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Nitro : Nitro 5/9/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 10:23 PM

Results 5/9/05 Live From Boise, Idaho

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Kori O'Neil defeated Haley Scott

Dark Match #2: Tommy Dreamer & The Jackal defeated The Rock & E Ping Asko

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Girls Dance to Open Up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro coming to you live from Boise, Idaho!!!

Tenay: Just to fill you in on some info concerning WCW last night from SCWE Vengeance, we found out that JJ Stallion has been traded to SCWE in exchange for the Legend Killer Randy Orton plus tomarrow night on Smackdown!, a Mini Roster Shake up will take place with three WCW Supestars going to SCWE and three SCWE Superstars coming to WCW and as you know from the past, those type of nights are always crazy

Madden: Plus to go back to last week, we found out that next Monday Night on the 100th Nitro which will be a Night of RAWDome's, Scott & Stevie Hill will step into the RAWDome to face Hulk Hogan and the returning Eric Bischoff

Tony: Hulk Hogan was in the very first RAWDome and now will be in another one next week as Scott & Stevie hopefully get what they deserve

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, Weighing in a combined weight of 480 Pounds, The Team of Simon Dean and Val Venis better known as two thirds of Fabulously Fit!!

Madden: I love these guys

Tenay: Well Rico is missing from the group here but Simon and Val have been sticking together since coming back to WCW and both have looked impressive with Simon picking up back to back wins over Booker T while Val Venis as knocked off DDP and won a Tag Team Match with WCW World Champion JBL against Christian & Lance Storm since returning

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Penser: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 432 Pounds, The Team of Raven and the WCW Television Champion, Jerome Morris

Madden: Here comes another great team

Tenay: All four of these men are scheduled to be in the TLC Match at UnCensored for the US Title provided none of them get drafted away tomarrow night on Smackdown!

Val Venis & Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr vs Jerome Morris & Raven
Val & Raven start the match out as both men lock up to start the match off as Val locks in a headlock on Raven and Val then flips over Raven onto the mat as Val puts some pressure on Raven but Raven is able to get up but Val holds onto the headlock but Raven delivers a few elbows to the back of Val and Raven then sends Val off the ropes and Raven ducks down as Val goes over the top and Raven gets back up and puts his head down for a back drop but Val stops and kicks Raven in the chest as Val then grabs Raven and goes for the Porn Drop but Raven pokes Val in the eyes and Raven then hits a big clothesline on Val knocking him down as Raven stomps away at Val as Raven then picks up Val and Raven throws Val through the ropes to the floor as referee Charles Robinson stops Raven from going outside but Jerome Morris goes over and attacks Val on the floor until Simon Dean jumps down and chases Jerome away but Raven then hits a baseball slide into Simon knocking him into the guard rail as Raven is on the floor and Raven grabs Val and gets him in position and hits a Russian Leg Sweep into the guard rail as Val is riving in pain from it as Raven gets back up and Raven stomps away at Val and picks him up and rolls him into the ring as Raven gets back into the ring. Raven smirks as Val is getting up and Raven charges hitting a knee to the side of Val's head knocking Val back down as Raven then grabs Val's legs and kicks Val between the legs as Val rolls around from the pain as Raven tags out to Jerome Morris who comes into the ring and Jerome stomps away at Val and Jerome starts to call Val, Jamie and Jerome picks up Val and shoves him back into the corner and delivers several chops to the chest of Val while still calling him Jamie and Jerome then pulls Val out of the corner and sets him up and hits the Thrill Seekers on Val and Jerome then goes up top for the Ride of Your Life but Simon starts to come in distracting Charles Robinson as Lexus gets on the apron and shakes the ropes causing Jerome to lose his balance and straddle the top turnbuckle as Val Venis is able to get back up and Val then grabs Jerome and bench press throws him from the top rope as Val then goes up top for the Money Shot and hits it! Val hooks the leg for a 1--2--Raven breaks up the pin which brings in Simon Dean who gets into a slug fest with Raven and Raven knocks down Simon Dean with a right hand but Charles Robinson gets Raven back and tells him to get out as Val & Simon put the boots to Jerome as Val makes the tag sound as Simon Dean picks up Jerome Morris and slams him down to the mat. Simon Dean then goes over towards his bag and pulls out his weight lifting belt and Simon gets a smile on his face as Jerome is crawling towards his corner and Simon hurries up to try to stop Jerome but Jerome makes the tag as Raven comes into the ring and knocks down Simon with a right hand as Val comes in and Raven kicks Val in the gut and Raven hits the Evenflow DDT on Val but when he gets up Simon hits Raven in the head with the weight belt busting open Raven's head from the impact as Raven falls down hurting from it as Simon then whips Raven a few more times with the belt but Jerome comes in and grabs the belt from Simon and Jerome is about to hit Simon who is trying to beg off as Raven is getting up and Jerome goes to hit Simon with it but Simon moves as Jerome hits Raven with the belt knocking Raven out cold from the impact this time  as Simon then kicks Jerome in the gut and hits the Simon Says on Jerome and Simon goes over to Raven and hooks the leg for the 1--2--3.
Winners: Simon Dean & Val Venis

Penser: Your winners, Simon Dean & Val Venis!!

Tony: Simon and Val get the win thanks to a miscue by Jerome Morris taking out his own partner

Madden: Simon and Val just were the better team tonight

:Jerome gets back up and gets his TV Title as Raven is struggling to get up and Raven then shoves Jerome asking him what his problem was and Jerome tells Raven it was his fault they lost and starts to walk away when Raven turns Jerome back around and Raven opens up on Jerome with several right hands backing Jerome into the ropes as Raven charges at Jerome and htis a big clothesline sending Jerome over the top to the floor but Raven goes with Jerome as Raven then stomps away at Jerome some more until Referee's and Security come out and restrain Raven from Jerome Morris as Jerome gets his TV Title and Jerome tells Raven he was tired of carrying him anyway:

Madden: I don't believe it, Jerome and Raven's partnership has just fallen apart before our eyes

Tenay: All good things must come to a end and thus The Jerome Morris/Raven Alliance is over


:Trish Stratus & Tyson Tomko are shown walking in with there bags as Rue approaches them:

Rue: Hey guys, its been a while since either one of you have been seen so the question has to be where have you been and where is Christian?

Trish Stratus: Did I say it was ok to talk to me?

Rue: Well no

Trish Stratus: I am the longest reigning Women's Champion in history so I should have a little bit of respect but as far as your question goes, I know we haven't been around lately and Christian isn't here but he will be on Nitro Next Monday Night in Pittsburgh and next week's Nitro is the reason we are here tonight so scram before I knock your lights out like that

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, & WHW Boilling Points

After The Break:

Tony: Well before the break we saw Trish Stratus and Tyson Tomko arriving and obviously are here about next week's Nitro which is #100 and will feature nothing but RAWDome's!!

Tenay: It's going to be a huge night in WCW History as we hit the magic milestone

Madden: Yeah and we are going to hear from WCW GM Eric Bischoff via satelight tonight since he is back in charge even though he isn't here

Tenay: If your wondering where Marrisa is she is back in Pittsburgh where Scott & Stevie Hill are training for there match next week against Eric and Hulk Hogan who is here tonight running things

Madden: Thats who is in charge?

Tony: Yep, Hulk Hogan is the GM tonight and will be the GM tomarrow night on Smackdown!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Self High Five" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, Representing The Hulkamaniacs, From the Jersey Shores weighing in at 232 Pounds, Diamond Dallas Page

Tony: Well this match is going to be a good one

Tenay: Two members of the Hulkamaniacs doing battle over the US Title

"American Made" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: His opponent, Also Representing The Hulkamaniacs, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, he is the WCW United States Champion, Brandon Davis

Madden: I hope Brandon and DDP tear each other apart

Tenay: I don't for see that happening here

WCW United States Championship: Brandon Davis(C) vs DDP
Chris Kay, who is the ref for this match, Holds the US championship up in the air then walks to the corner and calls for the bell. Immediately Brandon and DDP lock up for a Test of Strength. DDP looks like he has Brandon but Brandon Reverses it and takes DDP to his back. Brandon Lets go and DDP hops back up, They start taking turns Chopping each other. After a few chops DDP takes the Advantage and backs him into a corner and delivers some hard chops. He then stops and Taunts the crowd while Brandon catches his breathe and goes after DDP, He acts like his is going to deliver “The Rush�?but DDP hops out of the ring and Brandon smirks. DDP gets back in the ring and him and Brandon Lock Up. DDP then delivers a Knee kick to Brandon causing him to let go. DDP then DDT’s Brandon on the mat and covers him 1.....2.... kick out. DDP almost instantly puts Brandon in a Sleeper Hold, Brandon seems to be out but the fans come alive and he starts to stand up, he then elbows DDP and then grabs him and connects with a Belly To Belly Suplex. And walks over and pins DDP 1...kick out. Brandon then gets up and picks up DDP, He then puts him in the corner climbs up and starts delivering the 10 count punches he taunts and DDP grabs him and delivers a powerful Powerbomb. They both lay on the mat exhausted, DDP manages to drag himself over and puts his arm over Brandon 1..2.. Brandon Kicks out. They both laying on the Mat, The Ref waits then begins his 10 count he gets to 5 and Both Brandon and DDP use the ropes and get to their feet. They wait a moment then lock up, they start pushing each other back and forth, then DDP hip tosses Brandon. He picks Brandon up and whips him into the ropes, then delivers a hard spinebuster on Brandon. DDP the calls for a Diamond Cutter, Picks Brandon Up and then goes for a Diamond Cutter, but Brandon Pushes him away, he bounces off the ropes and comes back at Brandon, Brandon delivers a sidewalk slam on DDP. He then goes to the opposite corner and taunts DDP, He slowly gets up and turns around, Brandon Runs at him and goes for the Rush, but DDP turns it into a Diamond Cutter, He Then pins Brandon 1...2...2 3/4 just as the refs hand almost hits the mat some how Brandon Kicks out. DDP gets up and looks amazed. He looks down at Brandon then picks him up for a Diamond Dust, Brandon the counters it with a Small package, the ref runs over and counts 1..2...3
Winner: Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Brandon Davis

Tenay: Brandon successfully defends his US title here

:Brandon & DDP get face to face and then shake hands when Randy Orton hits the ring and attacks Brandon from behind knocking him into DDP as Orton turns Brandon around and hits the RKO on him but DDP attacks Orton knocking him down but The Love Machine comes out of the crowd and attacks DDP from behind and turns DDP around and TLM hits the Pepsi Plunge on DDP as Orton & TLM get face to face and both start putting the boots to Brandon Davis until Maven hits the ring with a steel chair clearing Orton & TLM out and Orton & TLM head towards the back telling each other they should be in the US Title Match and arguing about who is better:

Madden: Randy Orton just made an impact and so did The Love Machine who is back!!

Tenay: I can't believe what the US Title is causing these guys to do

Tony: Everyone wants to get there hands on that US Title

:Backstage: Outside Hulk Hogan's Office

:Rue is shown with Hulk Hogan:

Rue: Mr. Hogan I understand you have an announcement to make?

Hulk Hogan: Yeah I do because I just wanted to announce that as of today several new superstars are on there way to WCW provided they don't get drafted to Smackdown! tomarrow night

Rue: Who are these new superstars?

Hulk Hogan: Well Rue we have returning stars such as The Rock, Tommy Dreamer, and Gail Kim plus new guys like The Californian, Dave Dumas, and KrasH

Rue: So there going to be here next week?

Hulk Hogan: Some of them will be on Nitro or Heat or may be arriving in two weeks, but they are all signed and will be debuting sometime soon

Commercial Ad for WCW UnCensored-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:23 PM

Tony: Can you believe it guys. Alot of new blood is coming in

Tenay: Yeah, The Rock is coming back!!

Madden: Well I am more excited about Gail Kim personally

Tony: Well those superstars will be debuting in the coming weeks so things are definatly getting interesting

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From The Bronx, New York weighing in at 200 Pounds, Mikey G

Tenay: Here comes Mikey G

Tony: Mikey G has taken on a new attitude since returning but does seem to be slowly going back to the old Mikey G of old

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His partner, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 268 Pounds, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Madden: Here comes a I guy I like

Tenay: Billy Gunn is another guy who has taken on a major attitude change

Madden: Yeah and its working

"Venus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st representing Fabulously Fit, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico

Tenay: Here comes the flamboyant Rico

Madden: I hate Rico

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: His partner, Representing The S.C. and being led to the ring by Kristen Storm, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Tenay: Here comes Lance Storm

Tony: All four of these men are scheduled to be in the 10 man TLC Match at UnCensored

Mikey G & Billy Gunn vs Rico & Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm
Billy & Rico start things off as Rico & Billy lock up with Billy locking in a headlock on Rico and Billy is smirking when Rico pinches Billy's butt causing Billy to let go of Rico and move away as Billy grabs his butt and Billy tells Rico he doesn't swing that way but Rico blows Billy a kiss as Billy goes to tag out to Mikey but Mikey jumps off the apron and tells Billy its his fight as Billy leans over the ropes and starts to yell at Mikey when Rico grabs two handfulls of Billy's butt causing Billy to attempt to elbow Rico but Rico ducks as Billy turns around and Rico grabs Billy and kisses him!!! Billy shoves Rico away as Billy starts to wipe the kiss away as Rico attacks Billy from behind as Rico knocks Billy into the corner and Rico delivers a few kicks to the ribs of Billy and Rico climbs the ropes and hits a kick to the back of Billy's head causing Billy to fall face first into the mat. Billy Gunn starts to pull himself up in the ropes as Rico then hits a few kicks to the back of Billy's legs a few times knocking Billy  back down when Mikey G enters the ring and Mikey attacks Rico from behind knocking him down as Mikey then takes Rico and rams him shoulder first into the ring post as Mikey G tells Billy to tag him in as Billy Gunn goes for the tag and makes it to Mikey who comes into the ring and Mikey stomps away at Rico who is trying to get up, Mikey picks up Rico and sets him up for the 3 handled Cradenza when Lance Storm enters the ring and attacks Mikey from behind as Referee Chris Kay tries to get Storm out as Billy Gunn comes into the ring and Gunn knocks down Rico but Mikey shoves Billy away and stomps away at Rico and Billy Gunn does not like this at all and Billy Gunn turns Mikey around and kicks him in the gut and Billy hits Mikey with the Fameasser!! Billy Gunn then puts Rico on top of Mikey as Billy leaves the ring and Lance Storm gets on the apron as Chris Kay counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Lance Storm & Rico

Penser: Your winners, Rico & Lance Storm

Tony: Rico and Lance Storm get the win after Billy Gunn turned on his own partner!!

Madden: I can't believe what Billy did

:After the match, Lance Storm gets into the ring and starts to help up Rico but then kicks Rico in the gut and Storm drops Rico down and goes for the Sharpshooter but Simon Dean & Val Venis hit the ring and attack Lance Storm breaking up the Sharpshooter as Storm rolls out of the ring as Simon & Val check on Rico:

Tenay: Well you may not like Simon & Val but they did just bail out Rico

Madden: Fabulously Gay is sticking together I guess


:Tara Rayge is shown in the Women's Locker Room getting ready for her match against Flame when Trish Stratus walks into the picture:

Tara Rayge: What do you want Trish

Trish Stratus: I just wanted to see how my Women's Title was doing

Tara Rayge: Thats cute Trish

Trish Stratus: Well the title will be mine again next week because Tara, I just found out that in the RAWDome it will be me and you for that title and I plan on bringing it back home just like Christian is going to bring home the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tara Rayge: What little fantasy island are you living on

:Tara tries to leave the locker room but when she opens the door Tyson Tomko is standing in the door way as Trish grabs Tara's hair from behind and pulls her towards her:

Trish Stratus: Now you listen here bitch, I said I am going to take my title back next week and you better realize that isnt a dream, its a fact. I am Trish Stratus, the longest reigning Women's Champion in history and the only reason you won that title was because I underestimated you and I was sick and now I'm fine and in that RAWDome, I'm going to make my you another Jackie Gayda

:Trish shoves Tara up against the lockers as Trish leaves the locker room as Tyson smirks:

Commercial Ad for WCW Nitro 100-Long Ad

Tony: Well guys up next we are going to see a Non-Title Champion vs Champion Match

Tenay: Tara Rayge taking on Flame

Madden: I think Flame can win now that Tara just got punked out by Trish Stratus

Tenay: Well what was Tara going to do in that situation, if she hits Trish, she probably gets attacked by The Problem Solver Tyson Tomko

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Flame!!

Tenay: Here comes Flame

Madden: Flame is going to tear Tara Rayge apart limb by limb

"Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Edmonton Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Tenay: Here comes the WCW Women's Champion Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara has to defend the Women's Title Next week as we found out in the RAWDome against Trish Stratus plus if she can retain she will go onto UnCensored to defend against Christy Hemme

Tara Rayge vs Flame
Tara Rayge and Flame hit a collar and elbow tie up in the center of the ring, they push and pull at each other before Flame manages to slip out and hit a sharp knee to Tara's stomach. Flame Irish whips Tara to the ropes. Tara bounces off the ropes and runs back towards Flame, Flame hits a big back body drop to Rayge. Flame locks in type of head scissors head lock thing on Tara. After a few moments Tara gets to her feet and manages to twist around and flip over into some sort of bridged pin on Flame 1...2... kick out by Flame. Both divas get up, Flame starts hitting some forearm shots to Tara's face before throwing her into the turnbuckle. Flame hits a knife edge chop on Tara and the crowd go 'wooooooooooo' Flame goes for a second but Tara ducks it and pushes Flame into the turnbuckle, Tara hits a chop to flame's chest and the crowd cheer 'woo' Tara goes the move another three times. Tara steps back as Flame stumbles out towards her, Tara hits a snap suplex to Flame, Tara spins into a cover 1....2.... kick out by Flame. Tara grabs flame by the hair and helps her up but Flame starts punching Tara in the gut several times. Flame gets to her feet and Irish whips Tara to the ropes, Tara bounces back and starts going for a head scissors take down but mid way through the move Flame counters it into a HUGE side walk slam type move. Flame climbs to the top rope and launches off with a Flaming Star press but Tara Rayge rolls out the way! Tara gets up as Flame rolls around the ring in pain. Tara grabs Flame's legs and locks in the Sola-Nero on Flame. Flame screams out in pain as she reaches for the ropes. After around 30 seconds Flame grabs the bottom rope, but Tara just pulls her away from the rope and back into the center of the ring. Eventually Flame gives up and taps out to Tara!
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner, Tara Rayge

Madden: Tara Rayge is lucky to get the win over Flame

Tenay: A good fight here but Tara pulls it out and next week must enter the RAWDome against Trish Stratus

Madden: Yeah and Trish brings the title home


:Randy Orton & The Love Machine are shown talking:

Randy Orton: Listen I don't like you and I know you don't like me but I say until we can both get into the US Title Match at UnCensored we form a little alliance

The Love Machine: How do I know I can trust you

Randy Orton: How do I know I can trust you?

The Love Machine: Then why did you ask to form the alliance

Randy Orton: Love Machine lets think about this for a moment shall we. Me and you are the greatest WCW US Champions of all time, we shouldn't have to take people out to get in, it should be our god given right to be in this US Title Match

The Love Machine: You make a good point

Randy Orton: So are you in?

The Love Machine: Yeah im in


Tony: Well its now time to here from WCW GM Eric Bischoff who is going to announce the historic #100 Nitro next week and announcing what matches will be fought inside the RAWDome

:Eric Bischoff appears on the Nitro Vision:

Eric Bischoff: Hello Boise, as you all know next Monday Night will be the 100th Nitro coming to you live from Pittsburgh and what better way to celebrate that then with a night of great action featuring five RAWDome Matches. In edition to that, The WCW Tag Team Title's will be on the line and inside the RAWDome, The WCW World, Women's and US title's will be defended. The Actual Matches are something you are going to have to wait and see since I can't really announce any due to the Roster Shake up tomarrow night but trust me, Nitro next week is going to be an amazing show and I look forward to seeing you all next week I enter the RAWDome myself to kick Scott Hill's ass.

Commercial Ad for 100th Nitro-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:24 PM

Tony: Well we just heard from Eric Bischoff who gave us a little insight into next Monday's Nitro

Tenay: It should be an amazing show

Madden: Well yeah but who cares because I found out that there will be no EYOB on it and thats the match that everyone wants to see

Tenay: We aren't allowed to do EYOB on regular cards Mark, its a Pay Per View thing only

Madden: Well damn then

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Match

Tenay: There is some bad blood between these two teams

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Team #1, Matt Matlock & Christine

Madden: I think Matlock and Christine are going to dominate in this match

Tenay: Well Matlock has made a habit of stalking Rose Thorn and trying to make AJ Styles life a living hell

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, The Team of AJ Styles & Rose Thorn

Tony: I hope Matlock gets what he deserves here tonight

Madden: I was talking to the Coach earlier and he informed me that it is true what he said last week on Heat

Tenay: What?

Madden: Rose Thorn likes it rough

Tony: Mark can you be serious out here

Madden: I'm just telling you what Coach Told me from his friend of a friend from a friend whose cousin knows a guy who dated Rose Thorn

Tony: Moving on!

AJ Styles & Rose Thorn vs Matt Matlock & Christine
Match starts off with AJ and Matlock. Both men look at each other before locking up. Matlock overpowers AJ and knocks him down. Matlock starts putting the boots to him then the ref tells him to let up. Matlock lets up but turns back and continues to put the boots to AJ again. Matlock stops and smiles at Rose. Matlock begins walking towards Rose and gets close to her, but out of nowhere AJ attacks Matlock from behind. AJ then turns Matlock around and whips him to a corner. AJ runs at Matlock and splashes him. AJ then starts putting the boots to Matlock and then slaps the back of his head. AJ gets down and pins Matlock-1...2...kickout. AJ gets up and lifts up Matlock. AJ starts delivering some chops but Matlock delivers some of his own. Matlock backs AJ up into a corner and starts choking him. The ref starts counting-1...2...3...4..Matlock breaks his hold. Matlock looks at the crowd but AJ kicks Matlock in the groin. AJ catches his breath and then starts giving Matlock the boots once again. AJ lifts up Matlock and gives him a combo. AJ pins Matlock-1...2...kickout. AJ gets up and lifts up Matlock. Matlock quickly kicks AJ in the stomach. Matlock rushes over to Christine and tags her in. AJ looks at Matlock very pissed off and then goes and tags in Rose. Rose and Christine start brawling but Rose gets the better of Christine and knocks her down. Rose kicks her in the stomach and laughs at her. Rose pins Christine-1...2...kickout. Rose gets up and helps up Christine. Rose whips Christine into the corner and then splashes her. Rose lifts up Christine and drags her over to a corner. Rose sets up Christine for the Hardcore Pink and Frills and hits it on Christine. Rose goes for a cover-1...2...Matlock interferes. AJ slides in the ring and brawls out with Matlock. AJ sets up Matlock for the Styles Clash and hits it. Rose pins Christine again-1....2....3
Winners: AJ Styles & Rose Thorn

Penser: Your winners, AJ Styles & Rose Thorn

Tony: Well Matlock got what he deserved here

Tenay: Sure did

Madden: It was a fluke

:Rose & AJ are celebrating when Matlock gets a chair and Matlock re-enters the ring and Matlock hits AJ in the back laying him out with the chair as Rose Thorn turns around right into a Steel Chair from Matt Matlock over the head as Matlock throws the chair down and raises his arms up in the air:

Madden: Now that was the right thing to do

Tenay: Matlock is despicable and should be ashamed of himself


:Orlando Jordan is shown on his way back to the Cabinet's Locker Room to tell them there match is up next when John Cena appears from behind Orlando talking trash as Orlando turns around and tells Cena that he is going to get his and turns around to leave but gets nailed by a Spear from Edge who gets up as Cena tells Orlando he can't see him as Cena & Edge walk off but Lance Storm walks past seeing Orlando down and Lance covers Orlando for the 1---2--3. Lance Storm is the new WCW Hardcore Champion. Lance gets up and takes off as the rest of the Cabinet come around the corner and check on Orlando:

Final Commercial Ad for 100th Nitro-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well guys its time for the Main Event

Madden: Something should be done backstage because Orlando Jordan just got mugged

Tenay: Lance Storm ever the opportuniest took advantage and just won the WCW Hardcore Championship

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall

Tony: This should be a good match

"You Think You Know" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Weighing in at a combined weight of 536 Pounds, The team of John Cena & Edge

Tenay: Cena and Edge are set to go for the WCW Tag Team Title's at UnCensored against The Basham Brothers

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: There partner, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz!!

Tenay: Here comes the #1 Contender Jamie Gunz

Madden: I hate Jamie Gunz

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as the limo pulls out

Penser: There opponents, being accumpied to the ring by Haley Scott weighing in at a combined weight of 792 Pounds, They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Doug & Danny Basham and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield!!!

Madden: Here comes the Cabinet!!!

Tony: Well The Cabinet may have the advantage here because they are used to working together but I would not count out John Cena, Edge, & Jamie Gunz

JBL, Doug & Danny Basham W/Haley Scott vs Jamie Gunz, Edge, & John Cena
Doug Basham starts the match out with Edge as both men lock up with Doug Basham shoving Edge down to the mat as Edge gets back up and Edge and Basham lock back up again with Doug locking in a headlock on Edge but Edge sends Doug off the ropes and Edge drops down as Doug leaps over him and goes off the ropes on the other side and Edge is back up waiting and Edge hip tosses Doug down and as Doug gets back up, Edge hits a dropkick to Doug knocking him through the ropes to the floor. JBL has words with referee Nick Patrick and Edge as Danny helps Doug up but Danny then rolls into the ring in place of Doug and Danny attacks Edge from behind who was distracted by JBL. Danny Basham pounds away at Edge and hits a reverse neckbreaker on Edge as John Cena comes into the ring telling Nick Patrick Danny isn't legal but Nick Patrick stops him and Jamie Gunz as Doug Basham gets into the ring and The Basham's hit the Ball & Gag on Edge as Doug covers Edge then as Nick Patrick registers the 1---2--2.7-John Cena breaks it up as Danny comes in and Cena blocks a right hand and Cena opens up on Danny and Cena grabs Danny and sends him flying over the top to the floor as Jamie Gunz is about to get into the ring but Jerome Morris comes out from the back and starts to yell things at Jamie distracting Jamie and Jerome tells Jamie he is afraid of him as Jamie leaves the ringside area in pursuit of Jerome Morris leaving Cena & Edge alone against The Basham's & JBL. Referee Nick Patrick has regained control of the match as John Cena is on the apron again realizing Jamie Gunz has left as Edge is in the ring starting to get up as is Doug Basham who tags out to JBL. JBL comes into the ring and JBL delivers a big right hand to Edge and JBL picks up Edge and sets him up for the Powerbomb and starts to mock John Cena by saying he can't see him but Edge then hits a big backdrop on JBL. Edge crawls over and tags out to Cena who comes into the ring and Cena knocks down both Basham Brothers who were coming into the ring and Cena then hits a backdrop on JBL and Cena bounces off the ropes and hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on JBL. Cena gets up telling the crowd to get behind him as Cena is waiting as JBL gets up and Cena picks up JBL and hits the FU while Edge comes in and clotheslines both Basham's over the top to the floor as Cena covers JBL for the 1---2--kick out. John Cena can't believe it and Cena picks up JBL and Cena hits a second FU on JBL and covers again for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. John Cena is getting frustraited as he picks up JBL and hits a third FU but Orlando Jordan comes out to the ringside area and gets on the apron as John Cena comes over and knocks Orlando off the apron as Edge is still fighting with Both Basham's on the floor as The Basham's have the upper hand on Edge now as Cena is about to go out to the floor when JBL is back up and hits a clothesline from hell to the back of Cena who was about to get out of the ring to help Edge as Cena bounces off the ropes and falls down and JBL picks up Cena and JBL hits the Powerbomb and hooks the leg for the 1--2--3.
Winners: JBL, Doug & Danny Basham

Penser: Your winners, The Cabinet!!

Madden: YES!!!

Tony: This match broke down early and Nick Patrick could never quiet fully regain control

Tenay: The numbers simply got to John Cena and Edge because Jerome Morris lured Jamie Gunz away from the ring and Orlando Jordan make his appearance felt at the end helping JBL put down Cena while Edge was being double teamed on the floor by the Basham's

Madden: Well Edge did take the fight to them both on the floor and Cena and Edge did sneak attack Orlando who wanted redemption and lets not forget that JBL survived three FU's

Tony: Well we hope you enjoyed Nitro and don't forget that Next Monday is the big 100th Nitro and tomarrow night is the Roster Shake up on Smackdown! so until Next Monday, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: