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Nitro : Nitro 6/27/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 11:08 PM

Results 6/27/05 Live From Atlanta, Georgia

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Gail Kim defeated Elizabeth Gordan & Venus O'Haire when Gail Kim pinned Venus

Dark Match #2: Eddie Guerrero & Juventud defeated Doug & Danny Basham by DQ

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:"Glass Shatters", Crowd Goes Nuts as Stone Cold Rides out on his 4 Wheeler with a clipboard in the back

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro, coming to you live from Atlanta, Georiga and less then 24 hours removed from arguably the greatest Pay Per View in KSCWE History

Hudson: Well here comes the Sheriff

:Stone Cold parks his 4 Wheeler as he grabs the Clipboard and enters the ring and gets a microphone:

Stone Cold: Now I came out here right now because I have several things that need addressed, first off last night I delived a ton of Stone Cold Stunners to alot of people inforcing the law and I know a few of those individuals are threatening to go to The Hill's about me being harsh well if you got a problem with old Stone Cold, I am standing right here

:Stone Cold waits for a few moments as nobody comes out:

Stone Cold: Like I thought but thats not the only reason I came out here, I wanted to issue a warning to a few groups, mainly one from WCW and one from SCWE. nWo and Evolution X your in violation of Code 316 Meaning I am going whip your ass as soon as I find you and I know the nWo has no showed tonight meaning Stone Cold Steve Austin is running WCW tonight but let me point out that there is officially a Warrant From the Arrest of any nWo or Evolution X member, There Wanted....DEAD OR ALIVE(Crowd Cheers).

Madden: He can't do that

Tony: He just did

Stone Cold: See thats not the only other reason I am out here, I am also out here on business *Stone Cold takes a piece of paper off his clipboard:. Now I know that in the past there have been a few drafts and well nothing really changed but tonight starts a New Draft and here is the guidelines, Tonight one SCWE Superstar will be introduced and one WCW Superstar will be leaving and on Smackdown the same situation occurs and this will happen for the next four weeks meaning Eight People Change Shows. Now unlike past drafts, Champions are included meaning WCW tonight could gain the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship if Kurt Angle's name is on this piece of paper and at the end of the Draft, There will be no Direct Trading between SCWE and WCW Allowed, The only way they can make a Trade is through ECW which is not taking part in the Draft. So without further ado lets mee....

:All of a sudden, The Naturals attack Stone Cold Steve Austin from behind as all three members are putting the boots to Stone Cold when Brandon Davis runs out and Brandon enters the ring and Brandon knocks down Jonathan Tomcoat and then Randy Orton but TLM knocks down Brandon as "Hearts On Fire" hits over the PA as The Place Erupts

Madden: Oh god no

:Chris Walker starts to make his way towards the ring taking his shirt off revealing heavily tapped ribs:


:Chris Walker slides into the ring as TLM goes to hit Chris but Chris blocks it and knocks down TLM as JT goes to hit Chris but Chris knocks JT down as Orton goes to hit Chris as well but Stone Cold grabs Orton and opens up on him and Austin clotheslines Orton over the top as Brandon Davis does the same thing and JT gets up near the ropes as Chris Walker clotheslines him over as well!!!:

Hudson: Chris Walker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, & Brandon Davis just cleared The Naturals Out of the ring

:Stone Cold gets the microphone:

Stone Cold: Like I was saying before I was interupted, The First Pick of WCW from SCWE, CHRIS WALKER!!!(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tony: Chris Walker has returned to WCW via the Draft Lottery

Madden: What a shocker, we weren't expecting a draft lottery and now we have Chris Walker

:Backstage: Cabinet's Locker Room

Orlando Jordan: Boss what do you think about this draft

JBL: It doesn't matter to me, its just more losers for The God of WCW to beat

Orlando Jordan: Yeah but what if you get drafted?

JBL: I'm not going to get drafted, The Cabinet sticks together which is why I have already lined up a WCW Tag Team Title Shot next week for Doug and Danny

Orlando Jordan: Yeah and you should call out Christian

JBL: You know I've thought about doing that but that little bastard isn't here tonight so I will do that first thing Next Monday Night


Tony: Well JBL seems to be ready for action tonight and will be taking on the young Dave Dumas

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Madden: Billy Gunn did not win the Elimination Chamber last night and really got screwed because he never got a chance to get going

Hudson: Billy Gunn upon being released from his Chamber was hit with the Rush from Brandon Davis which knocked Billy back through his chamber breaking the glass and Billy never recovered

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Here comes Jamie Gunz who last night did very well in the Chamber but ultimatly fell as well

Madden: Both Jamie and Billy are looking to get back on the winning track tonight and both could be making there final WCW Appearances if you think about it

Jamie Gunz vs Billy Gunn
Billy and Jamie both have some words as Referee Chris Kay calls for the bell to start the match as Jamie and Billy lock up with Jamie backing Billy into a corner as Chris Kay orders a break and Billy then pokes jamie in the eyes as Billy then delivers a few right hands to Jamie backing him up as Billy whips Jamie off the ropes and Billy hits a big powerslam on him. Jamie Gunz gets up slow and grabbing his back as Billy hits Jamie in the lower back with a shoulder hit and Billy picks up Jamie and hits a big knee drop on him as Jamie grabs his butt as he turns around and Billy kicks him in the gut and Billy hits a DDT on Jamie, Billy then goes for the Walls of Pain but Jamie kicks Billy down as both men get back up as Billy goes to hit Jamie but Jamie blocks a right hand and opens up on Billy knocking him back into the ropes as Jamie then whips Billy off the ropes and Jamie hits the Blackhole Slam on him. Jamie quckily hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Jamie Gunz can't believe it as Jamie hits Billy as he is getting up and Jamie delivers a bulldog to Billy Gunn as Jamie then goes for the Gunz-Stretch but Billy is able to get into the ropes as Jamie Gunz shakes his head in disbelief as Jamie delivers a few boots to the ribs of Billy as he is trying to get up and Jamie backs up and kicks Billy again knocking Billy through the ropes to the floor as Jamie then goes over the corner and climbs up as Billy is getting up on the floor and Jamie comes off the top out to the floor hitting a crossbody taking out Billy Gunn. Jamie Gunz then gets back up and Jamie opens up on Billy with a few right hands as Jamie then whips Billy into the steel steps. Jamie Gunz then picks up Billy and rolls him back into the ring as Jamie then gets into the ring and Jamie picks up Billy as he is trying to get up and Jamie picks him up for the Last Breath but Billy gets out of it and is behind Jamie as he turns around and Billy kicks Jamie a little below the belt but Chris Kay did not see it as Billy then goes for the Fameasser but Jamie counters into a mini blackhole Slam as Jamie covers Billy again for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Jamie Gunz is irate and has some words with Chris Kay out of disgust as Jamie Gunz then picks up Billy Gunn again but Billy pokes Jamie in the eyes and Billy then hits the No Intro's Needed on Jamie and Billy covers Jamie and has a handful of tights for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Penser: Your winner, Billy Gunn

Hudson: Billy Gunn just stole the win here

Madden: He didn't get caught and its a win and thats all that matters

:Jamie Gunz looks livid after the match and upon leaving the ring upsets the steps in disgust as he heads for the backtage area:

:Parking Lot:

:A Limo is shown arriving as Chris Walker is shown standing outside waiting on it and holding his ribs:


Madden: Who is in that limo?

Tony: I don't know, its not another Draft Pick because Chris Walker is already here

Hudson: Whoever it is, Chris Walker is waiting on them

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd is mixed as The Limo pulls out in which JBL & Orlando Jordan get out

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York, weighing in at 290 Pounds and being accumpied by his Chief of Staff, Orlando Jordan, He is John Bradshaw Layfield!!!

Hudson: Last night JBL came up a little short in the finals of the King of The Ring as Maven pulled it out

"UnLeashed" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Cameron, North Carolina weighing in at 310 Pounds, Dave Dumas!!!

Tony: Here comes the rookie monster Dave Dumas

Madden: The Rookie Monster got a tough test in JBL but it would do alot for his career if he could upset JBL

JBL W/Orlando Jordan vs Dave Dumas
JBL and Dave start off the match by exchanging words. Dave then opens on JBL and sends him back to the corner. Dave starts kicking JBL as Orlando gets up on the top rope. Dave goes over and points his finger at Orlando. Dave turns around and is blind sided by JBL. JBL starts kicking Dave as the ref starts counting-1...2...3...4..JBL lets off. JBL then lifts up Dave and whips him into the ropes, Dave gets on the ropes and holds on to them. Dave runs at JBL but JBL quickly moves and trips him. Dave gets back up and shoves JBL down. Dave lifts up JBL. Dave goes for a irish whip but JBL counters and delivers a whip of his own. Dave goes into the corner as JBL starts talking to the ref. Orlando quickly gets on the apron where Dave is and starts choking him. Orlando gets down off the apron as JBL walks over towards Dave. JBL drags Dave into the middle of the ring and pins him-1....2....kickout. JBL calls the ref a ingrate and tells him that was a 3 count. JBL gets back up and puts some boots to Dave. JBL then lifts up Dave, but Dave delivers some chops to JBL. JBL counters back and delivers some of his own, knocking Dave down. JBL quickly pins again-1...2...kickout. JBL gets mad and lifts up Dave once again. JBL calls Dave a ingrate and irish whips him into the ropes, Dave bounces off the ropes as JBL runs at him and delivers a clothesline from hell on Dave. Dave falls down as JBL quickly pins Dave-1.....2.....3
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner, John Bradshaw Layfield!!!

Tony: JBL scores the win over Dave Dumas

Madden: Well the rookie Dave Dumas is learning and should take the beating tonight and learn from it

:Backstage: Christy Hemme's Personal Locker Room

:Stone Cold Steve Austin is shown outside of it as he knocks on the door as Christy answers:

Christy Hemme: You stay away from me...

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Look you little skank, I am not here to inforce the law tonight, I just wanted to let you know that you are the first pick of the draft meaning your WCW Women's Title Match is off and you are to be on Smackdown! tomarrow night


Stone Cold Steve Austin: I don't know what to tell you Christy, take it up with your new GM I guess

:Another Area Backstage:

Rue: I am standing here with Brandon Davis, Brandon what is going through your mind right now

Brandon Davis: Rue, Now is not the time or place for this interview, Tonight Randy Orton becomes Hulk Hogan and Christian and tonight they get there asses handed to them because nobody screws over Brandon Davis and gets away with it, understand

:Brandon walks away as Rue looks stunned:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, KSCWE Diva Magazine, ECW Revolution

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:09 PM

Tony: Well Brandon Davis seems focused and Christy Hemme has become the first pick of the draft leaving WCW for SCWE

Madden: Poor Christy, I'm going to miss her

Hudson: Well that gives Tara Rayge the night off now

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Mixed Tag Team Championship

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, From Denver, Colorado, The Team of Trish Morris and The WCW Television Champion Jerome Morris

Hudson: Trish Morris is making her in ring return after having twins a few weeks ago

Tony: Well lets just see how much ring rust is on Trish Morris tonight

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents, They are the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, The 2005 WCW Queen of The Ring Jackie Gayda and The 2005 WCW King of The Ring, Maven!!!

Madden: Maven and Jackie are The King and Queen of WCW now

WCW Mixed Tag Team Championship: Maven & Jackie Gayda(C) vs Jerome & Trish Morris
The Bell Sounds as Maven and Jerome start things off and both guys are talking smack back and forth as Maven walks up to Jerome and pie faces Jerome back as Jerome is not happy and Jerome goes for a right hand but Maven blocks it and opens up on Jerome with several right hands as Maven whips Jerome off the ropes and Maven then hits a big backdrop on Jerome and Maven waits as Jerome gets back up and Maven dropkicks Jerome through the ropes to the floor, Jerome gets up on the floor as Maven sling shots himself over the top crashing on to Jerome as both men are down with Maven getting up first as Maven picks up Jerome and rolls him back into the ring as Maven goes up top and waits as Jerome gets up and Maven comes off hitting a missile dropkick and Maven covers for a 1---2--2.6-Trish Morris breaks up the pin. This prompts Jackie Gayda to enter the ring but Referee Charles Robinson stops Jackie and orders Trish out as Maven picks up Jerome but Jerome low blows Maven while Charles Robinson wasn't looking and Jerome hits the Cocky Cutter on Maven, Jerome covers Maven for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Jerome  can't believe it and Jerome then goes for the Liontamer but Maven kicks Jerome down to the mat as both men get back up to there feet as Maven tags out to Jackie Gayda meaning Jackie and Trish have to enter the ring as Jackie and Trish exchange rights and lefts back and forth with Trish kicking Jackie in the shin and Trish then uppercuts Jackie back as Trish grabs Jackie's legs and trips her down as Trish goes for the Blonde Bitch Walls and locks it in as Jackie is screaming out in pain as Maven comes into the ring and Maven clotheslines Trish Morris down as The Crowd boo's as Maven smirks which brings Jerome Morris into the ring as Maven knocks Jerome down coming into the ring as Trish Morris gets back up grabbing the back of her head but Jackie Gayda hits a reverse DDT on Trish putting her down as Jackie covers for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Jackie Gayda then gets back up and goes to the corner and climbs up looking for a Blockbuster but Maven tags himself back in much to the disgust of Jackie as Jerome Morris also enters the ring and Maven cuts him off by drop kicking Jerome back out to the apron as Maven then stomps away at Jerome and backs up and hits a baseball slide knocking Jerome out to the floor again as Maven gets up gloating as Trish Morris checks on Jerome on the floor while Jackie and Maven exchange some words about the tag. Jerome enters the ring from behind and knocks Maven down as Jerome stomps away at Maven and Jerome picks up Maven and goes for the Thrill Seekers but Maven counters into a small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out, Both men get back up and Maven uppercuts Jerome and Maven then grabs Jerome and looks for a fisherman suplex but Jerome blocks it and counters into his own small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Trish Morris then grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring as she gets in the ring distracting Charles Robinson as Jerome picks up the steel chair and is about to hit Maven when Jackie grabs the chair away as Maven then kicks Jerome in the gut and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Jerome as Jackie picks up the steel chair as Trish Morris is telling Charles Robinson to turn around but he doesn't as he is telling Trish to get down and Jackie is about to throw the chair out to the floor when Maven grabs it away and Maven goes to hit Jerome but Jerome low blows Maven and Jerome grabs the chair and goes to hit Maven with the chair but Jackie pushes Maven out of the way as Jerome lays out Jackie with the chair shot!!! Maven though then rolls Jerome with a handful of tights as Charles Robinson had finally gotten Trish off the apron as Charles Robinson counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Maven & Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winners and still WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Maven and Jackie Gayda

Hudson: Maven and Jackie win but Maven didn't even seem to care that his own wife got taken out with a steel chair

Madden: Hey they retained right thats all that matters

:Maven helps Jackie out of the ring who is still holding her head from the chair shot as Jerome and Trish look upset about not winning the titles:


:JBL, Orlando Jordan, & The Basham Brothers are shown heading down the hallway when Chris Walker walks past them along with Kendra as Chris stops as the Cabinet and Chris Walker stare at each other:

Chris Walker: JBL....CPW Here

JBL: I beg your pardon?

Chris Walker: CPW....Chris panCAKEman Walker how are you doing today

:Chris puts his hand out as The Cabinet ready's to attack but JBL shockingly shakes Chris Walker's hand:

JBL: Pretty good today CPW but if you will be excusing me

:JBL and his Cabinet start to walk away as JBL tips his hat in a polite manner to Kendra as Chris and Kendra move down as well:

Orlando Jordan: What was that about?

JBL: You know guys I am thinking that perhaps we are looking at things the wrong way I mean look at that guy there, sure he is a streaker but he is a very wise man as well and he hasn't done a thing wrong and most guys would not attempt to even do that around us so I respect him for that

Orlando Jordan: OK....................

JBL: You'll understand one day Orlando

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, KSCWE Diva Magazine, & ECW Revolution

After The Break:

Tony: That was rather odd with Chris Walker and JBL

Hudson: JBL I guess may be turning over a new leaf

Madden: I think JBL just has taken one to many bumps on the head to be hanging around with that stupid streaker

Tony: Well Sean O'Haire is already in the ring so lets go to David Penser for the next match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall, 1st already in the ring, Sean O'Haire and his opponent

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: From Los Angelos, California, weighing in at 227 Pounds, Representing The Naturals, The Love Machine

Madden: The Love Machine is going to destroy Sean O'Haire tonight because he is still upset about not only losing the US Title last night but also getting shown up earlier tonight

The Love Machine vs Sean O'Haire
The bell rings as TLM and Sean lock up in the middle of the ring. Sean backs TLM into the corner. As Sean gets TLM into the corner. TLM kicks Sean in the stomach with his boot. TLM starts putting the boots to him as the ref tells him to stop. The ref checks on Sean as TLM starts again, then lets up. TLM pins Sean-1...2...kickout. TLM gets up and lifts up Sean. TLM puts Sean in a headlock. TLM applies more pressure as Sean pushes TLM down. TLM gets mad and gets back up quickly and then opens up on Sean. TLM then hits a dropkick on Sean, then TLM slaps the back of Sean's head. TLM goes for the pin-1...2...kickout. TLM looks at the ref and the ref says that was a 2 count. TLM looks at Sean and then gets up. TLM lifts up Sean and irish whips him into the ropes, Sean bounces off the ropes and TLM hits a cross body on Sean. TLM tells the crowd he is fed up with the jobber and sets Sean up for the Pepsi Plunge. TLM hits the Pepsi Plunge on Sean. TLM then gets a hold of tights and pins-1....2....3
Winner: The Love Machine

Penser: Your winner, The Love Machine

Madden: The Love Machine just beat down Sean O'Haire like I predicted

Tenay: Well we still got three more big time matches coming up

:Backstage: Jamie Gunz's Locker Room

:Arguing can be heard as The camera pans in:

Tara Rayge: Jamie I don't see why your getting so upset

Jamie Gunz: I'm just getting sick and tired of being screwed over

Tara Rayge: Well do something about it then

Jamie Gunz: I think I will, I'm going to challenge Edge or Jonathan Tomcoat whoever wins that match for the US title next week

Tara Rayge: Yeah but Edge is our....

Jamie Gunz: Friend? Friendship goes out the window when it comes to a title, you should know that seeing as your "friend" backstabbed you when you went for her title

Tara Rayge: True....

Jamie Gunz: It doens't matter who the champion is because Jamie Gunz is coming for them


Tony: Jamie Gunz is going to challenge the US Champion whoever it may be for Next Monday Night!!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Voodoo" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The Naturals, From Baltimore, Maryland weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Jonathan Tomcoat!!

Tenay: Here comes JT who is trying to become a Double champion

Madden: It wouldn't shock me if he did win it

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Edge!!!

Tenay: Last Night Edge defeated The Love Machine and Lance Storm to walk away as the WCW US Champion

WCW United States Championship: Edge(C) vs Jonathan Tomcoat
The Newest WCW Referee Al Snow holds up the WCW US Title before calling for the bell to start things off. Edge and JT have some words before locking up as Edge knocks JT down as JT gets back up and seems a little surprised by it as Jonathan Tomcoat then locks up with Edge again and Edge does the same thing again as JT then complains to Al Snow about Edge using the hair as Al Snow laughs at JT because Jonathan Tomcoat has no hair and JT is pissed about it as he flips off Edge and Edge and JT are about to lock up again but JT kicks Edge in the gut and opens up on him with a few right hands as Jonathan Tomcoat whips Edge off the ropes again and Edge ends up ducking a clothesline attempt and hitting the other side of the ropes and Edge hits a flying crossbody on JT, Edge gets back up as does Jonathan Tomcoat and Edge hits a deep arm drag on Jonathan Tomcoat as JT gets up again and Edge kicks him a few times in the gut and then chops him a few more times as Edge whips him off the ropes and Edge hits a big backdrop on Jonathan Tomcoat and Edge then grabs JT as he gets up from behind  and hits a Reverse DDT on JT and hooks the legs for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Edge waits as JT gets back up as Edge opens up on him with a few right hands and Edge goes for the Edgeacution but JT shoves Edge back as Edge goes to hit JT but JT hits a enzaguri on Edge instead, JT then waits as Edge gets back up and JT opens up on Edge and JT hits a German Suplex and holds it for a pin for a 1---2--2.6-kick out, Both men get back up as JT hits a few big chops to Edge as JT then whips Edge off the ropes and JT hits a big powerslam on Edge and hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. JT shakes his head in disbelief as JT then waits as Edge gets back up and JT hits Edge a few times and JT goes for the Snapshot but Edge shoves JT off the ropes instead and Edge then hits a Spear on JT when he comes back as Edge covers JT for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Edge

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Edge

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:09 PM

Hudson: Edge scores the big win here in his first title defense

:Edge is celebrating his win when Billy Gunn hits the ring and attacks Edge from behind as Gunn starts to pound away at Edge when the crowd erupts as Jamie Gunz hits the ring and Jamie Gunz knocks down Billy with a right hand when Jamie gets knocked down by the returning Matt Matlock!! Matlock puts the boots to Jamie Gunz while Billy Gunn does the same thing to Edge but Edge and Jamie fight back and knock down both Gunn and Matlock who get out of the ring as Edge and Jamie stare each other down as Jamie tells Edge he wants the US Title when "Glass Shatters" as Stone Cold comes out into the entry way:

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Since you four obviously all want the US Title then next week it will be Edge vs Jamie Gunz vs Matt Matlock vs Billy Gunn for the WCW United States Championship and Thats The Bottom Line cause Stone Cold Said So

:"Glass Shatters" as Stone Cold goes to the back as All four men are nodding there head in approval of the match:

Hudson: A Four Way US Title Match next week to go along side the WCW Tag Team Title Match

Madden: July 4th Nitro is going to be a rocking night

:Parking Lot:

:A Limo is shown pulling up into the arena as The Front License Plate reads nWo4Life:


Tony: I think as JR would say on SCWE, business is about to pick up

Hudson: The nWo has arrived

:Parking Lot:

:The Limo door opens up as Trish Stratus is about to get out as Marrisa is about to get out the other side when Stone Cold Steve Austin comes riding out on his 4 Wheeler as The Girls slam the doors shut as the limo speeds off with Stone Cold in pursuit:

Madden: Stone Cold is chasing the nWo!!!

Hudson: Imagine that, The nWo in a limo being chased by The KSCWE Sheriff on a 4 Wheeler

Madden: Your right, they won't catch him

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From London, England, Scarlett

Hudson: Scarlett was the runner up in the Queen of The Ring Tournament and tonight looks to win the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"LoveFuryPassionEnergy" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: Her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita

Tony: Lita was the runner up last night in the WCW Women's Hardcore Title Battle Royal and tonight gets another chance to bring home that title

"Can't stop" hits, Crowd Cheers Louder

Penser: There opponent, From Austin, Texas, Rose Thorn

Hudson: Rose Thorn came close to leaving as WCW Women's Champion but Tara Rayge ultimatly won the title

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Flame

Madden: I don't see anyone beating Flame even with these odds against her

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Flame(C) vs Rose Thorn vs Scarlett vs Lita
Scarlett, Lita and Rose Thorn stand in the ring and wait for Flame to enter the ring. The wCw Women's Hardcore champion Stands outside the ring and taunts her opponents. Scarlett, Lita and Rose look at one another and nod. The three women slide out of the ring to Flame, The champ turns and runs away from her three opponents as they quickly follow. Flame pushes past the curtain to the backstage area. When her three opponents runs past the curtains they are sprayed with a fire extinguisher by Flame. Her three opponents stumble backwards as Flame throws the extinguisher down and starts to run away again. Scarlett is the first diva to chase after Flame once again quickly followed by Rose and Lita. Flame turns to see where her opponents are only to be speared down by Scarlett. Scarlett starts to slap and punch at Flame's face, Lita pushes Scarlett off of Flame and now Lita jumps on Flame and starts to give her some slaps and punches of her own, Scarlett gets back up and she and Lita start to have words as Flame starts to crawl away. Rose walks over to a nearby table and grabs a metal tray with her right hand and a glass of water with her left. She walks over and smashes the tray over Lita's head and throws the water on Scarlett's shirt. Rose kicks Scarlett in the gut and throws her to the wall. Rose turns to Flame who is walking away. Thorn quickly follows the champion and eventually catches up with her grabbing a piece of her hair. Rose pulls Flame towards her and hits her with an inverted suplex to the concrete floor. Rose Thorn covers her 1...2.. kick out by the champion. Rose helps Flame up to her feet and starts to punch flame with some hard rights and left then from out of nowhere Lita and Scarlett jump on Flame and Rose. Lita bashes Flame's head off the floor as Scarlett does the same to Rose. Lita and Scarlett help Flame and Rose to their feet and lift them both up for a stalling suplex. Lita nails Flame with it while Rose Thorn wriggles out and lands behind Scarlett. Lita gets up and grabs a steel chair she swings it at Rose but Thorn ducks and the chair smacks the back of Scarlett's head. Rose nails a big spinning out powerbomb to Lita right on the cold unforgiving floor of the backstage area. Rose jumps up to her feet but is soon brought back down again when Flame comes up from behind Rose and throws her threw a window, smashing it into tiny pieces. The camera zoom's on Rose's head and we see blood dripping down her face. Back to the action: Flame walks over to Scarlett who is now getting back to her feet, Flame grabs her hair and goes to slam her face off a table situated by the four divas. But Scarlett gets her arm out in front of her blocking the attack. Scarlett hits an elbow to Flame's Stomach and flips flame over onto the table breaking it in two. Lita comes up from behind Flame and sets her up for the inverted Twist of fate but Flame spins out and kicks Lita in the gut Flame sets her up for a DDT but Lita quickly pushes Flame away. Lita quickly searches for something and cant see any weapons so she pulls off her boot and smacks it across the front of Flame's head sending her to the floor. Lita quickly covers Flame 1...2... Scarlett breaks up the pin. Scarlett grabs Lita and takes her down the halls the two women slapping each other and hitting forearm smashes to one another's heads. Scarlett then got the upper hand repeatedly smashing her forearm against Lita's head. Scarlett then throws Lita threw a door into the women's locker room. We hear a scream and see Rue run out of the women's locker room with nothing but her bra and panties. She runs into Flame who is approaching the room, Flame stares at Rue and then lunges forward at the backstage interviewer nearly giving Rue a heart attack. Flame chuckles to herself and heads into the locker room seeing Scarlett and Lita brawling. Flame rummages threw some of the other wcw diva's bags and finds a hairdryer, Flame walks over to the two divas and smacks the device over the back of Scarlett's head. Scarlett falls down holding her head as Lita gets up and ducks an attack from Flame. Lita hits a monkey flip to Flame sending her over some benches in the locker room. Lita jumps on the benches and looks as if to go for a moonsault but she is distracted by a ladder being pushed threw the door way of the divas locker room. We then see it is in fact Rose Thorn bringing a ladder into the match. Lita jumps off the bench with a cross body to Rose but Thorn catches her and slams her down on the floor. Rose picks up the ladder and sets it up, She climbs it as if to go for a Tranquil Insanity of the top to Lita but Scarlett gets up and starts to shake the ladder. Rose slowly climbs down a few steps and kicks at Scarlet, she catches Scarlett in the face causing her to stumble back slightly. Rose grabs Scarlett's head and places it between her legs she nails Scarlett with a Hardcore Pink and Frills from the ladder to the floor of the locker room. Rose drapes herself across Scarlett 1...2....2.9 Flame pulls Rose off of Scarlett. Flame drags Rose away from Scarlett. Rose gets up to her feet, Flame still holding one of them Rose launches with her other foot and nails a enziguri to Flame. Lita comes up behind Rose and hits her with an Inverted Twist Of Fate. Lita pushes Rose over on top of Flame and begins to push at a set of lockers. Lita pushes the lockers over Rose Thorn and Flame. Lita stands up, dazed and in some pain she walks over to Scarlett and falls on top of her hooking her leg the ref begins the count 1...2...3
Winner: Lita (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Lita!!!

Tony: Lita has just captured the Women's Hardcore Title!!!

Hudson: A Great Match put on by all four ladies and a big hats off to Lita

:The Crowd in the arena starts to make noise as The nWo then comes off the barricades minus Trish Stratus and Marrisa Bischoff:

Tony: The nWo just came out right behind us

:Hollywood Hogan & Eric Bischoff then shove the announcers away as Christian gets into the ring with a Referee Shirt on as Tyson Tomko stands outside the ring:

Eric Bischoff: It's great to be at ringside right now

Hollywood Hogan: I know what you mean brother

Eric Bischoff: Well the nWo is officially in charge and right after the final Commercial Break we are going to have the Main Event of nWo Monday Nitro between Brandon Davis and Randy Orton Christian serving as The Special Referee and Tyson Tomko serving as the Special "Problem Solver"

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE King of the Ring Replay-Long Ad

Eric Bischoff: Welcome back to nWo Monday Nitro and Hollywood just pointed out to me that the nWoites out there probably are worried about Marrisa and Trish as Stone Cold is giving chase but be rest assured because Marrisa and Trish both have a Restraining Order against Stone Cold Steve Austin and Marrisa and Trish were heading for the airport so I don't think Stone Cold is going to be back

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Dawn Marie and Representing The Naturals, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton!!

Hollywood Hogan: I like this Randy Orton kid but lets face it, he isn't nWo material

Eric Bischoff: Nope he isn't and Dawn isn't either, well we could tell Dawn to screw Tyson to get in and then kick her to the curb

Hollywood Hogan: Brother we could tell Dawn to screw him for nothing and she probably would, she was Stephanie McMahon before Stephanie McMahon

Eric Bischoff: How very true that statement is

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: His opponent, From Nashville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis!!!

Hollywood Hogan: Brandon Davis is a heck of a talent but is also a heck of a redneck

Eric Bischoff: And you know what Hollywood, I put him out of business. He was the GM of RAW when I killed RAW, I made RAW and then they gave it to joke GM's like Charisma Adams, Vince Russo, Ernest Miller, & Brandon Davis and thats just a joke

Hollywood Hogan: I got a feeling Randy Orton is going to beat Brandon because for you nWoites at home, here is a little secret I am going to let you in on, Tonight the nWo grows in size brother

Eric Bischoff: Don't tell them who

Brandon Davis vs Randy Orton; Special Referee: Christian; Problem Solver: Tyson Tomko

Christian rings the bell as Brandon Davis has words with Christian as Christian tells Brandon he can't touch him as Orton attacks Brandon from behind and Orton knocks Brandon into the corner and hits a few big kicks to the ribs of Brandon and then chops to him as Orton then hits a european uppercut to Brandon and then a second one and goes for a third one but Brandon knee's Orton in the ribs as Brandon delivers another right hand knocking down Orton as Orton gets back up and Brandon knocks down Orton again with a right hand. Orton gets up near the ropes as Brandon clotheslines Orton over the top to the floor as Brandon Davis then looks at Christian and flips him off as Brandon goes out to the floor after Orton and Orton knocks Brandon down with a clothesline as Orton then grabs the camera cords and Orton wraps it around Brandon's neck and starts to choke him as Tyson and Christian aren't saying a word when Orton stops and then takes Brandon and rams his head off the barricade as rolls Brandon back into the ring as Orton has words with the fans before getting on the apron

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:10 PM
Orton goes up top and Orton eyes up Brandon and comes off but Brandon ends up hitting a Rush on Orton while in the air as Orton is rolling around in pain as Brandon gets back up and Brandon picks up Orton and kicks him in the gut and hits the Extreme Shudder as Brandon covers but Christian and Tyson then start talking on the floor as Brandon gets back up when Jonathan Tomcoat and The Love Machine hit the ring and attack Brandon from behind when Chris Walker races to the ring and Chris Walker knocks down JT with a right hand and then TLM as Christian tells Chris Walker to get out of the ring as Chris Walker and Christian are face to face as Tyson Tomko then gets into the ring to back up Christian when "No Easy Way Out" hits over the PA as the Crowd Erupts as Scott Walker makes his way to the ring as The Naturals knock Brandon out to the floor as The 3 Naturals members are putting the boots to Brandon on the floor as Chris & Scott Walker have a face off with Christian & Tyson in the ring and Christian tells them to get lost and Chris Walker then opens up on Christian as Scott Walker does the same thing to Tyson Tomko as The Bell Sounds Meaning a No Contest
No Contest

Eric Bischoff: This was not the plan

Hollywood Hogan: Brother I think its time to reveal the newest nWo member

:Chris Walker and Scott Walker both knock down Christian & Tyson as Jonathan Tomcoat & Randy Orton enter the ring and get knocked down as well when Jerome Morris hits the ring wearing an nWo shirt and Jerome hits Chris Walker from behind knocking him down as Brandon Davis is rolled into the ring as The Naturals & nWo members are putting the boots to Brandon Davis, Scott Walker, & Chris Walker:

Eric Bischoff: Now things are going the right way

Hollywood Hogan: Brother lets take these guys out

:Hollywood Hogan leaves the announce table and takes off his weightlifting belt and enters the ring as Brandon Davis is laid out on his stomach as Hogan whips Brandon over and over with it when "Glass Shatters" hits as The Place Erupts as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes riding out on his 4 Wheeler as Hogan tells The Naturals to take him out as JT and Orton are the first line of defense as Randy Orton ends up getting knocked down with a right hand as JT gets kicked in the gut and hit with a Stone Cold Stunner as The Love Machine goes to hit Austin with his slap jack but Austin steals it away and hits TLM over the head as Tyson Tomko then hits Austin from behind along with Jerome Morris as the two men are working over Stone Cold when Austin low blows Tyson with a mule kick and sprays mace in the face of Jerome Morris blinding him as Dawn Marie then tries to sneak past but Stone Cold grabs Dawn by the back of her shirt as Dawn is screaming and trying to run as Orton goes to hit Austin but Austin throws Dawn into Orton knocking them both down but Christian hits Austin in the back with a Steel Chair knocking him down as Christian then picks up Austin and hits the UnPrettier on the Steel Chair as Stone Cold isn't moving:

Eric Bischoff: Now this is the kind of distruction we want to see

:Hollywoood Hogan is standing tall in the ring as Christian is standing over top of Stone Cold as Tyson Tomko & Jerome Morris get back up:

Eric Bischoff: Do not miss nWo Monday Nitro Next Week to see The nWo's continued Domination and I don't think the Sheriff will be with us, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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