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5th Comm Busines : 5th Commers at Khe Sanh
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBingoman5470  (Original Message)Sent: 2/10/2004 5:34 PM
As a 7th Commer who was at Khe Sanh I was wondering how many from 5th Comm served at Khe Sanh. I have purchased copies of a pin that was made up for all those that were a Khe Sanh. I will give one to any who served there.If your at the reunion I will give it to you then. If not I will send it to you.
                                                Semper Fi
                                                Mike Fink 7th Comm 67-69

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Jim FowlerSent: 3/4/2004 6:18 PM
Hey Mike,
Sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I think that there were two teams on the MRC 62 shot at Khe Sanh before i went there in July of 67. My team consisted of myself, Clak Johnston and Allen.  We were relieved by John Friedrich, Findle and Thomas. I relieved them by December but don't remember who went in their places.  In one letter I just wrote that I sent a new tech who had just reported in. I think that was in Devember of 67.  Dave Winans and Chuck Zarnecki were there during the seige. There were also 5th Comm Marines in comm center and charlie med.  According to my orders, which I still have, we were attached to subunit5. I think that there are other names there too. I'd have to check. When were you there? BTW, according to Jim Wodecki FLC was awarded 2 NUCs during that time period .If interested you might want to check on that.
Jim Fowler

(1 recommendation so far) Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamelzstudSent: 4/15/2005 12:44 AM
I was TAD'd to 3RD Div Comm in Dong Ha, from 5th Comm in Danang in May or June of 1968.  I spent a bit of time on the 27 shot which was located in an old French concrete bunker.  There were several guys there who were on the TRC-97 shot at Khe Sanh.  They weren't with 5th Comm though. 
The Khe Sanh 97 antennae are show in the Khe Sanh episode of ''The Ten Thousand Day War''.
I don't remember his name but there was a 5th Comm'er who went on a mail run or something to KS and was killed by incoming (what else?).
After a month or so in Dong Ha, I went to LZ Stud to help set up the TRC-97 shot.  I was at Stud for several months and went back to Dong Ha and eventually back to Danang and spent the rest of the time on the 97 shot at 5th Comm.
I've got a number of photos of LZ Stud and Dong Ha but not many of the 5th Comm compound.  When I get around to getting them scanned, I'll share them.
Semper Fi.
Tony Mastriani  

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMikeFishbaugh1Sent: 6/1/2005 4:03 AM
While researching FLC, and units/battalions it was composed of, Thus far I have located 6 Marines KIA listed as 5th Comm. I know 5th worked with the 7th Comm and have 30 KIA for 7th Comm, but not typed into my data base as of yet.
  Awards-For the period of 1-20-68 thru-4-1-68 the 26th Marine Reg.  got a PUC
ref Khe Sanh, A Det of FLC, 5TH Comm, and 7thComm was included 
   FLC got 3 NUC's and 1 MUC durning its time in VN
I have these awards letter's on my web site if you want to view them or copy them under"Awards/Citations". I will add a link on my home page for those KIA from the 5th.. My research may not be 100% correct--an example- A Marine was in 3rd Recon,but got transfered to 3rd MP/FLC. 2 weeks later was KIA from Incomming, but was still listed as 3rdRecon, records had not caught up with him.
Semper Fi Mike

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 8/24/2005 5:50 PM
What is your website addy?
Jim B.

MikeFishbaugh1 <[email protected]> wrote:
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

5th Commers at Khe Sanh

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 4 in Discussion
From: MikeFishbaugh1

While researching FLC, and units/battalions it was composed of, Thus far I have located 6 Marines KIA listed as 5th Comm. I know 5th worked with the 7th Comm and have 30 KIA for 7th Comm, but not typed into my data base as of yet.
  Awards-For the period of 1-20-68 thru-4-1-68 the 26th Marine Reg.  got a PUC
ref Khe Sanh, A Det of FLC, 5TH Comm, and 7thComm was included 
   FLC got 3 NUC's and 1 MUC durning its time in VN
I have these awards letter's on my web site if you want to view them or copy them under"Awards/Citations". I will add a link on my home page for those KIA from the 5th.. My research may not be 100% correct--an example- A Marine was in 3rd Recon,but got transfered to 3rd MP/FLC. 2 weeks later was KIA from Incomming, but was still listed as 3rdRecon, records had not caught up with him.
Semper Fi Mike

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 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMikeFishbaugh1Sent: 8/24/2005 5:55 PM

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