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Nitro : Nitro 1/31/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/8/2006 8:26 PM

Results 1/31/05 Live From Tokyo, Japan 

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Jerome Morris defeated Carlito Caribbean Cool

Dark Match #2: Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley defeated Doug & Danny Basham

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro. We are coming to you from Tokyo, Japan

Tenay: Last week's Nitro was great especially with Kevin Nash and Lacy Alexander making there returns and Lacy is here tonight along with Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash will be in action

Madden: Yeah but why are there twelve superstars in the ring?

Tenay: I don't know

"I'm Back" hits as the Crowd Cheers as Eric Bischoff walks out to the entry way

Eric Bischoff: I am sure you are wondering why the ring is full of superstars and the reason for that is because right now we are going to play The Third Ever Musical Chairs so ring the bell

Tony: Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs: Maven vs Tyson Tomko vs Stephanie McMahon vs Jackie Gayda vs Chris Walker vs Orlando Jordan vs Test vs Tara Rayge vs Charisma Adams vs Jerome Morris vs Scott Walker vs Petey Williams
The Musical Chairs Music starts as all 12 people circle the 11 chairs and the music continue's as they round the chairs once and then the music stops as everyone goes for a chair but Orlando Jordan is left out. Orlando Jordan has been eliminated. The Music starts up as the 11 remaining people circle the 10 chairs now and Test starts to mouth off across the ring to Chris Walker as The Music stops suddenly as everyone dives back leaving Test without a chair but Test grabs Petey Williams and throws him through the ropes out to the floor and Test sits down. Petey Williams has been eliminated. The 10 Remaining People get up as the crowd Boo's Test as they circle the 9 chairs. Test, Tyson, & Tara are together walking while Maven and Jackie are also together and the Walker's are together but the Music continue's to play as it stops and everyone goes for a chair but Charisma Adams is left out. Charisma Adams has been eliminated. This leaves 9 people now as the music starts to play again and stops nearly immediately as everyone gets back up except Jerome Morris who is not happy about being eliminated and tries to complain to the referee but is still gone. Jerome Morris has been eliminated. This leaves 8 now as the S.C. gets into an argument while walking with the other people and the music stops as everyone gets back but Scott Walker. Scott then shakes his brother's hand and tells him to win as he leaves. Scott Walker has been eliminated. The Lucky 7 start to go around as the music plays and Maven and Chris Walker seem to making some sort of strategy as Test, Tyson, & Tara seem to be making a strategy as the Next Buzzer Sounds and everyone goes for a chair but Test is nearly left out but he kicks a chair away as Tara was going to sit down and Test then grabs the chair and sits down. Tara is not happy as The Referee's tell her to leave. Tara Rayge has been eliminated. The Music starts to play again as Test tries to explain himself to a pissed off looking Tyson Tomko while Walker, Maven, & Jackie continue to walk together with Stephanie in between The S.C. and the other group as The Next Buzzer Sounds and everyone goes for a chair but Jackie Gayda is left out. Maven tells Jackie sorry but she nods her head and leaves the ring. Jackie Gayda has been eliminated. The Music starts as the Next round begins as the remaining 5 people circle the 4 remaining Chairs and they do so several times as the Music finally stops and Chris Walker, Maven, & Steph get right into a chair but Test and Tyson both go for the final one but both stop as they exchange words about who should get it and Test tells Tyson to play Rock, Paper, Scissors and Tyson agree's but Test then sits down as Tyson is pissed as he is forced out of the ring. Tyson Tomko has been eliminated. The Music starts again as the final 4 are Chris Walker, Maven, Stephanie McMahon, & Test. The Men circle the 3 chairs but Test who is behind Stephanie is checking out her backside and Test then slaps Stephanie's backside as Stephanie turns around and Test then piefaces her down as Chris Walker saw that and Walker then turns around and Walker dives at Test as both men start to go at it as Maven tries to pull Chris Walker off him as the Music stops playing as Stephanie gets back up and sits down as does Maven as Chris Walker and Test are still going at it and Referee's pull Chris Walker off him as Test crawls over and sits down. Chris Walker has been eliminated. This leaves the final 3 as The Music starts to play as they circle the chairs several times as Chris Walker comes back into the ring and Walker goes after Test again as Walker and Test are brawling back and forth as several referee's restrain the men as the Next Buzzer Sounds but Test is being restrained and can't make it to the chair as Maven & Stephanie sit down. Test is not happy as he is forced to the back. Test has been eliminated. The Final Round begins as  Maven  & Stephanie both circle the last chair and both of them are talking trash as Maven seem's to be getting the edge on Stephanie as The Music stops with Maven closer to the chair but Maven offers to Stephanie to sit down and win and Stephanie goes to sit down but Maven pulls the chair out as Stephanie ends up hitting the mat as Maven sets the chair down and sits in it for the win.
Winner: Maven

Penser: The Winner and still Musical Chairs Champion, Maven

Tony: Maven just won Musical Chairs again

Tenay: There has been three Musical Chairs now and Maven has won the last two so congratulations to Maven

Madden: Big deal, Maven can win a childs game


:Scott Steiner, Shayn Flair, & Lacy Alexander are shown leaving Eric Bischoff's Office:


Tony: I wonder what The Genetic Freaks were doing in Eric's office?

Tenay: I am sure we will find out eventually but lets send things down to the ring for our next match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

Madden: The Love Machine I think will end his recent losing skid tonight

Tenay: He will be facing the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion though

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Charleston, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven

Tony: Maven is looking to pick up a big win here to end his recent troubles

Maven vs The Love Machine
Maven and TLM lock up as the bell sounds and neither man can get the upper hand as they break off and then go to lock up again but TLM kicks Maven in the gut and TLM delivers a right hand to the side of Maven's head. The Love Machine then whips Maven into the corner and TLM charges in but Maven gets his boot up knocking TLM back down to the mat. Maven then goes up top as TLM gets back up and Maven hits a missile dropkick on TLM. Maven then covers for a 1 count. Maven gets back up and opens up on The Love Machine backing him up into the ropes and Maven then whips TLM off the ropes and Maven hits a picture perfect dropkick on TLM knocking him back down to the mat. Maven then waits for TLM to get back up and Maven opens up on him some more and Maven whips him off the ropes again and Maven puts his head down for a backdrop but TLM is able to stop and TLM hits a swinging neckbreaker on Maven. TLM then picks up Maven and TLM delivers a belly 2 belly suplex on him. The Love Machine then stomps away at Maven as Maven rolls over to the ropes and tries to get back up as TLM kicks Maven in the ribs a few times and The Love Machine then drags Maven to the center of the ring and TLM picks up Maven for a Brain buster but Maven is able to get free and Maven then pushes TLM into the ropes and rolls him up for a 1---2---2.8-kick out. TLM gets back up as Maven hits another dropkick on him. Maven then kicks TLM in the gut upon getting back up and Maven goes for a Perfect Plex but TLM blocks it and rolls up Maven in a small package for a 1---2---2.8-kick out. Both men get back up and exchange right hands as Maven kicks TLM in the gut again and Maven delivers a DDT on him. Maven then goes up top and waits for TLM to get up and Maven comes off hitting the Blockbuster on TLM and Maven covers TLM for a 1---2--2.9-Referee Mike Chiota gets yanked out to the floor thanks to Orlando Jordan. Maven gets off TLM and Maven then charges in and hits a baseball slide on Orlando Jordan knocking him down and Maven gets back up to his feet but walks right into a Clothesline from hell from JBL. JBL then picks up Maven and delivers a Powerbomb on him as Orlando rolls Mike Chiota back into the ring. The Love Machine gets back up to his feet and picks up the lifeless Maven and TLM hits the Pepsi Plunge for the 1---2--3.
Winner: The Love Machine

Penser: Your winner, The Love Machine

Tenay: The Love Machine just beat Maven thanks to The Cabnet

Madden: A Win is a win and TLM just beat a World Title Contender

:JBL & Orlando Jordan laugh at Maven as they head back up the entry way:

Commercial Ad for No Way Out-Long Preview

After The Break:

Tony: I am sickened by what JBL and Orlando Jordan did to Maven in that last match

Tenay: Obviously Maven and JBL's rivalry is far from being over

Madden: Well lets get to the next match guys

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Word Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Levittown, New York weighing in at 250 Pounds, JJ Stallion

Tenay: JJ Stallion making his return tonight to WCW

Tony: He is going to have his hands full

"Holla If Ya Hear Me" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by his "Freaks" Lacy Alexander and Shayn Flair, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 Pounds, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Madden: Scott Steiner is a bad mood. I saw him earlier and he looked pissed off as did his ladies

Teany: Well Scott Steiner feels as though he got screwed out of winning the WCW World Title last week and tonight could be a bad night for JJ Stallion

Scott Steiner W/Lacy Alexander & Shayn Flair vs JJ Stallion
Referee Mike Posey calls for the bell as Scott Steiner is still talking to his freaks on the floor when JJ Stallion attacks Steiner from behind. JJ is pounding away at Steiner but Steiner turns right around and pie faces JJ Stallion to the mat. JJ gets back up as Steiner turns back around and JJ turns Steiner around and gets nailed with a right hand from Steiner. Scott Steiner then waits as JJ gets back up and Steiner kicks JJ in the gut and Steiner picks up JJ bench pressing him and then slams him down hard as JJ rives in pain. Scott Steiner then charges in hitting a big clothesline on JJ knocking him down. Scott Steiner then tells JJ that he should go back to WHW and JJ goes to hit Steiner but Steiner grabs JJ and hits a big belly 2 belly suplex on him as Steiner then goes right into his trademark push ups as JJ rolls out of the ring to the floor to regroup. Shayn Flair then gets on the apron as Scott Steiner walks over to her and Steiner and Shayn engage in a kiss as Mike Posey tries to get Shayn down off the apron but during that Lacy Alexander goes over to JJ and Lacy hits JJ from behind with a big clothesline knocking him down and Lacy picks up JJ and slams him down on the floor and Lacy then picks up JJ again and rams him head first into the ring post before rolling him back into the ring where Shayn gets off the apron and Scott Steiner goes over and picks up JJ Stallion and Steiner delivers The Freakliner on him and Steiner then rolls over JJ and Locks in the Steiner Recliner as JJ stallion has no choice and taps out.
Winner: Scott Steiner

Penser: Your winner, Scott Steiner

Tony: Scott Steiner made short work of JJ Stallion tonight

Tenay: JJ was in the wrong place at the wrong time

:Backstage: JBL is shown with Orlando as well as the Basham's

JBL: Guys you should have seen it. It was brilliant. I bet Maven is going to cry

:The Basham & Orlando then point behind them and JBL slowly turns around to reveal Eric Bsichoff:

Eric Bischoff: Well JBL since you like to interfere so much in other people's matches then this is what I am going to do for next week's Monday Nitro since it is the final Nitro before No Way Out. Next week it will be JBL and The Basham Brothers taking on Maven and The Dudley Boys and JBL you will find out your No Way Out Match a little later on

:Eric walks away as JBL and his cabnet look a little pissed:


Tony: Next week it will be JBL and The Basham's taking on Maven and the WCW Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boys in a Six Man Tag just a week away from No Way Out

Tenay: We also heard Eric say he will announce JBL's Match for No Way Out and there are still quiet a few open matches which I have been told will all be filled tonight

Madden: Well guys up next we got a Bra & Panties Match so lets get to that!!

Penser: The Following Contest is a #1 Contender's Bra & Panties Match where the winner will go to No Way Out to challenge for the WCW Women's Championship(Men in the crowd go nuts)

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Cleveland, Ohio, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Well Jackie Gayda is getting another chance to earn a Women's Title Shot

Madden: Trish Stratus got her number though even if she were to win

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Well I hope Stephanie loses just so we can see her in her bra and panties because from what I heard about Jackie is that she well wears less then flattering undergarments

Tony: And how would you hear that

Madden: I won't give away my sources so hush

Bra & Panties: Jackie Gayda vs Stephanie McMahon
Referee Chris Kay calls for the bell as Jackie & Steph get face to face and mouth off with one another as they ladies then lock up with Stephanie getting the upper hand on Jackie and locking in a headlock but Jackie sends Stephanie off the ropes and Jackie then waits for Stephanie but Stephanie ducks a clothesline attempt from Jackie and Stephanie bounces off the other side and then hits a Lou Thez Press on Jackie and Steph opens up on Jackie with a few right hands and Steph then starts to pound Jackie's head off the mat. Stephanie then picks up Jackie and Stephanie whips Jackie off the ropes and Steph then goes for a clothesline on Jackie but Jackie ducks and Jackie opens up on Stephanie now backing Steph into the ropes and Jackie backs up and then charges in looking for a clothesline but Steph ducks and Steph then kicks Jackie in the gut and Stephanie hits a DDT on Jackie. Stephanie then grabs Jackie's shirt and tries to get it off but Jackie delivers a right hand to the gut of Stephanie and Jackie then pulls Stephanie into the corner by her pants as Stephanie hits the top rope face first and Stephanie falls backwards onto the mat as Jackie gets back up and Jackie drops a big elbow on Stephanie and Jackie then picks up Stephanie and Jackie slams her back down hard as Jackie then waits for Stephanie to get back up and Jackie kicks Steph in the gut and Jackie sets Steph up for a Twist of Fate but Stephanie shoves Jackie away and Stephanie then hits The RKO on Jackie when she comes back. Stephanie rolls Jackie over and covers her as  Chris Kay informs Stephanie its not a pin fall match and Stephanie then gets back up to her feet and is smiling as Stephanie grabs Jackie's shirt and starts to pull it off but Jackie Gayda fights back and Jackie grabs Stephanie's pants and starts to pull them down as Stephanie tries to keep her pants up as Jackie continue's to tug away as Stephanie then knee's Jackie in the face and Stephanie lets go of Jackie as does Jackie to Stephanie. Stephanie backs up as Jackie starts to get back up and Steph charges in hitting a stiff kick to the ribs of Jackie causing Jackie to roll out of the ring to the floor as Jackie is grabbing her ribs. Stephanie then goes outside to the floor after Jackie and Stephanie goes to hit Jackie but Jackie catches Stephanie with a slap across the face as Stephanie is stunned and Stephanie goes to slap Jackie but Jackie blocks it and Jackie opens up on Steph with right hands and Jackie stops and tells Steph to bring it as Stephanie goes to hit Jackie again but Jackie grabs Stephanie and hits a big Spinebuster on the floor!!! Stephanie is riving in pain and grabbing her back as Jackie picks up Stephanie and rolls her back into the ring as Jackie goes up top and Jackie goes for a Moonsault but Stephanie moves out of the way as Stephanie gets back up still grabbing her back and Stephanie delivers a running knee to the side of Jackie's head as she was trying to get back up. Stephanie then grabs Jackie's shirt again and pulls it off revealing Jackie's black sports bra. Stephanie starts to wave Jackie's shirt around and then throws it out into the crowd and Stephanie is gloating as Jackie comes up behind Stephanie and hits her in the back. Jackie then whips Stephanie off the ropes and Jackie puts her head down as Stephanie stops and kicks Jackie in the face and Stephanie sets up Jackie for a Pedigree but Jackie trips Stephanie down as Jackie then sling shots Stephanie into the corner and Stephanie comes out right into a Modified RKO from Jackie. Jackie then grabs Stephanie's shirt and pulls it off revealing Stephanie's black bra. Jackie Gayda then goes for Stephanie's pants but Steph kicks Jackie away knocking her into Chris Kay. Jackie and Stephanie both get back up and Steph goes to hit Jackie but Jackie kicks her in the ribs and Jackie hits a Devastating DDT on Stephanie and Jackie is about to remove Stephanie's pants when Randy Orton comes running down to the ring and Randy Orton grabs Jackie Gayda by her hair and pulls her off Stephanie and Randy is telling her that Stephanie is going to win this match and there isn't nothing she can do as Jackie attempts to lowblow Randy but Randy catches her foot but Maven hits the ring behind Randy Orton and Maven turns Orton around and Maven opens up on Orton with right hands knocking Orton into the ropes and Maven then clotheslines Orton over the top to the floor. Jackie tells Maven thank you as Stephanie goes to pants Jackie but Maven warns her as Jackie holds her pants up as Maven walks towards Stephanie scaring Steph away as Chris Kay starts to come to as Maven gets out of the ring as Stephanie goes to hit Jackie again but Jackie blocks and opens up on Stephanie again with right hands. Jackie then whips Stephanie into the corner as Jackie charges in but Stephanie moves as Jackie stops before hitting the corner but Stephanie hits a right hand knocking Jackie back into the corner and Stephanie then picks up Jackie putting her on top rope and Stephanie starts to climb up with Jackie and Stephanie attempts a Super Plex but Jackie holds onto the top rope as Orton & Maven both cheer there ladies on from the floor. Stephanie attempts it again but Jackie blocks again and Jackie then appears to tell Stephanie something because Stephanie looks down at her chest which allows Jackie to hit a uppercut on Stephanie knocking her off the top rope. Stephanie lands on her back as Jackie stands up as Stephanie starts to get back up and Jackie comes off hitting the Blockbuster on Stephanie as Randy Orton is screaming for Steph to get back up as Jackie grabs Stephanie's pants and pulls them off revealing Stephanie's black pair of panties.
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winner, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie Gayda is going to go to No Way Out to face Trish Stratus one more time

Madden: What a great match though

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, KSCWE Hall of Fame, Sexy & Seductive Contest

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:27 PM
Tony: Welcome back to Nitro

Tenay: We have seen some great action

Madden: Jackie Gayda is going to No Way Out again to face Trish Stratus for the WCW Women's Championship

Tony: Well we got a big match up next

Penser: The Following contest is a mixed tag match

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The S.C., The Team of The WCW Women's Hardcore Champion Tara Rayge and Test

Madden: Test and Tara are going to dominat tonight

Tony: It should be interesting to see if Tara forgave Test for his shady play during Musical Chairs

"Hysteria" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, first from Tampa Bay, Florida, Charisma Adams

Tenay: Charisma Adams who is still getting used to being an active wrestler after being a GM for a while and then going down with that injury while she was training but has looked good thus far

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Cheers Loudly

Penser: Her partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in a 195 Pounds, He is the 2005 WCW Royal Rumble Champion, Chris Walker!!

Tony: Here comes the RR Champion

Madden: Yes but Test owns a victory over Chris Walker after The Royal Rumble

Chris Walker & Charisma Adams vs Test & Tara Rayge
Referee Charles Robinson explains the rules of the match to each team as he calls for the bell. Charisma & Tara start the match out as both ladies lock up with Tara locking in a headlock on Charisma but Charisma pulls on Tara's hair yanking her head back and Charisma then picks up Tara and drops her down in a backdrop. Charisma gets back up first and hits several chops to Tara's chest backing Tara up into the ropes and Charisma then kicks Tara in the ribs knocking her through the ropes to the floor. Charisma Adams then goes out to the floor after Tara and Charisma attacks Tara from behind as Tara was trying to get back up. Charisma then rams Tara's head off the steel steps and Charisma then rolls Tara back into the ring. Charisma gets back into the ring and goes to pick up Tara but Tara hits a uppercut on Charisma dazing Charisma as Tara then picks up Tara and hits a Spinebuster on her. Tara then goes for the Sola-Nero but Charisma fights back and kicks Tara back into the corner as Charisma crawls over and Tara grabs Charisma's foot and Charisma then gets back up and hits a enjuguri on Tara. Charisma then tags out to Chris Walker as Tara rolls out to the floor as Walker charges over to meet Test getting into the ring but Test jumps off the apron instead. Test shakes his head and tells Chris Walker he isn't going to fight him when he wants to fight and Test starts to back up in the entry way but Scott Walker appears in the entry way behind Test and Test bumps into him as Test turns around, Scott Walker opens up on Test with right hands backing Test up to the ring and Chris Walker then grabs Test by his hair and pulls him back into the ring as Chris then opens up on Test with right hands knocking Test down to the mat. Walker then opens up on Test as Test tries to get up and Chris clotheslines Test over the top to the floor. Chris Walker then gets held back by Charles Robinson as Test tries to get up on the floor but Scott Walker connects with a Walker Kick on Test as Scott picks up Test and rolls him back into the ring to Chris Walker who is waiting and Chris kicks Test in the gut and Walker sets him up for the Walkerflip but Tara Rayge comes into the ring and Tara hits Walker from behind as Charisma comes into the ring as well and Charisma spears down Tara as Chris ends up DDTing Test instead. Sean Morley & Tyson Tomko then come running down the aisle and attack Scott Walker from behind. Chris Walker then sling shots himself over the top onto Sean Morley and Tyson Tomko as The Walker Brothers battle with Tomko & Morley as Test tags out legally to Tara who was on the apron and Test goes outside to the floor as Charisma comes back into the ring and attacks Tara coming back in. Charisma kicks Tara in the gut and Charisma is about to hit the Chick Kick but Test grabs her leg out from under her knocking her down as Tara then drops a big knee drop to the back of Charisma's head, Tara then gets Charisma in position and goes up top and Tara hits the Rayge Effect for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Test & Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winners Test & Tara Rayge

Madden: I told you Test and Tara would do it

Tenay: Chris Walker and Charisma had it won until Sean Morley & Tyson Tomko got involved

:The S.C. is leaving as Chris & Scott check on Charisma in the ring as Test is telling Chris Walker he got his number at No Way Out when Marrisa Bischoff appears on the Nitro Vision:

Marrisa Bischoff: Hello boys and girls. Since people can not stay out of this little rivalry you two got going then I have elected to book the following match for No Way Out. It will be Test vs Chris Walker inside the House of Horror's(Crowd Goes Nuts). Now the object you will be trying to capture will be the Wrestlemania 2 Flag so consider it a game of Capture the flag and of course escape with it so enjoy yourself

:Marrisa disappears off the Nitrovision:

Tenay: Chris Walker vs Test in a House of Horror's

Madden: Damn her anyway


:Kevin Nash is shown heading towards his locker room:


Tony: Kevin Nash has arrived!!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

Tenay: This match is based on the events from last week

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Windsor, Canada weighing in at 179 Pounds, Petey Williams

Madden: Petey Williams got himself some last week from Stephanie McMahon and Mae Young

"I Get Around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, Randy Orton

Tenay: Here comes Randy Orton who is looking for revenge tonight

Randy Orton vs Petey Williams
The bell rings and Randy Orton goes to hit Petey but Petey blocks the punch and delivers his own right hand to Randy. Petey picks Randy up and locks him in a Sleeper hold  but Randy elbows Petey in the gut and tries to RKO him but Petey shoves Randy away and clotheslines Randy down. Petey then begins to brag about him and Steph last week, pissing Randy off and he jumps to his feet and knocks Petey down. Randy tells Petey he made a mistake and throws him head first into the turnbuckle. Randy covers 1............2..........Petey kicks out. Randy argues about that call, giving Petey time to get up and as Randy turns around, Petey dropkicks him out of the ring. Petey follows him and goes to throw him back in but Randy battles back with right hands and throws Petey into the barricade. He picks Petey up and throws him in the ring. Randy follows him and then pins him 1.............2.........Petey once again kicks out and Randy picks him up and sets him up for the RKO but Petey moves away and Randy falls on his ass. Petey is laughing at Randy and Petey locks in a Sharpshooter on Randy and Randy looks like he is going to tap out but he finally reaches the ropes. Petey is celebrating early as Randy gets up and as Petey turns around, Orton kicks him in the gut and delivers the RKO! Orton covers for the 1............2.........3.
Winner: Randy Orton

Penser: Your winner, Randy Orton

Madden: I told you Randy Orton would do it

Tenay: Randy Orton just picked up the win

Tony: Randy Orton isn't done yet

:Randy Orton gets a steel chair from the floor and brings it into the ring and Orton smashes it over Petey's head as Petey was getting up and Orton then lays the chair down as Randy Orton then sets Petey up over the chair and RKO's him face first on the chair as Petey grabs his face as Paramedics come running out as Orton gloats:

Commercial Ad for Alien vs Predator on DVD, Spiderman 2 on DVD, Shrek 2 on DVD

After The Break:

Tony: Well Petey Williams was taken out on a stretcher thanks to Randy Orton

Madden: I like this Randy Orton. He is finally starting to turn the corner I think

Tenay: Well another rivalry that seems to be heating up is JBL and Maven who have been at it off and on since JBL arrived in WCW and next week Maven and The WCW Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boys will team up to face JBL and The Basham Brothers

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Closure" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 241 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Madden: Jamie Gunz is going to be going for the Tag Team Title's at No Way Out with Jerome Morris

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Chants Asshole as JBL comes out in his limo

Penser: His opponent, Also from New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: These people here in Japan are calling JBL an asshole

Madden: I have never heard a Japanese Asshole chant until just now

Tony: Notice Orlando Jordan is with JBL

JBL W/Orlando Jordan vs Jamie Gunz
The Bell sounds as JBL tells Jamie Gunz how successful he has been and Jamie Gunz smirks at JBL as JBL then slaps Jamie across the face and tells him to pay attention as Jamie grabs his face and Jamie then kicks JBL in the gut and Jamie opens up on JBL with some right hands backing JBL up near the ropes and Jamie Gunz then whips JBL off the ropes and Jamie hits a dropkick knocking down JBL. JBL gets back up as Jamie Gunz delivers a few right hands to him and Jamie then goes to whip JBL off the ropes again but JBL reverses sending Jamie off the ropes and JBL goes for a Big Boot but Jamie ducks it and Jamie then kicks JBL in the gut when he turns around and Jamie hits the Gunz on JBL and hooks the leg for a 1---2--kick out. Jamie Gunz gets back up first and Jamie opens up on JBL getting up and Jamie picks up JBL and slams him down. Jamie Gunz then goes up top as JBL is getting up and Jamie hits the Hallow Bullets on JBL and Jamie covers JBL again for a 1---2--JBL powers out. Jamie Gunz then waits for JBL to get up but Orlando Jordan gets on the apron and Jamie Gunz knocks Orlando off the apron but then walks right into a Big Boot from JBL. JBL then stomps away at Jamie Gunz before picking him back up and JBL whips Jamie off the ropes and JBL hits the Clothesline From Hell on Jamie. JBL though does not cover and picks up Jamie Gunz and sets him up for his Powerbomb but Maven appears in the entry way and walks over to JBL's limo with a pipe and Maven then smashes the window's out of the side as JBL see's it going on and goes over to the ropes and is screaming for Maven to stop as Orlando gets back up and goes after Maven but during that, Jamie Gunz sneaks behind JBL and rolls him up and Jamie uses the ropes to get the 1---2--3.
Winner: Jamie Gunz

Penser: Your winner, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Jamie Gunz just beat JBL!!

Madden: Maven cost him the match

:JBL and Orlando Jordan both run up the entry way as Maven heads to the back as JBL falls in front of his limo and starts to practically cry as The Basham's finally come out of the limo after kicking the door open as Eric Bischoff appears on the Nitrovision:

Eric Bischoff: Now since Maven and JBL have a little problem I think at No Way Out we should settle this in a way that would be fair to each man and thats in a Texas Bullrope Match and The Cabnet is banned from ringside

:Eric disappears off the Nitrovision as JBL smirks at the thought:

Tenay: JBL vs Maven at No Way Out in a Texas Bullrope Match

Tony: Yet another great addition to the No Way Out Card


:Kevin Nash & Hulk Hogan are shown heading for the exit when Todd Grisham runs up to them:

Todd Grisham: Guys where are you going?

Hulk Hogan: Brother we are out of here

Todd Grisham: Doesn't Kevin Nash have a US Title Match tonight and Hulk wouldn't you want to stick around for the Main Event?

Hulk Hogan: Eric told us to leave and that Big Kev would get his title shot another time but Eric doesn't want his No Way Out Main Event getting messed up and I would end up breaking that little stick boy in half if I stayed around brother

:Nash & Hogan then leave Todd and head into the parking lot to a waiting limo:

Todd Grisham: I guess Lance Storm vs Kevin Nash will not be happening now


"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff makes his way out to the entry way

Tenay: Well we are being joined here by our GM

Eric Bischoff: Hello Tokyo(Crowd Cheers) I hope you have enjoyed the show tonight but I am out here concerning No Way Out right now because I have three open matches and I have figured out how to fill them. First off there is going to be a WCW Women's Hardcore Championship Battle Royal in which Tara Rayge, Akasha Reid, Flame, Charisma Adams, and Scarlett. Now that leaves Stephanie McMahon, Shayn Flair, and Lacy Alexander out of the card but they will to taking part in the first ever Tag Team Expose Your Opponents Breast Match and Lacy and Shayn will be teaming up against Stephanie McMahon and a Partner of her choosing. Now if Stephanie can not get a partner then Stephanie will go it alone. Now the winning team will then go to Wresltemania to face the WCW Women's Champion in a Triple Threat Match. Now thats two of the three spots. The final match is going to be a Over The Top Battle Royal for the WCW United States Championship. The Participants in this match are...Lance Storm, Brandon, JJ Stallion, Kevin Nash, Randy Orton, Scott Steiner, and The Love Machine. Thank you

"I'm Back" hits as Eric heads to the back

Tony: Well No Way Out Just got finalized

Madden: I like the EYOB Match!!

Tenay: Well when we come back we are going to have a match not sure what but a S.C. member will defend his title

Commercial Ad for No Way Out-Long Ad promoting all the matches

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:28 PM
Tony: welcome back to Nitro

Tenay: Well we know now the finalized No Way Out Card which looks great if you ask me

Madden: I still like the EYOB Match the most

Tony: We are going to run that down to you in a little bit but David Penser is in the ring so lets see what the next match is

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Hardcore Championship

Tenay: It has been a while since we have seen a Hardcore Title Match

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, Representing The S.C. weighing in at 310 Pounds, The WCW Hardcore Champion, The "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko

Tenay: It has been a while since Tyson defended this title and Tyson has held it since Halloween Havoc

Tony: Who is he going to face though?

"Holla If Ya Hear Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent being led to the ring by Lacy Alexander and Shayn Flair, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 Pounds, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!!

Tony: Scott Steiner is going to face Tyson Tomko!!!

Madden: He already wrestled once though

Tenay: Obviously he is pulling Double Duty

WCW Hardcore Championship: Tyson Tomko(C) vs Scott Steiner W/Lacy Alexander & Shayn Flair
Tyson attacks Steiner as he enters the ring and Tyson knocks Steiner back into the corner and Tyson then delivers several knee's to the gut of Steiner and Tyson elbows Steiner in the back of the head as Tyson then goes to whip Steiner out of the corner but Steiner instead grabs Tyson and belly 2 belly's him down. Steiner gets back up as Tyson also gets up and Steiner opens up on Tomko with right hands dazing Tyson back into the ropes and Steiner whips Tyson off the ropes and Steiner hits a big Steinerline on him. Scott Steiner then opens up some more on Tomko once he gets back up and Steiner whips Tyson off the ropes and Steiner hits a big powerslam on him as Lance Storm comes running down to the ring and Storm gets on the apron but Steiner knocks him off with a big right hand as Lacy Alexander then attacks Lance from behind knocking him down. Tyson Tomko though during this is able to roll out to the floor and Tyson grabs a steel chair as Scott Steiner goes outside after Tyson but Tyson blasts Steiner in the head with the chair knocking him down as Tyson covers Steiner for a 1---2--Shayn Flair kicks Tyson Tomko in the head knocking him off. Tyson then gets up and starts to stalk after Shayn but Lacy sneaks up behind Tyson and then lowblows him as Scott Steiner gets back up and grabs the chair and Steiner smashes it over Tyson's head and then over Lance Storm's head who was coming to help Tyson. Steiner throws the chair down as Steiner rolls Tyson back into the ring and Steiner gets back in as he picks up Tyson and hits another belly 2 belly suplex on him and Steiner then does his trademark push ups as Tyson is starting to get up and Steiner grabs Tyson and Steiner hits the Freakliner on him and Scott Steiner is not done yet and Scott Steiner then rolls Tyson over and locks in the Steiner Recliner on Tyson Tomko as Tara Rayge then hits the ring but Shayn Flair cuts her off at the pass and Lacy is keeping Lance Storm at bay on the floor as Tyson Tomko taps out.
Winner: Scott Steiner (WCW Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Hardcore Champion, Scott Steiner

Tenay: Scott Steiner just ended Tyson Tomko's 3 month Hardcore Title Reign!!

Madden: Where was the rest of the S.C. at?

Tony: I don't know but Christian is not going to like this

Tenay: A Little chink has just been exposed in the S.C. armor will it continue in our Main Event?

Final Commercial Ad for No Way Out-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well its time for the Main Event

Tenay: This match should be interesting

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is a Mixed Tag Contest

"Shoot to Thrill" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Being accumpied by Twister X, The Team of Scarlett, and the WCW Television Champion, Brandon

Tony: Scarlett came up short last week against Trish but gets another shot to face her and this time she has her good friend Brandon with her

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There opponents, Being led to the ring by Sean Morley, From Toronto, Canada, Representing The S.C., The WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian!!

Madden: The S.C. are going to take this team to school tonight if you ask me

Tenay: We will see

Christian & Trish Stratus W/Sean Morley vs Brandon & Scarlett W/Twister X
Scarlett & Trish both start the match off as Trish reminds Scarlett about how she beat her last week and Scarlett tells Trish to shut up and wrestle as both ladies lock up and Scarlett shoves Trish down on her backside as Trish is a little surprised as Trish gets back up. Scarlett and Trish lock up again as Trish locks in a headlock on Scarlett but Scarlett ends up picking up Trish and backdropping her down to the mat. Trish grabs her head as she starts to get up but Scarlett kicks Trish in the ribs and Scarlett picks up Trish and backs her into the ropes where Scarlett delivers several chops to Trish's chest as Trish is hurting as Scarlett whips Trish off the ropes and Trish ends up hitting a Lou Thez Press on Scarlett on her way back. Trish pounds away on Scarlett before Scarlett knocks Trish off. Trish gets back up first and Trish goes for the Chick Kick but Scarlett ducks and Scarlett then hits the Scarlett Stunner on Trish and Scarlett covers Trish for a 1---2--Christian pulls Scarlett off as Brandon comes into the ring and Brandon knocks down Christian with a right hand as Referee Nick Patrick forces Brandon out of the ring as Christian then hits Scarlett from behind which causes Twister X to try to get into the ring but Nick Patrick restrains him as Trish gets back up and Trish puts the boots to Scarlett and Trish puts Scarlett in the corner and delivers several kicks to the ribs of Scarlett before Trish puts Scarlett up top and Trish backs up and charges in and hits the Stratusphere on her. Trish gets back up to her feet and is smirking as Trish is waiting behind Scarlett and Trish starts to eye her up again and Trish then hits a Chick Kick to the back of Scarlett's head as Scarlett is out cold. Trish covers her for a 1---2--Brandon pulls Trish off. Christian then screams in as Nick Patrick forces Brandon out and Trish picks up Scarlett and Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but Scarlett ends up shoving Trish into the corner and Scarlett hits the Scarlett Kiss on Trish then coming back and both ladies are down. Scarlett and Trish are both crawling towards there corners as Trish tags out first to Christian and Christian comes into the ring and Scarlett tags out to Brandon as Brandon meets Christian with a right hand knocking him down. Sean Morley then gets on the apron as Brandon goes over and knocks him off as well. Brandon then hits a big clothesline on Christian again knocking him down as Brandon then waits and goes for the Rush but Christian moves out of the way as Brandon hits the corner and Christian then grabs Brandon and goes for the Unprettier but Brandon shoves Christian forward into the ropes and Brandon then hits the Rush on Christian on his way back. Brandon covers Christian for a 1---2--2.7-Christian gets his left foot on the bottom rope. Brandon can't believe it and goes to pick up Christian but Christian pokes Brandon in the eyes  as Christian then hits a DDT on him.  Christian then tags out again to Trish Stratus as Brandon is forced to tag out to Scarlett as Trish attacks Scarlett coming into the ring but Scarlett fights back and shoves Trish down and Scarlett then kicks Trish in the gut and goes for the Stunner but Trish shoves her into the corner and Trish lands with another Chick Kick. Trish then covers her as Christian knocks Brandon off the apron for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Christian & Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winners, Christian & Trish Stratus

Madden: The S.C. has picked up another great win

Tenay: I have to give The S.C. credit here, they didn't cheat for this match

:Brandon and Twister X help Scarlett out of the ring as Sean Morley congratulates Christian & Trish on a job well done:

Tony: Well No Way Out is quickly approaching and we are out of time tonight. We will be back in North American next week so see you then. Good Night

:Nitro goes off the Air: