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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMousey2240  (Original Message)Sent: 11/7/2006 12:58 AM
I have decided to write down a daily inspirational from a book that mom just got me.  Called Earth Medicine Ancestor's ways of Harmony for many moons. By Jamie Sams.  The book follows the moons of the medicine wheel year I hope you like it.  Right now we are on the 11th moon better known the medicine wheel as Freeze Up moon it lasts fom October 24 to November 21st today is day 14 of the Freeze Up moon.
The Strength Of Yielding
A mighty blue spruce reached over a hundred feet to pierce the azure canopy of sky.  My eyes traveled from the top to the base of my tree companion, fillinf me with wonder as I realized that its body sprang from solid rock.  "What strength," I marveled to myself.  The stone that supported the spruce was mammoth, yet it was cleaved in two. 
     I felt something pull the edge of my awareness and I fell into the stillness, listening.  The mighty spruce spoke to my heart saying, "Strength is found in those who yield.  The willow bends to the wind and does not break.  This Stone Person has yielded to my roots, making way for new life, allowing its minerals to feed my body.  Through infinite seasons, the stone will erode, becoming soil.  In time, my wooden body, long past its present use, will give succor to those who come after me.  We are willing to yield to the process that gives life to the next generations.  This is our strength.  We serve during all the stages of our lives.  That is the strength found in yielding-we let go of how it is supposed to happen.  Tell me, human friend, can you do the same.
Well tell me what you think if you like this I will continue if not I will stop.  It is a good way of making you think about your day.  Thanks.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadySylvarMoonSent: 11/7/2006 4:16 PM
Merry Meet Madam Mousey:
I think this is very cool... don't stop cant wait to hear from todays and tomorrows...
      Blessings L.S.M.