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Nitro : Nitro 10/31/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 3:02 AM

Results 10/31/05 Live From Phoenix, Arizona

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Well guys for the final time tonight, we are coming to you for WCW Monday Nitro

Tenay: Well there have been over 120 Nitro's and this is the end of WCW's Run and what a Great Run it has been

Madden: Yeah but lets end things on a good note because we got two big battle royal's feauring all of the WCW Superstars

Tony: Well then lets go to the ring

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

"Not Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st makign her way to the ring, Teal Moore

Tenay: Teal Moore won the WCW Women's Hardcore Title Last Night but of course was stripped of the title thanks to our new boss Eric Bischoff

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 2nd Participant, Flame

Madden: I think Flame can win any kind of match there is and I think this battle royal is no different

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 3rd Participant, Scarlett

Tony: Well Scarlett has bounced around between SCWE and WCW lately and Scarlett came very close last night to winning the WCW Women's Title but alot of the people backstage think Scarlett may have been a rat due to her SCWE Ties but I really don't believe that

Tenay: Neither do I

"The Only" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 4th Participant, Jai

Madden: Jai is back!!

Tony: Can Jai pull out a big win here in this battle royal which you know will do wonders for the person's future

"I Break Things" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 5th Entrant, Tapanga Britt

Tony: Well here comes the former Women's Hardcore Champion

"Feel Good Inc" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 6th Entrant, Christy Hemme

Madden: Christy Hemme is going to win this battle royal, she is the most qualified in my book

"LoveFuryPassionEnergy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, Lita

Tenay: The Former WCW Women's champion who should still be champion

Tony: Lita is also missing a piece of her hair thanks to Kelli Hardy and Alyssa Amidala who are both here tonight so I hope Lita gets her revenge

Battle Royal: Lita vs Tapanga Britt vs Christy Hemme vs Scarlett vs Flame vs Jai vs Teal Moore
The Bell Sounds as all the divas immediately attack Lita until Scarlett ends up taking Christy and opening up on her with right hands and Scarlett knocks down Christy with a right hand as Tapanga Britt and Teal Moore end up brawling it out with each other as Flame continues to work over Lita along with Jai. Tapanga Britt backs up Teal Moore with right hands and Tapanga charges and clotheslines Teal Moore over the top to the floor. Teal Moore has been eliminated. Tapanga then goes over and hits Jai from behind as Tapanga and Jai exchange chops back and forth as Flame drives her knee into Lita's throat choking her. Meanwhile, Scarlett goes for the Scarlett Kiss but Christy is able to avoid it and Christy then picks up Scarlett and spinebuster's her down. Christy then goes over and see's as Jai and Tapanga are going at it and Christy ends up hitting Tapanga and Jai over the top as both ladies hit the floor. Jai & Tapanga Britt have been eliminated. Christy is gloating about the elimination until Flame grabs Christy from behind but Scarlett goes charging and hits Flame knocking Flame into the ropes as Scarlett then clotheslines Flame over the top to the floor. Flame has been eliminated. This leaves Scarlett, Christy Hemme, & Lita as Scarlett and Christy both start to go at it as Lita watches on as Scarlett goes for the Scarlett Stunner but Christy pushes Scarlett into the ropes and Christy then goes for the Hemme Love and hits it putting down Scarlett but Lita then kicks Christy in the gut and Lita hits a big Twist of Fate on Christy as Lita then picks up Christy and sends her flying over the top to the floor. Christy Hemme has been eliminated. This leaves just Lita & Scarlett as both divas shake hands as Lita and Scarlett lock up with Lita backing Scarlett into the corner as Lita gives a clean break and both ladies go to lock up again but Scarlett hits a chop on Lita and Scarlett then goes for another Scarlett Kiss but Lita catches the foot and swings around Scarlett and Lita then picks up Scarlett and dumps her over the top rope but Scarlett is able to hang onto the ropes as Lita then backs up and charges into the ropes knocking Scarlett off as Scarlett hits the floor.
Winner: Lita

Penser: Your winner, Lita

Tony: Lita has done it!!

Tenay: Lita despite not having her title proves she is still the best diva on WCW by winning this battle royal

:As Lita is celebrating, Trish Morris hits the ring from behind and hits Lita down with a Steel Chair as Trish Morris then smashes the chair over her back again as Trish then gets a sick smile on her face as Trish then removes Lita's shirt and Trish then goes to take Lita's bra off but Scarlett gets back into the ring and knocks Trish Morris down as Trish gets back up but Tapanga Britt & Teal Moore also return to the ring as Trish Morris thinks better of going after Lita and leaves:

Tony: What is Trish Morris's problem

Madden: Damn them, we were going to see Lita's puppies if it wasn't for htem

Tenay: Well Trish Morris in recent weeks on SCWE has gone over the edge and thats apparant tonight

:Promo Airs for SCWE Smackdown!:

Tony: Well we have been told we must go backstage to have hear from our new boss Eric Bischoff so without further ado, there is Eric Bischoff

:Backstage: GM's Office

:Eric Bischoff is shown dressed as Commishiner Gordan with Marrisa as a nurse:

Eric Bischoff: Happy Halloween to all of you the WCW Fans. Now I have to say its great to be back home, just like it was great to be back on RAW when well I KILLED IT. See like RAW before it, I made WCW what it was and without me, WCW well just sucked, not as bad as RAW was but WCW was still no Smackdown!. Now WCW is dead as of tomarrow but tonight WCW lives for one last night night and thats why I am adding a special match. You will see The Game taking on the bWo and since it is Halloween after all. They will all be wearing Special Halloween Costumes for that Main Event Match. Now I also wanted to take this time to remind everyone that Next Monday Night will have a Wrestling Show and that Wrestling Show is SCWE.....RAW. That's right RAW is back and wouldn't you know, I am The General Manager of RAW, Now in order for this to fly with the Hill's I have to give up Smackdown! but thats fine with me because I have been told they have a replacement arleady lined up. And before I send things back to the ring for the WCW Battle Royal, I would just like to once again thank Billy Gunn and JBL for there contributions because without them, The WCW Take Over would not have been possible so thank you boys and enjoy the final Nitro

:The Game's Locker Room:

:Triple H is shown dressed as Batman talking with Matt Hardy who is dressed as Robin(From the movies not the old show), Kurt Angle is dressed as Superman while Kelli Hardy is a Construction Worker, Kaylee Walker is a Sailor, and Julianne Angle is a Cowgirl when Mallory Maddox walks into the room dressed as Goldilocks and then a Bear walks into the room as Triple H & Matt Hardy look livid:

Triple H: Matt what the hell are you doing

:The bear then removes his head to reveal Matt Walker:

Matt Walker: What?

Triple H: You were supposed to be a damn Super Hero, Kurt made us all dress up as stupid super heros and yet you come as a bear

Matt Hardy: Yeah do you think I actually like being in these stupid tights

Kurt Angle: Guys its not that bad, I love being Superman

Triple H: Kurt you would love that but Matt you have to be a Super Hero, if we have to be fools in Super Hero costumes then so do you

Matt Walker: But I'm a bear

Triple H: Your going to be a Super Hero

Mallory Maddox: Matt don't you listen to them, your my bear

:The ladies then all walk away to get candy a drink:

Triple H: Aww is somebody whipped

Matt Hardy: Do I hear something? Whats that sound, Ca ching

:Hunter & Matt both start to laugh:

Kurt Angle: Matt don't listen to them, there both whipped too

Triple H: Kurt just becasue you've been whipped from the first day you met Kaylee doesnt mean every guy gets whipped, I'm Triple H, I'm the Man

Matt Hardy: And I'm V1ahhhhhhh

Matt Walker: Well Hunter you may not be whipped but Matt you are so whipped

Matt Hardy: Am not

Kurt Angle: Kelli is Matt whipped

:Kelli can be heard yelling back:

Kelli Hardy: But of course

Matt Hardy: I got nothing

Triple H: See guys you need to take a lesson from me, See I'm Triple H, I can have any woman I want and Julez knows that so I wear the pants in my relationship, If I wanted I could so easily call up Victoria and she would be back here in a heart beat

:Matt Hardy, Matt Walker, & Kurt Angle all start to laugh as Triple H turns around to see Julianne Angle standing there:

Julianne Angle: You wear the pants huh and can easily replace me with Victoria then

Triple H: Ba...

:Julianne Angle then slaps Triple H across the face and storms off:

Triple H: NOT A Word

:Triple H then goes after Julianne:

Matt Hardy: Oh yeah Hunter you sure got the pants in the relationship

Kurt Angle: See guys even Hunter isn't above us

Matt Walker: No kidding

Matt Hardy: But Matt you seriously better change your costume or else

:Kurt and Matt Hardy walk away as Matt WAlker looks puzzled as he puts his bear head back on:

Commercial Ad for SCWE RAW's Return-Highlights From RAW's History Air

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:02 AM

Tony: That SOB

Madden: Well Tony you should calm down because I have been told that we have a job interview

Tenay: We do?

Madden: Well me and Tony do but Mike sorry they don't want you

Tenay: Let's just go to the ring

Penser: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

"End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The First Four Superstars, Representing The Conspiracy, Frankie Kazarian, Christopher Daniels, Stanley Ryan Tiger, & Raven!!!

Madden: Well here comes the Conspiracy who had been making an impact for themselves

"Slow Chemical" hits, Crowd Cheer

Penser: The 5th Entrant, Kane!!!

Tenay: Well here comes the Monster Kane who last night at Halloween Havoc made a big impact by taking himself and SRT straight to hell to speak

"Meant To Live" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: The 6th Entrant, Scott Wright

Tony: Scott Wright came within an eyelash last night of winning the WCW TV Title until the Conspiracy got involved but Scott Wright has back up on the way

"Colors" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: The 7th Entrant, Edge

Tenay: Edge came up short last night at Halloween Havoc against that turncoat Billy Gunn but Edge is still a big time superstar

"Lie, Cheat, Steal" hits, Crowd Keeps Cheering

Penser: The 8th Participant, Eddie Guerrero

Tony: Well here comes the very impressive Eddie Guerrero and whoever gets Eddie is getting a real solid superstar

"Escape Artists Never Die" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The 9th Participant, Jamie Gunz

Madden: Here comes Jamie Gunz, now I gotta say I love Jamie Gunz if he can get back his killer instinct of course, Jamie though lately has been a dud

"Real American" hits, Crowd Erupts

Penser: Finally, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Madden: Yuk

Tenay: I guess because its Halloween, Brandon has gotten into the spirt of things because Brandon is coming out here in Yellow Shorts spring a Hulk Hogan T-Shirt and using his mentor's music

Tony: The Uncrowned World Champion in my book

Battle Royal: Brandon Davis vs Christopher Daniels vs Eddie Guerrero vs Edge vs Frankie Kazarian vs Jamie Gunz vs Kane vs Raven vs Scott Wright vs SRT
The Bell Sounds as all 10 Men Look around at one another and then SRT & Kane go for one another as they start to exchange rights and lefts with one another as Brandon Davis then is attacked by Raven as Jamie Gunz and The Fallen Angel get into it as Edge then battles with Scott Wright leaving Eddie Guerrero with Kazarian. All the men are battling it out as Kane ends up grabbing SRT by the throat but SRT kicks Kane south of the border and SRT takes Kane and throws him over the top but Kane lands on the apron as SRT then backs up and goes to Big Boot to Kane but Kane ends up hitting a thrust on SRT knocking him back as Kane goes up top and Kane comes off hitting a big lariet from the top taking SRT Down as Kazarian then charges to hit Kane as Kane grabs Kazarian by the throat as Daniels tries to help but is also caught as Kane hits a Double Chokeslam on both men. Kane then ends up grabbing SRT as he gets back up and Kane picks up SRT and hits a big Chokeslam on SRT!! Jamie Gunz and Eddie Guerrero then both look at each other and go to hit Kane but Kane catches Jamie with a big boot taking him down as Kane grabs Guerrero and chokeslam's him as Kane then grabs Scott Wright and chokeslam's him and then Edge is grabbed as well as Kane picks up Edge for a chokeslam but Brandon Davis hits the Rush on Kane taking him down as Brandon starts to pound away at Kane with right hands when Raven attacks Brandon again as Raven takes Brandon and tries to get him out as Christopher Daniels and Kazarian join in trying to get him out when SRT comes over and also tries to get Brandon out but Jamie Gunz goes over and Jamie ends up dumping Christopher Daniels over the top as Daniels hits the floor. Christopher Daniels has been eliminated. SRT then goes to hit Jamie but Jamie fights back opening up on SRT as Kazarian also stops to attack Jamie from behind as Kazarian grabs Jamie and holds him as SRT goes to hit Jamie with a big boot but Jamie gets free as SRT lays out Kazarian as Jamie Gunz then picks up SRT for the Last Breath but Raven kicks Jamie south of the border causing him to drop SRT as Raven then hits the Evenflow DDT as Raven is gloating about it but Edge spears Raven out of nowhere as Edge gets up gloating but Kane grabs Edge and hits another big Chokeslam on him. Meanwhile, Eddie Guerrero & Scott Wright are brawling it out as Eddie kicks Wright in the gut and Eddie hits the 3 Amigo's on him as Eddie gets up saying its time for the Frog Splash when Kazarian hits him down from behind as Kazarian pounds away at Eddie Guerrero as Kane see's Brandon getting up and Kane shoves Brandon into the corner and Kane wears out Brandon with a few big elbows. Meanwhile Scott Wright gets back up and Wright ends up grabbing Kazarian off Eddie and Wright sends Kazarian flying over the top to the floor. Frankie Kazarian has been eliminated. SRT goes to hit Kane but Kane see's him coming and Kane ducks a right hand and Kane gets SRT into the ropes and Kane hits a big clothesline sending SRT over the top to the floor. SRT has been eliminated. SRT though reaches up into the ring grabbing Kane as Raven is able to dump Kane out as Kane is also eliminated. Kane is livid as Kane and SRT end up brawling it out up the entry way as Referee's try to break it up. Kane has been eliminated. This leaves six guys as Eddie Guerrero is worked over by Scott Wright as Raven stomps away at Brandon as Edge is still down in the ring and Jamie Gunz is just watching the action take place. Scott Wright picks up Eddie and sends Eddie flying over the top but Eddie is able to hang on and skins the cat but Scott Wright goes over and shoves Guerrero over to the floor. Eddie Guerrero has been eliminated. Scott Wright is screaming at Eddie that he finally did it, he finally beat him but Scott turns around and Jamie Gunz hits a big dropkick sending Scott Wright over teh top to the floor as well. Scott Wright has been eliminated. This leaves the final 4 of Raven, Brandon Davis, Edge, & Jamie Gunz. Jamie goes over and hits Raven from behind as Jamie Gunz opens up on Raven with right hands but Edge gets up and goes to spear Jamie from behind but Jamie moves as Edge spears Raven sending Raven into the ropes but not out as Edge gets up and Jamie then picks up Edge and Jamie looks to give the Last Breath and does but over the ropes as edge hits the floor hard. Edge has been eliminated. Raven is back up and Raven tries to dump Jamie out but Jamie is able to hang on as Brandon comes over and Brandon hits Raven from behind as Brandon takes Raven and Brandon knocks him down with a right hand as Raven gets back up, Brandon and Jamie kick Raven in the gut and then both guys send Raven over the top to the floor. Raven has been eliminated. This leaves Jamie Gunz & Brandon Davis as both guys shake hands as Brandon and Jamie lock up with Brandon overpowering Jamie and sends him flying back into the ropes as Jamie says ok and goes to lock up again but pokes Brandon in the eyes instead as Jamie quickly picks up Brandon and goes for the Last Breath but brandon escapes and kicks Jamie in the gut and goes for the Extreme Shudder but Jamie is able to shove it off and sends Brandon into the ropes as Jamie charges after Brandon but Brandon ducks down and backdrops Jamie over the top to the floor.
Winner:  Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner, Brandon Davis

Tony: An impressive win here for Brandon Davis

:As Brandon is celebrating his win, Billy Gunn and JBL hit the ring and both men attack Brandon from behind as JBL pounds away at Brandon but Jamie Gunz re-enters the ring as Jamie Gunz takes down Billy Gunn with a right hand as Brandon is then able to get up and Brandon opens up on JBL and knocks JBL down as JBL & Billy Gunn roll out to the floor as Brandon and Jamie shake hands in the center of the ring:

Tenay: Now that is a good way to end WCW right there with Brandon Davis and Jamie Gunz who have become a staple of everything thats right with WCW Standing tall

Madden: Yeah but WCW is not done yet because we have our Main Event to come

Tenay: Yeah but its the bWo vs The Game and all of them are SCWE Superstars

Tony: Well all 8 of them have went through WCW during there career and we will have that right after this break

Final Commercial Ad For KSCWE Survivor Series-Long Ad

Tony: Well this is going to be the end of an era after this next match and guys I just wanted to say its been an honor

Tenay: Likewise

Madden: Yeah whatever, all I know is that I will be on Smackdown! come November 8th so I could care less

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 960 Pounds, Being accumpied by Lexus Carr and Melinda, They are the SCWE RAWCore Champion Mick Foley, The SCWE Tag Team Champions Simon Dean and Rico and there leader, "Big Stevie Cool" Stevie Richards better known as the bWo!!!!

Tenay: Well here comes the bWo

:Stevie Richards appears dressed as Raggidy Andy while Melinda is Raggidy Ann as Rico is dressed up as Madonna circa 1980's, Mick Foley is dressed up as Santa Clause, Lexus Carr is dressed as a Cop and Simon Dean is dressed as a Robber:

Madden: How cute...I think at least

Tenay: Well Stevie and Melenda are matching as are Simon and Lexus and well we got Santa Foley and Rico well who wants to know about him

"Game" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and boo's

Penser: There opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 742 Pounds, Being accumpied by Julianne Angle, Kaylee Walker, & the SCWE Women's Champion Kelli Hardy, They are Matt Hardy, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion Kurt Angle, and the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H!!!

Madden: Finally three guys I can respect

Tenay: Well where is Matt Walker at

Tony: Well I guess because Matt Walker was dressed as a bear instead of a Super Hero, he won't be coming out here

:The Game guys get near the ring as they are looking towards the entry way when...

"Gonna Fly Now" hits as The Place Erupts


Tenay: panCAKEman!!!!!!!!!!! HAS RETURNED

Tony: My god I never thought I would see the original panCAKEman back!!

Madden: Matt Walker has just sold his soul

Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & panCAKEman vs Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, Rico, & Mick Foley

Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Kurt Angle are just staring at panCAKEman as he stands there in his thong and Triple H says he will start things off which ends up being Rico as Referee Nick Patrick sends all of the divas to the back. Triple H and Rico are about to lock up when Rico tells Hunter that he finds him as Batman being incredibly sexy as Triple H then kicks Rico in the gut and opens up on Rico knocking him down with a big right hand as Triple H then goes to pick up Rico but Simon comes in and yanks on Triple H's cape and pulls Triple H down by it which causes Matt Hardy to enter the ring as Matt Hardy knocks down Simon with a right hand as Mick Foley then picks up his bag and comes in and hits Matt Hardy in the back with it knocking Hardy into the ropes as Kurt Angle goes up top and Angle comes off hitting a crossbody on him as Kurt Angle gets up and stands like Superman but Stevie comes into the ring and Stevie knocks down Kurt Angle as panCAKEman stands on the apron watching as Matt Hardy knocks Mick Foley out to the floor as Matt Hardy then sling shots himself out to the floor taking out Mick Foley as Kurt Angle takes Simon Dean and throws him out to the floor as Stevie Richards then hits Angle out to the floor but Triple H knocks Stevie out to the floor as well as Jerome Morris comes running out dressed as Aquaman as Jerome then attacks Simon Dean and Jerome hits the cocky cutter on the floor on Simon Dean as in the ring, Rico is back up and Rico opens up on Triple H as Rico grabs Triple H and kisses him as The Game pushes Rico away and Rico ends up slipping on Triple H's cape and Rico falls between the ropes as panCAKEman then comes into the ring and panCAKEman backs up and then jumps between the ropes kicking Rico in the face as Rico goes back and panCAKEman is about to jump up on the ropes but Rico is waiting and smiling but panCAKEman shakes his head as Rico turns around and walks into a boot as Triple H then hits the Pedigree as Triple H covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & panCAKEman

Penser: Your winners, Triple H, Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, & panCAKEman

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 3:03 AM

Tony: What a crazy way to end things

Tenay: Well its a shame how things are ending if you ask me

:The Game and Jerome Morris continue to work over the bWo when Charlie Haas comes out of the crowd and into the ring and attacks Triple H when Scott Walker also hits the ring as Scott Walker attacks Matt Hardy on the floor as Walker is pounding away at him when all of a sudden Chris Walker in his panCAKEman #2 Gear shows up and ends up attacking panCAKEman as there is a panCAKEman battle as Kurt Angle is trying to get Haas off of Triple H as Jerome goes over and tries to help out Matt Hardy:

Madden: What the heck is going on

Tony: Scott Walker, Charlie Haas, & Chris Walker have made there presense felt here

Tenay: We got a panCAKEman vs panCAKEman fight going on

"Real American" then hits over the PA as the Place Erupts again as Brandon Davis comes down to the ring as Jerome goes to meet him and Brandon and Jerome go at it as all the guys are in the ring as Hulk Hogan then ends up appearing as the Place Really Goes Crazy as Hogan makes his way to the ring as Kurt Angle goes to attack Hogan as he comes into the ring but Hogan blocks it and opens up on Angle and Hogan sends Kurt flying over the top to hte floor as Matt Hardy, Matt Walker, & Triple H are also able to get away but in the ring, Jerome Morris is stuck as Jerome tries to leave but is tripped up as Chris Walker then goes between the ropes nad kicks Jerome back as Chris Walker then boucnes up on the ropes and hits the Face full of panCAKE's on Jerome who gets up sickened and walks right into a Walkerkick from Scott Walker as Jerome backs up into Charlie Haas who hits a Big Release German Suplex as Chris Walker then picks up Jerome and hits the Walkerflip and as Jerome is in the air, Brandon hits the Rush on Jerome as Hogan then bounces off the ropes and Drops The big Leg Drop as the bWo guys get into the ring as well as The Game and Eric Bischoff who has come out into the entry way watch on as everyone in the ring is begging for them to come out as "Real American" hits as all the men in the ring start to pose for the people

Tony: Now that is a way to end things

Tenay: I agree

Madden: Poor Jerome

Tony: Well it has been an awesome run with WCW Monday Nitro and we hope you have enjoyed WCW as much as we have, Maybe one day WCW Will return, Thank You and Good Night

:Nitro Goes off The Air: