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Nitro : Nitro 3/21/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 2:34 PM

Results 3/21/05 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Coach T defeated Doug Basham

Dark Match #2: Petey Williams defeated Danny Basham

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Girls Dance to open up Nitro:

:Backstage: Scott Hill's Office

:Scott Hill is shown inside his office as Paul Heyman walks in smiling and laughing:

Scott Hill: What do you want Heyman?

Paul Heyman: I know

Scott Hill: You know?

Paul Heyman: I know and I want a few favors since I know

:Scott starts to laugh:

Scott Hill: Nice one Paul, I give you credit for making me laugh but get the hell out of my office

Paul Heyman: Before I go though, isn't kinda funny you were always a SCWE guy and now your appearing often on WCW or even when your not on WCW being backstage and always being around the WCW Talent now

Scott Hill: I am the owner Paul, I attend both shows when I have the time but get the hell out now before I fire your ass again

Paul Heyman: Fine, but I would hate to half to call your wife and tell her...

:Paul Heyman starts to leave when...:

Scott Hill: What do you want

:Paul Heyman turns around smiling:

Paul Heyman: Well I want a few things so lets do business

:Paul Heyman shuts the Office Door:


Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro, we are just 24 hours removed from an amazing Wrestlemania 2

Tenay: It was amazing but the big story is about Paul Heyman being back and bringing in that monster Heidenreich

Madden: Heidenreich is a monster, he took out Tyson Tomko who is not here tonight, Christian who is not here tonight, and Scott Steiner who is not here tonight. The guy is unstoppable and anytime you can take out the WCW World Champion and the #1 Contender basically at the same time, it says something

Tony: Well the theme of tonight's Nitro is all about tournaments.

Tenay: That's right, three tournaments will be kicking off tonight, a Tournament to get the #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and WCW Women's Championship plus a WCW Televesion Championship Tournament kicks off as well

Madden: Well lets not waste anymore time then

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is a WCW Television Championship Tournament Match

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The S.C., From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 296 Pounds, Edge!!!

Tony: Here comes Edge

Madden: Edge hasn't been on a role lately but I think Edge can turn the corner tonight

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles!!

Tenay: Here comes one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions

WCW TV Title Tournament Round 1: AJ Styles vs Edge
AJ & Edge both mouth off to each other and Edge then pie faces AJ back and AJ comes back at Edge opening up on him with several right hands knocking him back into the ropes and AJ whips Edge off the ropes and AJ hits a side kick to the head of Edge knocking him down, AJ gets back up and AJ kicks Edge in the gut and AJ goes to whip Edge off the ropes again but Edge reverses sending AJ off the ropes and Edge hits a big powerslam on AJ. Edge then pounds away at AJ several times until Referee Mike Posey stops him. AJ is getting up and edge hits a running kick to the ribs of AJ knocking him down. Edge then picks up AJ and rams him shoulder first into the steel ring post. Edge pulls AJ out and Edge is going for the Reverse DDT but AJ manages to fight out and then hits a jawbreaker on Edge taking Edge down. AJ Styles is a little slow to get up as well but AJ kicks Edge in the gut and AJ attempts to go for the Styles Clash but Edge rams AJ back into the corner and Edge then smiles and goes to hit him with a shoulder block but AJ lifts up as Edge hits the ring post and AJ then goes down with a sunset flip and gets a 1---2--2.6-kick out. AJ Styles is the first up and hits a few chops and right hands and AJ whips Edge off the ropes and AJ hits a arm toss on Edge and Edge gets up near the ropes as AJ hits a running clothesline on him sending him over the top to the floor. AJ Styles then goes up top as Edge starts to get up and AJ jumps off looking for a crossbody but Edge moves as AJ hits nothing but the floor hard. AJ Styles is riving in pain as Edge rolls into the ring and back out. Edge picks up AJ and rams him face first off the steel steps before rolling him back into the ring. Edge then rolls in and covers AJ with his feet on the ropes for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Edge can't believe it and picks up AJ and Edge then locks in a Octopus stretch on AJ as AJ is screaming out in pain and Edge reaches over and grabs the ropes for leverage as AJ is riving and Mike Posey looks but Edge takes his hands off as Mike Posey sees the ropes shaking and asks Edge who denies it and Mike Posey goes back to checking on AJ and Edge does it again but this time Edge gets caught as mike Posey orders a break but AJ hits a hip toss of his own out of breaking the hold. AJ is down though from the pain as Edge is getting back up but Petey Williams makes his way down to the ringside area and Petey is just watching as Edge picks up AJ Styles and Edge slams him down again as Edge then waits in the corner for AJ to get up but Edge see's Petey and tells him to leave and Petey and Edge have some words as AJ gets up and Edge notices and then goes for a spear but AJ side steps it and Edge hits into the corner and when he comes out walks right into a dropkick by AJ knocking him back into the corner as AJ then charges and hits a Stinger Splash on Edge and AJ kicks Edge in the gut and goes for the Styles Clash and hits it and has the pin but Petey Williams then gets on the apron as AJ lets go of Edge and goes over and knocks petey off the apron but Edge is getting back up and AJ turns around and gets nailed with a spear by Edge who pins quickly with a handful of tights for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Edge

Penser: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, Edge

Madden: Edge did it, I told you he would

Tenay: Not without some help from Petey Williams who I thought hated Edge

Tony: AJ Styles had this thing won but just got screwed over

:On the floor, Edge helps up Petey as both men then start to argue instantly about who Tara likes more as they leave:

Madden: I think I get this, they don't like each other but since there in the same group they do not let business get in the way of there personal feelings

Commercial Ad for WHW Super Brawl/Revenge-Long ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well that first match was a really big shocker but Edge is the first guy to adance into the final four

Tenay: Well we still have one more TV Title Tournament Match tonight with two more taking place this Wednesday Night on Heat

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's WCW Women's Championship Tournament Match

Tony: The winner of this tournament will face Trish Stratus at Souled Out for the WCW Women's Title

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion and one half of the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Here comes the lovely Miss Jackie who is now a Double Champion after winning the Women's Hardcore Title Last Night at Wrestlemania in a Battle Royal

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Cheers but not as loud

Penser: Her opponent from Los Angelos, California, Joy Giovanni

Tony: Here comes Joy Giovanni who is looking to get on the winning side here and an upset win over Jackie Gayda could be huge for Joy

#1 Contendership for WCW Women's Championship Tournament Round 1: Jackie Gayda vs Joy Giovanni
The new WCW women's Hardcore champion circles the ring with her opponent Joy Giovanni. The two Divas lock up, Jackie Gayda locks on a simple Headlock on Joy. Jackie Applies pressure but Joy manages to hit some elbow shots to Jackie's stomach area. Joy then performs a back suplex to Jackie. Joy quickly covers Gayda for a one count. After Jackie kicks out both divas jump back to their feet. Joy goes for a clothesline on Jackie and connects knocking down the current Women's Hardcore Champion. Joy jumps up and waits for Gayda to get back up, After a few seconds Jackie gets up as Joy runs at her and hits a bulldog. Joy covers Jackie Gayda 1....2..2.4 kick out by Jackie. Joy gets off Jackie and locks in a simple leg lock, she pulls on Jackie legs hoping for a submission win. Jackie manages to get her other foot up and pushes Joy Giovanni away from her, Joy lands on her ass. Jackie gets up and runs toward Joy, who is sitting, and hits a baseball slide style kick to Joy's face. Jackie lifts Joy up and performs a snap suplex. She then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and launches off with a Moonsault but Joy gets her knee's up. Jackie rolls around the ring clutching her stomach as Joy stalks Jackie. Jackie slowly starts to get up still holding her gut, she turns around to see Joy trying for a chick kick but Jackie grabs her leg, Gayda spins Joy around and hits a modified Twist of Fate on her. Jackie jumps up and waves to the crowd, She climbs the turnbuckle once again and this time Jackie stalks Joy. Giovanni gets up and turns to see Jackie Gayda launching off the top rope with a cross body. Jackie hits the cross body and covers Joy Giovanni with the one.... two.... three
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winner and advancing into round #2, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Well Joy Giovanni put up a good fight but Jackie Gayda was too much for her

Madden: I gotta say Jackie Gayda is red hott right now

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Paul Heyman is shown entering the office with Heidenreich:

Eric Bischoff: There you are, we need to talk right now

Paul Heyman: Ok

Eric Bischoff: What the hell was his problem last night, attacking Scott Steiner was not part of the deal

Paul Heyman: Well Scott Steiner insulted Heidenreich and Heidenreich is a very emotional problem solver and besides that, we did what the deal was, Heidenreich took out Christian and Tyson Tomko

Eric Bischoff: Well since you decided to screw over Scott Steiner, You and Heidenreich are FIRED

Paul Heyman: You can't fire me

Eric Bischoff: I just did so I do need to get security to remove you from the arena?

:Paul Heyman starts to smirk:

Paul Heyman: Well normally that would apply but after talking with Scott Hill, I now have an Iron Clad Contract where only Scott Hill can fire me Eric and just so you know, I have a few guys from SCWE that are now officially WCW Superstars after Scott let them out of there SCWE Contracts to join with me so when they arrive make sure they get shown to my office because I am basically your Co-General Manager Eric

Eric Bischoff: Thats a lie, Scott would not give you that kind of power

Paul Heyman: Oh but if you dont believe me you can just go ask him yourself

Eric Bischoff: Fine I will

Paul Heyman: I don't see why this is a big suprise to you, I am sure Marrisa already knew

:Paul Heyman laughs as he leaves the office as Eric looks at Marrisa as Marrisa rolls her eyes:


Tony: Well that is very interesting

Tenay: According to Paul Heyman, he is basically Co-GM now of WCW and apparantly some SCWE Superstars are coming to WCW for nothing

Madden: What kind of dirt does Heyman have on Scott

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender Round 1 Match for the WCW Women's Championship

"Alive" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, Representing The S.C., From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tara Rayge

Madden: Tara should still be Women's Hardcore champion

Tenay: Well the rules of the battle royal are pretty clear

"Sweetist Sin" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, from Munich, Germany, Jenna Banks

Tony: Jenna Banks is making her WCW Return here tonight

#1 Contendership for WCW Women's Championship Tournament: Tara Rayge vs Jenna Banks
Tara Rayge and Jenna Banks lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. The two WCW divas push at each other, Jenna gets her knee up into Tara's gut, Jenna hits a suplex to Tara. Tara gets up pretty much straight after the move was hit, Tara runs at Jenna and performs a head scissors takedown on Banks. Tara jumps up and stomps at Jenna, Tara runs at the turnbuckle and climbs it hitting a beautiful moonsault on Jenna. She hooks the leg 1....2... kick out by Jenna Banks. Tara grabs a handful of Jenna's hair and helps her to her feet. Tara hits a simple moonsault on Jenna. Tara smirks at Jenna as She kicks her in the face. Her boot's heel cutting into Jenna's forehead. Tara grabs a hold of Jenna's legs and locks in the Sola-nero (Sharpshooter) and after a few seconds Jenna taps out furiously
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and adnvancing into Round #2, Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara Rayge has just advanced into round #2

Tenay: Jenna Banks has shown alot of ring rust

Madden: Then again Tara is a pissed off Canadian

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, & WHW Boiling Points

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:35 PM

Tony: Well up next we got JJ Stallion scheduled to take on Matt Matlock in a TV Title Tournament

Tenay: This match is going to be great

Madden: Hopefully Matt Matlock puts JJ Stallion in his place tonight

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a WCW Television Championship Tournament Round 1 Match

"Metalingus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Levittown, New York, weighing in at 250 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, JJ Stallion

Tenay: Well JJ Stallion became a WCW Tag Team Champion last night at Wrestlemania and looks to keep the trend going

"Falling Apart" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Tony: Matt Matlock is looking to advance into round #2 and go onto his first singles title in WCW

WCW TV Title Tournament: JJ Stallion vs Matt Matlock
JJ and Matt start off the match by locking up in the middle of the ring. JJ pushes Matt down and indicates that he is the Tag Champion and that Matt would be a nobody. Matt gets up and charges at JJ, knocking him down. Matt opens up on JJ with right and left hand hooks. Matt quickly gets up and starts kicking JJ. The ref tells Matt to back off and starts the count. Matt throws his hands up at the ref and then turns his attention to JJ. Matt picks up JJ and slings him into the corner. Matt runs at JJ but JJ elbows Matt in the chin. JJ then attacks Matt from behind and pushes him down. JJ gets down and gives Matt right and left hand hooks. JJ goes for a pin-1....2....kickout. JJ gets up and lifts up Matt. JJ then delivers chops to Matt's chest and slowly backs him into the corner. JJ starts choking Matt when the ref counts-1...2...3...4 JJ backs off. JJ delivers a clothesline to Matt, making him fall down. JJ goes for another pin-1...2...kickout. JJ argues with the ref but the ref says that was a 2 count. JJ picks up Matt but Matt irish whips JJ to the ropes and clotheslines JJ. Matt goes for a pin-1...2...kickout. Matt gets frustrated and pins again-1...2...kickout. Matt then hits the Matt-Lock on JJ. The ref checks on JJ as JJ is screaming out in pain. The ref asks JJ if he wants to submit but doesn't. JJ continues to scream in pain as Matt puts more pressure on him. Matt lets off and pins JJ again-1...2...kickout! Matt is shocked as he argues with the ref. Matt then turns his attention to JJ who is lying on the mat. Matt kicks JJ in the back while the ref tells him to stop that. Matt picks up JJ and kicks JJ in the stomach. Matt goes for the Orange Crush Drop but JJ somehow counters. Matt looks at JJ in surprise and goes for a swing but JJ ducks and kicks Matt in the stomach. JJ goes for The Finale and hits it. JJ pins Matt-1....2....3
Winner: JJ Stallion

Penser: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, JJ Stallion

Madden: Well JJ Stallion joins Edge in advancing into Round #2

Tony: Well the rest of the TV Title Tournament first round will take place this Wednesday Night on Heat

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

:Petey Williams is shown waiting outside the door leading to the showers when Edge comes out of nowhere spearing Petey in the back knocking Petey into locker stalls as Edge as a sick look on his face as Lance Storm rushes into the room with Kristen Storm as Tara comes out of the shower room in a towel:

Lance Storm: What the heck did you just do

:Edge just looks at Lance and smiles before looking at Tara and winking at her before leaving the locker room as Lance and Kristen check on Petey as Lance tells Kristen to get medical help for Petey:


Tony: There is something wrong with Edge

Madden: Edge just took out the man who helped him advance into the second round, what a way to pay him back huh

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round Match of the #1 Contender Tournament for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"I Predict A Riot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: I talked to Jamie Gunz and Jamie said he is a little upset about Jerome turning on him but right now he is going to focus in on his singles career and worry about Jerome in the future

Madden: He is afraid of Jerome thats why

"Longhorns" hits as the Crowd Boo's as the Limo pulls out

Penser: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Orlando Jordan, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: This should be a great contest since JBL is one of the elite WCW Superstars and Jamie Gunz is definatly on the rise again

#1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: JBL W/Orlando Jordan vs Jamie Gunz
JBL and Jamie are staring at each other as Nick Patrick sounds for the bell. JBL and Jamie continue to look at each other. JBL and Jamie then take a step closer to each other, and they begin to start trash talking each other. They move closer until JBL finally smacks Jamie across the face. Jamie looks at JBL who has his big grin. Jamie then slaps JBL in the face who looks pissed off. JBL then tries to hit Jamie with a right but Jamie blocks it and starts to open up on JBL. JBL tries to run away as Jamie keeps hitting him. Orlando then jumps up on the apron but Jamie knocks him off. But JBL recovers and hits Jamie with a huge right hand. JBL then stomps away on Jamie. JBL then picks Jamie up and whips him off of the ropes. JBL goes for a Big Boot but Jamie hits JBL with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Jamie then gets up and picks JBL up. Jamie then whips JBL into the corner. Jamie then runs over and hits a Crossbody on JBL. Jamie goes to do this again but JBL gets his boot up and connects it with Jamie's face. Jamie starts to stumble back as JBL grabs him. JBL goes for a Powerbomb but Jamie gets out of it and hits JBL with a Dropkick to the back of the head. Jamie then gets on top of JBL and starts to pound away on him. Jamie then gets up as JBL is crawling back into the corner. Jamie then starts to walk towards JBL as JBL is pleading with Nick Patrick. Orlando then jumps up on the apron and distracts both Jamie and Nick Patrick and JBL then low blows Jamie. Orlando then jumps off as JBL covers for the 1...2...2.8---leg on bottom rope. JBL starts to have words with Nick Patrick as Jamie gets up. JBL is still arguing when Jamie takes out JBL's knee. Jamie then flips JBL over and he climbs the turnbuckle. Jamie then hits JBL with the Gunz Sault. Jamie then covers JBL for the 1...2...2.7---kick out. Jamie then picks JBL up but JBL punches Jamie in the stomach. JBL then whips Jamie off of the ropes and hit him with a Big Boot. JBL then picks Jamie up again and hits him with a DDT. JBL then gets on top of Jamie and starts to open up on him. JBL then gets up and has that big smile again as he says it's over. JBL then picks Jamie up and whips him off of the ropes. JBL goes for the Clothesline From Hell but Jamie hangs onto the ropes and JBL misses him completely. Jamie then starts to stomp away on JBL. Jamie then picks JBL up and hits him with a Blackhole Slam. Jamie then picks JBL up and hits him with the Last Breath. Jamie goes to cover as Orlando jumps up on the apron. Jamie is laughing at him as Nick Patrick is trying to get him off. Just then Jerome Morris slides into the ring and grabs Jamie from behind. Jerome opens up a bit on him and then hits Jamie with the Cocky Cutter. Jerome then hurries out of the ring. Orlando then jumps off as JBL starts to come to again. JBL gets up and then he picks Jamie up and hits a Powerbomb on him, for good measure. JBL then covers Jamie for the very easy 1...2...3
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL has done it

Tenay: That damn Jerome Morris has screwed Jamie Gunz over again

Madden: JBL would have won without Jerome's help

Commercial Ad for The Ring 2, WCW Heat, & SCWE Smackdown!

After The Break:

:A Video Promo Airs announcing that Next Week on Nitro....Rose Thorn Returns:

:Parking Lot:

:Eric & Marrisa Bischoff are shown getting into a limo as The Undertaker and Jerome Morris approach them:

Jerome Morris: Where you going boss?

Eric Bischoff: We are leaving

Jerome Morris: Why?

Eric Bischoff: Scott Hill's orders, he told me to leave to cool off

Jerome Morris: Who is running the rest of the show then?

Eric Bischoff: Paul Heyman

Jerome Morris: Great

Eric Bischoff: Don't worry, Next week on Nitro, payback will be coming because I talked to Scott Steiner on the phone earlier and he has vowed to be at Nitro Next Week to call out Heidenreich

Jerome Morris: Great

Eric Bischoff: Jerome your in charge though of the G.S.

Jerome Morris: Thanks boss

:Eric & Marrisa get into the limo as it pulls out:


Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's Match in the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament

"Man in the Box" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The G.S., From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, Raven!!

Tony: Here comes Raven who can beat anyone at any time

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: His opponent, From Calgary Alberta, Canada, Representing The S.C. weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Madden: I don't think Lance Storm can beat Raven after hte match Lance Storm had last night with Brandon

Tenay: Well it should be interesting to see how Storm bounces back

#1 Contender for WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1: Lance Storm vs Raven
Raven starts off the match by charging at Lance Storm but Storm moves and trips him. Storm rolls Raven on his back and starts beating him with right and left hand hooks. The ref tells Storm to get off Raven then starts counting-1...2..3..4 Storm quickly gets up and looks at the ref. Storm then picks up Raven but Raven kicks Storm in the gut and then knocks him down. Raven starts kicking Storm as the ref starts counting-1...2...3...4..Raven lets off. Raven then starts kicking Storm again as the ref yells at him. Raven gets in the refs face. Raven turns around and is knocked down by Storm. Storm goes for a pin-1...2...kickout. Storm quickly gets up and waits for Raven to get up. Raven gets up as Storm walks over to Raven. Raven pokes Storm in the eyes and hits a Russian leg sweep on Storm. Raven goes to pin Storm-1...2...kickout. Raven then starts serving up Storm with right and left hand hooks then gets up. Raven lifts up Storm and whips him into the corner, Raven runs at Storm but Storm elbows Raven and throws him into the corner. Storm starts choking at Raven as the ref starts counting-1...2...3...4..Storm breaks the hold while Raven falls down. Storm drags Raven into the middle of the ring and does the maple leaf on Raven. Raven is screaming in pain as the ref checks on Raven. The ref asks Raven if he wants to continue but Raven says no. Storm applies more pressure then lets off. Storm turns Raven around and pins him-1..2..kickout! Storm is in shock as The ref tells Storm it was only a 2 count. Storm gets up and signals that Canada is better as the crowd boos. Storm stalks Raven, waiting for him to get up. Raven slowly gets up and faces Storm. Storm charges at Raven but out of no where Raven catches Storm at hits a Evenflow DDT on Storm. Raven goes for the pin-1...2...kickout! Raven is shocked as he looks at Storm. Raven gets up and sets in the corner waiting for Storm to get up. Storm gets up as Raven gets up. Raven walks over to Storm and Storm hits a superkick on Raven. Storm quickly covers Raven-1....2....3
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, Lance Storm

Madden: Lance Storm is in Round 2

Tony: Lance Storm is going to be joining JBL in Round 2 next week

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

Paul Heyman: I asked you guys here because I want to offer you something Taker

Jerome Morris: We aren't interested so come on Taker

:Jerome Morris starts to leave the office but turns around once he realizes The Undertaker isnt following:

Jerome Morris: Come on Taker

Paul Heyman: Well it seems your not interested Jerome so get the hell out before I have you removed from my arena

:Jerome relunctily leaves the office as Paul Heyman shuts the door:

:Another Promo Highlighting Rose Thorn's Return Airs:


Tony: It sounds like Paul Heyman is trying to make some sort of deal with Paul Heyman

Tenay: Well up next we have the third match of four in the #1 Contender Tournament

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's Round 1 Tournament Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

Madden: I think The Love Machine is going to advance here tonight

Tony: Well I wouldnt go that far because Maven is no push over

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Charleston, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven

Tenay: Well this is definatly a great match here between two legends of this business

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:35 PM
#1 Contendership for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Maven vs The Love Machine
Maven and TLM begin to circle each other as Charles Robinson signals for the bell. Maven and TLM then lock up with each other. TLM uses his size advantage and gains the upper hand. TLM hits Maven with an arm drag, but Maven recovers quickly. Maven swings at TLM but TLM blocks and hits Maven with another arm drag. Maven gets up quickly again. Maven then goes to punch TLM and TLM goes to counter but Maven stops himself and Maven kicks TLM in the gut. Maven then starts to open up on TLM. Maven then whips TLM off of the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. Maven then locks in an arm bar on TLM. TLM fights his way out of it and both men get back up. They start to circle each other again, as TLM is shaking his arm out. Maven and TLM lock up again, and TLM gets the advantage but Maven breaks the hold and whips TLM into the corner. Maven then climbs the turnbuckle and opens up on TLM as the crowd chants---1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10---Maven hops off. Maven then starts to kick TLM in the gut several times. Maven then grabs TLM and goes to whip him into the other corner but TLM reverses it. Maven then goes crashing into the opposite corner. TLM runs at him and drives his shoulder into Maven's chest. TLM then grabs Maven and throws him into the middle of the ring. TLM then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Maven to get up. Maven gets back to his feet and turns and faces TLM, he is caught with a Double Axe Handle from TLM. TLM then quickly covers Maven for the---1...2...2.5---kick out. TLM then picks Maven up but Maven elbows TLM in the stomach. Maven then starts to open up on TLM. Maven then throws TLM out of the ring. TLM gets up and is met with a baseball slide from Maven. TLM then gets up again and Maven goes for a Crossbody but TLM catches him and throws him on the ground. TLM then picks Maven up and hits him with a Belly 2 Belly Suplex. TLM then picks Maven up again but Maven hits TLM with a DDT. Maven then picks TLM up and slides him into the ring and then slides in himself. Maven picks TLM up but Maven falls down from the amount of pain he is feeling from the Belly 2 Belly Suplex. TLM then comes to and grabs Maven. He hits an arm drag on Maven. TLM then climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a Frog Splash but Maven gets his knees up. Both men are laying in the ring in an extreme amount of pain. Maven is first to get up and he walks over to TLM, who is on his knees. Maven then stomps away on TLM. Maven then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for TLM to get up. TLM gets up and is met with a Dropkick from Maven. Maven then quickly covers for the---1...2...2.5---kick out. Maven then picks TLM up and whips him into the corner. Maven then charges at TLM but TLM gets his boot up and catches Maven right in the face. TLM then grabs Maven and hits him with a Stalling Suplex. TLM then covers for the---1...2...2.9---kick out. TLM then starts to complain about Charles Robinson's decision. Maven is slowly getting up when TLM sees him. Maven is on his knees and TLM goes to grab him but Maven elbows TLM in the stomach. Maven then his a Dropkick on TLM. Maven then picks TLM up and delivers a DDT on him. Maven then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for TLM to get back up. TLM gets up and walks right into a Blockbuster from Maven. Maven then crawls over and covers TLM for the---1........2........3
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, Maven

Tony: Maven has done it!!

Tenay: Maven joins JBL and Lance Storm in Round #2 of the #1 Contendership Tournament

Madden: It was a fluke win

Tony: Well Maven will face Lance Storm next week on Nitro in Round #2 and when we come back from our final break, its Main Event Time

Final Commercial Ad for Star Episode III, The Ring 2, & WCW Heat

After The Break:

Tony: Well its time for the Main Event

Tenay: This should definatly be interesting because Brandon can not be 100% and he has to face The Undertaker who was meeting with Paul Heyman earlier and is also a G.S. member

Penser: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's Tournament Round 1 Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Ministry Remix" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing the Genetic Stroke, From Death Valley weighing in at 328 Pounds, The Undertaker

Tenay: Here comes The Phenom

Madden: The Undertaker is going to take Brandon to school

"American Made" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The WCW United States Championship

Tony: Last Night at Wrestlemania, Brandon won the US Title against Lance Storm in a hard fought match

Tenay: I hope Brandon got enough in his tank to knock off The Undertaker here

#1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1: Brandon Davis vs The Undertaker

The Bell Sounds to start the match out as Brandon and Taker lock up with Taker overpowering Brandon and Taker shoves Brandon down to the mat. Brandon gets back up as Taker is smirking at him and Brandon wants to lock up again but when he does Brandon kicks Taker in the gut and Brandon opens up on Taker with a few right hands backing Taker up and Brandon then kicks him in the gut and goes for the Extreme Shudder but Taker shoves Brandon away and then goes for a chokeslam but Brandon kicks him in the gut and Brandon catches Taker with the Extreme Shudder but "Heidenreich" then hits over the PA as Paul Heyman & Heidenreich then make there way towards the ring but Referee Nick Patrick tells them to stop but what he doesn't see is The Dudley's who sneak into the ring!!, Bubba Ray and D-Von sneak up behind Brandon and D-Von turns Brandon around as he picks him up as the Dudley's hit the 3D on Brandon as D-Von then puts Taker on top of Brandon for the 1---2--3.
Winner: The Undertaker

Penser: Your winner and advancing into Round #2, The Undertaker

Tony: This isn't right

Madden: Well Paul Heyman & Heidenreich didn't interfere

:Paul Heyman tells The Undertaker he got one week to make up his mind as The Dudley's continue to put the boots to Brandon as Paul Heyman then orders Heidenreich to finish Brandon off:

Tenay: Brandon needs some help fast because Those Damn Dudley's and Heidenreich are going to attempt to put him out

:Maven then hits the ring and Maven knocks down D-Von Dudley and Bubba Ray but Heidenreich hits Maven in the back knocking him down as Heyman orders that he finish off both Maven & Brandon then when...."Real American" hits as The Place Erupts

Tony: Can it be?

Madden: Oh God I hope not

:Hulk Hogan then appears in the entry way as Paul Heyman starts to flip out and orders The Dudley's to get him as they both get out of the ring and go after Hogan but Hogan knocks down Bubba Ray with a right hand and then D-Von with one and Hogan points towards the ring at Heyman as Heyman tells Heidenreich to stand guard as Hulk Hogan gets on the apron and points in at Heidenreich and Heidenriech then starts to shake his head and Heidenreich starts to actually do a Hulk Hogan taunt:

Madden: What is he doing?

:Heyman tells Heidenreich to get Hogan but Heidenreich shakes his head no and Heidenreich then actually runs up and hugs Hulk Hogan!! as Paul Heyman realizes whats going on and attempts to bail out to the floor but Brandon Davis and Maven grab Heyman as The Dudley's get back into the ring and attack Hogan from behind which causes Heidenreich to snap as Heidenreich delivers a big right hand knocking both Bubba & D-Von out to the floor and Heidenreich picks up Bubba Ray Dudley and is about to do his backbreaker move but Hulk Hogan stops him and Heidenreich lets him go as Maven & Brandon then shove Heyman into Hulk Hogan as Hulk Hogan then whips Heyman off the ropes and hits a Big Boot on Heyman and Hogan is about to go for the leg drop but then tells everyone else to do it as Brandon drops a Big Leg Drop on Heyman followed by Maven and Hogan tells Heidenreich to do it and Heidenreich then drops the big leg on Paul Heyman followed by Hulk Hogan as The Dudley's then pull out Paul Heyman as Hogan, Maven, & Brandon taunt in the ring and Hulk Hogan tells Heidenreich to do it as Heidenreich then starts to actually do it as well as The Dudley's help Heyman to the back:

Madden: I can't believe this, some monster he is

Tony: Well things have definatly changed in a hurry

Tenay: Heidenreich is a Hulkamaniac but we are out of time, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: