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Nitro : Nitro 3/28/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 2:36 PM

Results 3/28/05 Live From New York City

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Jeff Jarrett defeated The Jackal & Billy Kidman

Dark Match #2: Christy Hemme defeated Jenna Banks

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Girls Dance to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro and what an expected Nitro we saw last week

Tenay: Hulk Hogan returned and The Hulkster is here tonight

Madden: God I hate him for corruption Heidenreich

Tony: Well Paul Heyman is also here and is not in a good mood and Eric Bischoff is back in charge of things tonight plus Scott Steiner is expected to be here as well

Penser: The Opening Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a #1 Contender's match in the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 2 Match

"Ministry Remix" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The G.S., From Death Valley weighing in at 328 Pounds, The Undertaker

Tony: Here comes the Undertaker

Madden: Well Paul Heyman offered The Undertaker a chance to join the Extreme Revolution and The Undertaker apparantly turned it down

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo as the Limo pulls out

Penser: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Orlando Jordan, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: Here comes JBL

Tony: The Winner of this match will go on to the finals of the tournament next week to face the winner of Lance Storm/Maven

#1 Contender's Tournament for WCW World Title Round 2: JBL W/Orlando Jordan vs The Undertaker
The Bell Sounds as Taker and JBL get face to face and JBL tells Taker that he should just retire and Taker rolls his eyes back as JBL backs up a bit and JBL then hits a sucker punch on Taker as JBL then delivers a few more right hands knocking The Undertaker back into the ropes and JBL charges in at Taker but Taker gets a big thrust on JBL knocking JBL back and The Undertaker then hits a big right hand knocking down JBL. JBL starts to get back up as The Undertaker goes to work on JBL's stomach knocking him into the corner where The Undertaker delivers a few more right hands and then thrusts JBL and The Undertaker then grabs JBL's arm and Taker goes up and walks the ropes and jumps off hitting Old School on JBL. The Undertaker then waits for JBL to get back up but Orlando Jordan gets on the apron as The Undertaker goes over and knocks Orlando off the apron and The Undertaker turns around right into a Big Boot from JBL. JBL then picks up The Undertaker and JBL goes to whip Taker off the ropes but Taker reverses and Taker then hits a big powerslam on JBL. The Undertaker then waits for JBL to get up yet again and once JBL gets up, The Undertaker goes for a chokeslam and hits one on JBL but Orlando Jordan gets into the ring and charges at The Undertaker who hits a Big Boot on Orlando and The Undertaker picks up OJ and then delivers the Tombstone on Orlando as The Undertaker smiles and then walks right into a Clothesline from Hell from JBL. JBL gets back up gloating and turns around towards Taker who sits up and stares right at JBL as JBL's smirk is wiped away and JBL starts to pound away at Taker but Taker then hits a big thrust knocking JBL back and The Undertaker then grabs JBL by the throat but The Basham's hit the ring as Taker then hits a big boot on Doug Basham and Taker delivers a thrust to Danny and Taker then grabs Danny and hits a chokeslam on him and Taker kicks Doug in the gut and Taker then delivers the Last Ride to Doug Basham but Taker then gets kicked in the gut from JBL who hits a DDT on The Undertaker and Taker sits up as JBL is waiting and JBL goes for another clothesline from hell but Taker ducks and JBL bounces off the ropes and Taker grabs JBL on the way back by the throat but JBL then pokes Taker in the eyes and JBL kicks Taker in the gut and sets him up for the Powerbomb but The Undertaker backdrops JBL and The Undertaker is waiting as The Basham's are starting to get back up but Raven & Jerome Morris come out finally and Jerome yanks out Danny Basham while Raven yanks out Doug Basham, Taker grabs JBL by the throat but Orlando got the ref's attention as The Dudley's come into the ring out of the crowd and turn around Taker as The Dudley's hit the 3D on him as they get out of the ring as JBL covers Taker with the tights pulled for the 1---2--3.
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the finals of the #1 Contender's Tournament, JBL

Tony: JBL is going to the finals but with alot of help from his cabinet and The Dudley's

Madden: I think The Dudley's were just getting payback for Taker not joined with the Extreme Revolution

Tenay: Either way, JBL is in the finals

:Backstage: Hulkamaniacs Locker Room

:Hulk Hogan, Brandon Davis, Maven, Jackie Gayda, & Scarlett are shown when Heidenreich walks in:

Hulk Hogan: What can I do for you brother

Heidenreich: I want to get a blonde woman in my locker room

Hulk Hogan: Ok?

Heidenreich: Why does Scotty get a blonde woman in his locker room

Hulk Hogan: A blonde woman in Scott Hill's office?

Heidenreich: Yes I looked in on accident and I saw naughty things going on

Hulk Hogan: Who was it?

Heidenreich: I don't know but maybe I should go ask Paulie

Hulk Hogan: No you stay here because its not that important


Tony: I guess Kaci is backstage

Tenay: I didn't see her earlier

Madden: I talked to Scott earlier and Kaci wasn't with him

Tony: Well I don't whats going on then but it looks like Heidenreich is going to stay with the Hulkster

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Here comes Jamie Gunz

"Falling Apart" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Madden: This should be a good match and next week Matt Matlock is set to face Brandon Davis after what took place on a WCW House Show over the weekend in a No DQ Match so Matlock may be overlooking Jamie which could be a big mistake

Tony: Jerome Morris will not be getting involved in this match either because if he attacks Jamie again during the match, Jerome will be fired as a result

Jamie Gunz vs Matt Matlock
Jamie and matt lock up, Jamie sends Matlock into the corner and then a clothesline. Gunz then picks him up sends him into the rope and connects with a standing dropkick. Sending Matlock to the matt. Gunz then quickly climbs the turnbuckle and connects with a cross body block getting  pin on Matlock 1 - 2 - Matlock gets the shoulder up. Gunz then picks up Matlock up he delivers few rights but Matlock blocks on of them and connects with DDT. Matlock gets up slowly and then stomps away at Jamie Gunz. Matlock picks him up and drops him back to the mat with a another DDT and goes for a another cover 1 - 2 - Gunz gets his shoulder up. Matlock stomps away at Jamie again but Jamie sweeps him to the mat.  Jamie then gets to his feet quickly and bounces off the rope and delivers a leg drop. Jamie sets Matlock up for a Osaka Street Crusher but he counters in the move and gets a school boy 1-2- Jamie barely gets out. Matlock complains to the ref as then the lights in the arena go out and the crowd goes crazy but then they flash on and Jerome Morris is seen standing on the ramp, Matlock turns a round and Jamie connects with the Osaka Street Crusher. Jamie looks up and sees Jerome walking down to the ring. The ref tells Jerome to get backstage Raven comes threw the crowd turns Jamie around and delivers a even flow DDT, Raven then gets out of the ring and Jerome Goes back up the ramp, Matlock gets the cover 1 - 2 - 3
Winner: Matt Matlock

Penser: Your winner, Matt Matlock

Tony: Matlock just beat Jamie Gunz thanks to Raven

Tenay: Jerome Morris could not touch Jamie but he did destract the referee allowing Raven to do Jerome's dirty work

Madden: What great work and poor Jamie Gunz lost again and worse yet right here in his hometown

Tony: When Jamie Gunz gets his hands on Jerome Morris, Jamie is going to make Jerome pay


:Heidenreich is shown walking around still wearing his Hulk Hogan shirt when Paul Heyman wearing a neck brace approaches him:

Paul Heyman: Heidenreich

Heidenreich: Hello Pauly

Paul Heyman: Now I know last week you got a little bit excited because you saw your hero

Heidenreich: I love that man Pauly, he is my hero

Paul Heyman: I know that but do you think he likes you?

Heidenreich: Of course he gave me this shirt brother

Paul Heyman: I know that but he does not care about you like I do, I look out for you, we are like family and I forgive you for giving me the big leg drop last week so why don't you come back with me

Heidenreich: I don't know Pauly, do you think Hulk will get mad

Paul Heyman: Of course not, he told me where you were so come back with me

Heidenreich: Ok Pauly

:Paul Heyman walks off with Heidenreich:


Tony: Well up next we are going to find out who is going to be the finals of the #1 Contender's Tournament for the WCW Women's Title because we got the first of two semifinals matches

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Round 2 Match in the #1 Contender's Tournament for the WCW Women's Championship

"Heaven's a Lie" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From St. John's Canada, Christine

Madden: Christine scored the big upset last week on Heat by knocking off Scarlett to get here

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, Representing The Hulkamanaics, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie Gayda knocked off Joy Giovanni last week on Nitro to get here

#1 Contender's Tournament for WCW Women's Championship Round 2: Jackie Gayda vs Christine
The bell rings as the two divas circle each other, as it looks like they both have a lot of pent up frustration knowing full well that they are in round 2 of the woman's championship tourney, Christine gets the first blow as she slaps Jackie hard against the face, which causes Jackie to spear her down to the ground, grabbing her head and slamming it into the ring. Jackie then waits till Christine gets back, as she throws her into the turnbuckle hard, Jackie then runs at Christine pinning her in the corner with a cross body. Christine gets her revenge as she moves as Jackie crashes into the turnbuckle hitting her shoulder. Christine smiles knowing its her time to take control as she grabs Jackie's arm putting pressure on the wounded shoulder. Christine continues to apply pressure to the arm, as Jackie doesn't give up, Christine try's to yank Jackie down as she apply's a submission move, as the ref goes down wondering if Jackie is going to tap, as Jackie continues to fight Christine she finally gets to the ropes, as Christine has to break the hold, as the two divas get back up to their feet, Jackie chick kicks Christine down to the ground. Christine falls like a ton of bricks, as Jackie starts to take control grabbing Christine's leg starting to apply pressure, as Christine try's to fight to get to the rope. Jackie then lets Christine go, as Christine pokes her in the eye, Christine then try's to go up top, as Jackie looks around for Christine jumps off the top rope as Jackie moves as Christine crashes into the mat. Jackie then starts to kick Christine while she is down, as she waits till Christine gets back up, she runs at Christine knocking her down again, as she picks up Christine putting her on the turnbuckle, as she walks over to the other corner as she runs as fast as she can over to Christine as she delivers a top rope Hurricanrana, as she turns it into a pin. The ref goes down to count as Christine's shoulders are down on the mat as the ref counts the 1.........2.........3
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the finals, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Well Jackie Gayda is another step closer

Tenay: Jackie has really proven she is still one of the best divas on WCW and seems to be set for another battle with Trish Stratus if you ask me


Rue: I am standing here with WCW General Manager Eric Bischoff, first off Eric I have been todl you have a few announcements for next week?

Eric Bischoff: Yes next week on Nitro, Jamie Gunz will face The Undertaker and if Jamie can some how defeat The Undertaker he will get his hands on Jerome Morris at Souled Out but both men have been told until Souled Out that they are not allowed to touch each other

Rue: Any other announcements?

Eric Bischoff: Yes I actually do because tonight I am booking Heidenreich in a match against Scott Steiner because you do not cross the boss

Rue: Well what do you think about Paul Heyman still being here and untouchable?

Eric Bischoff: I am not happy about it but I can't do nothing about it but I would like to know what kind of dirty Paul has on Scott and I think I know now after seeing what Heidenreich told Hulk Hogan and if thats the case then I think Mr. Heyman can be out the door pretty quick

Commercial Ad for WCW Heat, SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Souled Out

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:37 PM

Tony: Well Eric Bischoff just made a big announcement for later tonight

Madden: Heidenreich makes his in ring debut against "Big Poppa Pump", I think Heidenreich's career could be over

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Round 2 Match in the #1 Contender's Tournament for the WCW Women's Championship

Tony: Well its time to find out who will face Jackie Gayda next week in the finals

"Alive" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Representing The S.C., Tara Rayge

Tenay: Tara Rayge defeated Jenna Banks last week to advance

Tony: Tara is getting some cheers out here

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Madden: Flame knocked off Christy Hemme last week on Heat to advance

Tony: Flame apparantly was overheard saying she doesn't care if she wins or loses but she does want Jackie Gayda's title

Madden: Well this is one weird girl

#1 Contender's Tournament for WCW Women's Title Round 2: Flame vs Tara Rayge
The bell rings as Flame comes up to Tara and begins to look her up and down as Tara is sickened and nails Flame in the face. Tara begins to kick her on the ground but Flame grabs her by the leg and tosses her down. Flame jumps on Tara and begins to beat her with her fists as Tara kicks her out of the way and backs up into the corner. Flame gets up and walks towards Tara but Tara kicks Flame in the gut and gets up and flips her over by the hair. Tara then picks her up and delivers a head scissors take down. She hooks the leg and Mike Posey counts the 1...............2.......Flame kicks out. Tara gets up but Flame once again grabs her by the leg and takes her down. Flame picks up Tara by the hair and shoves her into the corner. She whips her towards the other corner and follows up with a big clothesline. She picks up Tara again and delivers a piledriver than she looks in Flamming Ambition. Tara wants to give up but she fights it and she elbows Flame in the stomach and follows up with a Crossbody but Flame catches her and delivers a big bodyslam. She covers Tara 1.............2...........Tara kicks out. Flame gets mad now as she picks up Tara and swings at her but Tara ducks and Flame nails Mike Posey unintentionally. Tara dropkicks her when she turns around. Tara then quickly goes outside the ring and under it and comes up with a steel chair. She throws it in the ring and goes to get it but Flame grabs it and goes to hit Tara but Tara ducks and Flame hits nothing. Tara grabs the chair from over Flame's head and hits her with it in the back then she does another shot to the head for good measure. Flame collapses as Tara drags her to the center of the ring. Tara throws the chair out of the ring then she goes over to Mike Posey and shakes him. She goes up top and delivers a perfect Rayge Effect onto Flame. Then she covers and Posey counts the 1...............2............3
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and advancing to the finals, Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara Rayge has done it

Tenay: Tara is going to the finals of the Tournament and will face Jackie Gayda next week for the right to face Trish Stratus at Souled Out

:Backstage: Extreme Revolution's Locker Room:

:Heidenreich is shown sitting in a chair watching old tapes of Hulk Hogan during his nWo days as Heidenreich is growing angrier and agnrier as Paul Heyman and The Dudley's are shown smiling behind him:


Tony: Why are The Extreme Revolution showing old nWo Videos of Hulk Hogan?

Madden: Hogan cheated and did bad things then so its a great way to turn Heidenreich against his hero

Tenay: I think Mark may be right

Madden: Of course I am

:On the Nitrovision Extreme TV Pops up:

Tony: What the hell is this?

:Extreme TV Shows Scott Hill going into a hotel room with a blond WCW Diva whose face and outfit are blurred out and then cuts off:

Tenay: That didn't really prove anything? Everything but the hair was blurred out

Tony: Yeah that could have been anyone including Kaci

:Extreme TV comes back on once more and is now live as it shows Trish Stratus walking out of Scott Hill's Office with a smile on her face before being stopped again:

Madden: Uh oh, I think we just found out who the mystery blond was

Tony: You don't think...

Madden: The camera doesn't lie and that would explain the dirt

Tenay: Well we gotta move on so lets just do that

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, Representing The Hulkamanaics, From London, England, Scarlett

Tony: Well here comes Scarlett who got a tough task tonight to face a returning legend

"Can't Stop" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Her opponent, From Austin, Texas, ROSE THORN

Tenay: Rose Thorn may have parted ways before with the company on bad terms but Rose Thorn is now back and is getting a great reception from these WCW fans

Tony: This is going to be a great match

Rose Thorn vs Scarlett
The Match starts off as Scarlett immediately starts to take her frustrations out on Rose Thorn, as Rose Thorn, can't get a counter in, as Scarlett continues to beat the living hell out of Rose Thorn, as finally Rose thorn gets a punch in, as Scarlett goes down, Rose then starts to work on Scarlett, kicking her, as Scarlett gets motivation, as she clotheslines Rose Thorn down to the mat. Scarlett then picks up Rose, as she delivers a DDT to Rose Thorn, as Scarlett thinks she has the match one she goes down for the cover as the ref counts 1...2... No Rose gets her shoulder up. Scarlett looks frustrated, as she kicks Rose for good measure, as she kicks Rose gets back up grabbing Scarlet's ankle as she delivers an inzugiri. Scarlet goes down like a ton of bricks as Rose starts to take control as she slams Scarlet into the turnbuckle, Rose then runs at Scarlet suicide diving into her, as Scarlett falls again, Rose starts to go up top looking down at her opponent. Scarlett seems to be out cold, as Rose jumps off the top rope delivering her finishing move Tranquil Insanity. She then places her boot on Scarlet's chest as the ref goes down to count the 1.....2.......3
Winner: Rose Thorn

Penser: Your winner, Rose Thorn

Tony: Rose Thorn picks up the win here in her return match

Tenay: Scarlett put up a good fight but Rose Thorn comes out victorious

Commercial Ad for SCWE Backlash-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well up next we are going to see the WCW United States Championship on the line but lets take a look back at what happened during the break


:Trish Stratus is shown getting a drink when Marrisa Bischoff approaches her:

Marrisa Bischoff: Well look who it is, the queen slut on WCW

Trish Stratus: I beg your pardon

Marrisa Bischoff: Trying to suduce the boss are we?

Trish Stratus: I never ever touched Scott Hill

Marrisa Bischoff: I know but that doesnt mean you didn't try because you got caught red handed

Trish Stratus: I was there for a meeting and Christian was also there which wasnt seen on the little Extreme TV

Marrisa Bischoff: Whatever you say Trish Slutis I mean Stratus

:Marrisa walks away laughing as Trish looks annoyed:


Madden: Darn it they didn't fight

Tenay: Well Trish is saying Christian was in the office with her and it was a case of people getting the wrong idea but can you believe her?

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, The Love Machine

Madden: The Love Machine is trying to become a four time WCW US Champion which would be a record

"American Made" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, Representing The Hulkamaniacs from Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion, Brandon Davis

Tony: Here comes the champion who has been seen hanging out with Hulk Hogan

Tenay: Well its no secret that Brandon looks up to Hulk Hogan and now Brandon is officially under his idol's wings being taught by him

Madden: Great now Brandon is going to be a idiot like Hogan

WCW United States Championship: Brandon Davis(C) vs The Love Machine
Brandon and The Love Machine circle each other as the crowd begin to cheer on The united states champion Brandon. Brandon looks around at the crowd and climbs he nearest turnbuckle. He raises his arms for the crowd and they go nuts. The Love Machine watches Brandon get off the turnbuckle, The love Machine shouts out “I’ll Show you cheers!�?The Love Machine climbs the turnbuckle near him and he raises his arms to get an arena full of boo’s. Brandon laughs as TLM starts to bitch at the crowd. The Love Machine jumps down to the canvas and turns to see Brandon Laughing. The love machine runs at Brandon and clotheslines him down. Brandon grabs his head as The Love Machine begins to stomp down at Brandon. After about 5 stomps from TLM. Brandon grabs Machine’s leg and pushes him back. Brandon gets to his feet and runs at The Love Machine, pushes TLM into the turnbuckle and starts opening up on him. Brandon climbs to the second rope and begins a series of punches to The Love Machines head. The crowd count each punch 1�?2�?3�?.4�?5�?6�?7�?8�?9�?0! Brandon jumps down from the turnbuckle, The Love Machine falls into Brandon. Brandon hits a perfect scoop slam to TLM. Brandon hits an elbow drop to Machine and covers him 1�?.. kick out by the challenger. Brandon grabs a hold of TLM’s head and helps him up to his feet. TLM breaks free of Brandon and hits a knee to Brandon’s gut. The Love Machine clubs down hard on Brandon’s back. Machine sets up Brandon for a Suplex, TLM keeps Brandon in the air for around 30 seconds before slamming him down to the ring canvas. Love Machine jumps up and lands on Brandon's throat with a leg drop. TLM slides around and covers Brandon 1�?2�?kick out by The champ. Machine helps Brandon up and locks his arms around Brandon. TLM goes for a Belly to belly suplex but Brandon uses  TLM’s momentum and counters the move into a Belly to belly suplex of his own. Brandon gets up and takes in a deep breath. Brandon rests in the corner and waits for Machine to get up. The Love Machine gets up as Brandon runs towards him and connects with The Rush to TLM. The crowd cheer as Brandon covers TLM 1�?2�?2.8 TLM gets his foot on the bottom rope. Brandon slams his hand on the ring canvas as he gets up, Brandon lifts up Machine and throws him into the turnbuckle. Brandon starts with the chops on TLM’s chest. The crowd go “wooo!�?with every chop. The love machine counters Brandon's last chop and starts with some knife edge chops of his own on Brandon’s chest. Machine hits a sharp kick to Brandon’s gut and hits The Pepsi Plunge on Brandon, Brandon’s back comes crashing down to the ring Canvas. The Love Machine covers Brandon 1�?2�?.5 The love Machine lifts up Brandon's shoulder as the crowd boo. The Love Machine climbs to the top rope and launches off with The Frog Splash. The Love Machine once again covers Brandon 1�?2�?.999, Brandon pushes The Love Machine off him forcing him to travel half way across the ring. Brandon gets up and points to The love Machine. Brandon starts shaking his finger at TLM as he shouts out. The Love Machine runs at Brandon, Brandon punches him hard in the head, TLM gets up and runs once again at Brandon, Brandon elbows Machine in the head, knocking him down. TLM gets up AGAIN and is knocked down with a clothesline from Brandon. Brandon shouts out loud as the crowd cheer for him. The Love Machine runs up to Brandon, Brandon kicks TLM’s gut and hits The Extreme Shudder on The Love Machine. Brandon hooks Machine’s leg as the ref begins to count. The crowd count along with the ref 1�?2�?3
Winner: Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon Davis picks up the big win here

Madden: Damn him and trying to act like Hulk Hogan

Tenay: Just a reminder to tune into Heat this Wednesday to see Round 2 of the TV Title Tournament

:Backstage: Extreme Revolution's Locker Room

:Paul Heyman along with the Dudley's are shown talking to somebody who is out of camera site:

Paul Heyman: I would like to welcome you two to the group and remember what our job is tonight and we will take out Scott Steiner because I have Heidenreich primed to do it and Hulk Hogan has lost his mind control over him so boys tonight is the Extreme Revolution's Night


Tony: Who was Heyman talking to?

Tenay: I don't know but apparantly he has a plan to take out Scott Steiner who does face Heidenreich tonight and is claiming Heidenreich won't listen to his new friend Hulk Hogan

Madden: Paul Heyman is a genious

Tony: Well we have to be taking another commercial break and when we come back we will see AJ Styles and Joy Giovanni taking on the returning Christian and Trish Stratus

Madden: The King of Canada is making his first appearance since Heidenreich's attack

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, WHW Boiling Points

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:40 PM

Tony: Well here we go guys

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Match

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Team #1, Joy Giovanni and one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles

Tenay: AJ Styles and Joy Giovanni being given a golden chance to succeed here

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There opponents, Representing the S.C., They are the WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Madden: No Tyson Tomko tonight due to the attack by Heidenreich at Wrestlemania and Christian is probably less then 100% as well

Christian & Trish Stratus vs AJ Styles & Joy Giovanni
The bell sounds. AJ Styles and Christian start off the match with a collar and elbow tie up.  Christian whips AJ to the ropes. AJ bounces back and is hit with an elbow attack by Christian. AJ Styles jumps right up and is thrown into the turnbuckle by Christian. Christians runs at AJ but AJ dives out the way causing Christian to crash into the corner. AJ grabs Christian and hits a backdrop. AJ kicks at Christian and then irish whips him to the ropes. Christians bounces back and is hit with a high back body drop from AJ styles. AJ Styles kicks at Christian’s lower back and then AJ helps Christian up to his feet. Aj goes for another whip to the rope but this time Christian counters and whips Aj to the ropes. Trish hits her knee to AJ styles back. AJ falls to his knee’s holding his back. Christian punches down at AJ styles head and then whips him to the turnbuckle. Christian lifts AJ to the top rope and sets up for a Superplex. Christian goes for the move but AJ hooks his legs on the top rope, Christian falls down to the ring canvas. AJ sets himself straight and jumps off the top rope with a leg drop to Christian. AJ helps Christian up and irish whips him to a turnbuckle. AJ tags in Joy Giovanni, Styles gets down on all fours in front of Christian as Joy runs towards AJ, she jumps off AJ Styles and goes for a flying clothesline to Christian but Christian ducks out the way causing Joy to crash into the top turnbuckle. Christian tags in Trish Stratus. AJ and Christian get out the ring as Trish smiles sadistically at Joy. Trish stalks Joy Giovanni, Giovanni turns around and ducks a Chick Kick from Trish Stratus. Joy spears down Trish and starts slapping at Trish’s face. Trish rolls over and gets on top of Joy, Trish hits some forearm shots to Joy’s face before getting off of her. Joy Giovanni gets up and the two divas lock up. Joy gets Trish in a headlock, Trish manages to push Joy into the ropes, Joy bounces back and hits a clothesline to Trish. Trish gets up and this time she gets Joy into a headlock, Giovanni scrambles out and locks in a tight wrist lock on Trish, Trish spins around and counters the lock into a lock of her own. Trish pushes Joy away and then runs at her and hits a perfect bulldog. Trish covers Joy 1�?2�?kick out by Joy. Trish kicks Joy’s gut and whips her to the opposite ropes, Trish runs at Joy Giovanni but Joy lifts her legs up and pushes herself over Trish. Trish hits the turnbuckle and Joy goes for a school boy pin 1�?2�?kick out by Trish Stratus.  Trish gets up, Stratus goes for a suplex on Joy but Joy counters into a suplex of her own. Trish gets up straight away, Joy goes for a monkey flip but midway through Trish counters it into an unusual Powerbomb. Trish falls down into a sitting position because of the pure strength it took out of her. She takes a deep breath and gets up, Stratus walks over to Joy but Joy manages to hit a drop toe hold to Trish. Joy jumps up and tags in AJ Styles. Christians gets in the ring as well. AJ runs at Christian and hits a clothesline, Christian gets up and runs at AJ but AJ hits another Clothesline. Christian gets up and this time AJ kicks Christian in the gut, AJ whips Christian into the turnbuckle. AJ runs at Christian but Christian flips AJ over, AJ lands on the ring apron, Christian has his back to AJ and he is taunting the crowd as if he has just thrown AJ to the mats. AJ climbs to the top rope and as Christians turns around AJ launches off the top rope with a flying neck drop. AJ covers Christian 1�?.. kick out by Christian. Both Christian and AJ Styles get up, AJ runs at Christian and performs a running elbow strike but Christian ducks out the way and AJ hits the ref. The ref rolls out the ring holding his face. Trish slides in the WCW World heavyweight championship belt. Christian grabs the belt and runs at AJ with it, Christian connects the belt with AJ’s face. Christian covers AJ but the ref is still outside. Christian gets up and rolls out the ring, he lifts the ref up and slides him into the ring. Christian gets in and covers AJ Styles once more the ref slowly counts 1�?2�?2.9 kick out by AJ Styles. Trish Stratus is in shock as is Christian. Christian grabs AJ and sets up The Unprettier, but AJ manages to counter and spin around, AJ kicks Christian in the gut and hits The Styles Clash on Christian. AJ hooks Christians legs 1�?2�?.8 Trish gets in the ring and kicks AJ in the face. Trish helps Christian over to their corner and then she tags herself in. Joy tags in from AJ. The two divas meet again as AJ and Christian both fall to the mats outside. Trish pounds away on Joys upper back before throwing her to the ropes, Joy bounces off the ropes and is hit with a Chick kick from Trish Stratus. Trish covers Joy 1�?2�?3
Winner: Christian & Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winners, Christian & Trish Stratus

Tony: Christian and Trish pick up the win here but AJ nearly got the better of Christian

Madden: Like you said earlier, Christian can not be 100% out there

Tenay: Well it will go down as a win for the S.C. and Trish Stratus continues to be on a roll as she will find out if she will be facing Tara Rayge or Jackie Gayda at Souled Out next week here on Nitro

:Backstage: Just outside Scott Hill's office

:Hulk Hogan is shown approaching Scott's office and Hulk knocks on the door and then opens the door as the camera follows Hulk into the room but nobody is there but the door to scott's personal bathroom is shut and water is heard running and laughing and giggiling are being heard as Hulk Hogan looks at the door and rubs his chin as Eric Bischoff then walks into the office behind Hogan and Eric hears the noices and smiles:

Eric Bischoff: I think I just found out the dirt Heyman has on Scott

:Eric starts to walk towards the bathroom door but Hogan grabs Eric:

Hulk Hogan: Brother you can't go doing that

Eric Bischoff: Why not?

Hulk Hogan: It's not right, you wouldn't want somebody snooping around you and Marrisa when your getting lucky and besides what if its Kaci in there

Eric Bischoff: I guess your right

Hulk Hogan: So lets go brother

:Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff leave the office as the water turns off and a few seconds later, the door creaks open as Scott Hill pokes his head out

Scott Hill: Nobody is in here

Woman's Voice: Good and I can't believe people are believing that your actually screwing around with Trish

Scott Hill: I know it is rather funny

:The Bathroom door then closes:


Madden: I can tell you this right now guys, there is no denying it now, Scott Hill is having an affair

Tony: Yeah I would say thats crystal clear because that was not Kaci's voice but that voice is familier but whose is it?

Tenay: I don't know because the camera was too far away to pick it up good

Tony: Well anyway we gotta move on because right now we are going to find out who is going to face JBL next week on Nitro in the finals of the #1 Contender's Tournament

Madden: My money is on Lance Storm beat Maven

Tony: I like Maven personally because Maven knows how to get the job done

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Round 2 Match in the #1 Contender's Tournament for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Kristen Storm, Representing The S.C., From Calgary Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Madden: Lance Storm is going to do it guys, I'm telling you

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, Representing The Hulkamaniacs from Charlestown, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Maven!!

Tony: I like Maven's chances here and no disrespect to Lance Storm but I just don't see Storm beating Maven

#1 Contender's Tournament for WCW World Title Round 2: Maven vs Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm
Maven and Storm lock up. Storm locks Maven in an arm bar but Maven fights his way out of it then throws Storm off the ropes. He tries for a backdrop but Storm kicks him in the head and he delivers a Piledriver. Lance picks up Maven and sets him on the turnbuckle and goes for a Superplex but Maven shoves him off. Maven then jumps down and begins to pound away at Storm. He picks Storm up and delivers a big DDT on him. He covers Storm for the 1............2..........Storm kicks out. Maven is up to his feet quick and he picks Lance Storm up but Storm low blows him behind Mike Posey's back. Maven falls to his knees as Lance sets up for a Superkick. He goes for it but Maven ducks and knocks him down. Both men struggle to get up as Maven seems to be the first one up and he clotheslines Storm down then he climbs up top and calls for the Missile dropkick. Lance though quickly gets up and hits the ropes causing Maven to fall off. Lance rushes over and covers Maven 1.............2.........Maven kicks out. Lance gets up and he picks Maven up as well. He delivers a Russian leg sweep then he locks Maven in the Maple Leaf. Maven screams in pain as he looks like he is going to tap out. He inches closer towards the ropes but Storm pulls him back to the center of the ring. Maven uses everything he has to pull himself towards the rope and he finally grabs them, forcing Storm to break the hold. Maven is out of energy right now as he tries to collect himself but Storm picks him up and delivers a huge Back breaker. He covers Maven 1...............2...........2.5.......Maven just kicks out. Storm once again picks Maven up and Maven begins to fight back with some right hands, and he knocks Storm down. He goes up top and goes for a Missile dropkick but Storm moves and Maven hits the ground. Storm quickly locks the Maple Leaf in again. Maven desperately tries to reach the ropes but Storm keeps pulling it in. Storm locks it in tighter as Maven finally taps out
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and advancing to the finals, Lance Storm

Tony: Lance Storm has just beaten Maven!!

Tenay: This has to be a big upset

Madden: It's not an upset, Lance Storm is a great wrestler and just beat the so called great Maven and made him tap out

Tony: Well it will be Lance Storm taking on JBL next week on Nitro for the right to face Christian at Souled Out

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

Eric Bischoff: Scott I know you are going to go out there and make that idiot Heidenreich pay

Scott Steiner: Your damn right I am going to make that bitch pay

Eric Bischoff: and if Heyman gets involved don't worry about taking him out

Scott Steiner: Oh I will, I came here for a fight which is why Lacy and Shayn aren't here because I am going to do something so violent to that bitch I didn't want them exposed to it

:Marrisa then walks into the office:

Eric Bischoff: Hey babe where have you been?

Marrisa Bischoff: Oh I was....on the phone with Mallory Maddox trying to make a trade

Eric Bischoff: Oh get anything done?

Marrisa Bischoff: Nope

Eric Bischoff: Ok but anyway Scott, I want you to destroy Heidenreich and as much as I say this, if Hulk Hogan comes out to try and help him then I give you permission to do what you must

Scott Steiner: Anyone that comes out there thats not you Eric even if its Raven, Jerome, or Taker and I am going to take them out because Scott Steiner is unleashed

:Scott leaves the locker room with his lead pipe in hand:

Final Commercial Ad for WHW Super Brawl/Revenge Replay

After The Break:

Tony: Well we heard what Eric Bischoff told Scott Steiner

Tenay: This is not going to be for the weak of heart

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is a No Disqualifaction Match

"Heidenreich" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring from....

:As Heidenreich started to come out, Scott Steiner hits Heidenreich in the back and Steiner pounds away at him in the entry way and Steiner then rams Heidenreich into the side of the guard rail and Steiner pounds away at Heidenreich some more and Steiner then picks back up his lead pipe and Steiner is about to hit Heidenreich but Hulk Hogan comes out into the entry way and Hogan grabs the pipe from Scott Steiner:

Tony: Hulk Hogan has come out here and disarmed Scott Steiner

:Steiner and Hogan have some words and Steiner then takes a cheap shot at Hogan knocking him back as Steiner knocks down Hogan with a right hand as Heidenreich then does a chop block on Steiner. Heidenreich then grabs the lead pipe from Hulk Hogan and Heidenreich then hits Scott Steiner in the head with it as Hulk Hogan then tries to stop Heidenreich but Heidenreich shoves Hulk Hogan back and Heidenreich hits Steiner again in the head as Hulk Hogan then shakes his head and starts to open up on Heidenreich with big right hands and Hogan knocks down Heidenreich:

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:40 PM

:Hogan then calls for paramedics to come out and tend to a bloody Scott Steiner but The Dudley's then attack Hogan from behind as Paul Heyman is telling Heidenreich that Hulk Hogan doesn't like him and was trying to hurt him as Heidenreich grows angrier, Brandon Davis & Maven come running out and Maven knocks down D-Von Dudley as Brandon goes to work on Bubba Ray Dudley as Heidenreich still refuses to go after Hogan with the lead pipe as Hogan points at Heyman and starts to walk after him when Hogan gets attacked from behind by Jeff Jarrett and Gene Snitsky!! Hogan knocks down Jarrett and opens up on Snitsky when Heidenreich finally has enough and throws down the lead pipe and attacks Hogan! Scott Steiner though somehow gets back up and Steiner goes over and opens up on Snitsky and Steiner knocks down Jarrett as Raven, Jerome Morris, & The Undertaker make there way out as Paul Heyman pulls Heidnereich back as the rest of the Extreme Revolution also backtrack as The G.S. members check on Scott Steiner while the Hulkamaniacs check on Hogan:

Tony: All hell has broken loose here

Tenay: No kidding but The G.S. and The Hulkamaniacs both coming out here to the aid of there leaders to back off the Extreme Revolution who seem to have two new members in the newcomers Gene Snitsky and the returning Jeff Jarrett

Madden: I never thought I would see the day that the Hulkamaniacs and the G.S. would be next to each other and not fighting

Tony: Well I am sure we will find out more about this story next week on Nitro but until then, Good Night

:Nitro goes off the Air:

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