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5th Comm Busines : 5th comm reunion 2004
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 Message 1 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105  (Original Message)Sent: 7/11/2003 5:47 PM
 Here's an up date on the 2004 reunion.
 I've been in contact with Mike Fink, he's 7th comms reunion manager. There 2003 reunion is July 18th, 2003 in Baltimore, maryland. He will put it out to the group about joining up with 5th comm for the 2004 reunion. they have about 20 people show for their reunion. We should have 20-30 so with a full count of say 50, we should be able to make a better deal on the rooms and such. I'll let you know some thing when i know more.
The poll has indicated that the group;
> Doesn't care where or when the reunion is, we'll be there.
> 50/50 on wives coming
>50/50 on out side activites 
> Las Vegas and Camp LeJeune are pretty much even.
>the group wants to have time for just 5th commers at the reunion.
> rooms should be under $100 a night.
> Big Jack is willing to head up the reunion if it's at Camp Lejeune
> Las Vegas will be handled by Mike and myself.
That's where things stand at this time. I'll keep you informed of any changes.
NOTE: I'm sending this message out Via E-mail list , so if you get a 2nd notice in your E-mail disreguard it!
Andy Morris/ Tulsa
Radio Relay 2/67 to 10/68
Semper Fi!

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 Message 2 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105Sent: 10/7/2003 9:59 PM
OK Troop, 
 Ok we're moving forward on this reunin thing.
We have the local; las Vegas
Dates: Feb. 27,28 and 29th
hotel; Gold Coast Hotel
Mike Fink( 7th comm) is working on the activites for the group and I have been on members asses about coming this year. I have also been in contact with the Hotel, the Gold Coast, Rooms are ging to run us;  Fri & Sat $89.00 per night and $45 for Sunday. the hotel is sending me a contract to sign, as  soon as i get it that back to them members can start reserving their rooms.
The Hotel allows up to four people to stay in a room, so any of you who are traveling single and want to share a room  need to post that info on the board so others will know.
I'd love to send my learjet around to pick each of you up---but--- that probely isn't going to happen--LOL! You'll have to handle the air fare on your own. Suggestion, check with MLT Vacations, they run ganbling junkets to Las Vegas from most major cities.
Any questions or problems let me know---we have ways of dealing with problems!
I also need some help with a couple of members e-mail address; does anyone have a working address for Rod West and Gary Vietor? If so may I brow it?
I'm looking forward to BSing with you guys at the reunion!

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 3 of 15 in Discussion 
Sent: 10/8/2003 2:13 AM
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 Message 4 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105Sent: 10/8/2003 8:25 AM
               Reunion 2004 LasVegas      Feb. 27,28 &29                 
PHONE, Now's there's an idea  
-------Original Message-------
Date: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:39:26 PM
Subject: Re: 5th comm reunion 2004
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

5th comm reunion 2004

  Reply to Sender   <FONT" width=16 align=middle border=0 size="1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif">Recommend Message 3 in Discussion
From: bigjack

   Have you tried the phone number listed on the 5thcommbn phone list..
   for Gary Vietor
----- Original Message -----
From: tulsa74105
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: 5th comm reunion 2004

New Message on 5th Comm Bn

5th comm reunion 2004

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 2 in Discussion
From: tulsa74105

OK Troop, 
 Ok we're moving forward on this reunin thing.
We have the local; las Vegas
Dates: Feb. 27,28 and 29th
hotel; Gold Coast Hotel
Mike Fink( 7th comm) is working on the activites for the group and I have been on members asses about coming this year. I have also been in contact with the Hotel, the Gold Coast, Rooms are ging to run us;  Fri & Sat $89.00 per night and $45 for Sunday. the hotel is sending me a contract to sign, as  soon as i get it that back to them members can start reserving their rooms.
The Hotel allows up to four people to stay in a room, so any of you who are traveling single and want to share a room  need to post that info on the board so others will know.
I'd love to send my learjet around to pick each of you up---but--- that probely isn't going to happen--LOL! You'll have to handle the air fare on your own. Suggestion, check with MLT Vacations, they run ganbling junkets to Las Vegas from most major cities.
Any questions or problems let me know---we have ways of dealing with problems!
I also need some help with a couple of members e-mail address; does anyone have a working address for Rod West and Gary Vietor? If so may I brow it?
I'm looking forward to BSing with you guys at the reunion!
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 Message 5 of 15 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 10/8/2003 3:10 PM
And who says you can't teach an old jarhead new tricks?
Reunion....count my wife and myself plus Ron McGinnis, now in Texas, and his wife as being there.
Jim B.

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Sent: 10/8/2003 3:40 PM
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 Message 7 of 15 in Discussion 
From: DickSent: 10/11/2003 12:10 AM

Dick & Cory Porter will be there.


 Message 8 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105Sent: 10/13/2003 5:04 PM
 Here's the word on the Hotel in Las Vegas.
 We are going to be useing the GOLD COAST, I have been in contact with them. I am waiting for an agreement contract to be delivered. It should get to me to day or tomorrow. I will sign it and get it back to them ASAP! As soon as Michele has it in her hands we will be able to make reservations at the Hotel, under 7th comm-5th comm reunion. I will send out an E-mail with the Hotel 800 number when it is time to make reservations. Please plan on makeing your reservations as soon as possible. We may need more than 30 rooms for our two groups. The sooner we know that the better the chances are we can block out more rooms as needed. I don't thiink there will be any moneys required to reserve your rooms, just a credit card to secure the room.
If you are planning on getting to Vegas on the 25 or 26 of FEB. you will still be given the lower rates for the reunion.
I also need to know who is driving to Las Vegas, also who is renting a car in Vegas. The group will need transpartion to and from the Marine Corps League, once or twice during our reunion. I need to know if we can do that with the cars available or if we need to arange other transpartaion.

 Message 9 of 15 in Discussion 
From: SparkySent: 10/15/2003 2:19 AM
Hey Andy,
If all goes well, Chris and I expect to drive to Las Vegas for the reunion; so we'll be available to drive people to The Marine Corps League.  I have a Ford F-350 Crew Cab, so I can haul myself and five in comfort, plus however many we can stuff in the back.  Now, I'm not offering to sneak anyone into the drive-in or anything, but, what's playing???? Hope this helps....May have another 5th Commer interested also.
Looking forward to the reunion, and seeing you all again.....

 Message 10 of 15 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 10/15/2003 5:42 AM
My wife and I are planning on driving in from San Diego County in a Saturn.  We can carry two in the back seat.  Ron McGinnis and his wife are planning on driving an 18 wheeler in from Texas and renting a car when they get there.  He could probably lash us all down to the trailer if we need to go anywhere.  It's a 48ft flatbed but should be okay if it doesn't rain.  (It shouldn't be any worse than the 5 ton 6x6 convertibles we USE to ride in.)
Jim B.

tulsa74105 <[email protected]> wrote:
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

5th comm reunion 2004

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 8 in Discussion
From: tulsa74105

 Here's the word on the Hotel in Las Vegas.
 We are going to be useing the GOLD COAST, I have been in contact with them. I am waiting for an agreement contract to be delivered. It should get to me to day or tomorrow. I will sign it and get it back to them ASAP! As soon as Michele has it in her hands we will be able to make reservations at the Hotel, under 7th comm-5th comm reunion. I will send out an E-mail with the Hotel 800 number when it is time to make reservations. Please plan on makeing your reservations as soon as possible. We may need more than 30 rooms for our two groups. The sooner we know that the better the chances are we can block out more rooms as needed. I don't thiink there will be any moneys required to reserve your rooms, just a credit card to secure the room.
If you are planning on getting to Vegas on the 25 or 26 of FEB. you will still be given the lower rates for the reunion.
I also need to know who is driving to Las Vegas, also who is renting a car in Vegas. The group will need transpartion to and from the Marine Corps League, once or twice during our reunion. I need to know if we can do that with the cars available or if we need to arange other transpartaion.
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 Message 11 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105Sent: 10/22/2003 10:42 PM
 I am posting this information about the reunion and Hotel Reservations in case some of you didn't receive the news letter i sent out today. (Wed.10-22-03)
if any of you have friends that are not signed into the group please pass this information on to them.
If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected]
I Look forward to tipping a few with you all!  

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Sent: 12/12/2003 7:16 PM
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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 13 of 15 in Discussion 
Sent: 12/14/2003 9:26 PM
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 Message 14 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105Sent: 12/29/2003 10:27 AM

Morning Troop!<o:p></o:p>


 I received a phone call last night from Stoney Broadstreet. He called to inform me that he will be at the reunion. <o:p></o:p>

Stoney was one of those Marines that I never forgot, he was always squared away and had a BIG Handle Bar must ash.  Stoney came to5th comm from 3ed Division Comm in 1965 and stayed in Nam till late 1968. He is looking forward to seeing the OLD gang. <o:p></o:p>

Stoney doesn't have a computer so anyone that might want to write stoney you can send your letters to;<o:p></o:p>



Gerald (Stoney) Broadstreet<o:p></o:p>

POB 1128<o:p></o:p>

Dimmitt, Tx. 79027-1128  <o:p></o:p>

 Message 15 of 15 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametulsa74105Sent: 2/4/2004 3:20 PM
I wanted to let all of you know that we have had some good respoces from Mike Finks post of the reunion information in the VFW mag.  I have been contacted by four lost 5th commers in the last week. Three of which have expressed interest in coming to the reunion. 
They are;
Billie (Scott) Meadows Lt. sept 69 to Oct. 70 radio relay 2502
Donny Taliaferro 69-70
Bill Whitehead- const Co.
Dave Austin  cook/Baker 66-68 

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