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5th Comm BnContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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5th Comm Busines : Museum brick?
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 Message 1 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBonnyThaneOfDuninsane  (Original Message)Sent: 2/6/2007 3:16 PM
The National Museum of the Marine Corps is doing a brick walkway with the bricks inscribed with whatever you want on them.  The bricks are $300 each and I was thinking it would be neat if we did one for 5th Comm.  I called the museum this morning and they are sending me the application form.  
I think it was Joe Koller who made a suggestion about T-shirts with "The Lost Boys of Vietnam" on them.  How about a brick inscribed:
                             5th Communications Battalion
                               "The Lost Boys of Vietnam"  
Of course, I'm open to suggestions for anything else we want to put on it.  I'll kick in the first 50 bucks for the project.  How about it?
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane       

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 Message 18 of 32 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 6/22/2007 7:47 PM
Comm. Support Company
5th Comm. Bn
10 Nov 65 - 6 Nov 70
Jim B.
ps---when did you finally deposit the checks?  That would sure explain a few things.

DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> wrote:
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

Museum brick?

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 16 in Discussion
From: DuninsaneDude

I'm going to start this with a huge apology to all of you who contributed to the brick project and are now cussing me every month when your bank statement comes in.  I got so busy trying to get Duninsane up to snuff that I kept back-burnering this project.  No more.  The money for the initial brick has gone in. There weren't that many suggestions for the inscription and the limits on what you can put on the brick made some impractical, so I ended up with :
5th Communications
10 Nov 65 - 6 Nov 70
We have enough money for two more bricks.  The majority of those who expressed an opinion opted for the names of the companies on the bricks.  Rather than trust my poor memory, I'm going to ask you for the exact names of the companies and I'll go ahead and get those in.
I'm going to give myself a deadline of 04 July to send in the rest of the funds, so I'll need the info by then.  For those of you who contributed $50 or more, I've been collecting boxes to send you your covers and I'll deadline getting that done for 04 July, too.
Again, I'm sorry for the delay.  On the plus side, if any of you need a place to lay over when you're in these parts, you won't have to sleep on the couch with the dog now. The guest room is ready.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

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 Message 19 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebdaawgir1Sent: 6/23/2007 2:16 PM
Jim B & Mike
  In 1970 ComSptCo was designated as 7th Comm Bn, because
when 5th Comm was deactivated in 70 we became ComSptCo 7th Comm

 Message 20 of 32 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 6/23/2007 6:10 PM
I was in Comm Spt. Co. in 67/68.....still 5th Comm
Jim B.

bdaawgir1 <[email protected]> wrote:
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

Museum brick?

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 19 in Discussion
From: bdaawgir1

Jim B & Mike
  In 1970 ComSptCo was designated as 7th Comm Bn, because
when 5th Comm was deactivated in 70 we became ComSptCo 7th Comm

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 Message 21 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 6/24/2007 1:31 PM
Jack and Jim,
Thanks for the info.  I'll send in applications for the two bricks for which we have funds tomorrow.  As far as when the checks are deposited, I sure hope that the Heritage Foundation deposits the funds as they arrive in Quantico.  According to the last newsletter I got from them, they've completed over 5,000 bricks and there are another 3,000+ in line for addition to the walkway.  If we have our 2008 reunion in or near Quantico/the museum, I'm sure the bricks will be in place by then.
We'll still need another $600 to get bricks for the last two companies.  Those of you have yet to contribute need to get under those couch cushions or start raiding your grandchildren's piggy banks.  
MIkey, Thane of Duninsane      

 Message 22 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamegijoe7151Sent: 6/24/2007 3:32 PM
OH by the way how much is a donation?

 Message 23 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 6/25/2007 2:32 AM
Whatever you want to donate.  Individual donations have ranged from $10 to $300 with most being in the $50 range.  We need another $600 to get bricks for the last two of the battalion's companies. (The money has gone in for the battalion brick and I'm sending off the funds for HQ Company and Comm Company tomorrow.)
Guys - Any suggstions for the lettering on the company bricks?  We get 3 lines of 20 characters, spaces and punctuation included.  How about:
Headquarters Company
     5th Comm Bn
    RVN 1965-1970
Comm Company
  5th Comm Bn
 RVN 1965-1970
Comm Support Company
        5th Comm Bn
       RVN 1965-1970
Rad Relay & Const Co
      5th Comm Bn
     RVN 1965-1970
All of these hit the max 20 characters/spaces per line, but suggestions are welcome.  Just make sure you can count to 20.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

 Message 24 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebdaawgir1Sent: 6/25/2007 6:49 PM
Duh what comes before 20 or is
it after 20

 Message 25 of 32 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 6/25/2007 7:56 PM
They look pretty good, BUT, if they're not gonna be near the 5th Comm brick, maybe 5th Comm should try to be squeezed in some how.  But they look good to me.
Jim B.

DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> wrote:
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

Museum brick?

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 23 in Discussion
From: DuninsaneDude

Whatever you want to donate.  Individual donations have ranged from $10 to $300 with most being in the $50 range.  We need another $600 to get bricks for the last two of the battalion's companies. (The money has gone in for the battalion brick and I'm sending off the funds for HQ Company and Comm Company tomorrow.)
Guys - Any suggstions for the lettering on the company bricks?  We get 3 lines of 20 characters, spaces and punctuation included.  How about:
Headquarters Company
     5th Comm Bn
    RVN 1965-1970
Comm Company
  5th Comm Bn
 RVN 1965-1970
Comm Support Company
        5th Comm Bn
       RVN 1965-1970
Rad Relay & Const Co
      5th Comm Bn
     RVN 1965-1970
All of these hit the max 20 characters/spaces per line, but suggestions are welcome.  Just make sure you can count to 20.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

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 Message 26 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 6/26/2007 12:28 PM
I forgot that you only have four pads on each paw.  Count on the right front twice, okay?
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

 Message 27 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 6/26/2007 2:14 PM
Not sure what you meant by "maybe 5th Comm should be tried to be squeezed in"?  Look very carefully at the second line of each.
Had a senior moment, didja? 
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

 Message 28 of 32 in Discussion 
From: Jim BSent: 6/26/2007 5:56 PM
Sorry....I was only reading with one ear.

DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> wrote:
New Message on 5th Comm Bn

Museum brick?

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 27 in Discussion
From: DuninsaneDude

Not sure what you meant by "maybe 5th Comm should be tried to be squeezed in"?  Look very carefully at the second line of each.
Had a senior moment, didja? 
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

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 Message 29 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 6/26/2007 11:11 PM
Ya musta been readin' with yer blind ear, bunkie. 
For All Hands -
Please make any further donations for bricks payable to me rather than the Heritage Foundation.  I have no idea how long it will take to raise the other $600 we need for the other two companies and I don't want your checks in limbo forever.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

 Message 30 of 32 in Discussion 
From: SparkySent: 6/29/2007 2:45 PM
My check will be in the mail today...I must say I'm a little nervous sending it made out to you, but I'm going to take a chance.  At the very least, I hope it helps you make the rent.

 Message 31 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 6/29/2007 8:00 PM
Oh Sparky,
You cut me to the quick!  The thought that I might even consider diverting those funds to the rent.....  (My wife pays the mortgage.  The Mastercard, however, is another matter...)
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane 

 Message 32 of 32 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 7/6/2007 10:53 AM
Bricks Sitrep:
The money for the bricks for the Battalion, HQ Co, and Comm Co has been sent in to the Heritage Foundation and those of you who have already donated should have your canceled checks back soon.  I just got checks from Joe Koller and Sparky but we still need another $500 to get bricks for Radio Relay/Construction Co and Comm Spt Co, so please donate ASAP if you've yet to do so, especially if you were in one of those companies.
To avoid your check being held up awaiting enough funds for submission, please make your check payable to me (Michael Betts) and put "MCHF BRICK" on the memo line so that you can get the tax write-off. 
Thanks, guys.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane 

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