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Nitro : Nitro 4/4/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 2:42 PM

Results 4/4/05 Live From East Ruthorford, New Jersey

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: DDP defeated Doug Basham

Dark Match #2: Booker T defeated Danny Basham

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Girls Dance to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro and the fall out from last week is going to be felt here tonight

Tenay: Well Scott Steiner who had to have several stiches to close the wound last week that was opened up by Heidenreich is not expected here tonight

Madden: But Heidenreich is here and that could mean more trouble for people

Tony: Well I am sure we will get more about it later but lets send things down to the ring for the opening contest

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Hulkamaniacs, weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Maven!!

Tony: Here comes Maven who got knocked off in a major upset last week by Lance Storm in the #1 Contender's Tournament

"Man In the Box" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, Represneting the G.S., From Short Hils, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, He is the WCW Hardcore Champion, Raven

Madden: Raven may have been eliminated in the first round of the #1 Contender's Tournament but Raven knows Maven well and I think Raven is going to take Maven to school here

Maven vs Raven
The Bell Sounds to start the match as Maven and Raven are talking trash back and forth and Raven smacks Maven across the face and Maven smiles and then delivers a right hand knocking down Raven. Maven then opens up on Raven some more and whips Raven off the ropes and Maven hits a big dropkick on Raven knocking Raven down as Raven rolls out to the floor to regroup. Maven then charges over and hits a baseball slide into the back of Raven knocking him into the guard rail as Maven gets on the floor and Maven pounds away at Raven but Raven grabs Maven's trunks and pulls Maven into the guard rail as Raven lowblows Maven and Raven then rams Maven into the side of the ring. Raven is smiling as he grabs Maven and sets him up for a russian leg sweep and Raven hits it right into the guard rail, Raven then picks up Maven and does the same exact thing to him again as Maven is grabbing his lower back as Raven picks up Maven and rolls him back into the ring at 9 as Raven gets in as well just before the 10 count. Raven does his signature taunt as Raven picks up Maven and Raven locks in a Octopus Stretch on Maven who is riving out in pain but Maven is able to counter by hip tossing Raven off of him as Raven gets back up, Maven hits a dropkick knocking down Raven. Maven then is back up and Maven opens up on Raven as Maven goes to whip Raven into the corner but Raven reverses sending Maven in as Raven then charges in but Maven gets his boot up into the face of Raven as Maven quickly goes up top and Maven comes off and hits the Blockbuster. Maven covers Raven for a 1---2--2.8-Jerome Morris yanks out Chris Kay. Jerome Morris and Kay are having some words as Maven comes over and Maven sling shots himself over the ropes crashing on top of Jerome Morris. Maven is pounding away on Jerome as Raven is back up and Raven rolls out to the floor and goes over and Raven picks up the camera cord lying on the floor and Raven goes behind Maven who is unaware of Raven and Raven wraps it around Maven's throat and starts to choke him with it as Maven is trying to get it off his threat as Raven takes Maven down and continues to tug at it while choking him. Jerome Morris gets back up as Jerome is laughing at Maven as Chris Kay is warning Raven to stop or else he will DQ him as Jerome then gets in Chris Kay's face and Chris Kay then ejects Jerome Morris but Jerome continues to put up a fuss detracting Chris Kay when DDP comes out of the crowd and DDP grabs Raven and turns him around and DDP hits the Diamond Cutter on him right on the floor!!! DDP then picks up Raven and rolls him back into the ring as DDP helps up Maven as Jerome Morris is finally leaving as DDP hopes back over the guard rail into the crowd as Maven rolls into the ring and Maven covers Raven for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. DDP is still standing next to the guard rail and starts a Lets Go Maven chant up. Maven and Raven are both slow to get up with Raven up first and Raven grabs Maven and goes for the evenflow DDT but Maven holds onto the ropes knocking down Raven as Maven then kicks Raven in the gut and Maven goes for a Fisherman Suplex and hits it for a 1---2--3.
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner, Maven

Tony: Maven just picked up the big win

Madden: What was DDP doing here

:After the match, Raven attacks Maven in the back and Raven then hits the Evenflow DDT on Maven but DDP comes back over the guard rail and gets into the ring as Raven bails out to the floor as DDP checks on Maven as Raven and DDP have some words:

Tenay: Raven was a sore loser here but DDP who is obviously back in WCW just came to Maven's aid again and DDP and Raven are no strangers to each other

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

Christian: Lance and Tara, I just wanted to wish you good luck out there tonight and if you two shall win then at Souled Out it will be an All S.C. Double Main Event

Lance Storm: Thanks Christian, that means alot that your supporting us


Tony: Well later on Lance Storm takes on JBL to find out who faces Christian for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Souled Out and Tara Rayge will battle Jackie Gayda to find out who faces Trish Stratus for the WCW Women's Championship at Souled Out but lets go down to the ring for the next match which features a big returning star

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tony: Here comes AJ Styles who will be facing the returning Jeff Jarrett

"Cowboy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in at 230 Pounds, Representing The Extreme Revolution, The "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett

Tenay: Jeff Jarrett returned to everyone's suprise last week and alligned himself with Paul Heyman

AJ Styles vs Jeff Jarrett
Mike Posey sounds for the bell as AJ and Jarrett begin to circle each other. AJ and Jarrett then lock up. AJ begins to get the advantage but Jarrett breaks the hold and rakes AJ in the eyes. Jarrett then starts to open up on AJ with right hand after right hand. Jarrett then goes for a big right hand but AJ kicks Jarrett in the gut and hits him with a DDT. AJ then climbs the turnbuckle as Jarrett begins to get up again. Jarrett then faces AJ who hits him with a dropkick. AJ then quickly covers Jarrett for the 1---2---2.2---kick out. AJ then picks Jarrett up and goes to whip him into the corner but Jarrett reverses it. Jarrett then walks over to AJ and begins to give him repeated kicks to the stomach. AJ then falls to the mat as Jarrett begins to choke him with his foot. Mike Posey then comes over and warns Jarrett. Jarrett then lets go of AJ. He then picks AJ up and whips him into the next corner. Jarrett runs at AJ but AJ hops up onto the turnbuckle and dives at Jarrett. Both men go down. They are struggling to their feet as Mike Posey is getting ready to start the ten count. Jarrett somehow gets up before AJ. AJ is trying to get to his feet when Jarrett comes over and kicks him in the back of the head. Jarrett then starts to lay the boots into AJ. Jarrett goes to pick AJ up but AJ elbows Jarrett in the stomach and shoves him down. AJ then stumbles for a bit but then gets his balance. Jarrett gets back to his feet and both men run at each other. AJ and Jarrett then begin to exchange blows back and forth. The two continue to go back and forth until AJ kicks Jarrett in the gut. AJ then whips Jarrett into the ropes and clotheslines him over. AJ then climbs up to the turnbuckle again. AJ then jumps off and hits Jarrett with a Shooting Star Press. The crowd cheers in excitement. Both Jarrett and AJ are down though. AJ gets to his feet first and picks Jarrett up and rolls him into the ring. AJ then covers Jarrett for the 1---2---2.9999---kick out. AJ looks in disbelief. AJ then picks Jarrett up and sets him up for a Styles Clash but Gene Snitsky starts to make his way to the ring. AJ then lets go of Jarrett and is telling Snitsky to bring it. Mike Posey starts yelling at Snitsky to leave as AJ is egging him on. Jarrett then comes to and slides out to the ring and grabs his guitar. Jarrett gets back in and taps AJ on the shoulder. Jarrett then hits AJ over the head with the guitar. Mike Posey sees it though and calls for the bell.
Winner: AJ Styles by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, AJ Styles

Tony: I think AJ Styles was going to knock off Jarrett until Snitsky got involved

:Jarrett & Snitsky continue to put the boots to AJ Styles until JJ Stallion hits the ring with a Steel Chair clearing out Jarrett and Snitsky as JJ checks on them:

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is seen on the phone:

Eric Bischoff: I hope you feel better babe and I will see you on Wednesday

:Eric then presses a button on the phone:

Eric Bischoff: Sorry about that Mallory, I had to talk to my wife. (Eric then starts to smile). For your information she is at home sick and I am well aware of the fact that every blonde WCW Diva is a possible link to Scott Hill and just because Scott is not here tonight does not mean that there is something going on there. Marrisa and Scott do have a history but Marrisa has told me that dating Scott was the worst mistake she ever committed and besides that, I am the Bisch that can make anyone's wish but enough about me, Lets complete this trade because I know that I have already acquired Booker T, Diamond Dallas, Page, and that special wrestler who will be arriving in WCW in a few weeks but what do you want. (Eric listens for a moment). Ok I tell you what I can give you some of those guys but I will not part ways with Maven or Scott Steiner so you can forget that

:Eric slams the office door shut:


Tony: Well it sounds like Eric and Mallory are trying to make a trade

Tenay: Booker T and DDP are officially back on the WCW Roster and thats huge news

Madden: Well I want to talk about the fact that Marrisa is not here and neither is Scott, I think something could be going on there because Marrisa and Scott did date briefly before Scott found out that Kaci was pregnant and then Scott married Kaci

Tony: Well I don't think Marrisa would cheat on Eric, I mean they just had twins

Madden: What if the kids weren't Eric's? What if Scott was the daddy?

Tenay: Mark your going to get yourself fired for that, you know thats not the case

Madden: You never know

Tony: Anyway lets just move on for the next match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Fight" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of The Jackal and Christine

Tony: The Jackal and Christine are both being given a golden chance here to succeed

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents, Representing the S.C., From Toronto, Canada, The WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Madden: Here come the Golden Couple

Tenay: Well Christian and Trish are getting a better reception here then they are used to

Tony: Christian said earlier today that he feels alot better this week and he said Tyson Tomko is doing very well in his recovery from the Heidenreich attack

Christian & Trish Stratus vs The Jackal & Christine
Trish Stratus and Christine start the match up with a simple lock up. Trish spins around behind Christine and hits a simple sleeper hold. Christine counters and spins behind Trish and locks in her own sleeper. Christine Irish whips Trish into the ropes, Trish bounces back and is thrown by an arm drag from Christine. Christine quickly gets up and jumps high in the air landing with a leg drop across Stratus's chest. Christine covers Trish for a early two count. Christine and Trish both get up, Christine steps back a few spaces and charges at the women's champ, but Trish dives out the way and tags in Christian. Christine has no choice but to tag in The Jackal. Both men walk over to each other, they go to lock up in a collar and elbow tie up but Christian hits a quick clothesline to The Jackal. Christian locks in a simple arm bar lock to The Jackals arm. Christian lets go and starts to stomp away on The Jackals back. Christian helps The Jackal up and goes for a german suplex, but Jackal flips himself over, Jackal turns Christian around and hits The Jackal Effect on him. The Jackal quickly covers Christian 1....2... kick out by Christian. The two men jump up, Christian kicks Jackals gut then pounds on his back, Christian pushes Jackal into the turnbuckle, Christian takes a run up but is met by a boot from Jackal. The Jackal hits a Yakuza kick to Christian. The Jackal once again covers Christian, 1...2.. Trish runs in and kicks Jackals head, breaking up the pin. Trish gets out the ring as The Jackal lifts Christian up for a suplex, Christian slides out and lands behind The Jackal. Christian hits a falling reverse DDT to The Jackal and quickly hooks his leg. 1...2..Christine runs into the ring and pulls Christians leg, breaking up the pin. Christian gets up and starts bitching at Christine. Christine slaps Christian, Christian stumbles back as The Jackal hits a tight school boy pin on Christian. Trish runs into the ring to break the pin but she is met with a Beautiful & Deadly. 1....2...2.8 Christian does in deed kick out. The Jackal stimbles backwards and falls into Christine. Christine lands in the turnbuckle. The Jackal runs toward Christian, Christian hits an wlbo to his face. Christian checks on Trish. Trish starts to get up. Stratus shakes her head and walks over to Christine. Stratus slaps Christine and helps her to the top rope. Christian grabs The Jackal and sets up for The Unprettier and Christian hits his finnisher move, Trish hits The Stratusphere at the same time to Christine. Christian covers The Jackal as Trish watches on 1....2....3
Winners: Christian & Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winners, Christian & Trish Stratus

Tony: Christian and Trish Stratus pick up the big victory here over The Jackal and Christine

Tenay: The Jackal and Christine are no Tara Rayge, Jackie Gayda, JBL, or Lance Storm though

Madden: Christine did good it was just that The Jackal wasnt good enough to hang with the WCW World Champion

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:42 PM

Tony: Welcome Back

Tenay: Joy Giovanni came out to the ring during the break to get ready for hte next match so lets send it down to David Penser

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall, first already in the ring, Joy Giovanni!!

"Can't Stop" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

Madden: Rose Thorn returned last week and knocked off Scarlett in an impressive return

Rose Thorn vs Joy Giovanni
The bell sounds as Rose Thorn immediately gets in Joy's face. The two divas argue as Joy calls Rose a has-been who's career is over. Rose snaps and locks up with Joy. Joy gets the upper hand and puts Rose in a headlock. Rose pushes Joy over her and into the ropes. Joy bounces back as Rose delivers a clothesline. Joy falls to the mat as Rose hits an Elbow Drop. Rose gets to her feet and grabs Joy by her hair and throws her across the ring. Joy stands up as Rose taunts the crowd. Joy tries to sneak up on Rose, but Rose hits a huge Chick Kick to Joy's chest. Joy staggers up as Rose locks up with her again. This time Rose Thorn gets the upper hand and puts Joy in a headlock. Joy pushes Rose into the ropes and ducks, but Rose stops and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker to Joy. Rose goes for a cover 1--2--Joy kicks out. Rose gets up and grabs Joy up by her hair. Rose hits a DDT to Joy. Rose gets up ton the turnbuckle as Joy stands up. Joy turns to Rose as she hits a Hurricanrana. Joy is out in the middle of the ring as Rose goes back up to the top rope. Rose connects with the Tranquil Insanity. Rose then covers Joy for the 1--2--3
Winner: Rose Thorn

Penser: Your winner, Rose Thorn

Tony: Rose Thorn continues to roll since coming back to KSCWE

Madden: She made short work of Joy Giovanni


Eric Bischoff: Now Lance tonight you have a chance to do something amazing. You have a chance to earn yourself a WCW World Heavyweight Championship Shot. You can go on to Souled Out and then beat Christian and join the likes of Triple H, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Matt Walker, Maven, Scott Steiner, and so many others who have been great WCW World Champions but you won't unless you realize that you need to break away from Christian because he is holding you back

Lance Storm: I don't know

Eric Bischoff: Well Lance let me just tell you this much, I would much rather see a proud Canadian Athlete like yourself as WCW World Champion then Christian who cares only about himself and not about you, He didnt exactly help you beat Brandon at Wrestlemania now did he

:Eric Bischoff walks as Lance stand there thinking to himself. Eric turns the corner and walks past a door where giggilling can be heard and the door says KSCWE Co-Owner Scott Hill on it as Eric looks at it and Eric then knocks on the door and walks in but see's Scott Hill sitting behind his desk with a startled look on his face:

Scott Hill: What the hell do you want

Eric Bischoff: I thought you weren't going to be here?

Scott Hill: I wasn't but I decided to come but don't worry you can run the entire show your way, I am just here enjoying things

Eric Bischoff: Who else is in here

:Eric goes over and opens the bathroom door but finds nobody in there:

Scott Hill: Nobody just me so get the hell out

Eric Bischoff: You wouldn't happen to have anyone hiding under the desk now would you?

Scott Hill: Thats none of your business

Eric Bischoff: So I guess those panties laying on the floor are yours then

Scott Hill: Get the hell out before I fire you

Eric Bischoff: Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm going

:Eric leaves the office laughing:


Tony: See that dispells what you said Mark about Marrisa and Scott

Madden: Yeah I guess your right but then who is it?

Tenay: Well its time to find out who will face Trish Stratus at Souled Out

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the finals of the #1 Contendership Tournament for the WCW Women's Championship

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, Representing The Hulkamaniacs from Cleveland, Ohio, The WCW Women's Hardcore Champion and one half of the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Here comes The Lovely Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie Gayda is trying to earn herself another shot at Trish Stratus and also the possibility of being a triple champion

"Alive" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, Representing The S.C., From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Tara Rayge

Madden: I think Tara Rayge is going to knock off Jackie and it will be the two queens of the S.C. fighting it out

#1 Contendership for WCW Women's Championship: Tara Rayge vs Jackie Gayda
Jackie and Tara circle each other before bouncing with a collar and elbow tie up. The two divas push at each other, they slowly edge towards the ropes and fell through the second rope to the mats outside. The divas get up, Tara kicks Jackie in the gut and rolls her back into the ring. Tara slides in. Tara stomps on the lower back of Jackie Gayda who is just getting onto her knee's. Tara hits a school girl pin on Jackie for an early win 1...2...kick out by Jackie. Tara stomps on Jackie's stomach and runs to the turnbuckle, She jumps off with an elbow drop but Jackie rolls out the way. Jackie jumps to her feet and helps Tara up, Jackie slaps Tara and hits a modified twist of fate on her opponent. Jackie overs Tara 1....2... kick out by the former WCW Women's Hardcore Champion. Jackie helps Tara up once again, Jackie Irish whips Tara to the ropes, Tara bounces back, Jackie bends over as if to perform a back body drop to Tara but Tara stops in time and kicks Jackie';s face, Rayge flips over Jackie into a sunset flip 1....2... kick out by Gayda. Both divas jump up, Tara throws Jackie to the ropes, Jackie bounces back and hits a Hurricanrana on Tara Rayge. Jackie gets up and goes to pick Tara up but Rayge sits up and flips Jackie onto her back by pulling her legs, Tara gets up and locks in the Sola-Nero (Sharpshooter). Tara pulls tightly on Jackie, Jackie struggles and screams and eventually grabs onto the bottom rope. Tara wont let go and the ref starst the 5 count 1....2.....3....4.. Tara lets go. Tara punches Jackie's face and she (Tara) jumps to the top and launches off with a moonsault BUT Gayda got her knee's up. Rayge crashes into the knee's and clutches her stomach as she rolls around the ring. Jackie Gayda gets up and shouts to Tara "This is how you do a moonsault!" Jackie climbs to the top rope and launches off with a huge moonsault splash. Jackie holds her chest as she goes to hook but then "Time to rock n roll" hits the system. Trish walks out with her women's title over her shoulder. She smirks as Jackie gets up and looks at her way. While Jackie is distracted by Trish, Tara climbs to the top rope, Rayge launches off with a Missile drop kick which sends Jackie over the top rope to the fall below. She lands hard on her head as the ref starts the ring out count. 1.....2.....3.....4.....5....Jackie gets up...6..... Jackie goes to get back in but Tara hits a baseball slide to Jackie without leaving the ring, knocking Gayda back down ...7....8....9....10
Winner: Tara Rayge by Count Out

Penser: Your winner by Count Out and #1 Contender, Tara Rayge

Tony: Thanks to Trish Stratus's destraction, Tara Rayge is now the #1 Contender

Madden: It's all legal though

Tenay: Jackie Gayda just got screwed

Madden: Hey its her fault

:Jackie Gayda is not happy about the decision and Jackie attacks Tara as Tara was leaving as Trish runs over to help out Tara but Scarlett runs out and Scarlett attacks Trish as Several Referee's and Security Guards rush out and pull away the divas from one another as Eric Bischoff appears on the Nitro Vision:

Eric Bischoff: Since you four ladies want at each other so badly then next week on Nitro, It will be Trish Stratus and Tara Rayge vs Jackie Gayda and Scarlett

:All four ladies start to smile as they are still trash talking to each other:

:Backstage: Eric's Office

Eric Bischoff: Things are rather peaceful tonight

Jerome Morris: Yeah I know boss

:Just then Paul Heyman walks into the office with the rest of the Extreme Revolution:

Eric Bischoff: Ahh just the guy I wanted to see

Paul Heyman: Ready to admit your out classed?

Eric Bischoff: No but I am ready to have Security remove you and all of your parties and if you refuse then by right your contract can be termanted

Paul Heyman: You can't do that

Eric Bischoff: Wanna bet and Scott Hill is not acting as owner tonight meaning you can't even run to him

:Security starts to remove The Dudley's, Snitsky, Jarrett, & Heidenreich as Heyman is the only putting up a fight:

Paul Heyman: Where is Marrisa at Eric?

Eric Bischoff: She is home sick idiot

Paul Heyman: Then why did I see her here earlier tonight?

Eric Bischoff: Heyman its not going to work

Jerome Morris: Um Eric

Eric Bischoff: What Jerome

Jerome Morris: I saw her here earlier too, I figured she was going to suprise you or something

Eric Bischoff: Well she might be still but get Heyman out of here

:Security is now actually carrying Heyman away as Heyman screams back:

Paul Heyman: I would go check Scott Hill's office for her

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After the break:

:Backstage: Near Scott Hill's Office

:Eric Bischoff is about to go into Scott's office when Marrisa appears behind Eric:

Marrisa Bischoff: Hello dear

:Eric turns around stunned:

Eric Bischoff: Where have you been tonight?

Marrisa Bischoff: What?

Eric Bischoff: Cut the crap, I know you have been here for a while

Marrisa Bischoff: I was trying to figure out the best way to suprise you and this is what I get, I should have never came

:Marrisa starts to walk away:

Eric Bischoff: I'm sorry come back

:Marrisa stops but looks pissed as Eric walks up to her:

Eric Bischoff: I let Heyman get in my head, come on babe you know

Marrisa Bischoff: I can't believe you think I would actually do something with that jackass

Eric Bischoff: I'm sorry, I should have known better

:Eric and Marrisa start to walk away:


Madden: Something isn't right about all that

Tony: What are you talking about, its innocent

Tenay: I have seen Eric and Marrisa together, that is true love, she wouldn't cheat and we all know Heyman would do anything to get ahead

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and if Jamie Gunz can win then he will face Jerome Morris at Souled Out

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Well here comes Jamie Gunz who has a chance to earn his way into the ring with Jerome Morris since neither man can attack the other one

Tenay: Jamie Gunz is going to have his hands full with The Undertaker and knowing Raven may interfere

"Ministry Remix" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Death Valley weighing in at 328 Pounds, Represneting The G.S., The Undertaker

Madden: The Undertaker is going to take Jamie Gunz to school here tonight

Tony: Well I wouldn't be so sure because I know the hatred Jamie Gunz has for Jerome Morris and I think Jamie will put it all out there to get his hands on Jerome

Tenay: I just got word through my head set that There is to be no interference in this match by the order of Marrisa Bischoff

Madden: Why would Marrisa not allow any interference when that could hurt the G.S.?

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:43 PM
Jamie Gunz vs The Undertaker
Jamie and Taker start off the match by circling each other. Jamie runs at Taker and then slaps him. Taker gets mad and rolls his eyes to the back of his head and shoves Jamie down. Taker starts putting the boots to him, then lifts him up. Taker whips Jamie to the ropes and Jamie bounces off them and meets a boot to the face from Taker. Taker pins Jamie-1...2...kickout. Taker gets up and picks up Jamie. Taker whips Jamie into the corner. Taker runs at Jamie but Jamie elbows Taker in the mouth. Jamie gets up and tries to attack Taker from behind but Taker is to strong and just shakes Jamie off. Jamie quickly gets up and darts at Taker, trying to knock him down but fails. Jamie looks up at Taker as Taker is smiling at him. Taker goes for a big boot but Jamie catches Takers boot and spins him around. Jamie hits a Blackhole Slam on Taker. Jamie pins Taker-1...2...kickout. Jamie looks at the ref, then at Taker and then gets up. Jamie starts putting the boots to Taker and then slaps Taker in the back of the head. Jamie gets in Takers face and yells at him. Taker quickly grabs a hold of Jamies throat and slowly gets up. Taker lifts up Jamie as the ref is yelling at Taker to put him down. Taker gets Jamie at his eyelevel and starts laughing at him. Taker lifts him up all the way and goes for The Chokeslam but Jamie counters and pushes Taker down. Jamie runs towards the ropes and bounces of them and barely knocks down Taker. Jamie starts kicking Taker when the ref tells him not to do that. Jamie backs off and waits for Taker to get up. Taker sets up and looks at Jamie. Jamie runs at Taker and starts giving him right and left hand knuckle sandwiches. Taker pushes Jamie down and gets up. Taker eyeballs Jamie and starts choking him with his boot. The ref tells Taker to stop but Taker gives the ref a look and the ref backs away. Taker continues to choke Jamie and lets off. Taker raises up his right hand and stalks Jamie. Jamie slowly gets up and turns around and is met by Taker. Taker raises Jamie in the air and chokeslams him. Taker goes for a pin-1...2...kickout! Taker looks at the ref and the ref says it was a 2 count. Taker tries again and pins-1...2...kickout! Taker gets up and looks at the ref and then slowly gets up. Taker goes at the ref and tells him he cant count. Taker slowly backs away and turns around. Jamie is up and catches Taker by surprise. Jamie clotheslines Taker and quickly pins him-1....2........3
Winner: Jamie Gunz

Penser: Your winner, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Jamie Gunz has done it!!

Tenay: Jamie Gunz is going to get his hands on Jerome Morris at Souled Out

:Raven hits the ring with a Steel Chair as Jamie Gunz bails out to the floor and goes into the crowd as Jamie Gunz celebrates in the people as Jerome Morris also gets into the ring and Jamie Gunz motions to Jerome that he is coming for him:

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

:Christian, Trish, Tara, Lance, Kristen, & Edge are shown:

Christian: Lance I know what Eric said and screw Eric because we will have a great match at Souled Out and the best man wil..

Edge: Why wasn't I in the #1 Contender's Tournament, I could beat JBL no problem

Christian: Shut up Edge

Edge: I could beat you too Christian, you know I can, I could be WCW World Champion

Christian: Really now. I think somebody here has went crazy what do you think guys

Trish Stratus: I happen to agree

:Edge gets ready to hit Christian then when Tyson Tomko comes out of nowhere and hits Edge in the back with a Steel Chair:

Christian: Problem Solved

Trish Stratus: Welcome back Tyson

Tyson Tomko: ......

:Another Area Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office:

Eric Bischoff: I am really glad your here

Marrisa Bischoff: Yeah me too

Eric Bischoff: You know I could always let Jerome run the rest of the show and we could head back to the hotel

Marrisa Bischoff: What? No you gotta stay here but I tell you what, after Nitro you can meet me back at the hotel

Eric Bischoff: Ok?

Marrisa Bischoff: Well I am starting to feel a little under the weather again so I think I am going ot head back to the hotel

Eric Bischoff: Aww alrighty, you want me to come?

Marrisa Bischoff: No, I'll just get the limo to take me back

:Marrisa then leaves the office:


Tony: Well its time for the big Street Fight

Tenay: This should be interesting

Penser: The Following Contest is a Non-Title No DQ Street Fight

"Falling Apart" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Cape Breton, Island Nova Scotia, Canada, weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Madden: Matt Matlock made a impact by challening Brandon to this match but lets see if Matlock can back it up

Tony: Well it took guts but if Brandon takes Matlock to school here, I don't see how Matt Matlock can live it down

"American Made" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, Representing The Hulkamaniacs, From Knoxville, Tennessee, weighing in at 252 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion,  Brandon Davis

Tenay: Here comes the champ

Tony: This is going to be an all out fight here

No DQ: Brandon Davis vs Matt Matlock
Brandon and Matlock begin to circle each other as Mike Posey signals for the bell. Brandon goes for Matlock but Matlock immediately rolls out to the floor. Brandon is in the ring taunting as Matlock grabs a chair. Matlock then hurries and slides into the ring. Brandon is running at him so Matlock throws the chair at Brandon. Brandon catches the chair and Matlock deliverers a big boot to the chair, causing it to hit Brandon in the face. Matlock then quickly covers Brandon for the 1---2---2.8---kick out. Matlock then starts to argue with Mike Posey about the count. Brandon makes his way over to the ropes and starts to pull himself up. Matlock turns around and sees Brandon getting up. Matlock runs at Brandon but Brandon falls to the mat and trips Matlock. Matlock lands directly on the ropes and is then thrown back. Brandon finally gets back to his own two feet and walks over to Matlock. Brandon then picks Matlock up and starts to open up on him. Brandon then knocks Matlock onto the ropes. Brandon goes for a clothesline but Matlock gets an elbow up and catches Brandon in the face. Matlock then throws Brandon out to the floor. Matlock then slides out to the floor and starts to taunt a bit. Matlock then starts to lay the boots into Brandon. After Matlock is done he walks over and grabs a chair. Brandon makes it to his feet though and when Matlock turns around he is met with a spear. Both men are laying on the ground. Matlock gets to his feet first and picks Brandon up. Matlock whips Brandon into the guardrail. Matlock then runs at Brandon but Brandon gets his boot up and hits Matlock in the mouth. Brandon then grabs Matlock and throws him over the guardrail. Brandon then follows suit but Matlock is back to his feet. The two men begin to brawl through the crowd. Brandon hits Matlock with a big right hand making him stumble a bit. Matlock regains his balance and starts to walk away from Brandon. Matlock makes his way back down to the floor with Brandon in hot pursuit. Matlock jumps back over the guardrail and picks up the chair he had before Brandon speared him. Brandon hops over to and is met with a chair shot to the gut. Matlock goes to hit Brandon in the head but Brandon trips Matlock. Brandon then starts to stomp away on Matlock. Brandon picks Matlock up and rolls him into the ring. Brandon then picks Matlock up and hits him with a DDT. Brandon then picks Matlock up again but Matlock elbows Brandon in the stomach and hits him with an Eye of the Wolf. Matlock then picks up the chair that is laying in the ring. Matlock is waiting for Brandon to get back up. Brandon starts to get back to his feet and when he turns around he is met with a chair shot to the head. Brandon is busted wide open as Matlock begins to laugh a bit. Matlock then drops the chair and covers Brandon for the 1---2---2.9999999999999999---kick out. Matlock can't believe it. Matlock starts to argue with the ref again as Brandon gets up. Matlock kicks Brandon in the back of the head but Brandon starts to Hulk up. Brandon is on his feet and Matlock punches him but Brandon then just points his finger at Matlock. Matlock goes to his Brandon again but Brandon blocks it and hits Matlock with The Rush. Brandon then covers Matlock for the 1---2---3
Winner: Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner, Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon gets the win but Matlock earned the respect

Tenay: A great fight here that Brandon pulls out in the end

Madden: Damn Brandon and his Hulking Up


:Raven is shown walking backstage along with Jerome Morris when Jamie Gunz attacks Raven from behind knocking Raven into a wall as Jerome Morris and Jamie stare at each other before Jamie Gunz goes to work on Raven as Jerome can't do anything, Jerome is screaming for the Undertaker but Jerome gets nailed from behind by John Cena who opens up on Jerome and Cena takes Jerome and slams his head off the wall as The Undertaker comes into the scene and The Undertaker attacks John Cena as Eric Bischoff also comes running and Eric is ordering everyone to break it up as DDP comes out of nowhere and DDP attacks Raven as Jamie Gunz was being restrained and Several Security Guards and wrestlers come trying to break up all the action as Eric is screaming and gets in the middle of Raven and DDP to seperate them and Eric gets elbowed back into a door breaking through it as Security finally breaks it up and Eric looks into the room he was knocked into and Eric's face goes from anger to a look of total shock and like somebody just died as the Camera finally gets in and finds Marrisa Bischoff standing behind Scott Hill who is standing behind his big chair with a ton of clothes laying on the floor as Scott starts screaming for the camera to get out as the Camera Man takes off running:

Final Commercial Ad for WCW Heat, SCWE Smackdown!, & SCWE Backlash

After The Break:

Tony: I am speechless at what we just saw

Tenay: Yeah I don't know how we go on from here

Madden: I told you guys, I told you Marrisa and Scott were fooling around

Tony: We have been told that Eric Bischoff has left the arena and like him or not you gotta feel for the guy

Tenay: Nobody deserves that

Tony: Well lets go down to the ring for the Main Event and try to get back on track

Penser: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall and it is the finals of the #1 Contendership Tournament for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing the S.C., From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Tenay: Here comes Lance Storm fresh off the big upset win over Maven last week

Madden: Here comes a Real Canadian Hero

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd is mixed as the Limo Pulls out

Penser: His opponent, being led to the ring by Orlando Jordan, Representing The Cabinent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tony: Here comes JBL

Madden: Here is a Real American Hero unlike some people who love to say brother

Tenay: Would you SHUT UP

Madden: What?

Tenay: Shut up Mark

Madden: You can't tell me to shut up

Tenay: I just did and what are you going to do run back and tell Scott Hill? I am sure he will save your job after what you said about he and Marrisa

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:43 PM
#1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Lance Storm vs JBL W/Orlando Jordan
Storm and JBL begin to stare at each other as the ref signals for the bell. Storm and JBL then start to circle each other. JBL then holds out his hand to Storm. Storm goes to shake but JBL goes to hit Storm, but Storm was waiting for that to happen and blocks JBL's punch. Storm then starts to open up on JBL. Storm then knocks JBL over with a clothesline. Storm then starts to put the boots into JBL as Orlando Jordan hops up onto the apron. Storm is begging Jordan to get into the ring. JBL gets up and Storm goes after him but JBL rolls out to the floor and walks to Jordan. The two are discussing something as Mike Posey begins the count out---1,2,3,4,5,6---JBL rolls back into the ring. Storm starts to run at JBL but Jordan trips Storm and JBL knocks Storm down with a big right hand. JBL then starts to smile a bit as he kicks Storm a bit. JBL then picks Storm up and whips him into the corner. JBL then climbs the turnbuckle and is ready to punch Storm but Storm wiggles underneath JBL and pulls him off. Storm then goes for a Sharpshooter but JBL starts to roll around and grabs the rope. JBL then tells Storm to back off as he starts to get back up. JBL is on one knee when Storm kicks him in the face and back out to the floor. JBL then gets up and starts to pace back and forth. Mike Posey starts the count out again---1,2,3,4,5,6,7---JBL gets onto the apron and then climbs into the ring. Storm comes running at him again but JBL hits Storm with a Big Boot. JBL then picks Storm up and hits a Suplex on him. JBL then pins Storm for the 1---2---2.6---kick out. JBL then picks Storm up again and whips him off of the ropes but Storm hangs on. JBL then runs at Storm but Storm ducks but JBL stops and kicks Storm right in the face. JBL then hammers on the back of Storm until he falls. JBL then taunts the crowd a bit as he picks Storm back up. JBL gets a running start but Storm comes two and gets out of the ring. Jordan goes running at Storm but Storm just kicks him in the face. Mike Posey then begins the count out---1,2,3,4,5,6---Storm gets onto the apron. JBL goes running at Storm but Storm just jumps back off and JBL runs right into the ropes sending flying back. Storm then rolls into the ring. Storm picks JBL up and hits him with a Suplex. Storm then climbs the turnbuckle and waits for JBL to get back up. JBL gets up and turns around and Storm hits him with a Dropkick. Storm then quickly covers for the 1---2---2.8---kick out. Storm argues with the ref a bit before turning his attention back to JBL who is trying to sneak out of the ring. JBL then looks back and sees Storm walking towards him. JBL starts to crawl backwards begging Storm not to do anything. Jordan jumps up on the apron and Mike Posey tells him to get off and JBL uses this to lowblow Storm. Jordan then hops off the apron as JBL picks Storm up and hits him with a Powerbomb. JBL goes for the pin but Tyson Tomko starts to make his way to the ring. JBL goes to the ropes and starts yelling at Tyson, calling him nothing more than an ingrate. JBL then orders Jordan to attack Tyson but Jordan is a bit afraid. JBL then yells at Jordan who tries to attack Tyson but Tyson just delivers a Bike Kick to Jordan. JBL is then getting ready to fight with Tyson as Mike Posey is yelling at Tyson to leave. Just then Christian comes running through the crowd. Storm gets up as well and JBL turns around. JBL starts to circle Storm still looking at him as Mike Posey is still yelling at Tyson. JBL then looks behind him and sees Christian coming. JBL starts to walk at Storm as Storm is getting ready. Christian grabs a chair and gets into the ring. JBL looks behind himself at the last second and dodges the chair shot from Christian, who hits Storm in the head with it. Christian drops the chair and starts to walk back a bit as JBL grabs him and throws him out of the ring. JBL then taps Mike Posey on the back and covers Storm for the 1---2---3
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner and #1 Contender, JBL

Tony: JBL just beat Lance Storm

Tenay: A Miscue on Christian's part cost Lance Storm the match

:Tyson and Christian are checking on Lance Storm after the match as The Basham's come out and pick up JBL on there shoulders and carry JBL back to the limo as JBL is celebrating and points at Christian motioning he is coming for hte title:

Tenay: What a crazy Nitro it has been

Tony: Well we hope to have more word on the Eric/Marrisa/Scott thing next week and who knows who will be running WCW by then, but we are out of time so don't miss Heat this Wednesday Night, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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