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5th Comm BnContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBonnyThaneOfDuninsane  (Original Message)Sent: 3/7/2004 6:04 AM
5th/7th Commers:
Hell, I thought "Comm" meant "Communications".  I'm beginning to think it meant "Commedy".  Awright, knock it off!  My dear wife is getting tired of being awakened at all odd hours by my doing the "LMAO" thing while she is attempting to sleep in the next room at Chez Mikey.  I've sent Andy and Dawg a tentative (yeah, your dumb asses are sleeping in tents again) schedule for the 2005 reunion in the DC environs.   As soon as they comment on it, I'll publish it to the website and you guys can pick it apart, okay?  
Mikey (He likes it!)      

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBonnyThaneOfDuninsaneSent: 7/20/2004 12:22 PM


Vicki and I met Dawg and Judy/Jan yesterday evening to do a recon of the Quality Inn Iwo Jima in Arlington, VA.  They weren't well-impressed, and neither were we.  The place has a sort of seedy, run-down look about it and seems to be used as temporary quarters for construction workers who come to the DC area looking for work.  Dawg and Judy/Jan are relocating to the Hilton today and we'll see how they like that.

Jack looks pretty good physically, though his BP and pulse are still all over the place.  As far as his physiogomy is concerned, well....  There's no hope for either of us.  We went to a Vietnamese restaurant in Clarendon for dinner and the ladies looked like they were walking a pair of bulldogs.  I think I ate beef for dinner, but I wasn't aware that cows had canine teeth.  Hmmmm.....   Judy/Jan is as sweet as ever.  How two lugs like us ended up with two such great ladies is beyond my ken.
