it's over and goes to do it but Brandon gets out of it and Brandon is behind Petey. Brandon then hits The Rush in the back of Petey. Brandon then covers for the 1----2----3.
Winner: Brandon

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Brandon

Tony: Brandon retains in a great match

Tenay: Brandon backdropped Petey when he was going for the Destroyer and then hit the Rush and it was all over

Madden: Hats off to Brandon for this win

:Brandon is celebrating his win when Randy Orton sneaks into the ring behind Brandon and Brandon turns around right into the RKO from Randy Orton who picks up the TV Title and holds it high before dropping it down and sliding out of the ring:

Tenay: What the heck was that about

Madden: I guess Randy Orton wants to be TV Champion now

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Archives, WHW Boiling Point, SCWE Smackdown!

After The Break:

Tony: Well up next we are going to see yet another title match

Tenay: Tonight has definatly been a Night of Champions

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Cleveland, Ohio, The Challenger, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie came up short at the Royal Rumble against Trish Stratus but looks to win the title tonight

"Alive" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Representing The S.C., She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Madden: Tara like Trish will retain and the S.C. will go 5-0 tonight

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Tara Rayge(C) vs Jackie Gayda
Referee Mike Chiota calls for the bell as Tara Rayge tells Jackie Gayda she got no chance of winning the title and Jackie tells Tara to bring it as Tara and Jackie lock up and Jackie shoves Tara down to the mat and Tara gets back up as Jackie opens up on Tara with right hands and Jackie whips Tara off the ropes and charges right behind her and Jackie clotheslines Tara over the top to the floor. Tara Rayge can't believe it as Jackie Gayda then hits a baseball slide into Tara. Jackie Gayda then gets on the floor as Tara pulls herself back up and Jackie hits a kick to the ribs of Tara and Jackie then picks up Tara and slams her down throat first on the guard rail. Jackie then goes and looks under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick and Jackie then hits Tara in the ribs with it and then the back as Jackie drops the kendo stick and rolls Tara back into the ring. Jackie then rolls back into the ring and Jackie kicks Tara in the gut and Jackie hits a Modified Twist of Fate on Tara. Jackie then sets Tara up and Jackie goes up top and Jackie hits a Moonsault from the top and hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.5-Trish Stratus pulls Jackie off Tara. Trish Stratus then goes to hit Jackie but Jackie blocks and knocks down Trish with a right hand. Jackie Gayda then starts to stomp away at Trish until Tara Rayge rolls out to the floor and Tara attacks Jackie from behind. Tara then rams Jackie face first into the steel post and Tara rolls Jackie back into the ring. Trish Stratus rolls into the ring as Tara goes up top and Trish hits a Chick Kick to Jackie knocking her down as Tara comes off the top hitting the Rayge effect and scoring the 1---2--3.
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara Rayge retains thanks to Trish Stratus

Madden: It is legal

Tenay: Unfortunatly it is and The S.C. as a result is 6-0 tonight

Commercial Ad for Royal Rumble Replay-Long Ad

After the Break 

Tenay: Well the S.C. has had a great night tonight but our next match features some superstars who could be threats to Christian and Trish's titles

Madden: Scott Steiner and Shayn Flair make there Nitro Returns next!!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Match

"I get around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The team of Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton

Tenay: Stephanie had a rough night last night at the Rumble as did Randy Orton as well

"Holla If Ya Hear Me" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents, The Team of The #2 Freak Shayn Flair and "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Madden: Steiner and Shayn both dominated in the Rumble's but neither one won

Tony: They both though answered about any ring rust last night

Scott Steiner & Shayn Flair vs Randy Orton & Stephanie McMahon
Randy Orton and Scott Steiner start the match as Orton tells Steiner how much he admires him and Orton offers to shake Steiner's hand and Steiner accepts but then pulls Orton into a Steinerline as Orton then struggles up as Steiner kicks Orton in the gut and Steiner picks up Orton bench pressing him over his head and slamming him down hard as Orton rolls over and tags out to Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie looks at Orton like he just killed somebody as Scott Steiner is waiting on Stephanie who slowly gets into the ring and Referee Mike Chiota asks Scott to tag out but he refuses as Steiner goes over towards Stephanie who tries to tag out again but Orton is laying on the apron and Stephanie backs up into the corner and is begging off from Steiner who is standing there and Stephanie then tries to pursued him by telling him something and Steiner laughs and then goes to grab Stephanie who covers up and Steiner smirks again and turns around and goes to tag out but Stephanie jumps on his back and Steiner ends up flipping Stephanie over as Steiner tags out to Shayn Flair. Shayn Flair comes into the ring as Stephanie gets back up and Shayn kicks Stephanie in the gut and Shayn delivers a big DDT on Stephanie. Shayn then picks up Stephanie and whips her into the corner and Shayn then delivers several chops to the chest of Stephanie who rives in pain from it as Randy Orton then comes into the ring and Randy goes over and grabs Shayn by the hair but Shayn turns around and clotheslines Randy down but Stephanie then hits Shayn from behind and Stephanie goes for the RKO but Shayn picks up Stephanie and throws her backwards into Randy. Stephanie and Randy both are getting up as Shayn kicks Stephanie in the gut and whips her into the corner as Randy Orton starts to get up but Scott Steiner comes into the ring and Steiner clotheslines Orton down. Shayn Flair is delivering several more chops to Stephanie and Shayn then puts Stephanie up top and Shayn climbs up and Shayn delivers a Superplex on Stephanie as Steiner throws Randy Orton over the top to the floor. Shayn meanwhile covers Stephanie for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Shayn Flair then gets up and picks up Stephanie as Scott Steiner gets back on the apron as does Randy Orton and Shayn sets up Stephanie for another DDT but Stephanie shoves Shayn back and Stephanie hits a clothesline knocking down Shayn. Stephanie then goes over and tags out to Randy Orton as Shayn tags out to Scott Steiner. Randy Orton comes in and goes to attack Steiner coming in but Steiner knocks down Orton and Steiner then catches Orton getting up with the Freakliner. Steiner though does not go for the cover and instead does his trademark push ups waiting for Randy Orton to start to come too. Steiner then picks up Randy Orton once he starts to wake up and Steiner belly 2 belly's Orton down and then flips him over and Steiner Locks in the Steiner Recliner on Randy Orton as Stephanie comes in to break it up but Shayn Flair cuts Stephanie off and knocks her down as Randy Orton has no choice and gives up.
Winners: Scott Steiner & Shayn Flair

Penser: Your winners, Scott Steiner & Shayn Flair

Tony: Scott Steiner and Shayn Flair pick up an impressive win tonight

Madden: Well Randy Orton's destiny was to tap out tonight to Scott Steiner

:As Randy Orton tries to get back up, Brandon sneaks into the ring and Brandon hits the Rush from behind to Orton taking him down as Orton grabs his back as Brandon tells him nobody sneaks attacks him as Stephanie crawls over to Randy as Brandon smirks at her and then pulls out a dollar bill and throws it to her before leaving the ring:

Tenay: Brandon just got some pay back

Madden: Does Stephanie only cost a dollar? If so I got a dollar

Tony: I think that was a joke Mark to further the embarassment

Madden: Damn it then


:The S.C. is shown celebrating as Christian is apparantly giving them all a pep talk as Eric Bischoff walks up to the group:

Eric Bischoff: Hello Canadians.

Christian: What do you want Bisch

Eric Bischoff: Christian can I have a word with you

:Christian walks around the corner with Eric Bischoff:

Eric Bischoff: Now Christian I asked you to come over here in private because I have a confession to make

Christian: You're not going to come on to me are you?

Eric Bischoff:(Smirks) You wish but anyway the confession is that I don't like you much and I don't like how your little group does things around here which is why I am going to have security remove yourself, Trish Stratus, Tara Rayge, Lance Storm, and Test from the building but Tyson Tomko must remain because he has a match

Christian: You can't do that

Eric Bischoff: I already have and if you elect to sneak back into the arena and get caught then you should know that I have already gotten clearance from Scott Hill to fire anyone regardless if your the WCW World Champion or the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion. Anyone

Christian: That's not fair

Eric Bischoff: Security remove Mr. Christian and the rest of his acciates from the arena

:Security starts to escort Christian and then the rest of the S.C. as Tyson goes to leave with them:

Eric Bischoff: Tyson I wouldn't leave if you like your job

:Tyson looks at Christian:

Christian: Stay Tyson


Madden: That wasn't right on Eric's part

Tony: He got the right though

Tenay: Obviously Tyson Tomko is going to be wrestling here tonight

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charleston, West Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven

Tenay: Maven came very close last night to winning the Royal Rumble

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as The Stretch Limo pulls out into the entry way

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL phoned me earlier to tell me that he had to get a new limo after Triple H stole his last night at the Royal Rumble but apparantly JBL is not mad at The Game over it

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:17 PM
Maven vs JBL
Maven and JBL start off by circling each other. Maven then tells JBL that he wants to lock up. JBL goes to but then turns around and puts on some hand sanitizer. Maven is insulted and runs and throws JBL down. Maven then picks up JBL and whips him off of the ropes. Maven then hits a Spinning Wheel Kick on JBL. Maven gets up and then stomps away on JBL. Maven then does a taunt. Maven goes to pick JBL up but JBL gets over near the ropes. Maven starts to walk over to JBL as JBL is begging Maven to stop. Maven goes to pick JBL up but JBL kicks at Maven. Maven gets knocked back as JBL gets up and hits a huge right hand on Maven. JBL then does his signature smile as the crowd boos. JBL picks Maven up and then knocks him down with another big right hand. JBL then stomps a bit on Maven. JBL then whips Maven off of the ropes and hits Maven with a Big Boot. JBL then picks Maven back up. JBL laughs a bit then goes for a DDT but Maven punches JBL in the stomach. Then Maven does a Dropkick and hits JBL right in the mouth. Maven gets up as JBL is rolling around. Maven then grabs JBL and drags him into the middle of the ring. Maven then gets on top of JBL and opens up on him. Maven then gets up and climbs the top rope. Maven hits a Frogsplash on JBL. Maven covers for the 1---2---2.5---kick out. Maven then picks JBL up and whips him into the corner. Maven runs at JBL but JBL gets hit elbow up. Maven stumbles back as JBL then runs right into Maven knocking him down. JBL then taunts a bit as JBL picks Maven up. JBL then opens up on Maven. Then JBL shoves Maven down. JBL then drags Maven into the middle of the ring and gets a Leg Lock on Maven. JBL is applying pressure as Maven is struggling to get free. JBL keeps putting pressure on as Charles Robinson runs over and asks Maven if he wants to tap. Maven slowly makes his way to the ropes. Maven grabs the ropes as Charles Robinson tells JBL to break the hold. JBL waits for four seconds then breaks. JBL then walks over and turns Maven over. JBL the picks Maven up and slaps him in the face. Maven stumbles back into the corner. JBL is walking towards Maven as Maven hops up onto the turnbuckle and hits a Dropkick on JBL. Both men are laying on the mat as Charles Robinson starts the count. 1---2---3---4---5---6. Maven and JBL both get up slowly. JBL tries to hit Maven but Maven blocks it and hits JBL with a punch to the head. Maven then opens up on JBL then runs off the ropes and hits a Crossbody on JBL. Maven then taunts. Maven then picks up JBL and hits a DDT on him. Maven then climbs up to the top rope and is waiting for JBL to get back up. JBL gets up and Maven hits a Blockbuster on him. Maven is about ready to pin when Orlando Jordan and the Bashams get out of the limo and run to the ring. Orlando distracts Charles Robinson as the Bashams get into the ring. Doug runs at Maven as Maven knocks him down then Maven knocks Danny down. Maven is fighting off both Bashams as JBL comes two. Maven whips Doug into the corner and throws Danny over the ropes. Maven then grabs Doug and hits a DDT on him. Maven then rolls Doug out of the ring as Maven starts to taunt. Maven then turns around to get JBL as JBL has gotten up and hits the Clothesline From Hell on Maven. Orlando then jumps off of the apron as JBL pins Maven for the 1---2---3.
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner, JBL

Madden: JBL has done it. He BEAT MAVEN

Tenay: These new guys just helped JBL win

:JBL, Orlando Jordan, & The Basham brothers continue to put the boots to Maven until Scott Steiner hits the ring with a Steel Chair and chases out the Cabnet as Steiner checks on Maven:

Madden: What the hell is up with Scott Steiner helping Maven?

Tenay: I don't know but we saw them working together last night at the Royal Rumble and now tonight Steiner saves Maven again

Final Commercial Ad for Royal Rumble Replay-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well we are back and expecting Sean Morley to be out here any moment now

"Hello Ladies" hits, Crowd is mixed

Tenay: Speaking of the devil

Penser: Please welcome the WCW Chief of Staff, Sean Morley

Madden: Well I think this is unfair that they are making Sean Morley do this

:Sean Morley gets into the ring and gets a microphone:

Sean Morley: Now I am out here to not entertain you fans but to explain why I would book Test in a situation that could cost Chris Walker his Royal Rumble Match. Now the easiest way to explain this is that I wanted to have the best situation for you fans to have a great Pay Per View. That is why I booked the match and I though it would be something that Mr. Bischoff would be proud of and I guess I was wrong so for that I do appologize but I do have a way to correct it and that is to...

:Tyson Tomko starts to walk towards the ring:

Tenay: What the heck is Tyson Tomko doing coming out here?

:Tyson gets into the ring as Sean Morley asks him why he is out there when "Pour Some Sugar On Me" hits as the Crowd Goes Nuts:

Tony: I guess we are going to find out right now because Marrisa is back!!

:Marrisa walks out to the entry way with a mic in hand:

Marrisa Bischoff: Now its great to be back(Crowd Cheers) but I wish I could be back for better reasons. You see I am here because you hate to find out that an employee is not really doing the job he is supposed to and stealing from you and that is what has happened. Sean Morley you have been busted

Sean Morley: What are you talking about?

Marrisa Bischoff: Sean we know that you are officially a member of the Stratusfying Canadians and that the whole Chris Walker thing was a set up from the very start which is why you are here by Fired

Sean Morley: You can't do that

Marrisa Bischoff: I just did and in case your thinking Eric has to do it. Eric sent me out here to fire you

Sean Morley: I guess he doesn't have the balls to do it himself then

Marrisa Bischoff: Oh Sean he would have fired you but he is your opponent

Sean Morley: My what?

Marrisa Bischoff: Your opponent. That's right Sean your wrestling along with Tyson Tomko in a Tag Team Match

Sean Morley: Against?

Marrisa: Eric and his mystery partner but before they come out let me introduce you to the special referee

Madden: This isn't fair

"Eye of the Tiger" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Marrisa Bischoff: The Special Referee....Scott Walker!!

Tenay: Scott Walker is going to be the referee

Madden: He won't call it down the middle

Sean Morley: You can't do this

Marrisa Bischoff: Cut his microphone out

:Sean Morley goes to speak some more but the mic is cut out and Morley throws the mic down in disgust and takes off his jacket and starts to take off his shirt:

Tenay: Sean Morley is not happy about having to wrestle but has to here I guess to keep his regular job because he isnt the Chief of Staff anymore

Marrisa Bischoff: There opponents...

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts as Sean Morley & Tyson Tomko hand there heads in the ring

Marrisa Bischoff: The WCW General Manager and my husband, Eric Bischoff and The Sheriff of WCW...HULK HOGAN!!!

Tony: Hulk Hogan is teaming up with Eric Bischoff

Madden: Anyone but him

Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff vs Tyson Tomko & Sean Morley: Special Referee: Scott Walker
Sean Morley tells Tyson to start the match out which he does with Hulk Hogan as Scott Walker calls for the bell as Tyson and Hogan lock up with Tyson shoving Hogan back and Tyson goes to pose but Hogan hits a right hand to Tyson backing him up and Hogan then clotheslines Tyson down. Tyson gets back up as Hogan knocks Tyson back into the corner and Hogan delivers a few right hands and then climbs up on the middle turnbuckle and Hogan pounds away at Tyson with 10 punches and then bites the head of Tyson as Hogan then jumps down as Tyson comes out and gets hit with a double fist thrust by Hogan to the throat of Tyson. Hogan then drops a big a elbow on Tyson and then starts to choke Tomko as Scott Walker overlooks at it and tells Eric Bischoff to stay on the apron as Sean Morley comes into the ring and breaks it up. Morley stomps away at Hogan but Hogan gets up and Morley goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks and knocks down Morley with a right hand as Tyson gets back up and Tyson then takes a cheap shot to Hogan knocking him down to his knee's and Tyson backs up and Tyson connects with a Big Boot to Hogan. Tyson then is smirking as Hogan starts to "Hulk Up" though as Tyson realizes it and Tyson tags out to Sean Morley who is shocked as Tyson then walks out of the ring as Sean Morley jumps off the apron and tries to leave as well as Chris Walker comes down and cuts off Morley as Sean Morley is then chased back to the ring as Morley rolls in and bumps into Hogan as Morley turns around, Hogan points to Morley as Morley goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks and backs Morley into the ropes and Hogan whips Morley off the ropes and hits a Big Boot to him. Hogan then bounces off the ropes and drops a Big Leg Drop on him and Hogan then tags out to Eric Bischoff who comes in and drops a Leg Drop of his own and covers Morley for the 1-2-3.
Winners: Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff

Penser: Your winners, Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff

Tony: Hogan and Bischoff have done it!!

Madden: Tyson walked out on Sean Morley and Sean tried to leave but that damn Chris Walker ran him back

:Eric Bischoff gets a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: Ladies and Gentleman at No Way Out it will be Christian defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against.....HULK HOGAN!!


Tenay: Hogan vs Christian at No Way Out!!!

Tony: We are out of time but we hope you enjoyed Nitro, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: