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Nitro : Nitro 9/5/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:22 AM

Results 9/5/05 Live From Denver, Colorado

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Chad Chaos defeated Josh Mathews

Dark Match #2: Stephanie McMahon defeated Christine

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to another edition of WCW Monday Nitro, Tonight we are coming to you live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado

Tenay: We have alot of great action set to come at you tonight but lets not waste any more time and send things down to the ring for the opening contest

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charleston, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven

Madden: Here comes The next WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Tenay: Well Maven is taking on a newcomer tonight although somebody who is new to WCW not KSCWE as he was a SCWE Superstar

"To Fold" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, Brian Mason

Tony: Well Brian Mason has drawn a tough task in his WCW Debut

Tenay: No kidding

Maven vs Brian Mason
Maven smirks as Brian Mason tells Maven to bring it as the two men lock up with Mason going behind Maven and Mason hits a few elbows to the back of Maven's head as Mason then locks a headlock in but Maven picks up Mason and backdrops him as Maven gets up and Maven starts to smile again as he picks up Brian Mason and whips him off the ropes but Mason hits a crossbody on Maven taking him down as Mason gets up and its a dropkick knocking down Maven again as Brian Mason then goes up top and comes off looking for a crossbody but Maven catches him turning it into a powerslam, Maven then picks up Mason and tells him he pissed him off as Maven delivers a nasty DDT to Brian Mason folding his neck up as Maven picks up Mason again as Maven then delivers the Extreme Shudder to him and Maven covers Brian Mason for a 1---2--2.9-Maven pulls brian's shoulder up. Maven then tells Brian Mason since he still wants to fight he will accomidate him as Maven helps Brian up as Maven waits and Maven goes for the Rush but Brian Mason moves out of the way as Maven nearly hits the ropes but Stops but Brian Mason picks up Maven when he turns around and hits a cradle piledriver on him as he hooks the legs for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Brian Mason then stays on Maven hitting a few chops and kicks as Brian Mason sets up Maven for the Black Mail but Maven is able to ram Mason back into the corner as Maven backs away grabbing his head as Brian Mason goes to hit Maven but Maven kicks him in the gut and Maven then hits a short arm clothesline on him as Maven then goes up top as Brian Mason gets up and Maven hits the Blockbuster on him as Maven hooks the leg for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner, Maven

Madden: Another easy win for Maven

Tenay: Did we see the same match? Brian Mason gave Maven a fight

Madden: Maven came in a little light at first but once he realized Brian Mason was for real, Maven took him out

:Maven gets a microphone:

Maven: Brandon I hope you just saw that match because that is your future at Psychotic Games when your World Title comes to a Real Champion in me

:Maven drops the microphone as "Tough Enough" replays:

Madden: That a boy Maven

Tenay: Are you now the president of the Maven fan club?

Madden: I like the guy what can I say


:Vince Russo is shown getting a cup of coffee when Holly Mathews approaches him:

Holly Mathews: Mr. Russo what are you doing here?

Vince Russo: I work here

Holly Mathews: As what?

Vince Russo: As a manager

Holly Mathews: Oh

Vince Russo: Plus I help Christian out here and there if he needs something

Holly Mathews: Well can you do me a favor then

Vince Russo: What is it

Holly Mathews: Can you try and get my clients some title shots and if you can do this, I will make it worth your wild

:Holly winks at Vince Russo before walking away as Vince shakes his head and goes back to getting the coffee:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, & KSCWE Magazine

Tony: Welcome back to Monday Nitro

Madden: I didn't know Vince Russo worked for WCW

Tenay: Yeah has been here for a while now just staying behind the scenes

Tony: Well Holly Mathews seems to be willing to do anything to her clients some title chances

Madden: Like a good manager should

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Cleveland, Ohio, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Here comes the champ

Tony: At Psychotic Games Jackie is going to defend that title against Lita

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Tenay: Here comes Flame now

Madden: I think if Flame beats Jackie tonight she should get a title chance

Tony: Last week Flame lost to Lita in a #1 Contender's Match

Jackie Gayda vs Flame
The bell rings. Jackie Gayda and Blood Flame lock up in the center of the ring. Flame hits a knee to Jackie's stomach and then clubs down hard on her back causing Jackie to fall flat on her face. Flame sits on Jackie's back and pulls on her leg stretching out the thigh muscles causing Jackie to reach out in pain. Flame laughs at the screams as she jumps off Jackie and lifts her up. Flame sends Jackie to the ropes, Jackie bounces back and is flipped over with a back body drop from Flame. Flame turns around and jumps up landing on Jackie's neck with a leg drop. Flame covers Jackie 1... kick out by the women's champion. Flame lifts up Jackie and this time sends her to the turnbuckle. Flame runs towards Jackie but Gayda lifts her legs up going the splits on the top turnbuckle, she rolls behind Flame and hits her with a school boy roll up. 1....2... Flame kicks out and both women get up, Jackie clothesline down Flame. Flame gets back up and is knocked back down with a dropkick from Jackie. Jackie picks up Flame and kicks her in the gut, Gayda nails Flame with a snap suplex. Jackie runs to the turnbuckle and climbs up top. As Flame gets up Miss. Jackie launches off the top rope and nails a diving cross body. Jackie covers Flame 1....2... kick out by Blood Flame. Jackie pulls Flame in front of the turnbuckle and Jackie climbs up top. She jumps off with a moonsault but Flame had rolled out of the way. Jackie rolls around the ring holding her face, she eventually gets up to her knee's and is kicked in the chest by Flame causing a painfully sound to echoed through the arena. Flame gets behind Jackie and locks in the Flaming Ambition. Jackie Gayda is reaching out in pain trying to find the ropes but she is too far from them. She some how manages to flip her legs up in the air hooking them around Flame's head and flipping Flame over with a hurricanrana type move. Flame is in shock and rolls out of the ring shaking her head. Jackie Gayda gets up and runs to the ropes she hits Flame with a baseball slide. Jackie climbs out of the ring and rolls Flame back into the ring. Jackie rolls in after her and kicks Flame in the gut. Gayda hits Flame with a modified RKO nearly knowing Flame out! Gayda picks up Flame again and jumps onto her shoulders and attempts a hurricanrana pin but Flame counters it into a powerbomb. Flame holds Jackie down with a pin and gets her feet on the middle rope while pinning Jackie 1....2....3. Flame takes her feet off the ropes before the ref notices
Winner: Flame

Penser: Your winner, Flame


Tenay: Flame cheated to get the win

Madden: Hey its still a 1-2-3 over the champion, Flame should be the WCW Women's Champion

Tony: I hate to agree with Mark but Flame deserves a title match now

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Boo's as Christian walks out into the entry way with a microphone

Christian: After seeing that Flame just beat Jackie Gayda, I am a very fair General Manager so at Psychotic Games it will now be Jackie defending that Women's Title against Lita and Flame. Thank You

:Flame is nodding her head in approval as Jackie looks pissed:

Tony: Flame is now apart of the Women's title match

Tenay: Lita is the one who gets screwed out of all this. She beat Flame last week and now Flame got her way in anyway

Madden: Flame beat the Women's Champion, has Lita done that? I don't think so

Tony: Well Psychotic Games just got a whole lot more interesting now

Commercial Ad for WCW/SCWE Psychotic Games-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:22 AM

Tony: Well up next we are going to see some WCW Tag Team Title Action

Madden: Last week Team Canada knocked off Scott Wright and Christopher Daniels and now tonight they gotta defend against some jobber team

Tenay: Well the "jobber" team as you put it is actually Rob Conway and Chris Kage who are both looking to make an impact

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship, 1st already in the ring, The challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 470 Pounds, Rob Conway and Chris Kage

Madden: This should be interesting

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There opponents being accumpied to the ring by Coach Scott D'Amore, weighing in at a combined weight of 452 Pounds, They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Bobby Roode and Johnny Devine better known as Team Canada

Tony: Well here is Team Canada minus there leader Petey Williams

Tenay: Petey will in action on Heat this week for those who want to see him

WCW Tag Team Championship: Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine(C) W/Scott D'Amore vs Rob Conway & Chris Kage
Referee Rudy Charles shows off the WCW Tag Titles as he rings the bell with Rob Conway and Bobby Roode starting things off. Roode and Conway lock up with Roode backing Conway into the ropes as Rudy Charles orders a break which Roode does not want to grant but finally does as he then sucker punches Conway knocking him down into the ropes as Roode then turns Conway over and drives his knee into the back of Conway's head choking him off the middle rope as Roode then backs up and comes off the ropes and dives looking to ram Conway again but Conway moves as Roode straddles the middle rope as Conway then grabs Roode and picks him up and slams him down as Conway drops a few big elbows on Roode. Conway then picks up Roode and sets him up for a DDT and hits an Implant DDT as Conway covers for a 1--2--Johnny Devine breaks it up. Devine then picks up Conway as Devine knocks down Conway with a big right hand as Roode gets up as Roode takes Conway and holds him up as Devine comes off the ropes as Devine then hits a lariet on Conway as Roode covers Conway for a 1---2--Chris Kage breaks up the pin attempt as Devine opens up on Kage with right hands but Kage kicks Devine in the gut and Kage hits the Ghetto Surprise on Devine but Bobby Roode hits Kage from behind as Roode then hits the Roode Awakening on Kage but Ron Conway is up and waiting as Conway catches Roode with the Ego Trip as he covers for the 1--2--3.
Winners: Rob Conway & Chris Kage (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and New WCW Tag Team Champions, Rob Conway and Chris Kage

Tony: We got new Champions!!

Tenay: This may be one of the biggest upsets in KSCWE History, I don't believe it

Madden: ...... What happened

Tony: Conway and Kage just won the Tag Title's and I am still in shock as is Team Canada

:Backstage: Christian's Office

Christian: Tyson I want you to make sure that Edge doesn't make it out of his match with Storm in one piece and that match is up next

Tyson Tomko: ..... ....


Tony: Well I am still in shock over the last match

Tenay: I guess that goes to show you that anything can happen in WCW

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Kristen Storm, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the WCW Hardcore Champion, Lance Storm

Madden: Lance Storm is going to take Edge to school tonight

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent weighing in at 278 Pounds, From Toronto, Canada, Edge

Tenay: Well here comes Edge who is also out to make an impact tonight and hopefully Tyson Tomko stays out of Edge's business tonight

Edge vs Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm
Edge and Storm exchange words before Storm slaps Edge across the face and Edge then responds by pie facing Storm back as Storm and Edge then both start to exchange rights and lefts back and forth with Storm kneeing Edge in the gut and Storm then goes for a suplex but Edge punches Storm in the gut a few times and Edge then picks up Storm for a suplex but instead throws him down to the mat as Storm gets up and Edge kicks him in the gut and hits a snap suplex on Storm as Lance Storm gets back up, Edge from him from behind and hits a Reverse DDT on Storm as Edge covers for a 1---2--kick out. Edge pounds away at Storm with a few right hands as Edge picks up Lance and Edge sets him up for the Edgecution but Storm picks up Edge and rams him back into the corner as Storm then delivers shoulder blocks into Edge's gut a few times as Lance Storm then picks up Edge and puts him up top as Storm climbs up top and Storm goes for a super plex but Edge delivers a few more right hands knocking Storm off the top as Edge waits as Storm gets up and Edge comes off hitting a missile dropkick sending Storm across the ring as Lance rolls out to the floor as Kristen checks on Storm as Edge gets back up and goes over and reaches between the ropes to get Storm when Storm delivers a big right hand that knocks Edge out as Storm then gives something to Kristen which turns out to be brass knuckles as Storm gets back into the ring and covers Edge for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Lance Storm can't believe it and picks up Edge as Storm slams Edge down in the center of the ring as Storm then sets up Edge for the sharpshooter and locks it in as Edge is screaming out in pain as Storm is telling him to tap out but Storm is not in the right position allowing Edge to grab Storm's ankles and trip him down breaking the hold but the damage has been done as Edge gets up slowly grabbing his lower back as Storm delivers a big forarm to the back of Edge as Storm then hits a Russian Leg Sweep on Edge as Storm then goes for the Maple Leaf but Edge is able to get in to the ropes before Storm can lock it in as Referee Mark Johnson tells Storm to back off. Edge gets back up as Storm goes to hit Edge but Edge catches Storm with a few chops and kick to the gut as Edge then hits the Edgecution on Storm but is unable to take advantage right away as Edge gets back up as does Storm and Edge then charges and catches Storm with the Spear as Edge covers but Kristen Storm gets on the apron distracting Mark Johnson as Tyson Tomko hits the ring and Tyson goes for a big Boot on Edge but Edge ducks it and opens up on Tyson but Tyson knee's Edge in the gut and then hits the Problem Solved on Edge as Storm gets up and locks in the Maple Leaf as Tyson gets out of the ring as Kristen gets off the apron as Mark Johnson checks on Edge who is out cold as Mark Johnson raises Edge's arm up once and it falls and then a second time and it falls and then a third time and it falls halfway but Edge somehow is able to keep it up and then pushes up as he knocks Storm off as Storm can't believe it and neither can Tyson on the floor as Storm gets ready for a SuperKick and goes for it but Edge catches the foot and swings around Storm and then grabs him from behind and drives him down backwards and hooks the legs for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Edge

Penser: Your winner, Edge

Tony: Edge has overcome the odds and won

:As Edge gets up, Tyson attacks Edge from behind and Tyson whips Edge off the ropes and Tyson hits a Big Boot laying out Edge as Tyson then gets a chair handed to him by Kristen Storm when Brandon Davis hits the ring and Brandon opens up on Tyson and hits the Extreme Shudder on him and then hits the Rush on Storm knocking him out to the floor as Brandon then checks on Edge:

Madden: What the hell is that redneck doing out here

Tenay: Brandon Davis just did the right thing and made sure those voltures didnt pick apart Edge

Madden: Christian is not going to like this

:Backstage: Christian's Office

:Christian is shown watching on a monitor with Trish:

Christian: God damn him anyway, I am going to make sure he does not leave Psychotic Games as WCW World Champion

Trish Stratus: Calm down so he saved Edge tonight big deal, he won't always be there to save him and besides that, I heard through the grapevine that Hulk Hogan is not here tonight

Christian: Really

Trish Stratus: Yeah he didn't come to Denver, apparantly he is in Texas already

Christian: That means Brandon Davis is dead tonight, Trish do me a favor and get me Holly Mathews

:Trish leaves the office:


Tony: Well Christian obviously likes the news that Hulk Hogan is not here tonight

Madden: Thank god too

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"These Boots Were Made For Walking" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, Leyla

Madden: I like Leyla alot

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, Lita

Tenay: Well Lita is now going to face Flame and Jackie Gayda at Psychotic Games for the WCW Women's Title

Tony: Well Lita has to get past Leyla first and that is no easy task as Leyla has looked very good in her young WCW Career

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:22 AM
Lita vs Leyla
Referee Chris Kay sounds for the bell as Lita and Leyla lock up with Lita locking in a headlock and then taking Leyla down to the mat but Leyla is able to escape it as both ladies get back up and Leyla goes to hit Lita but Lita blocks it and kicks Leyla in the gut and Lita its a nasty DDT on Leyla as Lita picks up Leyla when Flame hits the ring and attacks Lita from behind causing a DQ.
Winner: Lita by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, Lita

Tony: This thing never even got going because of Flame

:Flame continues to pound away at Lita and rams her face off the mat several times until Jackie Gayda hits the ring and chases away Flame as Jackie helps up Lita but Lita thinks it was Jackie who attacked her and Lita opens up on Jackie with a few right hands and kicks Jackie in the gut and hits a Devistating DDT on Jackie as Lita leaves the ring to a mixed reaction:

Tenay: Lita took out Jackie thinking it was Jackie who attacked her

Madden: That was great

Tony: Well I am sure once Lita finds out what happened she will appologize to Jackie

:Backstage: Christian's Office

:Holly Mathews is shown walking into the office:

Holly Mathews: You wanted to see me?

Christian: Yes I have a proposal for you

Holly Mathews: Ok shoot

Christian: Tonight your client Christopher Daniels is facing Jason Walker, Now I don't care who wins but I don't want Jason Walker to leave this arena in one piece so I want your little group to take him out

Holly Mathews: What do I get?

Christian: Two of your clients will be given a WCW Tag Team Title Shot at Psychotic Games because right now Rob Conway and Chris Kage are set to defend against Team Canada in a Rematch and I will make it a Triple Threat and Holly if your group helps eliminate Brandon Davis then Scott Wright will be named #1 Contender for the WCW TV Championship

:Holly starts to smile:

Holly Mathews: You are a great business man, you've got yourself a deal

:Holly leaves the office smiling as Christian smirks at Trish:

Christian: Everything is falling in to place

:Another Area Backstage:

:Lance Storm is shown getting a cup of coffee when Josh Mathews(not the announcer) goes to hit him but Storm moves out of the way and rams Josh into the table and then grabs the coffee pot and smashes it over Mathew's head when SRT comes out of nowhere and bashes a steel chair over Storm's head laying him out as SRT covers Storm for the 1---2--3. Stanley Ryan Tiger is the new WCW Hardcore Champion, SRT then gets up and takes off running


Tony: Well up next we are going to see some more diva action

Madden: Yeah some womens tag team action and thats always a good thing

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Bring Me To Live" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Phoenix, Arizona, Phoenix Silvermoon

Tenay: Well here is Phoenix who is back on WCW

"The Only" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Penser: Her partner, From Baltimore, Maryland, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai

Madden: Well Jai has been on a roll but I dont know if Jai plays well with other divas

"You Shook Me All Night Long" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Baltimore, Maryland, Brish!!

Tony: Brish and Jai have quiet the rivalry

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: Her partner, From Boise, Idaho, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Well here is Torrie now and this thing is going to be a good contest

Torrie Wilson & Brish vs Jai & Phoenix Silvermoon
Torrie Wilson and Phoenix Silvermoon start off the match as the bell rings. Torrie and Phoenix attempt to lock up but Phoenix catches Torrie Wilson off guard with a short arm clothesline. Torrie Wilson clutches at her throat as she looks up at Phoenix. Silvermoon runs towards Torrie and kicks her square in the chest. Phoenix then locks her arms around Torrie's head with a sleeper hold. Phoenix shouts out as she applies pressure. Torrie Wilson is struggling about trying to escape but she just cant. Eventually, though, Torrie Wilson manages to lift her foot up and kick Phoenix in the head. Silvermoon lets go of Wilson and stumbles backwards. Torrie gets  up and runs towards Phoenix and knocks her down with a clothesline. Torrie Wilson tags in Brish. Brish picks up Phoenix and sends her to the ropes, Phoenix bounces back and is knocked down with a high leg kick from Brish. Brish covers Phoenix 1...2.. kick out by Silvermoon. Brish picks up Phoenix and attempts a suplex but Phoenix stops the move, Brish attempts the suplex again but Silvermoon manages to stop the move once again. Phoenix breaks free of Brish and Silvermoon pushes Brish down hard. Phoenix tags in Jai and the two of them pick up Brish and hit her with a double suplex. Phoenix gets out of the ring as Jai covers Brish 1...2... Torrie Wilson breaks the pin. Phoenix gets in the ring and runs at Torrie but Wilson his Phoenix with an elbow to the face. Torrie then tosses Phoenix over the top rope to the outside mats. Jai and Brish lock up in the middle of the ring, Brish spins Jai around and lifts her up with a german suplex. Brish picks up Jai and Irish whips her to the ropes, Jai bounces back and hits a tornado DDT to Brish. Jai jumps up and tags in Phoenix. Phoenix runs at Brish and hits a knee to Brish's face. Phoenix picks up Brish and nails her with a huge powerbomb! Phoenix covers Brish 1...2...2.8 Torrie Wilson breaks up the pin once again. Jai gets in the ring and has words with Torrie Wilson. Jai slaps Torrie, then Torrie spears down Jai and the two women start to go at it. They roll out of the ring and fight it out as inside the ring Phoenix catches Brish with the Falling Darkness. Phoenix covers Brish 1...2...3
Winners: Jai & Phoenix Silvermoon

Penser: Your winners, Jai and Phoenix Silvermoon

Tony: Jai and Phoenix pick up the win

Madden: I knew they would and Phoenix looked great

:Phoenix is smiling about her win when Jai re-enters the ring and attacks Phoenix from behind! Jai then puts the boots to her when Torrie comes into the ring and attacks Jai as Leyla hits the ring and attacks Torrie with Brish getting up and Brish attacks Jai as Phoenix gets up but Stephanie McMahon hits the ring!! Stephanie then goes after Phoenix as several referee's hit the ring and seperate the ladies:

Tenay: All heck just broke loose

Madden: Stephanie McMahon is back!!

Tony: We got Torrie Wilson, Jai, Phoenix Silvermoon, Brish, Leyla, and Stephanie all going at it

Tenay: Well things are heating up and we still got two huge matches to come


Rue: I am standing here with WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Brandon Davis. Now tonight Brandon your facing Billy Gunn and Jamie Gunz in a Triple Threat Non-Title Match and Hulk Hogan is not here tonight to watch your back, are you concerned about another attack?

Brandon Davis: Oh Rue I am peeing my pants from the fright that a little bastard that Jerome Morris owned and some little "outlaw" that is nothing more then another little bitch can hurt me. *Brandon smirks*. Actually Rue, I am looking forward to it because tonight is going to be another Brandon Davis exclusive beatdown and Christian and Maven can see first hand that whoever they line up, gets knocked down

Rue: Well where is Hulk Hogan?

Brandon Davis: Hulk Hogan is not here tonight

Rue: Trouble between you to?

Brandon Davis: *Brandon starts to laugh* Oh yes we are going to kill each other next time we see each other. You see The Hulkster has some other stuff he needs to attend to this week but I just got off the phone with him and he wished me luck tonight and told me that at Psychotic Games he will have my back just like I got his

Rue: Can you really trust him though, he has turned on you twice in the past?

Brandon Davis: Thats a good question but Hulk Hogan has seen the light, these Hulkamaniacs wont let him be "evil" and Hulk Hogan stands up for the little guy just like I do and the little guy is going to stick it to those jackasses out there because me and The Hulkster we are out of the same mold and just like you can't keep The Hulkster down for long, you can't keep me down for long and tonight Jamie and Billy find that out and at Psychotic Games, Maven and Christian get another lesson in that so WHATCHA GOIN DO, WHATCHA GOIN DO WHEN BRANDONAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU!!!!

:Another Area Backstage: Christian's Office

:Christian, Tyson Tomko, Trish Stratus, & Maven are shown:

Maven: So everything is in order for tonight

Christian: Everything is taken care of and Maven you just make sure you get the job done at Psychotic Games

Maven: Come on Christian you know I will. There is nothing that can stop me from winning the WCW World Title, NOTHING

:Billy Gunn and Jamie Gunz then walk into the office:

Christian: Ah gentlemen have a seat

Commercial Ad for WCW/SCWE Psychotic Games

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:23 AM

Tony: Well up next we are going to have a Non-Title Contest

Tenay: Christopher Daniels is getting a big chance here to make a name for himself but he got a big challenge ahead of him

Madden: Yeah even though I don't like him, I do give credit to Jason Walker, he is a great athlete where as Daniels hasnt shown me nothing yet

Tenay: Well true there

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Stained" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Holly Mathews, From Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Madden: Well here comes The Fallen Jackass although I do like Holly

Tenay: Well Daniels has looked good in recent weeks but I just don't think he is in Jason Walker's league

"Learn To Fly" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Jason Walker

Tony: Here comes Jason Walker now to the ring

Tenay: This should be a good one

Jason Walker vs Christopher Daniels W/Holly Mathews
Jason and Daniels are having some words as Holly yells at Daniels to stay focused. Charles Robinson then signals for the bell. Jason and Daniels immediately start exchanging right hands with each other. Daniels and Jason keep pounding away at each other. Daniels goes for a big right hand but Jason blocks it and kicks Daniels in the gut. Jason then hits Daniels with a hip toss. Daniels gets up as Jason says bring it bitch. Daniels runs at Jason but Jason hits him with a right hand. Jason then whips Daniels off of the ropes and goes to clothesline him over but Holly pulls Daniels out to the floor. Jason is taunting as Holly tells Daniels to focus. Daniels then slides back into the ring as Jason is egging him on. Daniels and Jason then lock up. Jason gets the advantage but Daniels rakes Jason in the eyes and then starts to open up on him. Daniels then grabs Jason and hits him with a Suplex. Daniels then quickly covers for the---1---2---2.3---kick out. Jason then gets up as Daniels and Jason begin to circle each other again. Both men lock up but Jason knees Daniels in the stomach. Jason then hits Daniels with a Walk of Fate. Jason then climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a Shooting Star Press but Holly moves Daniels out of the way and Jason hits the mat hard. Daniels then comes to and picks Jason up. Daniels then starts to open up on Jason. Daniels then kicks Jason in the stomach and hits a Spicey Drop on him. Daniels then picks Jason up and whips him into the corner. Daniels comes running at Jason but Jason moves and Daniels shoulder blocks the turnbuckle. Jason then grabs Daniels from behind and hits a German Suplex on him. Jason then goes for the Walls of Walker and gets it in but Holly helps Daniels get to the ropes. Jason then lets go and tells Holly to stay out of it. Daniels then gets back up and turns Jason around and hits him with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Daniels then goes over and taunts over Jason then Daniels starts to put the boots to Jason. Daniels then picks Jason up and hits him with a Spinebuster. Daniels then tries to lock in the Walls of Walker on Jason but Jason gets out of it. Daniels then laughs a bit as Jason looks pissed. Daniels then comes in and tries to lock up with Jason but Jason breaks the hold and dropkicks Jason. Jason then sets Daniels so that he is sitting in the middle of the ring. Jason then runs over top of Daniels and bounces off of the ropes and dropkicks Daniels right in the face. Daniels is busted a bit as Jason picks Daniels up and whips him into the corner. Jason then goes for the Walker 360 but Holly climbs up to the apron and pushes Jason down to the mat. Daniels comes to on the turnbuckle as Jason starts to get up. Jason turns right around into a dropkick from Daniels. Daniels then signals that it is over. Daniels picks up Jason and goes to put him in the Angel Wings but Jason fights out of it and pushes Daniels down and locks in the Walls of Walker. Jason then drags him into the middle of the ring as Holly is screaming at Daniels not to tap. Daniels resists as long as he can but he finally gives in and taps out
Winner: Jason Walker

Penser: Your winner, Jason Walker

Tony: Jason Walker just beat Daniels

Tenay: Christopher Daniels gave it everything he had but Jason Walker was too much for him

:Jason Walker is celebrating his win when SRT, Scott Wright, Frankie Kazarian, & Josh Mathews hit the ring and attack him, Jason Walker fights back knocking Mathews down and then Kazarian but SRT hits a big boot to the side of Jason's head laying him out when Edge hits the ring with a chair as Holly's boys bail out to the floor at Holly's ordering:

Madden: I wish these guys would stop sticking there nose in other people's business

Tony: Well Edge did the right thing there bottom line

Tenay: Yes he did

Madden: Well it may have been the right thing to do but who the heck cares

Final Commercial Ad for WCW/SCWE Psychotic Games

Tony: Well its now time for our huge main event

Tenay: Brandon Davis is going to have another obsticle put in front of him and so far he has overcome them all but tonight's is very hard because he has to face Jamie Gunz and Billy Gunn

Madden: It's a triple Threat Match

Tenay: We both know its going to be like a Handicap match

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Tara Rayge, From New York, New York, weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Madden: Well here comes Jamie Gunz along with the lovely Tara Rayge

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: His opponent, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, Billy Gunn

Tenay: Billy came up short last week in a World Title Match against Brandon but tonight its not about the World Title

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Finally, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Tony: Well here comes Brandon Davis

Tenay: Brandon is sure loved in Denver

Brandon Davis vs Jamie Gunz W/Tara Rayge vs Billy Gunn
Jamie and Billy both attack Brandon as he enters the ring as Billy takes the WCW World Title off and throws it to the floor as Jamie and Billy knock Brandon into the corner and both men start to kick him in the gut knocking Brandon down in the corner as Billy shoves Jamie away as Billy drives his knee into the throat of Brandon when Jamie pushes Billy aside and Jamie does the same thing to Brandon as Billy does not look happy about turns Jamie around and the two men start to have words and Billy shoves Jamie as Jamie shoves Billy back as Brandon pulls himself up and Brandon then knocks Jamie down with a left hand and Billy with a right as Jamie gets up, Brandon grabs him and then Billy and rams there heads together as Brandon then grabs Jamie's legs taking him down as Brandon locks in the Walls of America but Billy quickly goes to break it up but Brandon breaks the Walls and takes Billy down by his legs and locks in a Sharpshooter but Jamie Gunz goes to hit Brandon who ends up grabbing Jamie taking him down and brandon locks in a crossface on Jamie as Billy gets back up and Billy delivers a double ax handle to the back of Brandon's head breaking up the hold as Billy then starts to pound away at Brandon and pounds his head off the mat a few times as Billy then picks up Brandon and Billy delivers a few right hands knocking Brandon back into the ropes as Billy chops him a few times as Billy then pulls Brandon into the center of the ring and says its Jackhammer time but Brandon fights back hitting a few right hands  to the gut of Billy when Jamie Gunz attacks Brandon from behind as Billy and Jamie then knock Brandon down to the mat and both stomp away at Brandon once again. Billy tells Jamie to go up top for the Gunz Sault as Billy picks up Brandon and slams him down as Jamie is up top but Brandon knocks Billy down with a right hand and Brandon gets up and shakes the ropes causing Jamie to straddle it as Brandon then takes Jamie and throws him off the top right into Billy Gunn as both men are down and Jamie starts to get up first but Brandon opens up on Jamie and whips him off the ropes and Brandon then hits a backdrop on Jamie sending Jamie crashing in to Billy Gunn who just got up. Billy rolls out to the floor as Jamie Gunz gets up and walks right in to a kick to the gut and Brandon goes for the Extreme Shudder but Jamie shoves Brandon off the ropes and Brandon comes back and hits the Rush on Jamie Gunz as Billy Gunn then gets on the apron but Brandon hits the Rush on Billy sending him flying off the apron when Lance Storm hits the ring and attacks Brandon from behind causing a DQ.
Winner: Brandon Davis by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, Brandon Davis

Tony: What the heck is Lance Storm doing out here

:Lance Storm pounds away at Brandon but Brandon is able to stay up and knee's Storm in the gut as Brandon opens up on Storm and then hits the Extreme Shudder on him when Christopher Daniels hits the ring but gets nialed with a Rush immediatly as does Josh Mathews once he gets into the ring, Scott Wright, Frankie Kazarian, & SRT also hit the ring and Brandon knocks down Kazarian with a right hand and Brandon hits the Rush knocking SRT off the apron as he was coming in but Scott Wright knocks Brandon back into the corner as Scott Wright stomps away at Brandon as Maven hits the ring and Brandon knocks Scott Wright down with a right hand and Brandon jumps on Maven taking him down as Brandon is opening up on Maven when Tyson hits the ring and knocks Brandon down and Tyson has a chain and starts to choke Brandon with it as Christian and Trish make there way to the ring:

Tenay: This is not right

:The men continue to pound away at Brandon when Jason Walker hits the ring as Jason Walker knocks down Scott Wright and then Christopher Daniels as Californian, Eddie Guerrero, & The Rock hit the ring as Guerrero goes to work on Scott Wright with Californian chasing Christopher Daniels and Josh Mathews away as The Rock battles with SRT. Jason Walker takes down Jamie Gunz as Jason follows him out to the floor leaving Lance Storm, Billy Gunn, Maven, & Tyson Tomko to put the beating on Brandon as Christian and Trish give the orders out when Edge hits the ring as Edge takes down Billy Gunn and then Lance Storm as Tyson goes to hit Edge but Edge pulls out a cookie cutter and hits Tyson in the head with it knocking Tyson down as Mavne backs off as Edge then goes after Christian who bails out to the floor but Maven hits him from behind knocking him down as Chrstian gets back in to the ring as Maven holds Edge and Christian slaps Edge across the face and tells Trish to do the same thing which she does but Edge then hits a mule kick on Maven and Edge knocks Christian down with a right hand as Edge grabs Trish and ends up hitting the Edgecution on her!! Christian snaps then and starts to pound away at Edge:

Madden: All hell has broken loose here somebody has to restore order

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:23 AM

"Glass Shatters" hits as Stone Cold then rides out on his 4 Wheeler as the ring quickly empties out with Christian carrying Trish to the back

Tony: Stone Cold's back!!

Tenay: The Sheriff has arrived and Christian and his little group wanted nothing to do with him

Madden: I hope Trish is ok

Tenay: She got what she deserved

Tony: Well we are out of time here so until Next Week, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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