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Whew !!!!!!!!!! no name's or action's released.....That's a plus for me !!!!!! My secret's will remain silent, except to a chosen few..... Semper Fi, Tom M. |
 | | From: Mud | Sent: 4/27/2003 3:42 PM |
Yeah,... well kept secret Tom. If it really was,.. then how come all the girls in "Dogpatch" were wearing the original "Tommy" Tee shirts ? Jimmy B.,..... I also liked the "casual format" of the reunion, and I believe that a "Time alone room" would be helpful / healing / or offer a closure type thing (for some). I would agree with that being "offered" to the group,... however, I feel that it should not be a type of thing that would make "anyone" feel pressured to do it (peer pressure). Not that I can see any of you guys doing that intentionally,.... but,.... that can become a bit "Sensitive." Now,.. I had a good time, and got to speak with Johnny F. quite a bit before, and after the reunion,... and I am proud to say that most all of our talking was upbeat and heartfelt without a lot of emotionally negative stuff. Both John and I were satisfied with knowing that our feelings, thoughts, and actions (even today), very closely match each others (after 37 years apart). I love that guy. (Really). Your idea of a tape is was good one,... but not sure what the tapes will be used for,.. or what purpose they will serve ? Historical Archive ? I know your hearts into this Jimmy,.. and I trust your judgement, so do what you feel is right. Lastly,.... Sgt. Joe. Joe, I love the idea of fishing and the party sounds great (although I never dance in the nude during Deer hunting season, as I find it much to chilly). Nice try Joe,... but we would probably all wind up in jail. I can see Nancy, and Chris getting us out (maybe),.... "We came to bail out the naked guys that had the guns." S/F Mud |
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Well, being the beach bum that I am and a crab lover to boot (not small crabs) I believe that if we are going to keep the dates about the same, we should find warmer climate. Like Cancun or one of those other places in Mexico that is warm. Of coarse the other option is that we think of Fl Keys maybe. Then again, if it is cold you all love, then lets really think about it. By the way, I know we all spent a lot of money to do different things and to help out, Andy and George I think put out the most and if you guys need some help in recovering your losses, let us know. I had a great time and yes we need to do this again. By the way, any of you would like to do what I did to my slides and 8mm movies, let me know and I will get back with you on what it would cost of just putting it together. Otherwise smile. :>}} Again, thanks to all of you, I had a great time and perhaps we will have one or two more people at the next one. The Red Baron |
 | | From: Sparky | Sent: 4/28/2003 3:23 PM |
Boys, I think warmer is better; maybe a later date. Cancun would be fine. Sgt Joe, your idea sounds great too, I have no problem with nude dancing during Deer season or any other time for that matter. Mud, what ever gave you the idea that Nancy or Chris would ever bail YOU out??? I know that Chris would never bail me ou of jail...naked with guns??? let him rot. I had a great time at our first reunion, and I'll be at the next one wherever it is. SF Sparky |
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Hi jim its Luis how are you and your wife doing ?I am not much of a whriter i also had a good freind of mine just died.in the va hospital say if you get a chance call me at 727-4177743 cell i have pleanty of time.I spoke to my brother inlaw and told him about your interviews and maybe he can help or guide us the right way.see yaa Luis |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 12 of 21 in Discussion |
Luis, Next time you go for a hearing , and they ask you about suicide tell them you have been thinking about it , if they ask you about killing someone, tell them you have an asshole in wisconsin you want to kill , because he screwed you over, don't kiss these guys asses fuck them, also next time you go in have a bad attitude . any more questions call me. Joe
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Group! I wanted to let you know that i got an E-mail from Mike Fink, 7th Comm's web master, they are having their reunion in July in Baltimore. Mike suggested that in 2004 we look at having 5th comm's & 7th Comm' s reunions at the same time and same place. you know? same/same. He has some place in the mid-west in mind. I like the middle ground cause no body has to fly across country to get there. The only reason I'd have to fly across country is if I had to go pick up Mud and the reunion was in say;San Diago. other than that I go either way? I know we have talked about the 5/7th comm reunion. let me hear some thoughts about it. Andy/tulsa |
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You lost me Louis, interviews?
>From: "Cpl.Luis Mercado" <[email protected]> >Reply-To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> >To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> >Subject: Re: Ideas for the next 5th comm. Reunion/ Beach Party. >Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 16:05:09 -0700 >
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Tulsa, Just curious, ask Mike Fink where his home state is? I went to school with a Mike Fink and I think we were alter boys togeather, but he could be the wrong guy also, we went to scholl at St. Pats in Menasha Wisconsin. Joe
 | | From: Norton | Sent: 5/1/2003 6:28 PM |
Well I won't be missing the next one. We can have it pretty much anywhere I think. I'd prefer the West Coast but have never been to Florida so why not? As for money to help Andy out I think he could use the help. Jan and I sent him a little bit but I think he is still out of pocket about $250. Why does Joe and alter boy not fit??? Hmmmmmmm On a room that would be for the men only - it's a good idea and I think all of us are big enough to cope with whatever we have to say and feel. I do that stuff for a living and would be reluctant to participate on one level - then again it's a powerfully healing experience to set with peers and get straight with what we went through. So let's have it wherever and whenever. I don't know anyone from 7th Comm so have no interest in meeting with them. But whatever the crew decides I'll go along with. On the CD - How about burning some copies of it Andy? Let us know how much for the copy and the mailing and we'll order them from you. You have more computer savvy than most of us. Well more than me for sure!! SF Steve |
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Steve: Hey rascal, IM FROM 7th Comm...lol.those are my old buds Im trying to track down..we became 5th comm on a flat bottom dory from Okinawa in March of 66 and Corps had the temerity to call us 5th Comm 3rd Mar div, then 9th MEB, then 1st MAF then finally, 5thComm, 1stMarDiv..all in less than 4 months from March 65 thru sept 65...Just like when I told a young army ranger "You would have made a helluva Marine.and he replied "no sir, my parents were MARRIED" LOL. 7th Comm was truly a bastard outfit for the 5th Marines at Margarita, and of course..the AMTRACS.
PS, the patches just arrived today for Col Hanson..Im mailing the package tomorrow!!
Semper Groan
Old age JD
----- Original Message ----- From: "Norton" <[email protected]> To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 11:28 AM Subject: Re: Ideas for the next 5th comm. Reunion/ Beach Party.
New Message on 5th Comm Bn
----------------------------------------------------------- From: Norton Message 16 in Discussion
Well I won't be missing the next one. We can have it pretty much anywhere I think. I'd prefer the West Coast but have never been to Florida so why not? As for money to help Andy out I think he could use the help. Jan and I sent him a little bit but I think he is still out of pocket about $250. Why does Joe and alter boy not fit??? Hmmmmmmm On a room that would be for the men only - it's a good idea and I think all of us are big enough to cope with whatever we have to say and feel. I do that stuff for a living and would be reluctant to participate on one level - then again it's a powerfully healing experience to set with peers and get straight with what we went through. So let's have it wherever and whenever. I don't know anyone from 7th Comm so have no interest in meeting with them. But whatever the crew decides I'll go along with. On the CD - How about burning some copies of it Andy? Let us know how much for the copy and the mailing and we'll order them from you. You have more computer savvy than most of us. Well more than me for sure!! SF Steve
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For those of you have already gone to the web site and answered the questions posted about the reunion 2004. I relized that the question about location need to be revised. Even those most answered it "didn't make any difference to them where the reunion was held" Some wanted it held across from their house. Which would be great if we all lived togeather? I have changed the choises to San Diego- San Antonio-Camp LeGune and Las Vegas. These are the Locations we have spoken of todate. ( Big Jacks House is still a Possibility) We have Weat Coast-East Coast- Middle America and the City that never sleeps as choices. I can only place 10 questions on this poll so if you see some thing that needs to be corrected let me know. Andy/tulsa |
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Everyone, Since San Diego is actively being considered for the next reunion, I gathered a few websites of Marine Corps installations in the neighborhood. They help answer some questions about tours, lodging, etc. Hope they help all who are interested. They are: SF, John F. |
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Just a
thought for us smokers, in case it's an issue. California passed a law a
couple of years ago that does not allow smoking indoors. Not even in a
-----Original Message----- From: tulsa
[mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 7:27
AM To: 5th Comm Bn Subject: Re: Ideas for the next 5th
comm. Reunion/ Beach Party.
Ideas for
the next 5th comm. Reunion/ Beach Party.
From: tulsa |
For those of you have already gone to the web
site and answered the questions posted about the reunion 2004. I
relized that the question about location need to be
revised. Even those most answered it "didn't make any difference
to them where the reunion was held" Some wanted it held
across from their house. Which would be great if we all lived
togeather? I have changed the choises to San Diego- San
Antonio-Camp LeGune and Las Vegas. These are the Locations we
have spoken of todate. ( Big Jacks House is still a
Possibility) We have Weat Coast-East Coast- Middle America
and the City that never sleeps as choices. I can only
place 10 questions on this poll so if you see some thing that
needs to be corrected let me know.
Andy/tulsa | | View other groups in this
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Jim good point...being a smoker myself, i preferred the east coast, but if it's in the west, we'll just have to use the sidewalk table's. Semper Fi, Tom M. |