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Nitro : Nitro 8/8/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:00 AM

Results 8/8/05 Live From Montreal, Canada

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Scott Wright defeated Mick Foley & Californian

Dark Match #2: Brish defeated Christine

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro live from Montreal, Canada

Tenay: For those of you who didn't watch SCWE SummerSlam last night then you missed a shocking turn of events

Madden: WCW General Manager Eric Bischoff along with his wife who is also the Assistant GM of WCW Marrisa and Hulk Hogan showed up on SCWE Last Night

Tony: From what we have been told Eric has given up his post at WCW to take on a Co-GM Situation for SCWE meaning WCW right now is without a leader although I have been told tonight a New GM will be announced

Tenay: But moving on to better things, we have a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion as you all saw last Monday Night because Brandon Davis defeated Chrstian in the RAWDome and Brandon is in action tonight

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Place For My Head" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Albany, New York weighing in at 220 Pounds, Twister X

Tony: Here comes Twister X who has not had alot of luck lately but is looking to turn that around

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: His opponent being accumpied by Lexus Carr, From Pensacola, Florida weighing in at 225 Pounds, He is one half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions and a member of Fabulously Fit, Simon Dean

Tenay: Here comes Simon Dean who has a very good win loss record in KSCWE

Madden: Yeah but Simon is trying to be too friendly now I liked the old Simon who would bad mouth everyone and tell them how fat they were but now he just tries to encourage people, he is like Richard Simmons now

Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr vs Twister X
Simon Dean tells Twister to hold up as Simon gets a protein bar out of his bag and tells Twister its his free of charge as Twister takes the bar and looks at it and then throws it back at Simon telling Simon he doesn't want it as Simon looks shocked and Simon tells Twister to be like that then as the two men lock up with Twister getting a headlock on but Simon shoves Twister off the ropes as Simon goes down as Twister jumps over Simon and comes off the ropes as Simon is back up but Twister hits a big diving forarm to Simon knocking him down as Simon gets up as Twister kicks Simon in the gut and whips him into the corner as Twister backs up and goes for the Twister Splash and hits it as Twister then bounces off the ropes grabbing Simon by his hair and bulldogs him down as Twister X is telling Simon to get up as Simon gets up Twister kicks him in the gut and Twister goes for the X-Effect but Simon grabs the ropes preventing Twister from getting him up as Twister hits Simon a few times in the back as Twister tries again but still nothing as Lexus Carr gets on the apron distracting Referee Rudy Charles as Twister finally gets Simon up and hits the X Effect but Rudy Charles is still distracted as Twister X is not happy and gets up telling Rudy Charles he got Simon beat but Simon gets back up and Simon turns Twister around and kicks him in the gut and Simon hits the Simon Effect as Lexus gets off the apron as Simon covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean

Penser: Your winner, Simon Dean

Tony: Simon Dean gets the win here over Twister X

Tenay: Lexus Carr's distraction though saved Simon I think from a loss

Madden: Lexus was just helping her man out

:Parking Lot:

:Christian, Trish Stratus, & Tyson are shown getting out of a limo as Christian is suprisingly smiling:

Christian: It's good to be in Canada

Trish Stratus: I know finally out of the horrible US

Tyson Tomko: .....

Christian: Well lets get going because I have alot of big announcements I want to make concerning our future

:Christian, Trish Stratus, & Tyson Tomko head into the arena:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Matt Matlock is shown walking around telling everyone how he is the TV Champion so he should be respected when Kristin Styles approaches him:

Kristin Styles: Hey there stud

Matt Matlock: What the hell do you want

Kristin Styles: Wouldn't you like to know

Matt Matlock: Well you did approach me...

Kristin Styles: Oh right, Well there Mister Matlock you see I think I may need a man to help me out and well I am thinking since your the TV Champion that maybe we can have a "friendship" that way if any guys try to attack little old me I can have a man to help me out

Matt Matlock: I'll think about it

Commerical Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, KSCWE Designs, KSCWE's Fan Fiction Board

After The Break:

Tony: Well that was an interesting conversation there between Kristin Styles and New WCW TV Champion Matt Matlock

Madden: Kristin wanted to make sure somebody has her back

Tenay: Well anyway moving on right now to the next match which is going to be Non-Title

Penser: The Following Non-Title Contest is Scheduled For One Fall

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Kristin Storm, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the WCW Hardcore Champion, Lance Storm

Tony: Here comes Lance Storm who has been officially signed to face Mick Foley at Starrcade for the Hardcore Title

Madden: Yeah but tonight its not about the Hardcore Title its about Storm sending an example to Foley

"Bodem Beach Terror" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tenay: Here comes The Fallen Angel now who scored a pinfall via controversial fashion over Petey Williams last week but The Fallen Angel has a ton of potential and I wouldn't be shocked to see an upset here tonight

Lance Storm W/Kristin Styles vs Christopher Daniels W/Raven Flair
Lance Storm and Daniels lock up with Daniels going behind Storm but Storm quickly grabs Daniels by his head and takes him down a headlock as Storm applies pressure but Daniels is able to escape as both guys get up as Daniels goes at Storm but Storm blocks a right hand and kicks Daniels in the gut as Storm hits a snap suplex on Daniels as The Fallen Angel gets back up to his feet as Storm and Daniels lock up once more as Storm backs Daniels into the ropes as Storm then knees Daniels in the gut as Storm whips him off the ropes as Storm puts his head down for a backdrop but Daniels stops and grabs Storm and hits the Spicy Drop on Storm as Daniels then goes up top in a hurry as he goes for the Best Moonsault Ever but Storm gets his knee's up as Daniels rolls around the ring hurting as Lance Storm gets back up smiling as he goes over and kicks Daniels hard in the ribs as Storm picks up Daniels and Storm hits a Russian Leg Sweep on him as Lance Storm gets up and goes for the Maple Leaf but Daniels kicks Storm in the face backing Storm away as Daniels gets up and Daniels catches Storm coming at him with a kick to the gut as Daniels goes for the Angel Wings but Storm is able to trip Daniels down as Storm goes for the Sharpshooter and locks it in as Daniels is screaming out in pain from the hold and begging for help as Raven Flair gets on the apron trying to get Charles Robinson's attention but to no avail as she is screaming for his attention but still nothing as she tries to get into the ring but Kristin Storm goes over and yanks Raven down as Kristin puts the boots to Raven on the floor as Charles Robinson does go to try and break that up when Mick Foley hits the ring and Mick Foley comes in with Lance Storm not realizing it as Mick Foley ends up grabbing Storm off and kicks him in the gut as Foley hits a Double Arm DDT on Storm as Daniels covers Storm as Foley gets out of the ring as Charles Robinson counts a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Daniels can't believe it as Mick Foley just smiles on the floor and tells Storm he is impressed as Daniels gets up and Daniels goes for the Angel Wings and hits it but instead of going for the pin, Daniels goes up top looking for the Best Moonsault Ever and comes off the top but Storm is able to roll out of the way as Daniels hits the mat face first and is hurting as Storm gets up and Storm then grabs Daniels leg and locks in the Maple Leaf as Daniels is riving in pain and trying to reach the ropes but can't as Storm tells Mick Foley this is his future as Mick Foley gets on the apron telling Storm he will take him out as Charles Robinson keeps Storm when The Californian hits the ring and clotheslines Storm from behind knocking him down as Californian picks up Storm and hits the Fight On as he gets out of the ring as Foley gets off the apron as Daniels gets up and goes up top once more and comes off and this time hits the Best Moonsault Ever as he hooks the leg for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Christopher Daniels

Penser: Your winner, Christopher Daniels

Tony: The Fallen Angel just beat Lance Storm!!!

Madden: This is an upset but Mick Foley and The Californian played a big role in it

Tenay: It's still a win for Daniels

:Lance Storm gets up as he is irate as Mick Foley tells Lance Storm he is coming for him at Starrcade:

:Backstage: Rue is shown

Rue: Guys I just was given a press release from a WCW Official who has informed me that the new WCW General Manager is in the building but sadly I am not able to speak to him at the moment so I can not report on who it is but...I can make an announcement that the General Manager would like to pass along.

:Rue looks at the Press Release:

Rue: The Following Match has been added to the WCW Starrcade Card, Simon Dean and Rico with Lexus Carr to take on Christopher Daniels and Californian with Raven Flair for the SCWE Tag Team Championship. Plus the new General Manager would also like to announce that he has here by suspended Christian and he will announce more on that later in the evening so back to you guys


Tony: Wow, Christian is suspended

Madden: That isn't fair

Tenay: Well we gotta take a short commercial break and we will discuss more on this after the break

Commercial Ad for SCWE SummerSlam Replay-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:00 AM

Tony: Welcome back and the shock waves are still being felt

Madden: I can't believe Christian is gone and to be suspended in Canada of all places where Christian is like a god

Tenay: Well during the break the people in the arena chanted We Want Christian so that should tell you where the people of Montreal Stand

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, Being accumpied to hte ring by Kira Lang, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 220 Pounds, The Rock

Tenay: Here comes The Rock who is looking to become WCW TV Champion for the first time

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Matt Matlock

Madden: Matlock ended Jerome's record setting TV Title Reign last week on his birthday and tonight looks to retain in his first title defense

WCW Television Championship: Matt Matlock(C) vs The Rock W/Kira Lang
The bell rings as both men start locking up. The Rock overpowers Matlock and slowly backs him into the corner and then The Rock quickly starts giving Matlock right and left handers. The ref tells The Rock to let Matlock get some air. The Rock does and is about to hit Matlock again but Matlock comes up with a little combo of his own. Matlock then knocks The Rock down and starts kicking him. The ref tells Matlock to let up but Matlock jumps at the ref. Matlock then raises The Rock up and irish whips him into the ropes, but The Rock grabs on to the ropes. Both men run at each other and start exchanging right and left handers. The Rock over powers Matlock again and clotheslines him down, Matlock quickly gets back up and The Rock clotheslines him down again. Matlock gets up and quickly charges at The Rock, sending him into the corner. Matlock starts to punch The Rock in the face and then hits a splash on The Rock. The Rock falls down and Matlock covers-1....2....kickout. Matlock then covers The Rock again-1...2...kickout again. Matlock gets up and lifts up The Rock. Matlock puts The Rock in a headlock, but The Rock starts to elbow Matlock in the stomach. Matlock finally breaks the hold and grabs his stomach. The Rock then kicks Matlock down and quickly pins him-1....2....kickout. The Rock signaling hes gonna end the match right now, drags Matlock into the middle of the ring. The Rock then takes off his elbow pad and throws it into the crowd. The Rock runs and bounces off the ropes, skips over Matlock, bounces off the other side and runs towards Matlock and goes for the peoples elbow, but at the last minute Matlock rolls out of the way, causing The Rock to elbow the mat. Matlock gets up and laughs at The Rock. Matlock then slaps The Rock in the back of the head. Matlock lifts The Rock up sets him up for the B.F.A and hits it. Matlock acts cocky for a little bit and then pins The Rock-1.....2.....3
Winner: Matt Matlock

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Matt Matlock

Tony: Matt Matlock gets the win here to retain in his first title defense

Madden: I think Matt Matlock is going to be a great champion


Todd Grisham: I am standing here right now with Petey Williams. Now Petey tonight your involved in a Six Person Tag Match so how are you feeling about teaming up with Tara and Jamie Gunz?

Scott D'Amore: I'll answer this for Petey, Petey feels great about teaming up with Tara but not so great about teaming up with the stupid yankee Jamie Gunz but I think Petey will have a surpise for Jerome Morris, Edge, and Jamie Gunz tonight because after all we are Team Canada and Team Canada always comes out on top especially in Canada


Tony: I don't like Scott D'Amore much

Tenay: Neither do I, I don't think you can trust him

Madden: You just don't know him

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Madden: Here comes Flame who I think tonight will regain her Women's Hardcore Title

Tenay: Well Flame is going to be in her element but will have a tough task

Tony: This should be a interesting match

"Spade" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Her opponent, from Baltimore, Maryland, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai

Tony: Well Jai won the Women's Hardcore title last week from Lita with an assist from Trish Stratus

Madden: Yeah and then Christian paid back Lita

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Jai(C) vs Flame
The bell rings as Flame runs right at Jai at knocks her down and begins to stomp away at her. Flame picks Jai up and irish whips her off the ropes but Jai hangs on as Flame walks over to her but Jai kicks her in the gut and throws her into the corner. Jai begins to open up on her then whips her into the opposite corner and clotheslines her. Flame falls to the ground as Jai goes outside the ring and grabs a trash can lid then slides it back in the ring but Flame grabs it as Jai stays outside the ring and grabs a steel chair. Jai slides back into the ring but Flame begins to hit her with the trash can lid. Flame throws the lid to the side and grabs the steel chair. She winds up to hit Jai but Jai once again rolls out of the ring. Flame chases her out as Jai walks down the entrance way. Flame comes very close then Jai turns around and shoves her down to the ground causing her to drop the chair. Jai picks Flame up and throws her against the barricade. Jai picks Flame back up and delivers an X-factor onto the entrance way. She covers Flame for the 1....................2...............Flame kicks out. Jai picks Flame up and leads her back towards the ring. She throws Flame in the ring then climbs up top and calls for a moonsault but Flame moves out of the way and Jai hits the ground. Flame gets up and picks Jai up and delivers a huge reverse DDT to Jai. Then she climbs up top herself and delivers the Flamming Star Press. She covers Jai for the 1..................2................3
Winner: Flame (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Flame

Tony: Flame has just become WCW Women's Hardcore Champion once again

Madden: I told you she would do it

Tenay: Jai put up a good fight but Flame was just too much tonight

:Backstage: Outside Tara Rayge's Locker Room

Todd Grisham: Jamie can I have a word with you?

Jamie Gunz: Yea, sure dude

Todd Grisham: Last week you got involved in Jerome Morris's WCW Television Championship Match and also have gotten in to it with Petey Williams lately. What's Your Thoughts on this?

Jamie Gunz: Dude I only did to Jerome Morris what he has done to me countless times before. As for Petey he is just a little boy trying to score with my chick but it ain't going to happen. I have to team up with him tonight but he better watch himself because if he steps out of line, I'll knock him out...Same goes to that punk Edge, God I hate those freaks

:Jamie starts to walk away:

Todd Grisham: Well I talked to Petey earlier and he told me that he has a suprise for Jerome, Edge, and even you

Jamie Gunz: Dude did you not just hear what I said, I'll know the little midget out, he should go back to his day job anyway

Todd Grisham: Which is?

Jamie Gunz: Being a hollywood actor, I mean he was great in Charlie and The Chocalet Factory as one of the Ompalompa's

:Another Area Backstage:

Rue: I am standing here right now with the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion Brandon Davis, first off Brandon Congratulations

Brandon Daivs: Thank You

Rue: Now before we get to your match tonight, what are your thoughts on this new GM suspending Christian

Brandon Davis: Well I think he is a great GM already, I mean he is standing up and getting rid of the little Canadian Bastard and thats fine by me

Rue: Well what about your match tonight where you team up with Jason Walker to face Maven and Billy Gunn?

Brandon Davis: Well Rue its going to be a very fun night because me and Jason are going to take the little King of The Ring and Mr Outlaw and open up a major can of whip ass on both of them and when the time comes, I am going to hit my Rush on Maven and I am going to pin the little bastard 1-2-3 and Rue thats all I have to say about that

Commercial Ad for WCW Starrcade-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:01 AM

Tony: Well still nothing from the new GM of WCW

Madden: The Suspense is killing me

Tenay: Well Mark I got some good news for you because we have some mixed tag team action coming up next

Madden: Great

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Next Big Thing" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of Brock Lesnar and Kristin Styles

Tenay: Here comes a odd couple of Brock Lesnar and Kristin Styles here

Madden: Kristin I know is not happy about teaming up with Brock but none the less has to do it

"Venus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, The Team of The 2005 WCW Queen of The Ring, Jackie Gayda and One half of the WCW Tag Team Champions and a member of Fabulously Fit, Rico

Tony: Here comes Rico and Jackie

Tenay: Rico and Jackie have alot of history teaming up together so Rico and Jackie have to be the favorite based on there history together although it has been some time since they have teamed up together

Rico & Jackie Gayda vs Brock Lesnar & Kristin Styles
Rico and Brock start things off as Brock and Rico lock up with Brock quickly over powering Rico and sending him down hard as Rico gets up grabbing his butt. Rico and Brock go to lock up again but Rico ducks and goes behind Brock and Rico pinches Brock's butt as Brock quickly moves away telling Rico to cut it out because he doesn't swing that way. Rico then blows Brock a kiss as Brock is irate and goes to hit Rico but Rico moves as Rico then slaps Brock's butt again as Brock then tags out to Kristin Styles as Rico and Kristin stare at each other and Rico then goes over and tags in Jackie who was begging for a tag. Kristin and Jackie lock up with Kristin backing Jackie into the ropes as Mark Johnson orders a break as Kristin gives her one but Jackie then hits Kristin in the face as Jackie opens up on Styles with right hands and Jackie whips Kristin off the ropes and Jackie hits a powerslam on her, Jackie then picks up Kristin but Kristin hits a right hand to the gut of Jackie and Kristin then picks up Jackie and slams her down as Kristin drops a elbow to Jackie, Kristin then starts to choke Jackie as Rico comes into the ring and Rico grabs Kristin off Jackie as Kristin then slaps Rico across the face and tells Brock to get Rico but Brock shakes his head and gets off the apron as Kristin starts to scream at Brock to get in the ring but Brock tells Kristin he wants no part of Rico as Rico helps up Jackie and Jackie rolls up Kristin for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Kristin gets back up and ends up walking right into a double hip toss from Rico and Jackie as Mark Johnson tells Rico to get out of the ring as Rico finally does as Brock jumps on the apron and Brock enters the ring and Brock grabs Jackie from behind turning her around but Jackie ends up kicking Brock south of the border as Brock is hurting as Jackie then hits a DDT on Brock Lesnar!! Jackie gets up telling Brock no man touches her like that but walks right into a kick to the gut from Styles as Kristin goes for her version of the Styles Clash but Rico comes in and pulls Jackie down preventing the move as Kristin turns around and Rico grabs Kristin like he is going to kiss her but Rico looks sick and instead licks her face as Kristin looks sick from it  and is wipping her face off as Rico then pulls Kristin's pants down revealing Kristin's black thong as Kristin starts to pull her pants up as Jackie goes up top and Jackie comes off hitting a Blockbuster on Kristin as Jackie covers her for a 1---2--2.9-Brock yanks Jackie off as Rico attacks Brock then but Brock knees Rico in the gut and Brock sends Rico through the ropes to the floor as Brock then grabs Jackie as Jackie goes to hit Brock but Brock blocks it as Brock then picks up Jackie for a F-5 but Simon Dean hits the ring as Brock puts Jackie down as Brock knocks down Simon with a right hand as Rico enters the ring though and Rico grabs Brock and hits the Fashion Changes on him as Jackie then covers Brock as Rico blocks Kristin from breaking up the pin as Mark Johnson counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Rico & Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winners, Rico and Jackie Gayda

Tony: Rico and Jackie score the big win here

Madden: Kristin Styles does not look happy about this

:Kristin gets into the ring after Rico and Jackie leave it as Brock is getting up and Kristin is screaming at Brock for losing the match when Brock gets up and grabs Kristin by her hair as Brock picks up Kristin for the F-5 but Scott Wright hits the ring and kicks Brock in the gut causing Kristin to becme free and able to get down as Scott then grabs Brock and hits the Wright Bomb on Brock Lesnar as Holly Mathews apperas in the entry way clapping as Kristin tries to thank Scott Wright but Scott ignores her and leaves the ring:

Tony: What the heck is Scott Wright doing out here

Madden: Making an impact

Tenay: Chris Wright is out with an injury right now so Scott is on his own and boy what a way to make your singles debut by taking out The Next Big Thing

Madden: Now that was the wright thing to do


:The WCW General Manager's Door is shown closing:


Tony: I guess this means the New WCW GM is on his way out to the arena right after the break!!!

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WHW Impact, KSCWE Archives

After The Break:

Tony: Well we are expecting the new WCW General Manager any minute now

Tenay: Any guesses on who it is?

Madden: Vince McMahon

Tenay: I'm saying Paul Heyman

Tony: I'm thinking Shane McMahon

Tenay: What about Vince Russo or Ernest "The Cat" Miller

Madden: Charisma Adams

"Glass Shatters" hits, Crowd is mixed


:Stone Cold rides out on his 4 Wheeler as he then gets into the ring:

Tenay: Stone Cold Steve Austin who was the Sheriff of KSCWE must be the new WCW GM

Madden: Oh god no

:Stone Cold gets a microphone:

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now I am out here because I have an announcement to make(Crowd Goes What) I said I have an announcement to make concerning who the new WCW General Manager is(Crowd: What) The New WCW GM is not Stone Cold(What) The New WCW GM is somebody who I don't care for that much and is not liked most places(What) but the bastard is loved here in Canada(What) so without further ado your new WCW General Manager.....Christian

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Goes Bonkers




:Christian gets into the ring as Trish and Tyson are with him and Christian takes the microphone from Stone Cold who leaves the ring and drives off on his 4 Wheeler:

Christian: That's right Canada I am the new WCW GM(Crowd rises and cheers) I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. Now let me first say why I suspended well myself. The reason is because as a General Manager I can't be distracted by wrestling. If I wasn't given the GM spot then you should all know that I would go right after Brandon's ass(Crowd cheers) Now as the new General Manager I'm not going to take crap like Bisch did. You have a problem with something I do, deal with it. I'm not going to play favorites with anyone either. I'm here to do a job and by god I'm going to do it well. So, for people like Brandon who might have a problem with me becoming the new GM, blow it out of your ass(Crowd cheers) Now I also adding the following stipulation to the Starrcade Main Event to make sure Brandon Davis does not cheat. I will serve as the Special Guest Referee for the Starrcade Main Event with Tyson Tomko serving as The Special "Problem Solver" of the match so to all my Canadian Peeps out there, You finally have a GM to proud of and I will see you all later in the night

"King of My World" hits as Christian gives the mic back to David Penser as Christian, Tyson, & Trish leave

Tony: I can't believe it

Tenay: Me either Christian is the new WCW GM

Madden: I love it, finally a great GM and I am sure he will be better then what Brandon did when he ran RAW

Penser: The Following Contest is a six person tag and is scheduled for one fall

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's to start out as Jerome and Trish Morris walk out but cheer once Jerome tells Christian how great he is

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Jerome and Trish Morris

Tony: Well here comes two thirds of the first team who are sucking up this Canadian Crowd

Madden: Jerome was in the nWo with Christian and frankly they must be on good terms still so why can't Jerome tell Christian how much likes him

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd is mixed as Several Referee's come out on the sides of Edge apparantly restraining Edge

Penser: His partner, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Tenay: What an odd situation this is, Jerome likes Christian but Edge who is Christian's brother hates him especially after Christian took out Edge's girlfriend Lita last week

Madden: Yeah I think thats why the ref's came out with Edge to keep Edge away from our new GM

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:02 AM

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st being accumpied by Scott D'Amore weighing in at 180 Pounds, From Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Petey Williams

Tony: Petey Williams is getting a nice ovation from these Canadian fans

Madden: Well Petey is from Team Canada

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His partner, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: The Canadian Fans do not like Jamie Gunz here

"Alive" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There partner, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Tony: Now here comes Tara who has ties to Edge, Petey, and now Jamie Gunz in this match

Madden: So in other words Tara is the sought after prize for most of these men with the exception of Jerome who is happily married to Trish Morris

Jamie Gunz, Petey Williams, & Tara Rayge W/Scott D'Amore vs Edge, Jerome, & Trish Morris
Edge starts things out with Petey Williams as the two men talk trash to each other before locking up with Edge backing Petey into a corner as Edge gives Petey a clean break but Petey ends up shoving Edge back telling him that he is the Canadian Destroyer and Edge smirks and tells Petey he should tell that to a midget if he wants to impress somebody as Petey is irate and goes to hit Edge but Edge kicks Petey in the gut and Edge goes for the Edgecution but Petey is able to shove him back into the corner as Petey then drives his shoulder into Edge a few times as Petey tags out to Jamie Gunz. Jamie Gunz comes into the ring and Jamie delivers a big right hand to Edge and Jamie tells Edge that Tara is his woman and he doesn't like being his friend and Jamie then uppercuts Edge as Jamie then takes Edge out of the corner but Edge kicks Jamie in the gut and Edge then hits a snap suplex on Jamie but holds on for a second snap suplex and then a third one as Edge gets up and is waiting to spear Jamie but Petey comes in and attacks Edge from behind bringing in Jerome Morris as Jerome knocks Petey out to the floor as Jerome goes out after him as Trish Morris ends up yanking Tara off the apron as Trish and Tara go at it on the floor as Jamie Gunz goes to hit Edge when Scott D'Amore hits Jamie in the back of the head with his Hockey Stick as Edge then hits a Spear on Jamie but Johnny Devine and Bobby Roode hit the ring and attack Edge and Jamie Gunz as The Bell Sounds.
No Contest

Penser: The Result of this match is a No Contest

Madden: I guess we found out what Petey was talking about earlier

:Team Canada members lay out Jamie Gunz and Edge with hockey sticks as they also attack Jerome Morris as Petey gets into the ring and Petey takes a big Candian Flag and  drapes it over all three men as Petey tells them he is the man thats going to walk out of Starrcade Victorious:

Madden: What an impact made by Petey Williams and Team Canada

:Christian then appears on the NitroVision:

Christian: Hey Petey since you and your S.C. ripoff Team Canada want to triple team people then how about Next Monday Night on the Final Nitro before Starrcade there be a little six man tag action when Team Canada takes on Jamie Gunz, Jerome Morris, and Edge.

:Christian then disappers from NitroVision as Team Canada leaves the ring:

Tony: Team Canada vs Jamie Gunz, Jerome Morris, & Edge

Madden: Team Canada is going to pick them apart

Tenay: Yeah I don't know how Edge, Jerome, and Jamie can work together

:Backstage: Christian's Office

:Christian is shown still at his desk as Flame is standing before him as Trish Stratus and Tyson are next to Christian:

Christian: Flame I called you in here because I wanted to let you know that at Starrcade your defending your Women's Hardcore title in a fatal four way against Trish Morris, Jai, and Kristin Styles

Flame: Fine thats just more divas for me to kill

Christian: Okay then

:Matt Matlock then walks into the office as Flame leaves:

Christian: Ah Mr. Matlock

Matt Matlock: Well if it isn't The King of Canada who finally got himself into a big time position now so what do you want with me

Christian: Well Mr. Matlock I just wanted to inform you that at Starrcade your defending your WCW Television Championship against Scott Wright because I feel as though Scott Wright can make an impact so he deserves a chance at being WCW TV Champion

Matt Matlock: Scott Wright thats the best you can do

Christian: Thats it

Matt Matlock: Well then I thank you for the night off

:Matt Matlock leaves the office:

Christian: I think Matlock is underesting Scott Wright

Tyson Tomko: ... .. ..

Christian: Well Tyson you stay back here and hold the fort down while me and Trish take care of some business

Tyson: ... ....

:Christian and Trish get up and leave the office as Tyson sits down:

Final Commercial Ad for WCW Starrcade-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well WCW Starrcade is really starting to take shape now

Tenay: Scott Wright challenges Matt Matlock for his WCW TV Title now at Starrcade plus Flame defends her Women's Hardcore Title in a Fatal 4 way against Kristin Styles, Trish Morris, and former champion Jai

Madden: There is no love lost between Flame and Trish Morris either

Penser: The Main Event of the Evening is scheduled for one fall

:Several WCW Staff Members come out into the entry way and put a Sofa Chair:

Tony: Why is there a Sofa Chair in the entry way?

Madden: Maybe for deceration?

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Tony: Here comes Billy Gunn who is set to defend his US Title at Starrcade against Jason Walker

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: His partner, From Charlestown, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the 2005 WCW King of The Ring, Maven

Tenay: Here comes Maven who is set to face Brandon Davis at Starrcade for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Learn to Fly" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 210 Pounds, Jason Walker

Madden: I don't like Jason Walker although I do like Matt and Scott Walker now on SCWE but Jason is nothing but a goody to shoes and I can't until Billy kicks his butt

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Boo's Very Loud

Penser: His partner, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Brandon Davis

Tenay: The people here in Montreal do not like Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon is usually one of WCW's most popular superstars but is getting booed badly tonight

Madden: We are in Canada and Christian is a Canadian God

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts as Christian and Trish walk out as Christian points the crowd telling them all they are his peep's as Christian sits down in the chair as Trish sits on the edge of the chair

Madden: See Christian and Trish are going to watch the match

Tony: This is not good for Brandon Davis

Brandon Davis & Jason Walker vs Maven & Billy Gunn
Brandon Davis is in the ring to start things off as he flips off Christian but Billy Gunn attacks Brandon from behind knocking Brandon into the ropes as Billy then starts to choke Brandon off the top rope as Referee Nick Patrick warns Billy he will DQ as Billy stops and turns Brandon around and hits a few big chops on him as Billy then whips Brandon off the ropes but when Brandon comes back, Brandon hits the Rush on Billy!!! Brandon covers but Maven comes in quickly and breaks it up. Brandon gets up as Brandon shoves Maven back as Nick Patrick gets in between Maven and Brandon as Maven gets out of the ring telling Brandon he is going to own him but Billy ends up low blowing Brandon as Billy then grabs Brandon and hits a Reverse DDT on him as Billy covers for a 1---2--shoulder up, Billy gets up and stomps away at Brandon as he picks up him up and Billy hits a belly 2 belly suplex on him as Billy then picks up Brandon again and goes for the No Intro's Needed and connects as Billy covers Brandon for a 1---2--Jason Walker breaks up the pin. Billy is livid as he gets up and goes to hit Jason but Jason ducks and picks up Gunn and hits an atomic drop on Gunn as Billy turns around right into a dropkick from Jason as Brandon rolls up Gunn for a 1---2--kick out, Both guys get up as Billy goes to hit Brandon but Brandon kicks Billy in the gut and hits the Extreme Shudder as brandon then goes to cover but stops as Brandon goes over and grabs Maven flipping him over the ropes as Maven gets up as Brandon and Maven start to exchange rights and lefts as Nick Patrick tries to pull them apart but both guys shove Nick Patrick down to the ground as they continue to go at it when Christian motions to the back as Tyson Tomko comes running down to the ring and enters the ring as Tyson attacks Brandon knocking him down as Jason Walker enters the ring and Jason hits Tyson from behind as Tyson goes to hit Jason but Jason ducks and gets Tyson down by tripping him and goes for the Walls of Walker and locks it in as Billy Gunn gets up and hits Jason Walker down as Maven is pounding away at Brandon but Brandon low blows Maven when "Glass Shatters" hits as Stone Cold drives on his 4  Wheeler Past Christian and Austin enters the ring and Austin knocks down Jason Walker right a right hand and Austin then kicks Billy Gunn in the gut and hits a Stone Cold Stunner as Tyson rolls out to the floor as Maven turns around and gets hit with a Stone Cold Stunner as well as Austin then gets Nick Patrick up as Brandon covers Maven for the 1------------2----------Christian yanks Brandon off as Christian then goes to hit Brandon but Brandon blocks and knocks down Christian with a right hand as Tyson then hits Brandon down as Stone Cold gets on the floor and Austin turns Tyson around and Austin opens up on Tyson as Nick Patrick is still kind of out of it as Brandon goes to hit Christian again but Trish hits Brandon in the back as Brandon turns his attention to Trish who is backing up but Christian low blows Brandon as Christian then goes for the UnPrettier and hits it on the floor as Brandon is out cold as Christian picks up Brandon and rolls him into the ring where Maven covers as Nick Patrick counts the 1--------2---------3.
Winners: Maven & Billy Gunn

Penser: Your winners, Maven and Billy Gunn

Tony: Maven and Billy Gunn get the win thanks to our new GM

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:02 AM

:Christian, Tyson, & Trish head up the entry way smiling as Maven holds up the WCW World Title over Brandon until Stone Cold re-enters the ring as Maven bails out to the floor along with Billy Gunn:

Madden: We just saw the next WCW World Champion in Maven

Tenay: You may be right because Christian can not be an impartial referee

Tony: Well things are heating up but we are out of time so until Next Monday, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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